
    This is an Abomination of Justice (Ep 1239)

    enApril 29, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • House Speaker Pelosi's repeated liesDespite truth debunking, Pelosi continued to spread false statements, underscoring the importance of fact-checking and holding politicians accountable.

      House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been accused of lying repeatedly about various issues, including President Trump's comments about disinfectants. Despite the fact that Trump's words were misconstrued and he did not actually suggest injecting disinfectants, Pelosi continued to perpetuate the lie on MSNBC. This highlights her allergy to the truth and her tendency to exacerbate situations with false statements. It's important to fact-check information before spreading it, especially when it comes from powerful political figures. In the case of Pelosi's accusations against Trump, the truth was debunked and yet she continued to spread the lie. This underscores the importance of holding politicians accountable for their words and actions.

    • Pelosi's Political VulnerabilitiesCritics argue Pelosi's handling of certain situations and emotional reactions have left her open to accusations of being out of touch and insensitive, while her party faces backlash over the Flynn case.

      Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's handling of certain political situations, particularly her opposition to travel bans and her response to criticism, has left her vulnerable to public perception as out of touch and insensitive. The discussion also touched upon the alleged framing of Michael Flynn by the Obama administration, which has gained renewed attention. Pelosi's emotional reactions and perceived lack of political tact have been criticized, while Flynn's case is seen as an example of political manipulation. The speaker's actions and reactions have left her open to accusations of being an embarrassment to her party and a disgrace in the eyes of her critics.

    • FBI Interviewed Flynn Without Proper ProtocolFormer FBI Director James Comey sent agents to interview Michael Flynn at the White House without following proper protocol, planning to use the Logan Act as a backup charge if Flynn didn't remember details correctly, but later claimed Flynn lied during the interview, despite evidence to the contrary.

      During the transition period between the Obama and Trump administrations, former FBI Director James Comey sent agents to interview Michael Flynn at the White House without following proper protocol. Their goal was to catch Flynn in a lie or misstep regarding a call with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. However, they didn't know if Flynn would remember every detail, so they also planned to use the unconstitutional Logan Act as a backup charge. Comey admitted to this on tape, but the original FBI reports stated that Flynn did not lie during the interview. This creates a significant issue as Comey admitted to violating protocol and now claims Flynn lied, but the evidence contradicts him.

    • Law Firm Covington and Associates' Handling of Michael Flynn's CaseFormer Obama official Eric Holder's involvement in Flynn's law firm raised concerns, withholding of documents, and new evidence uncovered after re-execution of searches.

      The legal representation of Michael Flynn by the law firm Covington and Associates, which included Eric Holder as a partner, raised significant concerns. Sidney Powell, Flynn's current lawyer, has accused Covington of not adequately defending Flynn and withholding crucial documents. Covington later re-executed email collections and searches, uncovering approximately 6,800 new documents and emails that were not initially provided to Flynn's team. The involvement of Eric Holder, a former Obama administration official, in the law firm adds an intriguing layer to the situation. The handling of Flynn's case by Covington and the apparent withholding of documents have led to speculation and questions about potential conflicts or ulterior motives.

    • Government concealed deal from other defendantsGovernment's non-disclosure of a deal with Michael Flynn's attorney could impact the integrity of the justice system and potentially manipulate testimony, with serious consequences.

      The government, through the law firm Covington & Burling, kept a deal they made with Michael Flynn's attorney regarding the prosecution of Flynn's son, Michael Flynn Jr., hidden from other defendants. This non-disclosure, known as a Giglio violation, raises concerns of withheld evidence and potential manipulation of testimony. The seriousness of such violations can result in career-ending consequences and even potential prosecutions. The implications of this revelation extend beyond the Flynn case, as it highlights a potential issue with the integrity of the justice system.

    • Preparing for Crisis: Securing Your Food SupplyHaving an emergency food supply is crucial during crises. Politicians not working doesn't change that. Go to PrepareWithDan.com to reserve your food kit.

      During times of crisis, ensuring your food supply is an essential part of being prepared and self-reliant. The speaker, who was a guest on Hannity, emphasized the importance of having an emergency food supply and shared his personal experience of having multiple supplies for his family. He also criticized politicians who are not returning to work while everyone else has to, and encouraged people to go to PrepareWithDan.com to reserve their emergency food kits. The speaker's message was clear: it's not too late to prepare for the unknown duration of the crisis.

    • Frustration towards those in power during crisisEssential workers risk lives, politicians should contribute, Chief Justice John Roberts criticized for not upholding Constitution

      During this time of crisis, many essential workers are putting their lives on the line to keep America functioning, while some politicians are criticized for not doing their part. The speaker expresses frustration towards those in power who have not returned to work, using strong language and personal anecdotes. He also criticizes the Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, for not upholding the Constitution according to his view. The overall message is that everyone, especially those in positions of power, should be contributing to the effort to overcome the challenges faced during the crisis.

