
    These Two Are Going To Eat Each Other Alive # 986 (Ep 986)

    enMay 23, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of unified business systems for efficiencyDisconnected business systems can lead to inefficiencies, inconvenience, and wasted resources. A unified business management system like NetSuite can streamline operations, save time, and ultimately benefit the bottom line.

      Business efficiency is crucial for growth, and having a hodgepodge of business systems that don't interact can be a major hindrance. Dan Vongino discussed this issue on his show, emphasizing the importance of having a unified business management system like NetSuite. He shared his personal experience with Chipotle, where he expected a double serving of chicken but only received one, highlighting the inconvenience and inefficiency of disconnected systems. Meanwhile, in politics, Nancy Pelosi accused President Trump of a cover-up, sparking an intraparty feud. While the show touched on various topics, the underlying message was clear: streamlining business operations can save time, money, and resources, ultimately benefiting the bottom line.

    • Speaker Pelosi's Cover-Up Accusations Against Trump Lack Logical BasisDespite Pelosi's claims, Trump's openness to media and investigations contradicts cover-up allegations. Focus on finding common ground and moving forward.

      Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's accusations against President Donald Trump for a cover-up lack logical basis. Trump is known for his openness and accessibility to the media, giving frequent press conferences and granting extensive access to investigations. Pelosi's claims, which lack clear evidence, are being met with criticism and skepticism. The debate around obstruction and covering up investigations is not new, as seen in the past with the Obama administration and Eric Holder. The use of the term "tinfoil cap" to describe Pelosi's actions highlights the perceived irrationality and conspiracy theory nature of her accusations. The focus should be on finding common ground and moving forward, rather than escalating partisan tensions.

    • Media's Prioritization of Taking Down TrumpThe media's fixation on bringing down Trump led them to promote untrustworthy figures like Michael Avenatti, compromising their integrity and losing public trust.

      The media's obsession with Michael Avenatti, despite his questionable character and alleged crimes, reached new lows and ultimately damaged their credibility. Despite some smart individuals in the profession, the media as a whole prioritized taking down Donald Trump over reporting facts, leading them to promote figures like Avenatti who were not credible or trustworthy. The media's triage of needs was revealed to be focused on taking out Trump, even if it meant compromising their own integrity. The result was a significant loss of trust and respect from the public.

    • Papadopoulos transcripts could expose those who denied spyingThe release of Papadopoulos' conversations and other records could reveal the truth about the Spygate scandal, potentially embarrassing those who have denied its existence

      The George Papadopoulos transcripts, which are about to be made public, could bring significant developments to the Spygate case. The release of declassified FISA applications, FBI 302s, emails, and transcripts of Papadopoulos' conversations could potentially expose those who have denied the existence of spying on the Trump team. The media, bloggers, and individuals who have invested in this story may face embarrassment when the truth comes out. The refusal of the Democrats to acknowledge the spying scandal despite the impending release of these records is deemed insensible. The origins of these recordings remain unclear, but it's safe to assume they did not come from a recording fairy. The fog surrounding this issue will eventually dissipate, and the truth will come to light.

    • Former Trump advisor George Papadopoulos defends himself against collusion accusationsGeorge Papadopoulos denies collusion with Russia, accuses others of treason, while Democrats argue he was unknowingly recorded and his denials are a result of reverse psychology or misdirection.

      George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign advisor, is denying any collusion with Russia and is passionately defending himself against such accusations, even going so far as to accuse others of treason. This behavior is seen as exculpatory evidence by some, suggesting that Papadopoulos believes he is innocent and is not colluding with Russia. The Democrats, on the other hand, are expected to argue that Papadopoulos was being recorded without his knowledge, and that his denials and counter-accusations are a result of reverse psychology or misdirection. The ongoing debate highlights the complexity and nuance of the investigation into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

    • Speaker's frustration with asset and self-improvement promotionSpeaker expressed frustration with asset's perceived naivety, promoted self-improvement through a supplement, used humor, and criticized Kamala Harris for hypocrisy

      The speaker expressed frustration with the perceived naivety of an intelligence asset, while also sharing his personal beliefs and promoting a nutrition supplement. He used humor throughout the discussion, but the main theme revolved around the importance of self-improvement through the use of the supplement. The speaker also expressed his love for the Marines and took a moment to acknowledge Joe Rogan and the impact he had on their friendship. Additionally, the speaker criticized Kamala Harris for her focus on the wage gap issue, implying hypocrisy within the liberal party.

    • Vice President Harris's Wage Gap CriticismDespite advocating for gender equality and equal pay, Vice President Harris faced criticism for having a wage gap in her own campaign offices. It's crucial for individuals and organizations to practice what they preach and ensure equal pay for equal work.

      Vice President Kamala Harris, a prominent Democrat and advocate for gender equality, was criticized for having a wage gap in her own offices during her presidential campaign. The discrepancy between men and women's salaries in Harris's offices was brought to light, with women earning less than men for the same job. This raises questions about the inconsistency between her public stance on the issue and her own practices. While the existence of a wage gap is a contentious topic, it is essential for individuals and organizations to ensure equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender.

