
    This Is How They Cheat In Elections (Ep 2068)

    enAugust 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Democrats focus on voter registration drivesDemocrats prioritize voter registration drives to increase their voter base and gain an advantage in elections, viewing voting as a numbers game and aiming to register as many voters as possible to increase chances of winning.

      Democrats focus on voter registration drives to increase their voter base and gain an advantage in elections. According to the speaker, they view voting as a numbers game and aim to register as many voters as possible to increase their chances of winning. The first step of this process, registration, is crucial as it enables the subsequent steps of sending out ballots, collecting them, and counting them. If the registration process is successful, Democrats can "fish in a bigger pond" with more potential voters. This simple yet effective strategy is why they prioritize voter registration drives.

    • Democrats' focus on voter registration raises concerns of potential voter fraudDemocrats prioritize voter registration to expand their base, but their nonpartisan organizations may facilitate voter fraud through mail-in ballots, which have a high rejection rate and potential for fraudulent activity.

      The Democrats' focus on voter registration is a crucial part of their strategy to increase their voter base and potentially engage in voter fraud. They present themselves as nonpartisan organizations, but in reality, they are working to help Democrats. The process involves registering voters, sending ballots, and collecting them, with little concern for whether the registered voter is the one who actually votes. The New York Times has criticized mail-in balloting for its potential for fraud and contested votes, and the high rejection rate for mail-in ballots compared to in-person voting raises concerns about the potential for significant fraud if large numbers of ballots are sent out. The Democrats' plan goes beyond the legal process of registering and counting votes, and their past boasts about cheating add to the concerns.

    • United Front Against Trump: Business, Labor, and Liberal DonorsIn the 2020 election, a coalition of business leaders, labor unions, and liberal donors worked together to ensure Trump's defeat through various means, including changing voting systems and laws, recruiting poll workers, securing funding, pressuring social media companies, and monitoring every pressure point.

      In the 2020 election, there was a coordinated effort between left-wing activists, labor unions, business titans, and liberal donors to ensure Trump's defeat. This alliance saw the formalization of a PAC on Election Day, with the US Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO publishing a joint statement. They worked together to change voting systems and laws, recruit poll workers, and secure funding. They also pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and monitored every pressure point to prevent Trump from overturning the result. The groups bragged about their actions, and even those who dislike Republicans acknowledged the triumph of American democracy. This coalition's success relied heavily on mass mail-in and absentee balloting, which they had been advocating for years. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing renewed efforts to push for mass mail and balloting, as well as increased focus on COVID-related measures.

    • Manipulating the electoral process with mass mail-in votingSome aim to manipulate elections through mass mail-in voting, registering voters, sending ballots, and collecting/counting, risking a police state response if exposed.

      The push for mass mail-in voting in the United States is part of a larger plan by some to manipulate the electoral process. This plan involves registering a large number of voters, sending out mail-in ballots, and collecting and counting those ballots, regardless of whether the voters have actually cast them. If this effort fails, there is a risk of a full police state response, including censorship, job loss, and even imprisonment for those who expose or speak out against it. The speaker expressed concern that this is already happening to individuals like Donald Trump and himself. It's important to stay informed and vigilant about these developments.

    • Politicization of Justice Department and Potential Constitutional CrisisThe politicization of the Justice Department and potential misuse of government resources to target political opponents could lead to a constitutional crisis. Former Speaker Newt Gingrich warns of serious consequences if this trend continues.

      The current political climate in the United States has raised concerns about the politicization of the Justice Department and potential misuse of government resources to target political opponents. This issue has been highlighted by recent events, including the FBI raid on former President Trump's home and his subsequent indictment. Critics argue that this behavior is reminiscent of banana republics, where the tip of the spear is power, and the abuse of that power is irrelevant. The danger, according to some, is that if this trend continues, the country may be headed towards a constitutional crisis. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has warned that the situation could be as serious as the one leading up to the Civil War. It's crucial for voters to pay attention to these developments and take action to prevent further erosion of the rule of law and the politicization of law enforcement.

    • Political climate at a critical point, power being misusedPowerful figures are breaking laws, censoring opponents, and manipulating elections. It's crucial to take action and restore the rule of law in America.

