
    This Impeachment Farce is a National Disgrace (Ep 1109)

    enNovember 13, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • New Friday Interview Segment on Dan Bongino's Radio ShowDan Bongino's radio show is introducing a new interview segment on Fridays, endorsed eToro for cryptocurrency trading, and discussed political topics including impeachment and Spygate.

      Dan Bongino's radio show is adding a new interview segment show on Fridays, which will not impact the regular weekday lineup. The announcement is part of a three-part series and listeners can sign up for the newsletter at bongino.com to get a head start on the upcoming lineup. Additionally, Bongino endorsed eToro as a platform for trading cryptocurrencies due to its ease of use, social trading features, and high trading volume. The show also touched upon political topics such as the impeachment process and the Spygate case, with Bongino expressing his views on these issues. The show is sponsored by eToro, a smart crypto trading platform, and Bongino encouraged listeners to try it out for themselves.

    • Politically motivated impeachment processPerception of unequal rules and politically motivated impeachment has led to calls for action to shut it down, despite potential consequences

      The impeachment process against President Trump is being viewed as a farce by some, with figures like Adam Schiff being labeled as a discredited conspiracy theorist. The rules of conduct during the process are being emphasized, but the perception is that the Democrats are not playing by the same rules. This was highlighted during the Kavanaugh hearings, where the Democrats attempted to delay the process due to a lack of time to review documents. The sentiment is that it's time for those in favor of the President to fight back and shut down what is seen as a politically motivated impeachment. The country's stability is a concern, with the Constitution and free speech being perceived as under threat. The call to action is to play hardball and shut down the process if necessary, despite potential consequences such as ethics investigations.

    • Senate control shifts to McConnell, disadvantaging DemocratsDemocrats lose control over witness lists in impeachment trial, potentially leading to unfavorable outcomes

      The impeachment trial in the Senate, which the Democrats currently control the process in the House, will be a significant disadvantage for them. The control shifts to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has shown no signs of folding, as demonstrated during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. The Democrats have had the power to approve witness lists in the House, but this authority transfers to the Senate, meaning they will no longer have the exclusive ability to call witnesses. This shift could lead to a disastrous outcome for the Democrats, as Marcus outlines in his article in The Federalist.

    • Impact of Impeachment Trial on DemocratsThe impeachment trial could negatively impact Democrats by pulling top candidates away from campaigning, potentially lasting for weeks, and lacking substantial evidence, while President Trump may benefit.

      The ongoing impeachment trial against President Trump, particularly if it extends into the presidential campaign season, could negatively impact the Democrats. Hunter Biden's involvement in business deals in Ukraine while his father was Vice President, if investigated further, could lead to allegations of corruption. The timing of the trial, potentially lasting several weeks, could pull top Democratic candidates away from campaigning in critical states during the Iowa caucus. Additionally, the lack of substantial evidence and the party's previous divisive behavior during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings could further harm their chances. Overall, the impeachment trial may not yield the desired outcome for the Democrats and could even benefit President Trump.

    • Impeachment process faces bipartisan oppositionDespite ongoing discussions, bipartisan support for impeachment is lacking, making it an unlikely outcome, while high-quality razors like Harry's offer a great shave at a reasonable price.

      Despite ongoing discussions about impeaching the president, the lack of bipartisan support makes it an unlikely outcome. The speaker emphasized that no Republicans are expected to vote for impeachment and only one Democrat might, making it a bipartisan effort not to impeach. He also highlighted the importance of high-quality razors, like those offered by Harry's, which provide a great shave at a reasonable price. The speaker shared his personal experience using Harry's razors and praised their sharp, durable blades and convenient delivery system.

    • Dan Bongino endorses Harry's Razor and offers a discount codeDan Bongino praised Harry's Razor for its quality and ease of use, offering a discount code for listeners to try it risk-free. He criticized Rep. Eric Swalwell's attempts to cover up investigations and abuse presidential power in the impeachment process.

      During the discussion, Dan Bongino strongly endorsed Harry's razor, emphasizing its quality, ease of use, and the risk-free trial offer. He encouraged his listeners to try it out and shared the discount code for a trial set. Additionally, Bongino criticized Representative Eric Swalwell's statements regarding the impeachment process and the president's power to remove ambassadors. He considered Swalwell's suggestions as an extreme abuse of power and an attempt to cover up ongoing investigations into collusion, spying, and the weaponization of intelligence agencies. Bongino emphasized the importance of understanding the constitutional roles and powers of the president in foreign policy negotiations and appointments.

    • Disagreement over Trump's power to remove ambassadors and install passenger on government planeSwalwell argues against Trump's power to fire ambassadors and criticizes him for installing a passenger on a government plane, while Bongino defends Trump's power and criticizes Swalwell's objections. They also recommend Simply Safe, a home security system, due to its affordability and ease of installation.

      During a discussion about diplomacy with Russia and the power of the president to remove subordinate officers, Swalwell and Bongino had opposing views. Swalwell argued against Trump's constitutional power to fire an ambassador and compared it to a nuclear war with Russia. He also criticized Trump for installing a passenger in a government plane. Bongino, on the other hand, defended Trump's power and criticized Swalwell for his objections. The conversation then shifted to an advertisement for Simply Safe, a home security system, which the hosts highly recommended due to its ease of installation and affordability. According to the hosts, Americans worry more about burglaries than other crimes and the average loss on a burglary is over $2,000. Simply Safe offers 24/7 monitoring for a fraction of the cost and uses video verification for faster police dispatch.

