
    Think About the Future When You Make Decisions Today

    en-usOctober 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Avoid taking a loan against your 401k to pay off car debtFocus on selling a car and using future income to get out of debt instead of taking a loan against your 401k

      It's generally not advisable to take out a loan against your 401k to pay off debt, especially when the debt is related to a car. Rachel and George, the hosts of the Ramsey Show, explained that doing so would result in the loss of potential future growth of the money and the payment of taxes and penalties. Instead, they suggested focusing on using future income to get out of debt and considering selling a car if the payments are a significant portion of the annual income. Talon, the caller, was advised to sell both of his cars and take out small loans to buy more affordable vehicles. The hosts emphasized that having a large portion of income tied up in car payments is not sustainable, especially for families with children.

    • Selling underwater assets for financial reliefSelling underwater assets and downsizing can provide immediate financial relief, rebuild credit, and lead to long-term financial stability despite initial challenges

      Significant financial differences between individuals can cause stress and anxiety, and drastic measures may be necessary to alleviate that stress and improve overall financial health. In the discussed scenario, selling underwater cars and downsizing could provide immediate financial relief and the opportunity to rebuild credit and savings. While it may be a difficult decision, the long-term benefits, such as peace of mind and financial stability, can outweigh the initial challenges. It's essential to evaluate personal financial situations and consider all available options to make informed decisions that best suit individual circumstances.

    • Skepticism towards Crypto and Credit Card UsageSpeakers warned against risky crypto investments and urged saving money instead, while criticizing credit card usage for leading to debt and suggesting debit cards and emergency funds instead.

      The speakers expressed their skepticism towards two popular financial trends: crypto and credit card usage. Regarding crypto, they argued that it's based on hype and lacks a solid foundation, making it a risky investment. They compared it to multi-level marketing schemes and encouraged saving money instead. On the other hand, they criticized credit card usage, arguing that it often leads people into debt and that banks profit from their struggles. They suggested using debit cards and saving up for expenses instead. The speakers also shared personal experiences and anecdotes about how ditching credit cards led to reduced spending and increased savings. Lastly, they discussed the importance of having a small emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses.

    • Saving $1,000 in 30 days and Paying off DebtsDuring financial emergencies, saving quickly, having good insurance, paying off debts in smallest amount first, and combining accounts can lead to financial success and a stronger marriage.

      During financial emergencies, having good insurance coverage and saving up quickly for unexpected expenses are crucial steps. Saving $1,000 in 30 days or less can provide a sense of accomplishment and momentum, leading to debt payoff. Paying off debts, regardless of interest rates, in the smallest amount first can help build motivation and progress towards becoming debt-free. Lastly, married couples should consider combining their accounts as a way to build trust, transparency, and accountability, ultimately leading to financial success and a stronger marriage.

    • VA loans: No down payment but higher costsVA loans have no down payment but can be more expensive due to additional fees. Consider a conventional loan for lower overall costs if you have a substantial down payment.

      While VA loans offer the advantage of no down payment, they can be more expensive due to additional fees. A conventional 15-year loan with a down payment may be a better option for those looking to buy a home, as it typically comes with a lower overall cost. It's recommended to wait until after graduation and having a substantial down payment before making a home purchase. Derek, a listener in Minnesota, was considering the VA loan due to its lack of down payment requirement, but was advised to consider the long-term costs and potentially opt for a conventional loan instead. It's important to weigh the pros and cons of each option and make an informed decision based on individual circumstances.

    • Setting specific financial goals and making a plan can help achieve themSetting clear financial goals, like buying a house or paying off debt, and making a practical plan can lead to progress towards achieving them.

      Setting specific financial goals, such as buying a house or paying off debt, can help individuals take practical steps towards achieving them. For instance, calculating the down payment required for a desired home price and making it a quarter of take-home pay can provide clarity on the goal. In the case of Joel and his wife, they were debating selling their car to pay off debt. While the car could be sold for a profit, the financial advisor suggested they consider keeping the car if it's reliable and paying off the remaining debt instead. By focusing on their goals and making a plan, Joel and his wife can make progress towards becoming debt-free while also ensuring they have reliable transportation.

    • Balancing Family, Health, and FinancesConsider family and personal well-being over immediate financial concerns. Explore alternatives for funding education, and prioritize mental health through resources like BetterHelp.

