
    They’re Admitting Election Chaos IS The Plan (Ep 1338)

    enSeptember 04, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Growing Concerns of Chaos and Constitutional Crisis following US ElectionThe media and liberal interest groups are preparing the public for potential violence and a constitutional crisis if Trump wins the election, emphasizing the importance of getting involved in conservative get-out-the-vote efforts and staying informed.

      According to Dan Bongino, there is a growing concern about potential chaos and a constitutional crisis following the upcoming US election. He believes that the media and liberal interest groups are preparing the public for the idea that a Trump victory, even in a landslide, may not be considered legitimate. The Washington Post has already published an article suggesting that the election could end in violence and a constitutional crisis, except in the case of a Biden landslide. Bongino urges his listeners to take action by getting involved in conservative get-out-the-vote efforts and to stay informed about the election process. He emphasizes the importance of this election and the potential consequences of not participating in the democratic process.

    • Possible legal battles and political tensions over 2020 election resultsThe 2020 election may result in numerous lawsuits due to mass mail-in voting and potential spying operations, leading to significant legal battles and political tensions.

      The 2020 election could lead to numerous lawsuits if President Trump wins, according to the speaker. The Democrats' plan involves mass mail-in voting to make it easier to challenge signatures and postmarks. Mail-in ballots lack the in-person verification that Democrats dislike, and they want anyone to be able to vote by mail, regardless of eligibility. John Brennan, a former CIA director, recently wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post, where he accused Trump of attempting to suppress the intelligence community to secure re-election. However, the speaker suspects that Brennan himself may be the real puppet master behind the spying operation on the Trump campaign. These developments underscore the potential for significant legal battles and political tensions surrounding the election results.

    • Obama was briefed on Russian election interference before FBI investigationFormer CIA Director John Brennan revealed Obama was briefed on Russian election interference days before FBI opened investigation, raising questions about Obama's role and media's missed detail

      Former CIA Director John Brennan admitted in a recent op-ed that President Obama was briefed about Russian interference in the 2016 election three days before the FBI opened its investigation on July 31, 2016. This contradicts the FBI's long-standing claim that they initiated their probe independently. The significance of this revelation is that it raises questions about the extent of Obama's involvement in the Russia investigation and why the media and serious journalists missed this important detail at the time. The dossier information Brennan shared with Obama was later used as justification for the FBI's investigation. The lack of media attention to this factoid is noteworthy and highlights the importance of independent investigative journalism.

    • Biden Campaign Cautious About Unscripted Interactions, Woman Defies ExpectationsThe Biden campaign is wary of unpredictable moments with Biden due to concerns about his ability to handle unscripted situations. A woman asked an unscripted question during a Q&A, revealing the campaign's fear of any unexpected interactions. Former AG Bill Barr discussed potential mail-in ballot fraud and coercion, raising concerns about election integrity.

      The Biden campaign is carefully controlling his interactions with the public due to concerns about his ability to handle unscripted situations and potential honest answers. During a supposedly random question-and-answer session, a woman named Portia Bennett defied expectations by asking an unscripted question, revealing that she had been given a prepared question but chose to ask her own instead. This incident highlights the campaign's fear of any unpredictable moments with Biden. Separately, former Attorney General Bill Barr discussed the potential for fraud and coercion in mail-in ballots during an interview. He cited instances of fraud in past elections involving mail-in ballots and expressed concerns about the proposed widespread use of mail-in ballots due to inaccurate voter lists and the potential for multiple ballots being sent to the same address. The contrast between the media's hysterical reaction to alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election and their dismissive attitude towards the potential for fraud in mail-in ballots highlights their hypocrisy and raises serious questions about the integrity of the upcoming election.

    • Concerns over mail-in ballot fraud and foreign interference in the electionThe US Attorney General has warned about mail-in ballot fraud risks and there have been reports of illegal activities related to the upcoming election, but some media outlets focus on perceived lesser threats.

      There are concerns about mail-in ballot fraud and potential interference in the election from foreign actors, specifically Russia. However, these concerns are being downplayed by some media figures, who instead focus on perceived lesser threats, such as Russian-bought Facebook videos. The Attorney General of the United States, Bill Barr, has warned about the risks of mail-in ballot fraud, particularly in light of the unprecedented decision to mail ballots to people who haven't requested them. Additionally, there have been reports of people being flown into Washington D.C. to cause unrest during the Republican National Convention. These reports have raised questions about potential illegal activities and possible connections to political figures. Despite these serious concerns, some media outlets continue to focus on perceived lesser threats, highlighting the importance of maintaining a balanced perspective on election-related issues.

