
    This Is Our Roman Empire

    enFebruary 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Affordable wireless plans and new spiced Coca-ColaMint Mobile offers unlimited wireless plans for $15 a month, while Coca-Cola introduces a new spiced drink for an extraordinary taste experience.

      There are affordable wireless plans available from Mint Mobile, with unlimited talk, text, and data for just $15 a month. Meanwhile, Coca-Cola introduced a new spiced version of their classic drink, promising an extraordinary taste experience. During the episode of Distractable, the hosts discussed various topics, including Bogus Bob's fearless approach to computerized competition, Mark's canine calamity, and Wythe Fish Wade's enthusiasm for a popular game. The hosts also established some rules for the show, such as having a semi-annual meeting on a boat and keeping track of points during the competition. Despite some playful banter, the rules are meant to be arbitrary, and the points don't technically matter.

    • Shifting topics in conversationsStay open-minded and adaptable during conversations to discover new insights and learn from unexpected topics.

      Even in seemingly unrelated conversations, there are opportunities to connect and learn from each other. During a discussion about a hypothetical red flag theme park and soccer misbehaviors, the topic shifted to artificial intelligence. The speakers, Mark and Wynn, showcased their intelligence and ability to adapt to new topics, reminding us of the importance of being present and engaged in conversations. Wynn shared a story about his experience as a "funcle" on vacation, where he learned not to show fear when children say offensive things. Mark talked about his vacation in Florida, where they had a Valentine's Day lunch and encountered a blizzard on their way back. They also touched on the topic of AI and how it can lead to unexpected and interesting conversations. Despite the seemingly random topics, the conversation flowed naturally, demonstrating the power of being open-minded and adaptable in conversations. It's a reminder that even in the most unexpected situations, there's always something to learn and explore.

    • Dealing with unexpected challenges in lifeLife is unpredictable, be adaptable and resourceful when faced with unexpected obstacles. Find joy in the little things even in challenging situations.

      Unexpected events, like heavy rainstorms and a dog's unique pooping habits, can disrupt even the most well-planned routines and cause unexpected challenges. The speaker in this conversation found himself in a situation where he had to deal with his dog's poop in the rain, leading to a lengthy and messy cleanup process. Despite the inconvenience, he found a way to make the best of the situation and even discovered a new product called DogScape. This experience serves as a reminder that life is unpredictable, and we must be adaptable and resourceful when faced with unexpected obstacles. Additionally, the conversation showcased the importance of having a good sense of humor and finding joy in the little things, even in the most challenging situations.

    • New Text-to-Video AI, Sora, Creating More Realistic VideosOpenAI's Sora AI is improving text-to-video generation, enhancing object permanence and spatial awareness for more lifelike videos, but it's not yet easy or quick for individuals to create movies from prompts.

      The latest advancement in AI technology, specifically OpenAI's new text-to-video AI called Sora, is making significant strides in creating more realistic and consistent videos. This is a step forward in AI's ability to understand object permanence and maintain spatial awareness, making the videos more lifelike. However, despite its impressive capabilities, the technology is still not at a point where individuals can generate movies from text prompts easily or quickly. The discussion also touched on the potential implications of AI advancements on jobs, with past predictions of it not being an immediate threat now proven to be premature. Overall, the conversation highlighted the fascinating progress being made in AI technology and its potential impact on various industries.

    • The current state of generative AI is impressive but not yet ready for widespread useGenerative AI's computational power and resource requirements are currently beyond individual or organizational reach, with significant climate and resource implications. Progress is being made, but it's not yet accessible to everyone.

      Generative AI, like the one used in ChatGPT, requires an enormous amount of computational power and resources, currently beyond the reach of most individuals or organizations. The memory required for such consistency across the entire video is likely in the terabytes, and the cost effectiveness is not viable for widespread use. Furthermore, the energy consumption needed to run generative AI at the scale imagined would have significant climate and resource implications. The iterative developments and advancements in AI are necessary to make it more efficient and accessible to a larger audience. The current state-of-the-art in generative AI is impressive but not yet ready for widespread use. The entire world is dedicating significant resources to developing these models, and progress is being made, but it's not yet accessible to everyone. The idea of a conspiracy theory surrounding Mark Zuckerberg and his use of a headband during interviews is not based on fact. The headband was likely used for hair management purposes.

    • Understanding the Limits of AIAI can process vast amounts of information and generate human-like responses, but it lacks the ability to truly understand context or concepts. Future development focuses on overcoming these limitations.

