
    They’re Going To Take EVERYTHING From You (Ep 2153)

    enDecember 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Great Reset: Sharing Economy and Individual OwnershipThe Great Reset promotes a sharing economy where individuals may own nothing, and corporations could end up owning everything. Refinancing your home through American Financing could save you an average of $700 a month, providing financial stability.

      The concept of the "Great Reset" is not a conspiracy theory as some may believe. It's a real movement promoting a sharing economy where individuals may own nothing, and corporations, including those promoting the idea, could end up owning everything. Yesterday's show featured an in-depth interview on this topic, and the feedback received confirmed the seriousness of the issue. If you're concerned about debt and financial stability, now might be a good time to consider refinancing your home through American Financing, which could save you an average of $700 a month. The show, which is packed with information, also touched upon the potential implications of this economic shift for individuals and society as a whole. Stay tuned for more insights.

    • The Great Reset: A shift towards caring and sharing with control over dataThe Great Reset aims to control data to prevent predictive AI, impacting various aspects of life, including education, tax policy, and healthcare, through censorship and suppression of conservative voices.

      The Great Reset initiative, as promoted by figures like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, aims to shift society from a focus on production and consumption to one of caring and sharing, but with a twist: individuals will own nothing, not even their data, while corporations and the government will own it all. This is a form of control to prevent the rise of predictive and prescriptive artificial intelligence that could challenge their power. The censorship of information and suppression of conservative voices is a means to maintain this control. This transition could impact various aspects of life, including education, tax policy, and healthcare, as AI would be unable to support ideologies that contradict the dominant narrative.

    • The Role and Consequences of AI and the 'Great Reset' Economy: Debate and IronyThe debate surrounds AI's role in representing diverse interests, potential loss of privacy, freedom, and ownership, and the contrasting visions of a 'Great Resist' and 'Great Reset' economy.

      There's ongoing debate about the role and potential consequences of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the "Great Reset" economy. Some, like the Biden administration, are pushing for AI to represent diverse interests and control its output to avoid perpetuating biases. Others, like Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts, argue against this, fearing loss of privacy, freedom, and ownership. Corporations like Microsoft, IBM, and those led by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are also involved, raising concerns about control and censorship. The "Great Resist" movement advocates for individual ownership and opposes the "Great Reset" vision of a sharing economy where citizens rent everything they need. The irony lies in the fact that these corporations, previously criticized as monopolies, are now being promoted by some as part of the "Great Reset."

    • Government Intervention and Controls in the Name of Climate ChangeBill Gates and other elites push for government intervention and funding to combat climate change, but this could lead to a shift towards corporatized, communist-like systems, limiting personal freedoms and economic liberties.

      We are heading towards a future where various forms of control and mandates, such as Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), carbon passports, and potential carbon taxes, are becoming increasingly prevalent. Bill Gates and other global elites are advocating for government intervention and funding in the name of "solving climate change," but this could potentially lead to a shift away from free markets and individual ownership towards a more corporatized, communist-like system. It's important to be aware of these trends and resist any efforts to limit personal freedoms and economic liberties in the name of "the greater good."

    • Political Climate and Escalating ConcernsThe political climate is raising concerns about corporate compliance with authoritarian regimes and immigration issues, with the situation escalating rapidly. Potential consequences of current policies and corporate actions could lead to a mass awakening among the public.

      The current political climate, particularly regarding corporate compliance with authoritarian regimes like China's CCP, and the handling of immigration issues, is raising concerns about the direction of the country. The speaker expresses that we may not have reached a tipping point yet, but the situation is escalating rapidly. Additionally, the speaker shared a personal anecdote about writing and expressing their thoughts on social media. However, the main theme of the discussion revolves around the potential consequences of current policies and corporate actions, and the possibility of a mass awakening among the public.

    • Policies dismantling immigration process and border securityThe current administration's open border policies are causing mass illegal crossings, releasing migrants back into the country, and creating practical challenges for legal immigrants, all with potential consequences for international commerce and security.

      The current administration's policies towards immigration are intentionally destructive to the United States. They are deliberately dismantling the immigration process and border security, leading to mass illegal crossings and the release of many migrants back into the country. This is being done despite the consequences for international commerce and potential security risks. The administration's commitment to open borders is so strong that they are even willing to risk losing funding for other priorities. This situation not only undermines the value of American citizenship but also creates practical challenges for those who follow the law and come to the country through legal channels.

    • Border shutdown's impact on DemocratsThe border shutdown could destabilize the country and harm Democratic Party support among key voter groups, particularly young voters and people of color, due to standoffs over border security and Ukraine funding.

      The shutdown of trains and international commerce at the southern border is not just about processing illegal immigrants faster, but also a deliberate act aimed at destabilizing the country. The speaker expresses concern that this intentional disruption could impact the support for the Democratic Party among key voter groups, particularly young voters and people of color. The standoff between Democrats and Republicans over border security and funding for Ukraine is a significant point of contention, with potential consequences for the political landscape. The speaker urges Democrats to consider the potential backlash from their base if they agree to certain border security measures. Overall, the situation at the border is complex and contentious, with implications for both domestic and foreign policy.

    • Nostalgia for Simpler Times and Society's DeteriorationThe speaker expresses concern about society's current state, comparing it to the violent movies of the 1980s and expressing nostalgia for simpler times. He also promotes ZipRecruiter and Omaha Steaks, but the main theme is a warning about the potential political landslide for candidates like Trump or DeSantis.

