
    This Is A Redline. A Fight Is Coming. (Ep 1642)

    enNovember 05, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Frustration with Biden administration's disconnect from public opinionCriticism of Biden admin's handling of vaccine mandates, payments to illegals, and proposed legislation has led to calls for peaceful resistance and individual activism due to concerns over data security and government disregard for public opinion.

      The current political climate in America, as represented by the Biden administration, is perceived by some to be disconnected from the concerns and needs of the people. The administration's handling of issues such as vaccine mandates and payments to illegals has been criticized as deceitful and dismissive of public opinion. The call for "mass disobedience" reflects a growing sentiment that peaceful resistance may be necessary to effect change. Additionally, concerns over data security and the potential risks of proposed legislation have highlighted the importance of individual vigilance and activism. Overall, the message is one of frustration and a call to action, emphasizing the need for citizens to stand up for themselves and take back their country.

    • Biden's vaccine mandate implementation delayBiden delayed vaccine mandate implementation until after the elections and holiday season, sparking criticism and concerns about workforce and supply chain impacts.

      During the transition period, President Joe Biden stated that he would not implement a vaccine mandate. However, after the November elections, he announced mandatory vaccines with an effective date of January 4th, 2022. The delay in implementation was speculated to be due to the potential impact on the elections and the holiday season. Critics argue that Biden waited to punish those who voted against him. Additionally, the administration's press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, downplayed concerns about the impact on the supply chain and workforce, despite evidence of civil disobedience.

    • Vaccine mandates lack legal authority and contribute to workforce shortagesSpeaker argues that Biden admin's vaccine mandates lack legal authority, causing economic dislocation through workforce shortages and contributing to inflation and supply chain issues.

      The speaker believes the vaccine mandates imposed by the Biden administration lack the necessary legal authority and will result in economic dislocation due to a workforce shortage. They argue that vaccine requirements do lead to people leaving their jobs, which in turn contributes to inflation and supply chain issues. The speaker also emphasizes that this issue is not about the vaccine itself but rather about control and punishment for those who refuse to comply. They criticize the administration for overstepping its bounds and making up the authority for these mandates. Some Republican attorneys general have echoed these concerns, stating that OSHA's reach of federal power is questionable and that the emergency temporary standards are meant for work-related hazards, not all hazards. The speaker urges people to understand that this is an attempt to control individuals and punish those who refuse to be controlled, rather than a genuine effort to promote public health.

    • OSHA violation penalties spark calls for civil disobedienceEmployers face up to $136k in penalties for OSHA violations, sparking calls for civil disobedience and criticism of perceived government overreach, including vaccine mandates and payments to illegals. Check TriLifeMD.com for weight loss assistance and consider Henry Repeating Arms for rifle and shotgun purchases.

      Employers who violate Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations without abating the violation can face significant penalties, up to $136,000 for willful or serious violations. The speaker expresses frustration with these penalties and calls for mass civil disobedience as a means of protest against what they perceive as overreach by the government. The speaker also criticizes President Joe Biden for lying about vaccine mandates and payments to illegals. In a lighter tone, the speaker promotes Henry Repeating Arms for rifle and shotgun purchases, and encourages listeners to check their eligibility for GLP1 prescription medications at TriLifeMD.com for weight loss assistance. The speaker's overall message is one of defiance against perceived government overreach and a call to action for individuals to take control of their bodies and their rights.

    • Biden administration's illegal immigrant policy and potential paymentsThe Biden administration denies reports of $450,000 payments to illegal immigrants, but the ACLU confirms their consideration as part of settlements, raising questions about transparency and consistency. Critics argue these payments incentivize illegal immigration and create a two-tiered system.

      There is ongoing controversy regarding the Biden administration's policy towards illegal immigrants, specifically regarding reports of potential payments of up to $450,000 to those who were separated from their families during detainment. The administration, through President Biden and Press Secretary Jean-Pierre, has denied these reports, labeling them as "garbage." However, the ACLU has confirmed that such payments are being considered as part of settlements. This discrepancy raises questions about the administration's transparency and consistency. Furthermore, critics argue that these payments incentivize illegal immigration and create a two-tiered system where illegal immigrants receive more benefits than citizens. This issue underscores the broader debate about immigration policy and the role of the government in providing aid to those who have broken the law.

    • Constructively Channel Criticism Against AdministrationEngage in political process, organize at workplaces, and take a stand against policies contradicting stated goals. Elections are important but action is necessary.

      The current administration is facing significant criticism, and instead of expressing anger and frustration through destructive means, it's essential to channel it constructively. This includes organizing at workplaces, taking a stand against vaccine mandates, and getting involved in the political process. The speaker emphasizes that elections are a part of the solution, but action is crucial. They also criticize the administration for inconsistencies in their policies, particularly regarding taxes and the supposed intention to tax the rich. The speaker points out that the Democrats' actions, such as the salt deduction, contradict their stated goals. Overall, the message is to stay engaged and take action, rather than just talking or relying on elections alone.

    • Political motivations behind tax policiesTax debates involve fairness, income groups, and political implications, with certain policies disproportionately benefiting blue states and wealthy individuals who vote Democrat, while some Republican-leaning states miss out.

