
    This Conversation Changed the Way I Think About Dementia

    enMarch 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Talking openly about cognitive decline and creating an inclusive societyLet's acknowledge and address cognitive decline to create a more inclusive and compassionate society for all ages.

      We need to talk more openly about dementia and other forms of cognitive decline, as it is a common experience among seniors. Anne Basting, an artist who has dedicated her life to communicating with people dealing with dementia, believes we should create a world that accommodates and celebrates those individuals. Basting's personal experiences with aging and disability, including her grandmother's stroke, shaped her perspective. The alienating feeling of visiting a nursing home for the first time and witnessing her grandmother's limited communication sparked a desire to bridge the gap between generations and abilities. By acknowledging and addressing cognitive decline, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate society for all ages.

    • Recognizing the potential for creativity in older adults with advanced illnessesFormer fiction writer and PhD in theater studies Anne saw the need for more creative engagement for older adults in performance and theater, recognizing their co-creative role in the storytelling process.

      The act of listening and telling stories is a co-creative process. Anne, a former fiction writer and PhD in theater studies, recognized the lack of representation and understanding of older people in performance and theater. After volunteering in a locked Alzheimer's unit, she was disheartened by the lack of creativity and engagement for those unable to perform. While reality orientation and reminiscence therapy were common approaches, Anne saw the potential for more. She believed that creativity could be a powerful tool for those with advanced illnesses, providing a sense of connection and meaning beyond their current reality. Anne's experiences underscored the importance of recognizing the co-creative nature of storytelling and the potential for art to transform and enrich the lives of older adults, even in the most challenging circumstances.

    • Creative activities foster connections and communicationEngaging people in creative activities, using open-ended questions, can lead to meaningful connections and improved communication, even in challenging situations

      Engaging people in creative activities, even in seemingly hopeless situations, can lead to meaningful connections and improved communication. The speaker's experience of using a simple and flexible approach, involving the use of a picture and open-ended questions, resulted in a powerful moment of connection with a man named Bill, who had deep communication problems and cognitive challenges. This approach, which involved singing and storytelling, brought joy and a sense of contribution to both the speaker and Bill. The speaker's dedication to sharing this approach led to its implementation in various settings, including adult day programs, skilled care, individual homes, and training for students, family caregivers, and home care workers. The key to the approach is to ask open-ended questions that allow for the creation of a story together, fostering trust and a sense of shared experience.

    • Creating Connection Through Creativity: Bill's StoryEngaging individuals with dementia in creative pursuits can foster meaningful connections, promote creativity, and enhance self-worth. Shifting perspective to focus on the present can lead to rewarding interactions.

      Creativity and interpersonal connection can have a profound impact on individuals with dementia. The story shared involves a man named Bill, who had an obsession with rocks from his family farm in Charlevoix, Michigan. This obsession was seen as a folly by some, but what was unique about these rocks was the presence of a specific type called Petoskey stones. Bill's connection to these stones was deep, and when he sang an old hymn, his voice transformed, showcasing the power of music and communication. When the speaker returned, they had an idea to collaborate on a new song, incorporating Bill's stories about the farm and the poetry of his experiences. This project had a dual impact: it facilitated meaningful connection between the speaker and Bill, and it provided Bill with a sense of value and purpose through the creative process. However, the speaker emphasized that this kind of interaction requires a shift in perspective from those around the person with dementia. Instead of holding onto rigid expectations of who they once were, it's essential to allow them to live in the present and engage in creative pursuits. This approach can be challenging, but the rewards are significant: fostering connection, creativity, and a renewed sense of self-worth.

    • Experiencing contrasting emotions during dementia caregivingImprovise and adapt to the unpredictable nature of dementia caregiving to deepen connection with your loved one.

      It's possible to experience contrasting emotions, such as joy and sorrow, at the same time, especially when dealing with dementia in a loved one. Anne, an expert in the field, shares her personal experience of watching her own mother go through this process. She recalls moments of confusion and disorientation, which were indicators of her mother's brain changes. Interacting with her mother in a caregiving role can be challenging, as each visit is unpredictable. Anne shares the improvisational approach she uses, greeting her mother with a "hoo hoo" and adapting to her current state in the moment. The unexpected moments, such as lying down next to her mother and sharing a moment of peace, can lead to cherished memories. Embracing the improvisational nature of caregiving and being present in the moment can help deepen the connection with a loved one despite the challenges.

    • Creating supportive spaces for dementia caregivers and individualsExpanding memory cafes and integrating them into community spaces enhances social connections and improves quality of life for individuals with dementia and their caregivers.

      Meaningful social engagement and connection are crucial for people with dementia, yet they are often isolated due to fear and discomfort. The creation and expansion of memory cafes, which provide safe, nurturing spaces for caregivers and individuals with dementia to connect, can significantly improve their quality of life. These informal gatherings offer opportunities for reminiscing, creativity, and learning, and can be integrated into everyday life by establishing them in libraries, cafes, grocery stores, and other community spaces. By prioritizing and making these supportive infrastructures readily available, we can enhance the lives of those with dementia and help them thrive. Additionally, while research on the specifics of social engagement and its impact on individuals with dementia is valuable, it is essential to recognize that meaningful social engagement and a sense of purpose are essential for human well-being, and we should strive to make these opportunities accessible to all.

    • Infusing Creativity into Human RelationshipsAnne Basting's approach to care emphasizes simplicity and creativity, transforming interactions into meaningful experiences for all ages and conditions.

      According to Anne Basting, the creative approach to care, which she developed while working on an Alzheimer's unit, is not limited to dementia care but can be applied to any human relationship. Basting's technique emphasizes simplicity in communication and infusing creativity into interactions. Her organization, Time Slips, promotes this revolutionary approach to elder care through various programs. The key message is that change, even if painful, should not be feared, but rather embraced as an opportunity to connect with others on a deeper level. This approach can bring joy and meaning to every encounter, regardless of the person's age or condition. So, the next time you interact with someone, consider infusing creativity and simplicity into the conversation, and watch the magic unfold.

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