    • Factors affecting wage gapControlling for confounding variables like job choices, dangerousness, and hours, studies reveal no wage gap between men and women in the same job.

      When discussing issues such as the gender wage gap, it's crucial to consider various factors that can influence average wages, such as job choices, dangerousness of jobs, and work hours. These factors, known as confounding variables, can significantly impact salary differences between men and women. After controlling for these variables, studies show that there is no wage gap when comparing the same job with the same person working the same hours. It's essential to have open and rational discussions about these topics, as misconceptions can lead to unnecessary arguments and misunderstandings. In the upcoming 2020 election, it's vital to be prepared for such discussions and to use factual information to debunk myths and potentially change the perspectives of those listening. Discrimination based on sex or any other characteristic is unacceptable, and conservatives firmly believe in equal rights for all.

    • The government's knowledge problem hinders effective addressing of issuesGovernment waste and inefficiency hinder monitoring and regulation of corporate practices, highlighting the importance of clear communication and agreement on problem roots before finding solutions.

      The government, as pointed out by Father Bob Serico, has a knowledge problem and is too stupid to effectively address issues. This was illustrated through examples of government waste and inefficiency, such as spending leftover funds to ensure more spending the following year, or purchasing unnecessary equipment. These issues hinder the government's ability to monitor and regulate corporate practices, like the wage gap, effectively. The discussion also highlighted the importance of clear communication and agreement on the root cause of problems before attempting to find solutions.

    • Advocating for Private Companies in Healthcare, Education, and TaxesGovernment inefficiency in healthcare, education, and taxes leads the speaker to trust private companies like Bravo Company Manufacturing for high-quality, cost-effective solutions.

      The speaker is a strong advocate for limited government involvement in areas like healthcare, education, and tax spending. He believes that since government doesn't have a personal cost or quality incentive, it's not effective at keeping costs down and maintaining high quality. Instead, he trusts private companies like Bravo Company Manufacturing, which produces high-quality, life-saving equipment. The speaker values Bravo Company for its commitment to providing the same level of protection to every American, whether they're professionals or private citizens. He also appreciates the company's focus on manufacturing to the highest standards and its dedication to producing life-saving equipment. The speaker's emotional connection to the show and his audience is evident, and he encourages listeners to learn more about Bravo Company Manufacturing by visiting their website or YouTube channel.

    • Dispute between Brennan and Comey over inclusion of controversial dossier in ICAFormer CIA Director John Brennan and former FBI Director Jim Comey disagreed on who requested to include unverified dossier in Intelligence Community Assessment, raising questions about its origins and impact on intelligence assessments.

      During the Obama administration, there was a dispute between former CIA Director John Brennan and former FBI Director Jim Comey over who requested that the controversial dossier be included in the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) on Russian interference in the 2016 election. The dossier, compiled by ex-British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, contained allegations against then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. The ICA, which concluded that Russia had interfered in the election to help Trump, was criticized for its reliance on the dossier. Comey and Brennan have since disagreed on who pushed for its inclusion. The debate between them is significant because it raises questions about the origins of the ICA and the role of unverified information in shaping intelligence assessments. The dispute also adds to the broader controversy surrounding the dossier and the investigations into Russian interference in the election.

    • CIA and FBI had different reasons for handling Steele dossierCIA's John Brennan sought to use dossier for biased analysis, while FBI's James Comey needed it for legal case, but neither could build solid case, leading to procedure violations and eventual acknowledgement of dossier's unreliability.

      During the 2016 election, both the CIA and FBI were involved in the handling of the Steele dossier, but for different reasons. John Brennan of the CIA wanted to use the dossier for subjective analysis due to his political hatred towards Donald Trump, while the FBI, led by James Comey, needed the dossier for their extensive court requirements to present a prosecutable legal case. However, neither the CIA nor the FBI were able to build a solid case from the dossier, leading to a violation of procedures by the FBI in targeting Trump. Ultimately, the debunked dossier is now coming back to haunt those involved, and they are being forced to acknowledge its garbage nature. The original sins in this case were Brennan's faulty analysis driven by political bias and the FBI's violation of their own procedures to target Trump.

    • Dispute between Comey and Brennan over Steele Dossier handlingFormer FBI and CIA leaders disagreed on handling of unreliable intel, concealing shared source, and protecting reputations during 2016 election, contributing to ongoing 'Spygate' scandal.

      During the 2016 election, former FBI Director James Comey and former CIA Director John Brennan were involved in a dispute over the handling of the Steele Dossier. Comey believed Brennan had deceived him by including the dossier in the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA), while Brennan insisted he had not. This disagreement was a result of both men trying to protect their professional reputations and hide the fact that they were obtaining the same information from the same source, which was deemed unreliable after the election. The situation involved a parallel construction scheme, where Brennan used the FBI to gather intelligence on a presidential candidate while concealing his involvement in the operation. The feud between Comey and Brennan is expected to escalate further, and this incident is a significant part of the ongoing "Spygate" scandal. It's essential to remember that this account is based on the information presented in a specific podcast and may not represent the whole truth.

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