      While advanced AI models like the one discussed can process vast amounts of information and generate human-like responses, they lack the ability to truly understand context or concepts. Wade's use of a silicone hairband could be seen as a simple aesthetic choice or a deeper conspiracy, but for the AI, it's just processing the input and generating a response based on its programming. The limitations of current AI technology include the need for massive computational power and the inability to truly understand context. Despite its advanced capabilities, AI remains a virtual intelligence, a language model that processes information and generates responses based on its programming, but lacks the ability to conceptually understand the world around it. The future of AI development lies in finding ways to overcome these limitations and truly grant AI the ability to understand and interact with the world in a meaningful way.

    • Managing Expenses with Technology: Rocket Money's RoleRocket Money helps users save money by managing subscriptions, monitoring spending, and lowering bills, with over 5 million users and $500 million in savings.

      Technology, specifically the personal finance app Rocket Money, can help individuals manage their subscriptions and save money. Rocket Money offers features like canceling unwanted subscriptions, monitoring spending, and lowering bills. With over 5 million users and $500 million in savings, it's an effective tool for gaining control over expenses. However, as technology advances, concerns about its impact on society, particularly during sensitive political times, arise. For instance, the potential for AI-generated deepfakes to manipulate public opinion during elections is a serious concern. The Helldivers 2 video game, a persistent universe at war third-person shooter, offers an escape from these concerns, allowing players to join forces and spread democracy. It's a reminder that technology, while powerful, should be used responsibly.

    • A persistent war against automatons and aliens in HelldiversPlayers join ongoing battles in a richly detailed universe, affecting the progress of the human resistance through complex strategy gameplay.

      In the game "Helldivers," players are part of a persistent war against automatons and aliens, with the possibility of losing planets and sectors. The game's lore is rich and immersive, with ongoing battles affecting the progress of the human resistance. Players can see the current status of planets and sectors, and join missions to increase human control. The game's backstory includes previous conflicts with other species, and the developers, Arrowhead, have a history of creating engaging top-down squad games. The shift from Helldivers 1's twin-stick shooter style to Helldivers 2's more complex strategy gameplay adds depth to the series. Overall, Helldivers offers an engaging and collaborative gaming experience set in a richly detailed universe.

    • Helldivers' Unexpected Success and Server IssuesDespite unexpected high demand and server issues, players remain engaged with Helldivers due to its cooperative gameplay and individual impact on larger missions. Developers Arrowhead are working to resolve the issues and maintain a positive gaming experience.

      Helldivers, a popular indie game, has faced significant challenges due to unexpected high demand and server issues. Players, including the speaker, are eager to contribute and get involved in the game, but are frustrated by the inability to connect to servers and the presence of inactive players. The game's developers, Arrowhead, did not anticipate the game's success and are working to address the issues. The speaker compares the current situation to past gaming phenomena like Pokemon GO and expresses appreciation for the game's unique features, such as its cooperative gameplay and the impact of individual actions on the larger mission. The developer's decision to exclude PVP mode has been met with criticism from some players, but the speaker supports the decision and praises the developer for their transparency and commitment to creating a positive gaming experience.

    • Passionate discussion about Helldivers' cooperative PVE gameplay and destructible environmentSpeakers appreciate Helldivers' challenging cooperative gameplay, destructible environment, and potential for lore development. They also praise the crafting and base building in Enshrouded, comparing it to Red Faction.

      The speakers in this discussion are passionate about the game "Helldivers" and its unique features, particularly the cooperative PVE gameplay and the destructible environment. They appreciate the challenge of the game and the potential for lore development based on mission outcomes. The speakers also mention the crafting and base building in Enshrouded as impressive, drawing comparisons to games like Red Faction. Despite some difficulties, they are looking forward to continuing to play Helldivers and potentially exploring other aspects of the game, such as recording an episode while playing together. They also mention the importance of teamwork and communication in the game, as well as the variety of mission objectives. The speakers express excitement about the potential for future patches and developments in the game. Overall, they value the immersive and engaging experience that Helldivers provides.

    • Intensely cinematic and challenging Helldivers 2 gameplayHelldivers 2 offers a unique, immersive gaming experience with intense cinematics, challenging gameplay, and a passionate community.

      Helldivers 2 is an intensely cinematic and challenging game where players are constantly on the run and barely escaping each mission with dramatic last stands. The game's mechanics, such as diving and ragdoll physics, add to the immersive experience. Every mission feels overwhelming, and progress is slow but rewarding as players fight to liberate sectors and push forward. The community around the game is passionate and invested, with many players sharing heroic last stands and dramatic moments on social media. Despite not having played the game yet, the speaker is already deeply invested due to the hype and excitement generated by the community. The game's difficulty and constant sense of panic are reminiscent of early GTFO, but with more patriotic themes and a strong focus on teamwork. Overall, Helldivers 2 offers a unique and immersive gaming experience that is both challenging and rewarding.

