
    Podcast Summary

    • The left's persistent attempts to rewrite history and spread misinformationThe left's hypocrisy in defining misinformation and their relentless efforts to manipulate truth are fueling societal division and growing public discontent.

      We are currently experiencing a significant divide in society due to the rampant spreading of misinformation and alternate realities, particularly by the left and their media acolytes. This behavior is becoming increasingly bold and insistent, despite clear evidence to the contrary. For instance, the New York Times and Brookings Institution have recently claimed the authority to define misinformation, while ignoring their own past mistakes and manipulations. People are growing tired of being lied to and manipulated, and this trend cannot continue indefinitely. The example of Anna Navarro, who falsely accuses Republicans of questioning elections while doing so herself, highlights this hypocrisy. The great fracture is coming, and it will be a result of the left's persistent attempts to rewrite history and spread misinformation.

    • A disconnect on legitimacy and violence in electionsThe divide between those who question elections and use violence versus those who view it as un-American may lead to further separation, potentially causing short-term pain but long-term benefits for those seeking freedom and liberties.

      There's a significant disconnect between two groups regarding the legitimacy of elections and the use of violence. While some argue that questioning elections and using force are not American values, others claim the opposite. The discussion also touches on the perceived violence during the 2016 election and its aftermath, with contrasting perspectives on the events. Ultimately, it appears that this divide may lead to a further separation, both on a local and global scale, with individuals moving to areas that align with their beliefs and values. This fracture, while potentially causing short-term pain, could result in long-term benefits for those seeking respect for their freedoms and liberties.

    • Investigation into potential illegal ballot harvesting in GeorgiaAn ongoing investigation into illegal ballot harvesting in Georgia raises concerns for potential election fraud and the importance of maintaining the integrity of the democratic process.

      An investigation into possible illegal ballot harvesting during the 2020 election in Georgia has been launched, yet this story is not receiving significant coverage in the mainstream media. This practice, which involves a third party collecting ballots, introduces the possibility for fraud and is illegal in Georgia. The potential for illegal votes through ballot harvesting is a serious concern, and the ongoing investigation could uncover significant evidence. Despite calls from some to avoid questioning elections, it's crucial to address potential issues to ensure the integrity of the democratic process. The left's attempts to suppress alternative platforms and voices are creating a parallel ecosystem that conservatives are leveraging to bypass these efforts. The increasing desperation from the left to maintain control over information and narratives highlights the importance of staying informed and engaged in the ongoing discourse.

    • New York Times Accuses Podcasts and Tech Companies of Spreading Election FalsehoodsThe New York Times, with its own history of spreading misinformation, accused podcasts and tech companies of spreading election falsehoods based on a study by the Brookings Institution. The speaker argues that a mass ban could financially benefit the tech companies and suppress free speech.

      The New York Times, despite promoting numerous debunked hoaxes in the past, has published an article accusing podcasts and tech companies of spreading election falsehoods. The irony is not lost on many, as the New York Times itself has a history of spreading misinformation. The study cited in the article was conducted by the Brookings Institution, an organization with its own history of questionable activities. The speaker believes that a mass ban of controversial figures and podcasts by tech companies could actually benefit them financially, as it would generate more attention and potentially increase their subscriber base. However, the speaker also criticizes the New York Times for attempting to suppress free speech and silence opposing viewpoints.

    • Rumble's Advertising Marketplace and New HiresRumble's new advertising marketplace aims to generate significant revenue and attract those targeted by mainstream media. They're also bringing on a major figure from YouTube and Patreon to expand content offerings.

      Rumble, a video-sharing platform, is launching its own advertising marketplace in response to being targeted by conservative media outlets like Breitbart. This move is expected to be a significant revenue generator for Rumble. Additionally, Rumble is bringing on a major figure from YouTube and Patreon, and will be broadcasting their content on locals and Rumble. The speaker sees this as an opportunity for those being targeted by mainstream media to migrate to alternate platforms and grow them. The speaker also criticizes mainstream media for promoting misinformation and calls out specific publications and individuals. The speaker ends by promoting Henry Repeating Arms and TriLifeMD.com. Essentially, this discussion highlights the growing trend of alternative platforms gaining popularity as a response to perceived censorship and tyranny from mainstream media and tech companies.

    • Misinformation and its consequencesMisinformation, particularly from leftist sources, can lead to growing distrust in institutions and dangerous behaviors. It's crucial to fact-check and hold public figures accountable for spreading false information, even if they are vaccinated or wearing masks.

      There is a significant issue with misinformation, particularly on the left, and it's having real-world consequences. The speaker criticized the New York Times, Stuart Thompson, and other leftist entities for not holding figures like President Biden accountable for spreading false information. The speaker also pointed out that vaccinated individuals can still contract COVID-19 and that masks do not prevent the virus from spreading. The consequences of this misinformation include growing distrust of government and scientific institutions, as well as potentially dangerous behaviors based on false beliefs. The speaker emphasized the importance of fact-checking and holding public figures accountable for spreading misinformation.

    • Debate over Apple's ban on dangerous podcastsCritics argue against Apple's supposed ban on mask and vaccine misinformation, emphasizing potential harm and figures spreading misinformation, while individuals continue to follow such guidelines, highlighting the importance of factual information and ongoing debate over freedom and stricter measures.