      Prioritizing family and health should come first, especially during the early stages of parenthood. Rachel, a father of a two-month-old, emphasized the importance of focusing on the family and putting aside personal projects until the right time. However, Isabel, a high school graduate taking community college courses, faces a financial dilemma. She needs to pay for summer classes to graduate in one year but cannot afford it or work due to her academic load and homeschooling responsibilities. Her parents also refuse to help her take out loans. While Rachel's advice may not directly apply to Isabel's situation, it highlights the significance of considering family and personal well-being over immediate financial concerns. For Isabel, finding alternative ways to fund her education, such as scholarships, grants, or seeking financial aid, could be viable options to explore. Additionally, BetterHelp, an online therapy platform, was mentioned as a valuable resource for individuals struggling with managing their schedules, commitments, and self-worth. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of prioritizing family, health, and personal growth while navigating financial challenges.

    • Sister's Advice: Explore Scholarships and GrantsConsider scholarships and grants instead of loans or staying an extra year to graduate debt-free. Take time to explore all options before making a decision.

      A high school student named Isabelle is transferring to a college in Nevada for her second year, but she needs to complete 20 credits before graduation which cost $12,000. Since she doesn't have the funds, she was considering taking out loans or staying an extra year in California to complete the credits for free. However, her older sister advised her against this, suggesting instead that she look for scholarships and grants in Nevada to cover the cost of the credits and graduate debt-free. The sister also advised Isabelle to take her time and consider all her options before making a decision. It's important to note that not all credits transferred from one school to another, so Isabelle may need to take those credits in Nevada instead of California. The sister also emphasized that there are other colleges and universities outside of California where Isabelle can earn her degree. Overall, the sister encouraged Isabelle to be patient, explore all her options, and avoid taking on unnecessary debt.

    • Considering Financial Benefits of Delaying Move for Siblings and Debt RepaymentIsabelle and Hannah face important decisions regarding finances and family. Delaying Isabelle's move and paying off debts before buying land can lead to financial benefits, but personal and legal considerations must also be taken into account.

      Isabelle, who is homeschooling her sister and planning to transfer colleges, should consider delaying her move due to potential financial benefits, such as allowing her sister to attend debt-free. However, her parents' urgency to move and buy a house may not allow for this flexibility. Hannah, on the other hand, is facing a decision about whether to pay off all her debts by 2025 or start saving for a down payment on land that her family currently occupies. Rachel and George advise Hannah to have a clear understanding of the legal and financial implications of their living situation and consider seeking professional advice before making a decision. Overall, both Isabelle and Hannah's situations highlight the importance of careful planning and considering all financial and personal factors before making significant decisions.

    • Maintaining Financial Separation Before MarriageKeep finances separate until marriage to prevent complicated financial situations and make things cleaner and easier to manage.

      Maintaining financial and emotional separation before marriage can help prevent complicated financial situations. In the discussed scenario, Joey and Hannah were acting as if they were married, but without the legal documentation. This led to a messy situation involving shared debt, credit cards, and even a mortgage. The expert advised that each person should keep their finances separate until marriage to make things cleaner and easier to manage. Hannah and Joey were also advised to reconsider their involvement in a land deal and focus on getting married instead. The expert emphasized the importance of making decisions with the future in mind and avoiding unnecessary financial entanglements.

    • Separating finances, starting early, and prioritizing debt payments are keys to effective financial planning.Roman's unique situation of purchasing a house without a traditional loan highlights the importance of commitment to financial freedom through effective planning, even with challenges.

      Effective financial planning involves separating finances, starting early when teaching children about money, and prioritizing debt payments. Roman, a disabled combat veteran, shared his unique situation of purchasing a house from family without a traditional loan, but with a large monthly payment. Despite this, he's committed to following the steps towards financial freedom, even if it means making sacrifices. Rachel and George encouraged him to continue making progress and offered advice on managing his funds more effectively. Additionally, they promoted their children's book, "I'm Glad for What I Have," which aims to influence young minds with messages about contentment and financial literacy.

    • Focus on paying off consumer debt before mortgagePay off consumer debt before investing or buying a home to gain financial flexibility and freedom from debt

      Prioritizing debt repayment, especially large debts like a mortgage, can help individuals get out of debt faster and free up funds for other financial goals, such as investing. The speaker in this discussion was in a unique situation where he had extra income that was tax-free. He could have put this money towards his mortgage, but the expert suggested focusing on paying off his consumer debt first, such as credit cards and car loans, before putting extra funds towards the mortgage. This approach would allow him to become debt-free sooner and have more financial flexibility. When it comes to investing, the expert recommended opening a Roth IRA and considering a brokerage account or real estate as additional investment options. Remember, the traditional order for financial steps is to first get out of consumer debt and build an emergency fund before investing or buying a home.