    • FBI's Trump-Russia investigation was a setup from the startSources claim FBI's Trump-Russia investigation was a setup to generate a fake crime before July 31, 2016, raising questions about their motives and potential defense for investigators

      The FBI's investigation into Donald Trump's team, which began on July 31, 2016, was a setup from the start. According to sources, this was not an investigation into Trump colluding with Russia, but rather a plan to generate a fake crime. The investigation opening on a weekend, without proper vetting, raises questions about the FBI's motives. If investigators found evidence of wrongdoing before July 31, 2016, it could create a problematic defense for those involved in the investigation. The sources suggest that all the setup and mechanics of the fake crime occurred before this date, allowing the FBI to claim they had no knowledge of these events. This defense could be a significant issue for investigators like Michael Horowitz and John Durham as they look into the spying scandal on President Trump.

    • Australian diplomat's tip to FBI about Trump-Russia ties might be linked to Obama admin's intel sharing with AustraliaIntelligence sharing between US and Australia in Mar 2016 could have led to the FBI's investigation into Trump campaign's Russian ties, raising questions about potential political motives.

      The alleged tip from Australian diplomat Alexander Downer to the FBI about a meeting with Trump team member George Papadopoulos regarding Russian dirt on Hillary Clinton came after Jim Clapper's secretive visit to Australia in March 2016. This timing raises questions about potential intelligence sharing between the US and its Five Eyes partners, with Downer's report possibly being part of an effort to spy on the Trump campaign for the Obama administration. The delay in Downer reporting this explosive information to the FBI until after the WikiLeaks email dump in July 2016 further adds to the intrigue.

    • Obama administration issues directive for international cyber incident managementDuring the July 2016 timeframe, the Obama administration issued a directive for managing international cyber incidents, and the FBI was involved in both the WikiLeaks investigation and the implementation of this directive, raising questions about potential coordination.

      During the July 2016 timeframe, there were significant events unfolding both related and unrelated to the ongoing attempts to link the Trump campaign to Russia. The WikiLeaks dump of Democratic Party emails on July 22nd intensified these efforts, but it was not a prerequisite for them. On the same day, the Obama administration issued Presidential Directive 41, allowing for coordination with international partners to manage cyber incidents. The FBI agent leading this effort was Anthony J. Ferrante, who also had a close relationship with then-FBI Director Jim Comey. The timing and Ferrante's role in both the WikiLeaks investigation and the Obama administration raise questions about potential coordination between these events.

    • Early Russian interference investigation and Italian intelligence officer's roleFormer Italian intelligence officer, Joseph Mifsud, may have played a role in the early investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and George Papadopoulos' meeting with an alleged Russian agent in May 2016 may have led to the sharing of information with the FBI, but the official investigation wasn't opened until July.

      The investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, specifically regarding the Trump campaign, began earlier than previously reported. Former Italian intelligence officer, Joseph Mifsud, who was later hired by BuzzFeed to verify parts of the anti-Trump dossier, may be tied to an investigation into alleged surveillance abuses by the FBI and the DOJ. The meeting between George Papadopoulos and an alleged Russian agent, Azra Turk (also known as "Ms. Sood"), in May 2016, was reportedly used to extract information from Papadopoulos about Russian efforts to obtain emails related to Hillary Clinton. This information was allegedly shared with the FBI on May 11th, but the investigation was not officially opened until July. The timing of this and the release of DNC emails by WikiLeaks on July 22nd raises questions about the timing and motivation behind the investigation. The information about the early sharing of information with the FBI from Papadopoulos, as well as the stroke page texts from May 11th, adds to the complexity of this story and highlights the need for further transparency and clarification from the FBI and the DOJ.

    • FBI's Russia probe timeline may be inaccurateNew evidence suggests the FBI might have known about potential Trump-Russia collusion earlier than they admitted, with communications between FBI officials and Australian diplomats about George Papadopoulos in late June 2016, predating the official start of the investigation in July. The use of WikiLeaks dump as a cover story also raises questions.

      The FBI's timeline of their investigation into the Trump team's alleged collusion with Russia appears to be inaccurate. According to evidence uncovered by Congressman Devin Nunes, there were communications and meetings between FBI officials and Australian diplomats about George Papadopoulos in late June 2016, which predates the official start of the investigation in July. These communications suggest that the FBI may have been aware of potential collusion earlier than they have admitted. Additionally, the use of the WikiLeaks dump as a cover story for their actions raises questions about the legitimacy of their investigation. It's important to note that this is an ongoing investigation, and more information may come to light as the facts continue to be uncovered.

    • Possible deeper conspiracy in 2016 election allegationsThe speaker suggests that high-level officials may have manipulated the media narrative against Trump to cover up their own malfeasance during the 2016 election. The IG report is expected to provide more information.

      The allegations against Donald Trump surrounding the Wikileaks email dump during the 2016 election were potentially part of a larger effort to frame him and divert attention from the actions of high-level officials within the intelligence community and the Democratic Party. According to the speaker, these individuals were eager to cover up their own malfeasance and manipulate the media narrative against Trump. The upcoming IG report is expected to shed more light on this situation, and the speaker encourages listeners to sign up for his newsletter and news aggregator for further updates. The speaker also mentions an upcoming interview show, promising that it will be a good one. Overall, the speaker's message suggests that there may be a deeper conspiracy at play in the events leading up to the impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump.

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    Please contact us on Twitter @Triple_B_Pod
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/brothersbreaking.bread.7
    or Email: brothersbreakingbreadpod@gmail.com

    Music Cred:
    Show Intro- We Outchea - Joseph Jefferson
    Outro- It’s Over – Joseph Jefferson
    Coup D'eTat- Z. Ore, J. Jefferson

    Terrible Thoughtz Album- Zeb Ore, Jason Jones, Jeremy Scott, Joseph Jefferson

    Joe Jeff- Coronamatic

    Photo Editing:
    Jason Jones

    Show Title: A Change Gon’ Come/ Departure Announcement



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    Topic of the week: Impeachment

    How does impeachment work?

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