
    About this Episode

    In this episode, you will learn about the things gaslighters say to create confusion in you. In this podcast episode, learn about 10 gaslighting phrases used to confuse and control you. A gaslighter is someone who needs to keep you off balance. Gaslighting is used to deflect your focus. Gaslighting is the most extreme when you try to hold a narcissistic person accountable for the way they have treated you or for the way they have spoken to you. 

    In a relationship with a narcissist, you will be confronted with crazymaking communication all designed to ensure you never feel self confident. There are common gaslighting phrases narcissists use in a relationship you can learn to help you remain aware so as not to go down a rabbit hole. Gaslighting is a red flag you should be aware of. Narcissist gaslighting phrases are used to confuse and control you. 

    Take Lisa's Free Quiz at https://www.lisaaromano.com

    And if you are a ready to STOP allowing the past to control you and cause you to end up in relationships with narcissistic people, join Lisa for her next LIVE 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program

    Recent Episodes from Lisa A Romano Breakdown to Breakthroughs

    Things Gaslighters Say: 10 Gaslighting Phrases Used To Confuse and Control You

    Things Gaslighters Say: 10 Gaslighting Phrases Used To Confuse and Control You

    In this episode, you will learn about the things gaslighters say to create confusion in you. In this podcast episode, learn about 10 gaslighting phrases used to confuse and control you. A gaslighter is someone who needs to keep you off balance. Gaslighting is used to deflect your focus. Gaslighting is the most extreme when you try to hold a narcissistic person accountable for the way they have treated you or for the way they have spoken to you. 

    In a relationship with a narcissist, you will be confronted with crazymaking communication all designed to ensure you never feel self confident. There are common gaslighting phrases narcissists use in a relationship you can learn to help you remain aware so as not to go down a rabbit hole. Gaslighting is a red flag you should be aware of. Narcissist gaslighting phrases are used to confuse and control you. 

    Take Lisa's Free Quiz at https://www.lisaaromano.com

    And if you are a ready to STOP allowing the past to control you and cause you to end up in relationships with narcissistic people, join Lisa for her next LIVE 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program

    Mental Health Issues Caused by Narcissistic Mother

    Mental Health Issues Caused by Narcissistic Mother

    As the child of a narcissistic mother, your subconscious mind has been impressed with concepts, beliefs, and ideas that although helped you survive as a child, may work against your spiritual, mental, and emotional unfolding today. Being raised by a narcissistic mother poses significant risks to one's perception of self, which can taint every area of one's life. Children of narcissistic mothers struggle to honor, love, and respect themselves. They can become stuck in loops of self-sabotaging thinking, feeling, and behaving, leading them to codependent one-way relationships. Depression, anxiety, low self-worth, and a lack of self are just a few of the consequences of being raised by a narcissistic mother. If you have been raised in a toxic family system, if you are the adult child of narcissistic parents, or if you know of an adult child who has come from a dysfunctional childhood home, this episode will shed light on the struggles these adult children face. The good news is, as you awaken and identify toxic family issues, you can liberate yourself from the subconscious patterns, beliefs, and habitual thinking and behaving they have caused. Lisa A. Romano's life is proof that through an elevation of consciousness, it is possible to reclaim authority in your life, as are the thousands of adult children she has helped awaken and break free of the chains of the past.

    Learn more about how Lisa's online coaching programs, designed specifically for wounded adult children seeking liberation from generational trauma, break free from the bondage of generational trauma by clicking the link below.  


    Take Lisa's Free 10 Day Breakthrough Challenge here:


    Rejecting a Narcissist: Part Two

    Rejecting a Narcissist: Part Two

    Rejecting a narcissist is not like ending a relationship with someone who is emotionally mature, or emotionally regulated. Rejecting a narcissist is akin to sticking your arm into the mouth of a hungry lion. Narcissists require power and control over others, and so when a source of narcissistic supply dares to say NO MORE, there are significant consequences that one must be prepared for. This is part two of Rejecting a Narcissist, and in this episode, you will learn about some predictable behaviors a narcissist will reveal, which can help you get out ahead of what to expect. The more you understand about their predictable behavior, the less controlled you will be by their manipulation tactics. 

    To learn more about Lisa's online coaching programs, designed to elevate your consciousness, heal codependency, and reclaim your autonomy and authority over your life, visit:


    Rejecting a Narcissist: Part One

    Rejecting a Narcissist: Part One

    If you have ever broken up with or ended a toxic controlling relationship with a narcissist, you know first hand how crazymaking and nonsensical communication can be. Understanding the mindset of a narcissist can help you prepare for how NOT to take the bait when they seek to exploit your emotions and sense of reality. In this episode, Lisa A. Romano discusses what you can expect when you end a relationship with a narcissist. This is part one of this episode.  

    Subscribe to Lisa's YouTube Channel to learn more about how to disarm yourself against the highly abusive, controlling, crazymaking tactics of someone who is highly narcissistic, lacks awareness, and acts outlandishly when you dare to stand up to them and say NO MORE.