    • Prioritizing Debts: Focus on IRS DebtFocus on IRS debt with risk of wage garnishment, pay minimums on others, adjust lifestyle, and manage finances carefully for debt repayment

      Julie, a successful real estate agent, is facing financial difficulties due to owing the IRS $150,000 and recent family emergencies that depleted their savings. To prioritize her debts, she should focus on paying off the IRS debt first as it carries the risk of wage garnishment. Despite her high income, she should pay minimum payments on other debts and put as much as possible towards the IRS debt. Additionally, she should consider adjusting her lifestyle to live on a smaller budget to save more money. The market conditions have not been in her favor in the last few years, but with her husband's income and careful financial management, they can work towards getting out of debt.

    • Eliminating debt, especially high-interest debt, is crucial for financial peace.Focus on eliminating high-interest debt, seek professional help, and ensure proper insurance coverage to achieve financial peace.

      Focusing on eliminating debt, especially high-interest debt like IRS debt, should be a priority. By making necessary adjustments to budgeting and income allocation, debt can be paid off in a relatively short timeframe. This not only frees up income for other financial goals but also reduces the financial stress that comes with carrying debt. It's essential to seek professional help, such as a Ramsey Trusted Tax Pro, to navigate the process and ensure accurate tax filings. Additionally, having the right types and amounts of insurance coverage is crucial for protecting your finances and transferring risks off your family tree.

    • Considering Annuities for Retirement IncomeWhile maximizing retirement savings and taking early Social Security benefits for investment can be beneficial, purchasing an annuity requires careful consideration due to potential conflicts of interest and limited growth potential. Seek a second opinion and understand tax implications before deciding.

      While it's important to maximize retirement savings and consider taking Social Security benefits early for investment purposes, the decision to purchase an annuity should be carefully considered. Annuities can provide predictable income, but they may limit growth potential and could come with potential conflicts of interest for the advisor. It's recommended to seek a second opinion and thoroughly understand the tax implications before making a decision. Additionally, strategically withdrawing from different retirement accounts can help minimize taxes and ensure a sustainable income in retirement.

    • Considering moving money from a 401k into an annuity? Get a second opinion.Maximize retirement contributions, be strategic with taxes, start early, and keep investing through market downturns. Don't let debt hinder investing, prioritize debt repayment.

      Annuities can be a red flag when suggested by someone, especially when considering moving money from a 401k into an annuity. It's essential to get a second opinion and consider the long-term implications. Focusing on maximizing retirement contributions and being strategic with tax implications can help secure a comfortable retirement. Starting early and investing consistently, even if you're older than 50, is crucial. The economy and market downturns are temporary, and the long-term play is to keep investing for retirement with dignity. Don't let debt hold you back from investing, but prioritize paying off high-interest debts first.

    • Relying on new assets can lead to unexpected expenses and stressFocus on eliminating debt and reducing expenses for financial stability, consider buying used cars in cash instead of taking on debt.

      Relying on new assets like cars, especially when dealing with financial difficulties, can lead to unexpected expenses and stress. Jeff's situation illustrates this as he is dealing with a lemon truck, high car payments, and mounting credit card debt. Instead, focusing on eliminating debt and reducing expenses can lead to financial stability. Additionally, considering the potential depreciation of assets like cars, it may be wiser to save and purchase used cars in cash to avoid interest payments. It's important to remember that financial situations can change, and plans should be flexible.

    • Communication is Key in Marriage Spending DecisionsEffective communication is crucial in making spending decisions within a marriage, ensuring purchases align with financial goals and values.

      While individuals have the right to make decisions regarding their personal expenses within a marriage, it's essential to consider the financial situation and reasons behind the purchases. Debt-free couples making substantial incomes can still find themselves in disagreements over significant expenditures. The key is to communicate openly and ensure that purchases align with the couple's financial goals and values. In the case discussed, the couple's debt-free status and high income didn't negate the importance of a thoughtful conversation about a $1,500 stroller purchase.

    • The importance of financial freedom in making thoughtful spending decisionsFinancial freedom enables couples to make wise investments and prioritize spending based on their values and goals.

      , as a debt-free couple with a great income, they were able to afford an expensive stroller for their newborn, viewing it as a worthwhile investment for their family's comfort and enjoyment. The discussion emphasizes the importance of financial freedom, allowing couples to make thoughtful decisions on how to spend their hard-earned money. While not everyone may be in the same financial situation, the couple encourages those on baby steps to save, give, and spend wisely once they reach debt freedom. For Corey, the debate was about whether to use savings earmarked for his daughter's future to pay off his house faster or keep it saved. Ultimately, the decision depends on individual circumstances, and the couple suggested considering the potential impact on future income and financial goals.

    • Balancing debt repayment and saving for future goalsPrioritize saving for retirement, but find a balance between paying off debt and saving for long-term goals like education or retirement.