    • CNN's Wolf Blitzer focuses on 'ninja suits' instead of RNC disruptionsCNN prioritized trivial matters over significant stories, like RNC protests, and ignored hypocrisy of elite figures breaking lockdown rules.

      During a discussion about individuals being flown into Washington D.C. for protests, CNN's Wolf Blitzer showed little concern for potential violence against political figures, focusing instead on whether the individuals were wearing "ninja suits." Meanwhile, reports from reliable sources indicate that people were indeed flown in to disrupt the RNC, a significant story that Blitzer and CNN seemingly overlooked. Additionally, there was a super cut of liberal elites, including JB Pritzker and Nancy Pelosi, breaking lockdown rules, highlighting the hypocrisy of the elite class. The focus on trivial matters rather than important stories raises questions about the journalistic integrity and priorities of CNN.

    • Governors' Actions During Pandemic DebatedLeaders' clear and consistent communication is essential during crises to maintain trust and unity within the community, but some governors faced criticism for hypocrisy and unequal application of rules.

      During the discussion, various governors' actions during the pandemic were called into question. Some governors were accused of hypocrisy for not following their own rules, while others were criticized for their decisions to allow certain activities while keeping others restricted. The debate also touched on the importance of essential workers and the unequal application of rules during the pandemic. Additionally, there was a recurring theme of public figures, including governors, feeling entitled and dismissive towards those questioning their actions. It's important to remember that during times of crisis, clear and consistent communication from leaders is crucial to maintain trust and unity within the community.

    • Political Tactics: Humiliation as a StrategyWhile humiliation tactics can gain public attention and engagement, concerns about long-term consequences and addressing serious issues like the growing national deficit remain.

      During a discussion about political tactics, it was noted that Kayleigh McEnany's use of humiliation as a strategy against political opponents, referred to as being "savage," was effective in gaining attention and engagement from the public. However, concerns were raised about the long-term consequences of such tactics and the importance of addressing serious issues like the growing national deficit. Despite these concerns, the entertainment value of watching these exchanges was seen as worth the potential embarrassment to those involved. Additionally, the discussion touched on the significant increase in the national deficit, which is projected to reach $3.3 trillion this year, and the need for urgent action to address this issue.

    • Government's excessive money printing leading to inflation problemExcessive government money printing can lead to inflation, making money less valuable, and causing economic instability.

      The excessive printing of money by the government can lead to a significant inflation problem, causing the value of money to decrease and making it harder for individuals to pay off debts. This can result in higher interest rates, a crushed economy, or a salary that buys less. The government's ability to print money is not shared by individuals, and attempting to do so would be considered counterfeiting. During the discussion, it was mentioned that Marie Yovanovitch, the former ambassador to Ukraine, monitored the social media accounts of prominent pro-Trump figures, including Dan Bongino, raising questions about potential surveillance and the Ukraine hoax.

    • Disparity in societal treatment based on political ideologiesWhile similar situations involving conservative figures would result in backlash, liberal figures like Jamie Foxx faced no repercussions for controversial comments, highlighting a significant disparity in societal treatment based on political ideologies.

      There exists a significant disparity in societal treatment and consequences based on political ideologies, which Don Jr. refers to as "liberal privilege." This was highlighted in a discussion about Jamie Foxx's support for Quentin Tarantino's controversial comments about law enforcement. While a similar situation involving a conservative figure would likely result in backlash, Foxx faced no repercussions. Furthermore, Don Jr. pointed out instances of double standards in regards to business operations and protests during the COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion also introduced Magic Spoon cereal as a healthier alternative to traditional cereals, which offers a 100% happiness guarantee and various dietary benefits.

    • Media bias towards Democratic scandalsMedia overlooks Biden family's questionable business dealings, while scrutinizing Republican scandals intensely

      The speaker argues that there is a significant disparity in how the media and public perceive the scandals involving Democratic and Republican politicians. He believes that Joe Biden's past and his son Hunter's questionable business dealings have been overlooked by the media, while allegations against Republicans receive intense scrutiny. The speaker also mentions his own experiences with liberal privilege and the double standard in how the political landscape is portrayed. He wrote a book to shed light on what he sees as the overlooked issues with the Biden campaign. The speaker also brings up Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine and China, and the large sums of money involved, which he finds hard to believe were obtained legally.