      The current political climate in the United States is at a critical point, with those in power willing to break the law and destroy their opponents. This was highlighted during the 2016 and 2020 elections, and the situation is expected to worsen unless those in power are removed from office. The corrupt machine is using every means possible, including cheating in elections, censoring opponents, bankrupting them, and even jailing them. The only solution is to take action and remove these individuals from power. It's important to note that this isn't just about elections, but about the rule of law and the Constitution. The people who want to control America will stop at nothing to maintain their power. The good news is that some Republican states have revamped their voting rules, making it harder for this to happen. It's crucial that we remain vigilant and continue to fight for our democracy. Additionally, there may be hope on the horizon, as indicated by recent events and the words of influential figures like Mark Levin. Overall, it's a challenging time, but with determination and unity, we can overcome these obstacles and restore the rule of law in America.

    • Political Climate of Personal Attacks and Extreme MeasuresModerate politicians justifying extreme measures against adversaries is a dangerous trend, undermining democracy and rule of law. Personal animus should not be settled with law enforcement or legal proceedings. Take advantage of Jenny's cell skincare offer at genuCEO.com/Dan or genuCell.com/Dan, with free shipping, free returns, and a mystery luxury gift.

      The current political climate, as exemplified by the argument between Jenny and Harold Ford Jr., is a cause for concern. Moderate politicians, regardless of party affiliation, are justifying extreme measures against political adversaries. This is a dangerous trend that undermines the principles of democracy and the rule of law. It's important to remember that personal animus should not be settled with the use of law enforcement or legal proceedings. This behavior is reminiscent of totalitarian regimes and is not acceptable in a democratic society. Furthermore, the discount offer on Jenny's cell skincare is a reminder that sometimes, in the midst of serious issues, it's important to take advantage of good deals. Jenny's offer includes free shipping, free returns, and a mystery luxury gift, all at a significant discount. So, don't wait, order now at genuCEO.com/Dan or genuCell.com/Dan. In a lighter vein, the reference to the movie "Unforgiven" serves as a reminder that morality and redemption are complex concepts that are worth exploring, even in the midst of political turmoil.

    • Discussion on Trump's potential self-pardon and its constitutional implicationsThe constitutionality of a president self-pardoning and the potential implications for ongoing cases, such as the Georgia case against Trump, is a complex legal issue open to interpretation and subject to litigation.

      The constitutionality of a sitting president being indicted and self-pardoned is a complex legal issue. During a discussion, William J. Bennett expressed concern over the potential erosion of the constitutional republic, referencing Harold Ford's perspective that Trump "had it coming." Mark Levin, a legal expert and mentor to Bennett, argued that a president, including Trump, could potentially pardon themselves from state charges if re-elected, citing the Constitution's silence on the issue and the supremacy clause. This argument would have implications for the ongoing Georgia case against Trump. The validity of this interpretation would be subject to litigation, but it raises important questions about the balance of power between the executive branch and the judiciary.

    • Speaker criticizes Biden for false claims and age concernsSpeaker questioned Biden's truthfulness regarding deficit reduction, raised concerns about another term due to age, and debunked an outdated Amtrak conductor story.

      During a recent radio show, the speaker criticized President Joe Biden for making false claims about reducing the deficit and shared instances of him repeating outdated stories. The speaker also pointed out Biden's age and expressed concern about the potential consequences of another term. Additionally, the speaker questioned why Biden continues to request debt ceiling increases if the deficit is supposedly decreasing. The speaker also debunked a story Biden told about an Amtrak conductor named Angelo, who had died and retired from Amtrak long before Biden was vice president. The speaker urged listeners to fact-check political narratives and consider the accuracy of the information presented by political figures.

    • Lies and Controversies Surrounding Joe Biden and Michael OrrWait for facts before sharing, be wary of sensationalized media, and practice critical thinking when confronted with potentially misleading information.

      There are allegations against Joe Biden for lying about being present at the collapse of a bridge in Pennsylvania before promoting his infrastructure bill, and there's also a developing story about Michael Orr, a football player from the movie "The Blind Side," who is now claiming that the family that took him in didn't adopt him as previously believed. The speaker expresses his disappointment in waiting to share these stories until more information is available, but emphasizes the importance of fact-checking and questioning narratives, especially those that may involve racial elements. The speaker also mentions his suspicion of the media's role in sensationalizing these stories. Overall, the speaker encourages critical thinking and fact-checking in the face of potentially misleading information.

    • Media manipulation and threatsApproach media with skepticism, especially stories involving race, due to potential manipulation and threats.

      The media landscape can be manipulated and misleading, as evidenced by the allegations made against Michael Lord demanding a large sum of money and threatening to plant a negative story. Dan Pongino emphasized that such stories, especially those involving race, should be approached with skepticism due to potential manipulation. Despite technical difficulties during the stream, Pongino expressed gratitude to his audience for their loyalty and promised to improve in the future. Ultimately, it's crucial to remain informed but also to approach media with a critical and discerning mindset.

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