      Finding the right balance between paying off debt and saving for future financial goals is crucial. While paying off a debt like a mortgage can free up income, investing in a retirement account or a child's education can also lead to significant long-term benefits. In the case discussed, a compromise could be made by using a portion of savings to pay off the house while also contributing to a 529 plan. It's important to prioritize saving for retirement before focusing on other financial goals, but finding a balance that works for your individual situation can lead to financial progress and peace of mind.

    • Consolidating Debts Doesn't Solve Spending HabitsFocus on changing spending behaviors and prioritize debt repayment to avoid larger debts and improve financial situation.

      Consolidating debts may provide temporary relief, but it doesn't address the root cause of the problem: spending habits. The individual in this conversation had consolidated a debt of $36,000 but continued with the same spending habits, leading to an even larger debt of over $125,000. The key is to focus on changing spending behaviors and prioritizing debt repayment over savings or investments, especially when dealing with high-interest consumer debt. The individual's situation could be improved significantly by contributing extra income towards debt repayment and avoiding unnecessary expenses, such as CDs that don't contribute to debt reduction. The ultimate goal should be to eliminate consumer debt as soon as possible to free up resources for retirement savings and other financial priorities.

    • Learning the basics of budgeting and managing moneySmall steps towards financial education and budgeting can lead to significant improvements in the long run. Seek out resources and support when facing financial hardships.

      Financial instability can be overwhelming, but taking small steps towards financial education and budgeting can lead to significant improvements in the long run. The speaker, Crystal, is encouraged to enroll in a financial course and attend a webinar to learn the basics of budgeting and managing money. Julie, a listener, shares her story of unexpected financial hardship after her husband left the country and left her with a mortgage payment that exceeded her income. The speaker advises Julie to explore other housing options and consider the long-term sustainability of her current financial situation. Ultimately, both Crystal and Julie are reminded to trust in their ability to make positive changes and seek out resources and support to help them on their financial journey.

    • Selling a house for financial securityConsider selling a house for financial relief, but weigh job stability, support systems, long-term goals, and alternatives before making a decision. Create an emergency fund and address debt for added security.

      Financial security and peace of mind are crucial for individuals, especially during challenging times. The speaker suggested selling an expensive asset, like a house, to free up income and reduce financial stress. However, this decision should not be made lightly, as it involves significant changes and potential upheaval. It's essential to consider all factors, including job stability, support systems, and long-term financial goals. Additionally, having an emergency fund and addressing any debt can provide extra security and peace of mind. The speaker acknowledged the difficulty of the situation and expressed support for the individual's courage and resilience. Ultimately, the goal is to make informed decisions that prioritize financial stability while also considering the emotional and practical aspects of the situation.

    • Learn about toxic money traits and girl math on MoneyWise with Rob WestImprove financial literacy, enjoy discussions on toxic money traits, girl math, and more on MoneyWise with Rob West. Accessible on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and the Ramsey Network app.

      The MoneyWise with Rob West podcast offers valuable insights and entertaining discussions on various financial topics, including toxic money traits and girl math. If you're unfamiliar with these concepts, the podcast is a must-listen. The hosts keep their content relevant and engaging, ensuring you won't regret tuning in. Plus, if you don't have a group of friends to discuss money matters with, the hosts promise to be great companions. You can access the podcast on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or the Ramsey Network app. Overall, the MoneyWise with Rob West podcast is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their financial literacy and enjoy some laughs along the way.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    Build Wealth by Doing What Rich People Actually Do

    Build Wealth by Doing What Rich People Actually Do
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss: "Is it ever okay to spend $50k on a trip?" "My dad wants me to pay for his life insurance..." "Should we buy a house if we're going to move in 4 years?" "We disagree about paying off our cars," "We make $400K but can't pay extra on debt," "I co-own a house with my girlfriend's parents..." "My employer wants me to stop my side hustle" Support Our Sponsors: Zander: Go to zander.com or call 800-356-4282 for a fast and easy quote today. Health Trust Financial BetterHelp: betterhelp.com/Delony to get 10% off your first month Next Steps 🏠 Selling Your House? Check out one of our Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agents 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🎟️ Reserve your seat for Summit 2025 today! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    All About Family Money Drama!

    All About Family Money Drama!
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "I did a bad deal with my parents and now I'm not getting paid," "Is it possible to build wealth while renting?" Why you don't need to build your credit score if you don't plan on borrowing money, "I'm tired of paying so much in taxes..." "My husband gambled away our HELOC," "My wife is a compulsive shopper" "What can I do to stop overdrafting my account?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp NetSuite Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  📚 Teach Kids About Money!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

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