
    This Fight is Coming to Your Front Door (Ep 1273)

    enJune 12, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Joining organizations like AMAC mattersChoose a side, stand firm on beliefs, join AMAC for individual liberty, free speech, freedom of religion, free markets, and a solvent nation, receive truthful content analysis, or risk being left behind.

      In these trying times, people must choose a side and stand firm on their beliefs. Dan Bongino emphasizes the importance of joining organizations like AMAC, which advocates for individual liberty, free speech, freedom of religion, free markets, and a solvent nation. AMAC offers not only monetary benefits but also truthful content analysis that the mainstream media may not provide. The choice is clear: stand with AMAC and Team America or risk being left behind. The recent events at Bongino's household serve as a reminder that these issues are inescapable and demand our attention and action.

    • The pressure to conform to political ideologies is a threat to personal privacy and peace of mindThe polarized political climate in America is causing significant stress and even danger for individuals who value their privacy and focus on their personal lives, as the constant pressure to conform to certain groups and narratives can consume every aspect of life.

      The political climate in America has become deeply polarized, and regular citizens who value their privacy and focus on their personal lives are now unable to escape the constant bombardment of political ideologies. This pressure to conform to certain groups and narratives can lead to significant stress and even danger, as some groups have called for harmful actions against certain individuals or institutions. The American dream of working hard, providing for one's family, and living a peaceful life is no longer a reality for many, as the fight for political allegiance and constant pressure to conform can consume every aspect of life. It's important to recognize that this fight is coming to every doorstep and that everyone must decide where they stand, even if it means facing backlash and harassment in their own communities.

    • Valuing all lives and rejecting divisive labelsRecognize the value of all lives, including law enforcement officers, and promote understanding and empathy towards others' experiences.

      We need to recognize the value and sacrifices of all lives, including law enforcement officers, and reject the divisive labels and priorities based on race, sex, or ethnicity. The speaker encourages understanding and empathy towards the experiences of others, especially those in dangerous professions like law enforcement. He emphasizes that everyone will face challenges and losses in the current social climate, but it's essential to stand firm and speak the truth. By focusing on the commonalities and shared struggles, we can work towards healing and progress.

    • Staying strong during challenging timesAdvocate for good causes, don't be intimidated by external forces, and draw your line against things that go against your beliefs.

      During challenging times, it's essential to stand up for what is right, even if it means facing criticism or pressure. The speaker, who has faced unique challenges due to his last name, emphasizes the importance of staying strong and not being swayed by external forces. He encourages listeners to advocate for good causes and not be intimidated by those who try to decimate the country through deception, lies, and propaganda. The speaker's experiences, from speaking out against injustice to running for office, demonstrate the importance of taking a stand and not backing down. He urges everyone to draw their line and not be pressured or bullied into saying or doing things that go against their beliefs. The fight may come to your door, but with strength and unity, we can face it together.

    • BCM: More Than Just a Firearms CompanyBCM is dedicated to designing, engineering, and manufacturing lifesaving equipment, prioritizing quality and reliability, and feels it's their moral responsibility to provide tools that won't fail in critical situations. They urge checking their website, YouTube channel, and opposing media narratives of racial division.

      Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM) is not just a firearms company; they are dedicated to designing, engineering, and manufacturing lifesaving equipment. They prioritize quality and reliability above all else, as their products may be used in life-threatening situations. Despite misconceptions, they are not a sporting arms company, but a company that feels it's their moral responsibility to provide tools that won't fail when it matters most. Additionally, there's a call to check out their website (BravoCompanyMfg.com), YouTube channel (YouTube.com/BravoCompanyUSA), and to testify against the narrative of racial division being promoted by some media outlets, such as CNN, which profit from perpetuating such division. The discussion also touched upon the deceptive use of data by some media personalities, like Chris Cuomo, to instigate racial division.

    • CNN Host's Misleading Statement on Black AmericansMedia outlets and reporters must fact-check and provide accurate information to avoid misleading statements, especially on divisive issues.

      During a discussion on CNN, Chris Cuomo made a statement claiming that black Americans have never had it worse, implying that this was the case under the Trump administration. However, Cuomo failed to provide up-to-date information, as evidenced by the fact that he cut off the data in 2016. In contrast, if he had checked CNN's own website, he would have found that black unemployment had reached a record low under Trump in 2019, before the pandemic hit. This highlights the importance of fact-checking and providing accurate information, especially when making divisive statements. Additionally, it underscores the need for media outlets to hold their own reporters accountable for making misleading statements.

    • Recognizing and Challenging False NarrativesRecognize and challenge false narratives that divide us, emphasize people as individuals, criticize media for spreading misinformation, and focus on education and truth to promote unity and progress.

      It's important to recognize and challenge false narratives that divide us as a society, particularly those related to race and politics. The speaker emphasized that most Americans see people as individuals, not based on their race, and that it's disgraceful for anyone to judge character based on skin color. He also criticized CNN and other media outlets for spreading misinformation and inflaming racial tensions. Furthermore, he highlighted the importance of education and the need to debunk false talking points, such as the idea that President Trump was harmful to the black community or that we should "defund the police." By focusing on the truth and refusing to be pressured into supporting divisive agendas, we can help promote unity and progress in our society.

    • Myth of correlation between education spending and better resultsDespite significant education spending increases, there's no strong or consistent relationship between student performance and school resources.

      Despite common beliefs, the United States spends significant amounts on education and the relationship between education spending and better results is not guaranteed. The speaker argues that there is a prevalent myth that increased education spending leads to better outcomes, but data from Stanford University economist Eric Hanushek's review of nearly 400 studies shows no strong or consistent relationship between student performance and school resources. The speaker encourages the audience to rely on facts and data rather than lies and propaganda when making decisions. Education spending in the US has tripled since 1960, and nearly a third of state budgets are allocated to education. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the country's history with race and working towards universal justice for all.