    • Media bias towards liberal politiciansMedia gives liberal politicians a pass on controversial issues, while scrutinizing and fact-checking every statement made by conservative figures, creating a double standard that misleads the public and undermines journalistic integrity

      There exists a significant disparity in media coverage and public perception between politicians like Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Jr. While the media often gives liberal politicians a pass on controversial issues, they scrutinize and fact-check every statement made by conservative figures like Donald Trump, Jr. This double standard, referred to as "liberal privilege," is problematic as it misleads the public and undermines the integrity of journalism. For instance, Hunter Biden's involvement in a company under investigation for human rights abuses is barely mentioned in the media, while Donald Trump, Jr.'s statements are fact-checked and criticized extensively. Furthermore, politicians like Joe Biden can make contradictory statements on various issues without facing any consequences, while Donald Trump, Jr. is held accountable for every word he utters. This discrepancy in media treatment undermines the public's trust in the media and skews the political discourse in favor of liberal politicians.

    • Obama Administration's Interference in 2016 Election IgnoredDespite evidence of Obama admin's election interference, there's a lack of consequence or interest from media and public, highlighting double standards and selective reporting in journalism.

      During the 2016 election, there were allegations of Russian interference and various officials, such as Adam Schiff and others, publicly claimed to have evidence. However, it was later revealed that it was actually the Obama administration who had interfered in the election through the unmasking of the Trump team. Despite this reversal of facts, there seems to be a lack of consequence or interest from the media and the public, particularly when compared to the hysteria during the three-year-long Russia hoax. This double standard, where certain actions are ignored or even covered up when they benefit the Democratic Party, is an example of what some call "liberal privilege." Even Rachel Maddow, who spent years spreading false narratives about Russian collusion, continues to have a platform on MSNBC. This selective reporting and lack of accountability undermines the importance of transparency and truth in journalism.

    • Political figures often face minimal consequences for lying under oath or going against their sworn testimonyDespite the importance of truthfulness in politics, some figures get away with lying or inconsistencies, impacting public trust and potentially swaying votes

      There is a significant disconnect between the accountability of political figures and the consequences they face for lying to the public and going against their sworn testimony. Individuals who have lied under oath have faced minimal repercussions, with some even being rewarded with jobs in media. This issue is particularly concerning during election seasons, as it can influence public opinion and potentially sway votes. Another example of this phenomenon is the inconsistencies and lies told by political figures regarding tax policies, which are often let go unchallenged by the media. Ultimately, the lack of accountability and fact-checking in politics can lead to confusion and misinformation for voters, making it crucial to remain informed and fact-check claims made by candidates.

    • Liberal Privilege: Double Standards in PoliticsThe author highlights the disparity in rules and consequences for political ideologies, with liberal privilege allowing certain behaviors and silencing opposing views, while emphasizing individual rights and freedom of thought.

      The author, Don Trump Jr., argues that there's a significant disparity in rules and consequences applied to political ideologies, specifically targeting the liberal privilege that allows certain behaviors and actions to go unchecked while condemning and canceling those who hold opposing views. He uses examples of the media's response to political unrest and violence, as well as the left's intolerance towards apolitical individuals and those not fully aligned with their ideology. The book is aimed at those undecided or unaware of these issues, emphasizing the importance of individual rights and freedom of thought in a climate where being apolitical is considered a cancelable offense.

    • Double standard in labeling protests and ralliesPolitical affiliation influences how protests and rallies are perceived and labeled, with Tea Party events labeled as violent and extremist while recent protests are called peaceful, despite similar levels of destruction and unrest. Liberal privilege plays a role in this inconsistency.

      There's a significant discrepancy in how protests and rallies are perceived and labeled based on political affiliation. Don Trump Jr. discussed his experiences at Tea Party rallies being labeled as violent and extremist, while recent protests and riots are now being labeled as peaceful. He also pointed out the hypocrisy of Democrats and liberal cities receiving federal assistance after damaging their own cities, while blaming Trump for the unrest. Trump Jr. emphasized the importance of understanding the concept of liberal privilege and encouraged people to read his book before voting in November. Overall, the conversation highlighted the double standard and inconsistency in labeling and handling of protests and rallies based on political affiliation.

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