    • Criticisms against Chief Justice Roberts for politically influenced decisionsDespite his constitutional role, Chief Justice Roberts' decisions in high-profile cases have been criticized for appearing to cater to political pressure, leading to accusations of lacking courage and upholding the Constitution

      Chief Justice John Roberts has been criticized for making decisions based on political pressure rather than constitutional principles. In the Obamacare case, he saved the law by redefining the individual mandate as a tax, despite Obama's earlier denial. In the census citizenship case, he threw out a question that was legally permissible due to his fear of backlash from the media. More recently, he avoided ruling on a Second Amendment case due to pressure from the Wall Street Journal editorial board. These actions have earned Roberts the reputation of being a politician who caters to the media and lacks the courage to uphold the Constitution.

    • Political Influence on the Judicial SystemThe Supreme Court case on New York's gun carry law was mooted due to political pressure, and media inaccuracies were criticized, emphasizing the importance of fact-checking.

      The Supreme Court case regarding New York's gun carry law was rendered moot after the city and state revised their bans, and politicians like Senator Sheldon Whitehouse threatened the court with potential restructuring if they didn't drop the case. This highlights the political influence on the judicial system and the potential consequences for rulings that go against powerful figures. Furthermore, the media was called out for spreading inaccurate information about President Trump, specifically regarding his supposed millions owed to Bank of China. The media's track record for getting stories wrong was emphasized, and the importance of fact-checking and clarification was emphasized.

    • Dan Bongino's Negative View Towards JournalistsDan Bongino shares his negative experiences with journalists, criticizing their intelligence and spreading of fake news, but acknowledges some are intelligent and is fair on his show. He also promotes Echelon Fitness.

      Dan Bongino expresses a negative view towards journalists based on his personal experiences. He shares anecdotes about his interactions with the media during his time as a Secret Service agent and as a political candidate. According to Dan, he found journalists to be generally unintelligent and has criticized specific journalists for spreading fake news. However, he acknowledges that there are some intelligent journalists and is fair on his show. Dan also promotes Echelon Fitness and encourages listeners to try it out as an affordable alternative to Peloton.

    • Media outlets continue to spread false information about President Trump and coronavirusThe Washington Post falsely claimed that coronavirus was frequently mentioned in President Trump's briefings, but the ODNI debunked this claim. Some media outlets and politicians use this tactic, called 'body blows,' to weaken public perception before a larger attack.

      Certain media outlets, such as The Washington Post, continue to perpetuate a narrative that President Trump downplayed the coronavirus threat and people died as a result, despite this claim being debunked. The Washington Post's latest attempt to revive this narrative involves alleging that the coronavirus was mentioned frequently in President Trump's presidential daily brief, implying that he ignored these warnings. However, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has already debunked this claim, stating that the information in question was not included in the briefs. Despite this, The Washington Post continues to push this narrative, potentially setting the stage for a larger political attack. This pattern of spreading false information, or "body blows," is a tactic used by some media outlets and politicians, such as Adam Schiff, to soften up the public for a larger attack against President Trump.

    • Debate over Trump administration's handling of coronavirus pandemicDespite some positive signs, the coronavirus pandemic continues to cause polarization and disagreement, with accusations of mishandling from both sides.

      There continues to be a contentious debate regarding the Trump administration's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, with accusations of warnings being ignored and travel bans being criticized. The Washington Post, a news outlet often criticized for its perceived bias towards the Democrats, has been a frequent source of criticism from some quarters for its coverage of the issue. Meanwhile, there is some positive news on the horizon, with Pfizer indicating that a coronavirus vaccine could be ready for emergency use by the fall of this year. However, it's important to note that this is not yet confirmed, and we should continue to wait for more facts to emerge. Overall, it's clear that the pandemic has led to a great deal of polarization and disagreement, with both sides accusing each other of mishandling the situation.

    • Potential Links Between Clinton Campaign and Obama Administration in Trump InvestigationAllegations suggest Clinton campaign connections to Obama officials Rice and Nuland regarding Steele dossier and Trump investigation, but require further investigation

      There are allegations that key figures in the Obama administration, including Susan Rice and Victoria Nuland, may have had knowledge of the infamous Steele dossier and the investigation into the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier, has testified that Talbot, a former State Department official under Bill Clinton, had been in touch with him earlier in the summer and was aware of the relevance of the material to the US election. Talbot, in turn, had connections to Clinton hatchet man Cody Sheer and Victoria Nuland, who was a key policy maker on Russia in the Obama administration and had previously worked as Talbot's chief of staff. These connections suggest a potential link between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration's handling of the Trump investigation. However, it's important to note that these allegations have not been proven and require further investigation.

    • Soviet tech tyrants' excessive control and silencing of conservative voicesThe Soviet tech tyrants' efforts to control information and silence conservative voices are a concern, impacting individuals and limiting the free flow of information. Stay informed and engaged by subscribing to factual sources.

      The Soviet tech tyrants are exerting excessive control and their actions are becoming increasingly upsetting. This issue is significant and warrants further attention. The media seems unwilling to cover this story, but it's important that we do. Subscribing to channels like Bongino's on YouTube and Apple Podcast can help spread factual information and contrast viewpoints. The efforts to silence conservative voices are a concern and it's crucial that we stay informed and engaged. The Soviet tech tyrants' actions are not only impacting individuals, but also limiting the free flow of information. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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