    Grandchildren of Alcoholics: What You Need to Know

    Grandchildren of Alcoholics: What You Need to Know

    Grandchildren of alcoholics don't always know their parents are adult children of alcoholics, nor do they appreciate what this means for them. Adult children of alcoholics have been raised feeling ignored, invisible, and in fear due to unpredictable homelife experiences. They generally do not know how to have fun, or how to let go. Feeling such a loss of personal power as children causes them to become rigid in their thinking, which leads to the need for control. Adult children of alcoholics often struggle with needing to be needed, with fixing and rescuing others, which are classic signs of codependency. In this episode, listen in to how Lisa A. Romano helps us understand the importance of recognizing how our parent's childhoods have impacted how they have parented us, and what that means if we discover we too struggle with codependency traits and symptoms. 

    Ready to heal the abandonment wounds of the past that keep you stuck seeking approval, and living in fear of rejection?

    Join Lisa and her team for the next LIVE 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program relaunching soon.



    How to Regulate Strong Negative Emotions: The Power of Validation

    How to Regulate Strong Negative Emotions: The Power of Validation

    Regulating strong negative emotions is like having a superpower for your well-being. Managing those intense feelings—like anger, sadness, or anxiety—helps us navigate life's challenges more smoothly. It's like being the captain of your own emotional ship, steering through stormy waters with control. If we let those emotions run wild, they can take over and make everything feel more difficult.

    Learning to regulate them is like having a toolkit for emotional balance, allowing us to respond thoughtfully instead of reacting impulsively. It's not about ignoring or suppressing feelings but finding a healthy way to deal with them, so they don't control us. Like superheroes learn to use their powers wisely, regulating emotions empowers us to handle life's ups and downs with resilience and grace.

    In this episode, learn from Lisa A. Romano how to best regulate strong emotions through the power of validation. 

    Join Lisa this April, as she relaunches her 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program for those wishing to heal codependency and break free of the chains of generational trauma, rooted in abandonment. 


    Trauma Bonds: Breaking Free

    Trauma Bonds: Breaking Free

    Trauma bonds are one of the most challenging aspects of a toxic relationship. When in a trauma bond, our psychological self is under the impression that the person who is wounding us is the only person who can save us. This creates a double bind situation for ourselves, in which, our persecutor is also our savior. In this episode, learn about how trauma bonds interfere with rational thinking and how you can break free of such toxic beliefs so to set yourself free from the bondage of an unhealthy, manipulative, and crazymaking relationship.

    To work with Lisa, contact her at coach@lisaaromano.com

    Take her FREE 10 Day Breakthrough the Veil Challenge here:


    To view Lisa's suite of online coaching programs, and meditation bundles visit:



    Narcissists Are Mean: Understanding Why

    Narcissists Are Mean: Understanding Why

    Narcissists tend to be incredibly mean, vindictive, and vengeful. Understanding why can help better navigate these difficult relationships with people with high-conflict personalities. Narcissists can be mean because, deep down, they struggle with an intense need for admiration and validation. Their behavior is often driven by fragile self-esteem, and they may lash out to protect their perceived superiority or deflect attention from their insecurities. The need for control and a lack of genuine empathy contribute to their mean-spirited actions, as they prioritize their own desires and disregard the feelings of others.

    While it may seem like they are confident and self-assured, their meanness often stems from a fragile sense of self that requires constant validation from others, leading to manipulative and hurtful behaviors. When a narcissist feels challenged, they lash out needing to regain power in the relationship. Tune in and listen to Lisa A. Romano help you better understand why narcissists are so mean.

    To learn more about Lisa and her highly successful coaching programs, visit:



    Self Love: The Importance of Loving the Self Despite Abuse

    Self Love: The Importance of Loving the Self Despite Abuse

    Are you someone who takes care of everyone but yourself, and who feels the silent need to appear perfect and as if you have no needs? Did you grow up feeling invisible, unheard and as if you needed to suppress your emotions and true self for the sake of keeping the peace or for the sake of avoiding rejection, abandonment or some other form of punishment? If so, you may find it more difficult than most to love yourself. In this episode, Lisa A. Romano helps us understand why some adult children of alcoholics and narcissistic parents find it so challenging to put ourselves first. Self love is not selfish. It's an act of honoring the power within, and when we do not love ourselves, it is as if we are placing the candles we are in dark closets. Each of us is entitled to love as much as any other person and when we begin by loving the self with self care tips, and by acting upon self love, we literally heal the wounds of our inner child, and begin reprogramming our subconscious minds for a healthy, more empowered sense of self. 

    To work with Lisa on your self love healing journey beginning soon, visit the following link to learn more, Lisa's LIVE online class is starting soon.


    Forgive Yourself For Past Mistakes

    Forgive Yourself For Past Mistakes

    Are you struggling to let go of the past and to forgive yourself? In this episode, Lisa A. Romano reveals practical steps that will help you learn how to forgive yourself for being human, so you can let go and move forward in your life. Forgiving oneself is a profound act of self-compassion and personal liberation. It involves acknowledging and releasing the burden of past mistakes and understanding that imperfection is inherent to the human experience. By granting oneself forgiveness, one opens the door to healing, self-love, and personal growth. It is a transformative journey that requires embracing vulnerability, letting go of self-judgment, and allowing room for self-acceptance. In this process, individuals cultivate resilience, learn from their experiences, and nurture a more compassionate relationship with themselves. Ultimately, forgiving oneself is an empowering choice that paves the way for inner peace and a renewed sense of self-worth.

    Lisa offers incredible insight and tools to help you learn to forgive yourself so you can move forward in your life. 

    To work with Lisa privately or in a group coaching setting, visit: https://www.lisaaromano.com/12wbcp