      The ongoing debate around tax policies and deductions is not just about fairness or benefiting certain income groups, but also about political motivations. The discussion highlighted that certain tax policies, such as the salt tax exemption and state and local tax deduction, disproportionately benefit wealthier individuals in blue states who tend to vote for Democrats. Meanwhile, some states like Florida and Texas, which have a larger voter base for Republicans, do not enjoy these tax benefits. It's crucial to consider these political implications when evaluating tax policies and their potential impact on various demographics. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the ongoing investigations into alleged Russian collusion, with no arrests made for collusion itself but several indictments related to attempts to frame former President Trump. Overall, it's essential to maintain a critical perspective and not be swayed by political rhetoric when assessing complex issues like taxes and investigations.

    • Investigation into Russian collusion allegations focuses on Igor DanchenkoThe indictment of Igor Danchenko for false statements could reveal a larger conspiracy involving the Clinton campaign or be an attempt to wrap up the Russian collusion investigation

      The ongoing investigation into the origins of the Russian collusion allegations against Donald Trump hinges on the actions of Igor Danchenko, a primary source for Christopher Steele's infamous dossier. The recent indictment of Danchenko on false statements charges could potentially lead to the uncovering of a larger conspiracy involving the Clinton campaign. However, it's also possible that the indictment is an attempt to wrap up the case by proving that Danchenko knowingly misled the FBI. Regardless, the investigation continues to shed light on the questionable origins of the collusion allegations and the role of key players in shaping public perception during the 2016 election.

    • Durham Investigation Focuses on PR Executive's Role in Dossier CreationThe Durham investigation is examining the role of a PR executive with Clinton ties in the creation and dissemination of the Steele dossier, potentially leading to scrutiny of the Clinton campaign.

      The ongoing Durham investigation into the origins of the Russian collusion probe may be focusing on a PR executive with deep ties to the Clinton campaign and the State Department. This executive, believed to be Charles Dolan, reportedly introduced the primary subsource for the Steele dossier, Igor Danchenko, to various individuals and organizations involved in the creation and dissemination of the dossier. Dolan's background includes a history of political involvement with the Democrats, having served as a state chairman for President Clinton's campaigns and an advisor to Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign. Additionally, he was appointed to an advisory commission at the US State Department by President Clinton. The implications of these connections could potentially lead to investigating the Clinton campaign itself, as Durham continues to explore the origins of the Russian collusion probe. The FBI's handling of the FISA warrant application process in 2016, which did not include interviewing Danchenko until January 2017, remains a significant concern and raises questions about potential misconduct.

    • NYT acknowledges Steele dossier was based on rumors and liesThe New York Times now admits the Steele dossier, once promoted as factual, was based on false information. Igor Danchenko, a primary researcher, is expected to be charged with lying to the FBI. The outcome of the investigation is uncertain, with some skepticism that those involved in the Clinton campaign will be implicated.

      The New York Times, which once vigorously promoted the Steele dossier as factual, is now acknowledging it was based on rumors and lies. Igor Danchenko, a primary researcher for the dossier, is expected to be charged with lying to the FBI. It's unclear if the investigation will lead to the arrest of those involved in the Clinton campaign or if Danchenko will be used as a witness to implicate them. The speaker expresses skepticism, believing that Danchenko will be discredited and the case closed, as the New York Times and journalists Adam Goldman and Charlie Savage have lost credibility due to their role in promoting the dossier. The speaker encourages listeners to read between the lines and understand the implications of this development.

    • Equal Grades for All - Encouraging Hard WorkThe speaker suggests an unconventional teaching method where every student receives the same grade to encourage hard work, drawing parallels to historical issues and personal experiences.

      The speaker proposes an unconventional teaching method where every student receives an equal grade regardless of their performance on a test. The intention behind this is to encourage students to work hard only when they believe they will be rewarded. He draws a parallel to this concept and the historical issue of people not working under communism. The speaker also shares his personal experience with cancer and considers it a blessing, despite the challenges it brought. He believes that discussing his cancer journey too much might come across as self-aggrandizing. Additionally, he mentioned his ongoing efforts to help those affected by vaccine mandates and is in the process of setting up a website for donations. Lastly, he mentioned some controversies surrounding Equinox Gym and Ford Motor Company's potential involvement with left-leaning organizations.

    • The significance of sleep and deep sleep for optimal functioningPrioritize sleep and deep sleep for improved energy levels, better mood, and optimal functioning. Monitor sleep patterns to understand their impact on overall well-being.

      The importance of sleep and deep sleep cannot be overlooked. Dan Bongino shared his personal experience and how he came to realize this after noticing a significant difference in his energy levels based on the amount and quality of sleep he got. He emphasized that deep sleep is crucial for feeling good and functioning optimally. Another lesson he shared was the value of living in the moment with loved ones, especially children, as life is unpredictable. He also encouraged people to monitor their sleep patterns to understand the impact it has on their overall well-being. Additionally, Bongino touched on various political topics, expressing his opinions on issues such as voter ID laws and border control. Overall, his message emphasized the importance of self-awareness, prioritizing sleep, and staying informed on current events.

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