    • Exploring Affordable Car Parts and New DiscoveriesThe hosts discussed their enthusiasm for eBay Motors' affordable car parts and Ice Breakers Ice Cubes gum, shared their investment in Helldivers 2, and revealed an unusual experience of feeling their heartbeat constantly.

      During the discussion, the hosts shared their excitement for affordable car parts on eBay Motors and Ice Breakers Ice Cubes gum. They also expressed their investment in the game Helldivers 2, with a focus on the sector Malevolon Creek. A surprising revelation was shared about the ability to constantly feel one's heartbeat, which is not a common experience. The hosts also joked about handshakes and the importance of being prepared. Overall, the conversation showcased their shared interests and experiences, with a mix of gaming, personal anecdotes, and product recommendations.

    • Exploring Bodily Awareness and PerceptionFocusing on bodily sensations can increase awareness, while ignoring them can decrease perception. Our brains filter out certain sensations, and becoming aware of them can be surprising.

      Our perception of our own bodies and their functions can vary greatly from person to person. Some people may be more aware of their heartbeats, while others may hardly notice them. This discussion touched on the idea that focusing on certain bodily sensations can make us more aware of them, and ignoring them can lead to a decreased perception. The speaker also drew a comparison to the concept of aphantasia, where some people cannot imagine things visually in their minds, and wondered what other differences might exist between people's bodily experiences. The conversation also touched on the idea that our brains filter out certain sensations, and becoming aware of them can be a surprising experience.

    • Perception of physical sensations can change due to nerve overstimulationOur bodies have a protective mechanism that can deaden or lose nerve sensitivity when overstimulated, making us less aware of pains or discomforts.

      Our perception of physical sensations can change over time due to nerve overstimulation. The speaker shared examples of this happening with their dry feet and their attempts to breathe through their nose at all times. When the nerves are overstimulated, they can deaden or lose their ability to conduct properly, leading to a decrease in sensitivity to certain sensations. This protective mechanism can make us less aware of pains or discomforts, such as the dryness of our feet or the burning sensation of acid reflux. It's important to be aware of this phenomenon and take care of our bodies to prevent excessive nerve stimulation and maintain proper sensitivity to our physical sensations.

    • Nasal passages and septum shape impact clogged nostrilsOur nasal passages and septum shape can cause one nostril to clog more frequently than the other. Polyps in the sinus cavity and a muscle in the soft palate can also impact breathing.

      Our nasal passages and the shape of our septum can significantly impact which nostril gets clogged more frequently. Some people may experience this issue more on one side due to physiology, while others may notice it switching back and forth. The discussion also touched upon the existence of polyps in the sinus cavity and the potential impact on breathing. A muscle in the soft palate, which can be manipulated to help open up nasal passages, was also mentioned. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity of the human body and the various factors that can influence our health and wellbeing.

    • Perseverance and Unity: The Power of Holding GroundDespite challenges, determination and resilience led to a successful outcome, emphasizing the importance of holding ground and continuing the fight for what's worth it.

      Despite facing challenges and moments of struggle, the group's determination and resilience led them to a successful outcome, much like the concept of liberty which is often associated with heroism and the right side of history. Mark Winter's speech encapsulated this idea, emphasizing the importance of holding ground and continuing the fight. Additionally, the podcast episode ended with a shoutout to their online presence and a product promotion from Maybelline New York. The use of the heated lip plumping gloss, Lifter Plump, was also highlighted, promising an instant plumping effect and a heated sensation. Overall, the episode emphasized the themes of perseverance, unity, and the pursuit of something worth fighting for.

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    Bringing the Game to Gaming Tech Innovation #CES2020

    Bringing the Game to Gaming Tech Innovation #CES2020

    Today's guest is one that I had the privilege of working alongside during my time at HP. Luca Di Fiore, Head of Products at Xtreme Performance Gear, joins us here at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020, to discuss some game-changing innovation efforts. On this week's show, we will discuss gaming tech innovation and the latest at Xtreme Performance Gear (XPG).


    During my time at HP, I worked alongside Luca in the Innovation Program Office. Luca leads the effort for the carbon fiber laptop known as the Voodoo Envy. He went on to work for Razer, leading the VR efforts over there. Luca says after working on some award-winning products at Razer, he moved on to a new venture known as XPG by ADATA, a memory company. XPG had an exciting plan to push into gaming. Given an innovation budget, Luca has the freedom to innovate. Why would a memory company want to get into gaming? Luca says it's more evident than it looks. The connection is very simple. Memory is the one part that you can really push through the next level with gaming. XPG was able to assemble a team of people passionate about gaming tech innovation from different companies such as Razer, HyperX, Corsair, etc. How big is the group? Luca says he has three teams working in product management, marketing, and RND, totaling almost thirty people. In less than eleven months, we've managed to launch short of twenty products with a relatively low budget. Luca says most of his team is in Taipei, Taiwan, a hub of competitive gaming.