      The speaker is expressing concern about the current state of society, drawing a comparison to the violent vigilante movies of the 1980s and suggesting that things have gotten even worse. He shares his nostalgia for an older movie called "The Exterminator," and uses it as an example of how extreme things have become. He also promotes ZipRecruiter as a simple solution for business owners looking to hire, and mentions Omaha Steaks as a great holiday gift. However, the main theme of his discussion is the sense of unease and worry about the direction society is heading in, and his belief that we may be on the brink of a political landslide for a candidate like Trump or DeSantis. He emphasizes that this is a serious concern and not just wishful thinking.

    • Biden's economic policies causing financial hardship for AmericansDespite cooling inflation, Biden's economic policies have led to decreased real wages and financial hardship for many Americans

      President Biden's economic policies have led to a decrease in real wages and an increase in inflation, causing financial hardship for many Americans. Jim Acosta, a CNN anchor, downplays this issue, but it's a significant concern for those struggling to make ends meet. The Biden administration's actions have resulted in people having less disposable income despite inflation cooling down in some areas. It's essential to recognize that not everyone experiences the economic situation the same way, and it's crucial to consider the long-term impact on people's lives.

    • Podcasting from a cramped closet studio and dealing with an upset exterminatorDespite the challenges of starting a podcast in a small, hot studio and dealing with unexpected incidents, the speakers emphasized the importance of voting and encouraged listeners to make their voices heard, especially young voters who expressed dissatisfaction with the current administration.

      The speakers reminisced about their humble beginnings of recording their podcast in a cramped closet studio, which was hot and barely had enough space for all of them. They also shared an experience with an upset exterminator in New York City who burned locks with a torch. The speakers then discussed the apathy of the public towards various issues, including voter fraud and the current political climate. A concerning poll result was mentioned, indicating a significant difference in voting intentions between those who voted in the 2020 election and those who did not. The speakers emphasized the importance of voting and not giving up on the system, encouraging listeners to get out and make their voices heard. The segment also highlighted the dissatisfaction of young voters towards the current administration.

    • Disappointment with Biden's handling of key issues, importance of voting and understanding demographicsSpeaker expresses disappointment with Biden's approach, emphasizes the importance of voting and understanding demographics, warns of potential election loss, discusses ongoing scandal and RFK Jr.'s influence, and shares decision to vote for Trump

      The speaker expresses disappointment with President Biden's handling of key issues important to them, viewing his approach as pragmatic but failing to address Democratic priorities. They emphasize the importance of voting and understanding demographic trends, warning that a lack of a Democratic coalition could result in losing the election. The speaker also discusses the ongoing scandal involving a Democratic staffer and the media's focus on Republican reactions rather than the scandal itself. Lastly, they mention RFK Jr.'s influence and their own decision to vote for Trump in the upcoming election.

    • Hamas' Misuse of International AidHamas leaders misused billions in international aid, resulting in significant poverty among Palestinians, while they live in wealth

      RFK Jr. is a well-informed and eloquent speaker who can challenge the preparedness of media personalities with his extensive knowledge on various topics, particularly regarding Hamas and international aid. Hamas is described as a criminal enterprise that has misused billions of dollars in international aid intended for the Palestinian people, resulting in a significant portion of the population living in poverty despite the vast resources received. The top leaders of Hamas are reportedly billionaires, and the organization is criticized for not using the funds to improve the living conditions in Gaza, but instead stealing the majority of it. This misuse of funds has led to a significant portion of the Palestinian population living in poverty, despite the substantial international aid they have received. The discussion also touches upon the use of misinformation and emotional appeals, such as comparing Israel to apartheid, to manipulate public opinion, particularly among those who lack knowledge on the topic.

    • Desire for self-determination and returning land leads to complex debatesThe ongoing debate about land ownership and borders involves self-determination, returning land to original inhabitants, and the potential for conflict and misunderstanding. The speaker also predicted a 'punctuated equilibrium' change in societal issues and expressed optimism for an end to harmful behaviors.

      The ongoing debate about land ownership and borders is rooted in geography, but it's more complex than just geography. The desire for self-determination and returning land to its original inhabitants is a common theme, but it can also lead to conflict and misunderstanding. The speaker also discussed the concept of "punctuated equilibrium," which refers to a sudden and significant change in a system, and suggested that the current societal issues, including wokeism and cancel culture, will undergo such a change. The speaker expressed optimism that this change will lead to an end of harmful behaviors and beliefs. Additionally, the speaker criticized Harvard University and its president for plagiarism, and suggested that the institution's reputation and financial resources will be negatively impacted by these revelations.

    • Concerns over a college's reputation and student populationSpeaker expresses concern over college's handling of plagiarism allegations and perceived acceptance of genocide, questioning the employability of graduates due to potential liability and financial cost. Encourages audience engagement and shares financial success from podcasting.

      The speaker expresses concern over the reputation of a specific college due to its leadership's handling of plagiarism allegations and the perceived acceptance of genocide among its student population. He questions who would hire graduates from such an institution due to the potential liability and financial cost. The speaker also emphasizes his support for his audience and encourages them to engage with his content on the Rumble app and help him reach new milestones. Additionally, he shares his financial success from podcasting and expresses gratitude for his audience's support.

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