    • Standing up for one's rights and speaking the truthDespite the potential consequences, it's crucial to stand firm in one's beliefs and not let external pressures dictate actions or labels.

      The label of being a racist is a powerful and destructive one in today's society, capable of ruining careers and social reputations. However, it's important to note that not everyone who is labeled as such is actually racist. Neil Cavuto, in his monologue, emphasized the importance of standing up for one's rights and speaking the truth, even in the face of pressure campaigns and intimidation. He also touched on some lighter topics, such as the declaration of a new country in Seattle's Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone and the confusion surrounding Joe Biden's campaign team. Cavuto also took a moment to promote Omaha Steaks as a great Father's Day gift. Overall, Cavuto's message was one of standing firm in the face of adversity and not letting external pressures dictate one's actions or beliefs.

    • Omaha Steaks and Personal Health StoriesThe speaker shares their excitement for Omaha Steaks and their personal story about discovering the impact of fatty foods on stomach ulcers, leading them to prefer leaner cuts. They also express concerns about Joe Biden's fitness to be commander-in-chief due to apparent cognitive decline.

      The speaker is expressing their excitement about Omaha Steaks and how it helps satisfy their hunger, especially during the Father's Day season. They also share a personal story about how they discovered that fatty foods can worsen stomach ulcers, leading them to prefer leaner cuts of meat. The speaker also expresses their concern about Joe Biden's fitness to be the commander-in-chief due to his apparent cognitive decline. They do not intend to vote for Biden but also express that they do not wish harm on him. The speaker finds Biden's public appearances worrying and raises questions about his ability to lead the military. Overall, the speaker's message revolves around their love for Omaha Steaks, their personal health experiences, and their political opinions.

    • Speaker supports President Trump's involvement, raises concerns about Biden's commentsThe speaker expressed support for President Trump despite criticisms, but raised concerns about Joe Biden's recent speech and historical inaccuracies.

      During a recent discussion, it was pointed out that some individuals have criticized President Trump for being too involved, but the speaker expressed his support for the president and acknowledged everyone makes mistakes. However, concerns were raised about Joe Biden's performance in a speech, specifically his comments about George Floyd's death being more significant than Martin Luther King's and his apparent confusion about historical events. The speaker also mentioned an upcoming interview with Stephen Moore, one of President Trump's economic advisors, which he encouraged listeners to check out. Lastly, there was a humorous segment about the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" (Chaz) declaring independence and the potential implications for international relations and trade deals.

    • Description of Chasylvanian justice systemThe Chasylvanians, from a potentially biased account, are depicted as advanced in law enforcement and agriculture

      The Chasylvanians, a group from the fictional city of Chaz, have an advanced system of justice that involves confronting accused individuals with violence, even on mere accusations. This system is enforced by individuals, such as one seen wearing a white sweater and wielding a baseball bat. The Chasylvanians are also advanced in agriculture. However, it's important to note that this description is based on a biased and potentially inaccurate account from a speaker who has a history of making provocative and inflammatory statements. The portrayal of the Chasylvanians as advanced in both law enforcement and agriculture should be taken with a grain of salt.

    • Chaslavanians' Unconventional Farming Impresses DanDespite using unconventional methods, the Chaslavanians have impressed Dan with their agricultural skills, growing basil by placing topsoil over grass.

      The Chaslavanians, despite their unconventional farming methods, have impressed Dan Bongino with their agricultural prowess. They managed to grow basil plants by simply placing topsoil over the grass and planting the herbs in it. Although Dan acknowledges his lack of agricultural knowledge, even he understands that digging a hole for planting is a common practice. The Chaslavanians' expertise in law enforcement and agriculture has left Dan questioning his own role in the situation. He jokingly considers inviting them to guest host his podcast. Dan grew up in the city and shares a similar background with Paula, who also shared her own grass-cutting story using a scissor. Despite the lighter tone of the conversation, Dan assures listeners that he will cover the Flynn case next week and encourages them to check out his interview with Steve Moore, who is an expert on economics. He also asks for listeners' support by spreading the word about the show and subscribing to their YouTube channel.

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    Follow Sex Gets Real on Twitter and Facebook. It's true. Oh! And Dawn is on Instagram.

    Resources from this episode

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    About Maggie West

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    You can check out Maggie's work and stay in touch on Instagram and Twitter @maggiewest.

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    Follow Sex Gets Real on Twitter and Facebook. It's true. Oh! And Dawn is on Instagram.

    About Dawn Serra

    What if everything you've been taught about relationships, about your body, about sex is wrong? My name is Dawn Serra and I dare to ask scary questions that might lead us all towards a deeper, more connected experience of our lives.

    In addition to being the host of the weekly podcast, Sex Gets Real, the creator of the online conference Explore More, and of the new weekly stream Pop Culture Undressed, I also work one-on-one with clients who are feeling stuck, confused, or disappointed with the ways they experience desire, love, and confidence.

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    Follow Sex Gets Real on Twitter and Facebook. It's true. Oh! And Dawn is on Instagram.

    About Andrew Gurza:

    Andrew Gurza is a Disability Awareness Consultant and Cripple Content Creator whose written work has been featured in The Los Angeles Times, Men’s Health Magazine, Daily Xtra, Gay Times UK, Huffington Post, The Advocate, Everyday Feminism, Mashable, and Out.com, and several anthologies. He was the only disabled cast member of MTV Canada’s hit show, 1Girl5Gays. He is the host of DisabilityAfterDark: The Podcast Shining a Bright Light on Sex and Disability available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Stitcher. Follow him on Twitter @andrewgurza

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