      There is ongoing debate about Apple's supposed ban on podcasts containing dangerous information, specifically those promoting mask and vaccine misinformation. Critics argue that such information can lead to harmful outcomes, as masks and vaccines do not offer complete protection against infection. They also criticize figures like Joe Biden for spreading misinformation about the safety of masks and vaccines. Meanwhile, some individuals continue to follow these guidelines despite evidence to the contrary, potentially putting themselves at risk. The broader issue is the importance of factual information and the potential consequences of spreading misinformation. The ongoing fracture between those who prioritize freedom and those who support stricter measures will continue to shape the response to the pandemic.

    • Mass Exodus from Blue States to Red StatesPeople are leaving blue states for red states due to various reasons, leading to high demand for U-Haul trucks in red states and scarcity in blue states. Consider staying put or moving to freedom-loving states like Florida, Texas, Wyoming, and South Dakota.

      There is a mass exodus of people leaving blue states due to various reasons, and red states are experiencing an influx of new residents. This trend is evident in the high demand for one-way U-Haul rentals out of blue states and the scarcity of available trucks for those looking to move in the opposite direction. The speaker encourages those considering moving to conservative states to reconsider and stay in their current residences. Meanwhile, individuals who support freedom and liberty are encouraged to move to states like Florida, Texas, Wyoming, and South Dakota. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of checking insurance coverage for a medication called TryLifeMD, which has helped the speaker lose weight and improve their life.

    • Political Divide Deepens: Rand Paul Leaves YouTube for Rumble, Traffic Crisis in Virginia Escalates TensionsThe political divide in the US continues to widen, with intense animosity leading to factual inaccuracies, prioritization of political gains, and potential disregard for people's safety.

      The political divide in the United States is deepening, leading to significant fractures and accusations from both sides. Rand Paul, a prominent US senator, is leaving YouTube for Rumble, a smaller platform, highlighting the ongoing competition between different media outlets. Meanwhile, a traffic crisis in Virginia led to accusations towards the governor-elect, Glenn Youngkin, from the left, despite him not yet being in office. This incident underscores the intense political animosity and the unwillingness to fact-check or consider opposing viewpoints, potentially putting people's lives at risk. The bad blood between political ideologies is leading to a dangerous disregard for facts and the prioritization of political gains over people's well-being.

    • Spreading negativity on social mediaSome people take pleasure in criticizing others online, demonstrating a lack of empathy and positivity. Instead, focus on spreading kindness and positivity in your own life.

      Some individuals, like Jonathan Shade and Ethan Klein, use social media to spread negativity and attack others, even in simple acts of kindness. Reagan Battalion, a Twitter account that helps stranded motorists, was criticized by Shade for their good deeds. Meanwhile, Ethan Klein, an obese podcast host, attacked Joe Rogan's health choices despite his own apparent unhealthy lifestyle. These individuals seem to take pleasure in criticizing others, demonstrating a lack of empathy and positivity. It's important to remember that everyone has the right to make their own choices, and it's not productive to attack or judge others based on those choices. Instead, we should focus on spreading kindness and positivity in our own lives and communities.

    • Bongino's Frustration with Schools and Teachers Unions, New Segment AnnouncementBongino criticizes teachers unions for keeping students out of school, introduces 'unfiltered on our filter' segment, praises Arizona's school choice program, and mentions Google Podcasts app disappearing

      During the discussion, Dan Bongino expressed his frustration towards a particular individual and criticized a teachers union for keeping students out of school. He announced his plan to introduce a new segment on his Fox show called "unfiltered on our filter," where he will rant about issues without a script, starting with the schools and teachers unions. He praised Arizona's program that allows students to switch schools if their public school closes, emphasizing that schools cannot refuse to teach and then prevent students from finding alternative education. Bongino also mentioned the Google Podcasts app going away and encouraged listeners to follow his show on other platforms.

    • Biden's Monoclonal Antibody Control Sparks Equity Concerns, Florida Leaders CriticizeThe Biden administration's control of monoclonal antibody supply raises concerns for equitable distribution, with Florida leaders voicing opposition and a YouTuber announcing platform switch due to COVID-19 experience

      The Biden administration's decision to take control of the monoclonal antibody supply has raised concerns about equitable distribution to the states, with Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis being particularly vocal about the issue. Byron Donalds, a congressman from Florida, has criticized the administration for not having a plan to manage the supply during the winter months when cases typically rise. Meanwhile, Matt Kors, a well-known YouTuber and stock analyst, has announced his move to Rumble and Locals as his main platforms. On a personal note, Lawrence O'Donnell shared his experience of having a severe case of COVID-19 and how his biosensor ring showed a significant drop in his readiness score during that time. The implication being that monoclonal antibodies could have potentially saved him from a more serious illness. The controversy surrounding the Biden administration's handling of the monoclonal antibody supply adds to the ongoing political debates about the government's response to the pandemic.

    • Dan Bongino shares his COVID-19 recovery experienceDan Bongino recovered quickly from COVID-19 after receiving medical care and encourages everyone to stay informed and subscribe to his channel.

      Dan Bongino shared his personal experience of falling ill with what he believes to be COVID-19, and despite being severely unwell, he recovered quickly after receiving monoclonal antibodies and other medications under a doctor's care. He emphasized that everyone's experience with the virus can vary greatly. Additionally, he mentioned his appreciation for his audience's support, as they helped him reach 2 million subscribers on Rumble.com. He encouraged those who haven't yet to subscribe. The conversation also touched upon the current political climate and the importance of staying informed.

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    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.


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    Can Sam Harris Pull Back: https://www.illusionconsensus.com/cp/138291630

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    Cardiologist Regrets Vaccinating Young Men: https://www.illusionconsensus.com/p/cardiologist-regrets-vaccinating

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