    New Products

    With XPG, you guys have made a ton of announcements recently. Can you give us the rundown? Luca says the big announcements here at CES are called "Invasion has Begun" and the fact that XPG entered into systems. There aren't many gaming companies that can do accessories, peripherals, and systems at the same time, so this is big for us.

    On top of that, we announced a new gaming laptop and a partnership with intel. We also partnered with a U.S startup called Pixeldisplay to create one of the most innovative gaming tech monitors in the market. We looked at how much time tech enthusiasts spend on their monitor and wanted to find a way to preserve their eyesight. We've implemented Pixeldisplay's technology, which offers a better quality of the image that doesn't filter out the blue color, but just the harmful blue LED properties. How big is this display? Luca says it's the same size as any other display with the difference that it does not ship with a stand. On the peripheral side, we have brought in our innovation spearhead called XPG Headshot. In developing this product, we asked the question of how to create an ultra-lightweight mouse. We used 3D printing to create a nicely structured mouse built into one place.

    Product Customization

    Typically, with mice today, there is a universal set of hand sizes, such as small, medium, and large. With 3D printing, do you customize the mice at XPG? We built this AI application to help in the customization of the mouse. We use an AI algorithm to take a picture of your hand and modify it based on the specific dimension. We even let you choose your grip style and personalize the mouse specifically for your needs. Scalability isn't a problem because our gaming tech innovation allows us to build anywhere in the world with these 3D printers.

    What are some other announcements from XPG? We are sponsoring an ESL tournament in Bangkok, Thailand, and we brought a 24-karat gold keyboard, worth $10,000 as the prize. We also have a laptop collaboration with Intel. It is a gaming laptop with a 15" display and is available to ship in Taiwan and Latin America, acting almost like a field trial for the future U.S market.

    Idea to Product

    Many listeners of the show have ideas. They've come up with but no expertise on how to turn them into a product. What advice would you give to an entrepreneur with a fresh idea? Luca says the first rule of thumb is to do great prototypes and make them as functional as possible. For example, my monitors had a prototype that could turn around in a month's time frame. We have a lot of prototyping housing in Asia, specifically Taiwan, due to the cost-effectiveness of the area. The area also has a lot of companies that help with startups. Having a prototype will get you started in creating your gaming tech innovation products or any other product types.

    About our Guest: Luca Di Fiore

    Luca Di Fiore is the Head of Products at Xtreme Performance Gear (XPG) at ADATA. Luca is a bleeding-edge technologist with an international mindset and years of experience innovating and solving problems within the ICT industry, looking to make a difference in people's lives through new human-machine paradigms. His previous experience includes Director of R&D at Razer, and Senior R&D Manager, CTO Office-Innovation Programs at Hewlett-Packard.

    Let's connect; I am on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter. If we do connect, drop me a note and let me know. The email address is feedback@philmckinney.com or you can go to PhilMcKinney.com and drop me a note there. If you are looking for innovation support go to TheInnovators.Network or want to be challenged to develop the next big idea, check out our Disruptive Ideation Workshops. Don't forget to join our Innovators Community to enjoy more conversations around innovation.


    #54 Gérer une foule de 500.000 personnes -Stéphane Donikian - CEO Golaem

    #54 Gérer une foule de 500.000 personnes -Stéphane Donikian - CEO Golaem

    Si vous êtes fan de Game of Thrones,

    Si vous avez adoré Arcane,

    Si Squid Game n'a plus de secret pour vous…

    Alors forcément vous avez vu et apprécié les réalisations possibles grâce à Golaem, le software que Stéphane Donikian et ses co-fondateurs ont créé.

    Un software utilisé partout dans le monde et par tous les plus grands studios pour créer et gérer des foules.

    Avec Stéphane, nous retraçons l'histoire de Golaem, de sa création jusqu'à leurs deux Technical Emmy's Award de 2021.

    Et enfin, vous allez comprendre ce qui se cache derrière la magie.

    Cinéma, Jeux vidéo, publicité et bientôt Métaverse, voici les terrains de jeu de cette incroyable société.

    Le profil LinkedIn de Stéphane : 


    Le site de Golaem : 


    Golaem sur Imdb : 



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