
    This is the Next Information Bombshell To Drop # 973 (Ep 973)

    enMay 06, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Observations on New York and Florida's DevelopmentStay informed, adapt to change, and find solutions to make life easier, whether it's politics, business, or personal life.

      While the world around us continues to change, some things remain the same. Dan Bongino shared his observation of how New York has remained unchanged over the past few decades, while Florida undergoes constant development. Meanwhile, in the political sphere, Devin Nunes dropped bombshells on Maria Bartiromo's show, shedding light on important issues. In the business world, Omax Health introduced Cryo Freeze, a pain relief solution that offers more than just a temporary cooling effect, making it a game-changer for those dealing with constant joint pain. Overall, it's essential to stay informed, adapt to change, and find solutions to make life easier. Whether it's politics, business, or personal life, staying informed and proactive can make all the difference.

    • Nunes: Mueller Report Misrepresented Information About Maltese ProfessorCongressman Devin Nunes believes the Mueller report mischaracterized a Maltese professor's role in the Russia probe, potentially distorting the collusion narrative.

      Devin Nunes, a key figure in the investigation into the origins of the Russia probe, has discovered what he believes to be misrepresentations and omissions in the Mueller report regarding Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor who allegedly provided information to a Trump campaign associate about Russian involvement in the DNC hack. Nunes argues that the Mueller report cherry-picked information about Mifsud, presenting him as a Russian asset when he may have had ties to Western intelligence services. This mischaracterization, Nunes suggests, was a critical component of the collusion narrative. The Nunes translator, a sophisticated device used to decipher Nunes' coded language, has allegedly revealed this information. The investigation continues to uncover potential discrepancies in the Mueller report.

    • Discussion on Joseph Mifsud's connection to Russian intelligenceDespite concerns about Joseph Mifsud's ties to Russian intelligence, it's normal for intelligence services to attend conferences. However, his later welcome back into the US raises questions and underscores the importance of fact-checking and reliable sources.

      The discussion revolves around the connection between a certain individual named Joseph Mifsud and Russian intelligence. The speakers argue that there's nothing illegal or unusual about Mifsud attending a conference where he met George Papadopoulos, as intelligence services from various countries, including Russia, engage in such activities. However, they express concern that Mifsud was later welcomed back into the United States in 2017 by the US State Department despite being identified as a Russian asset by some reports. They question why no warning was given to the US or other intelligence agencies about this potential threat. The speakers also emphasize the importance of fact-checking and using reliable sources when interpreting information from various media outlets. They encourage listeners to look up information on the internet and make their own informed conclusions.

    • Discussion on Mifsud story and spying on Trump campaignConcerns about intelligence assets involved in Trump campaign surveillance, with Nunes criticizing those defending it as anti-civil liberties advocates. The inconsistency in applying surveillance based on Russian connections is also addressed.

      The discussion revolves around the Mifsud story and the allegations of spying on the Trump campaign. Two narratives exist: either the Trump team colluded with Russians or they were set up in an entrapment operation. Devin Nunes, on the Maria Bartiromo show, expressed concern about the number of intelligence assets involved in attempting to extract information from the Trump campaign. It is established that the Trump team was spied on, and the focus is now on identifying the specific intelligence assets and their affiliations. Nunes's criticism of those defending the spying is that they are anti-civil liberties advocates who are desperate to protect the police state. The conversation also touches upon the inconsistency in applying surveillance based on alleged Russian connections. For instance, while Trump's interactions with Russians were a reason for surveillance, Bill Clinton's receipt of a half-million-dollar payment from a Russian-connected financial institution involved in the Uranium One deal was not.

    • Double standard in Russian investigationsDespite Hillary Clinton's team paying a foreign spy for Russian info, there's no call for spying on her. Contrastingly, figures like Papadopoulos face extensive probes for Russian connections, but origin and FBI's knowledge of alleged Russian dirt remains unclear.

      There seems to be a double standard when it comes to investigations into alleged Russian involvement in American politics. While Hillary Clinton's team paid a foreign spy to gather information from Russians, there is no call for spying on her. However, when figures like George Papadopoulos, who was arrested for lying to the FBI, are suspected of having connections to Russians, there is a push for extensive investigations. The origin of the allegation that the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton remains unclear, as it was not obtained from Papadopoulos or Alexander Downer, who met with him. The FBI's knowledge of this alleged dirt remains a mystery, leaving many questioning the motives and methods behind these investigations. It's crucial that any investigations into political figures are conducted fairly and transparently to maintain trust in our democratic processes.

    • FBI's sourcing of information on Clinton-Russia allegations raises questionsThe FBI's acquisition of information on alleged Russian dirt on Hillary Clinton in 2016, obtained through private conversations or informants, requires transparency and accountability for public trust.

      During a conversation between two individuals, Joe and Dan, about alleged Russian dirt on Hillary Clinton in 2016, the FBI's knowledge of this information raises questions about how they obtained it. The conversation took place between the two in private, and there were no other witnesses or reporting to the authorities. The FBI may have had an informant listening in or someone feeding them the information. Another possibility mentioned was the existence of a FISA warrant on Papadopoulos, but the lack of evidence for such a warrant adds complexity to the situation. The discussion also touched upon the media's role in covering the story and the importance of transparency and accountability. The conversation highlights the need for a clear explanation from the FBI regarding their sources and methods in gathering such sensitive information.

    • Working class seeing greater wage gainsThe working class is experiencing greater wage growth than other workers under the Trump economy, as shown in industries like mining, leisure and hospitality, and retail. A majority of Americans approve of Trump's handling of the economy, debunking the Democrats' false narrative.

      Contrary to the Democrats' new talking point, the working class is indeed feeling the benefits of the Trump economy. According to a Wall Street Journal editorial, hourly wage gains for production workers, or the working class, have been greater than for all workers, including supervisors, in the past 12 months. This trend is seen across various industries such as mining, leisure and hospitality, and retail. Furthermore, a recent poll shows that a majority of Americans approve of Trump's handling of the economy. These facts contradict the Democrats' claim that the working class is not feeling the economic growth. It's essential to be prepared for this rhetorical combat when engaging in political discussions.

    • Debate over business motivations during Democratic presidenciesSome commentators suggest businesses underperformed under Dems, but this theory lacks evidence and contradicts historical facts

      There is a debate among commentators about the motivations of businesses during different presidential administrations, with some suggesting that they intentionally underperformed during Democratic presidencies. Chris Hayes of MSNBC has put forth this theory as a conspiracy, drawing criticism for its lack of evidence and implausibility. This theory disregards historical facts, such as the economic boom during the Clinton years, which contradict the idea that businesses deliberately lost money under Democratic presidents. It's important for consumers of news to critically evaluate the arguments put forth by pundits and not be swayed by unfounded conspiracy theories.

    • Critique of Bernie Sanders' healthcare planSpeakers questioned the lack of a formal bill for Bernie Sanders' healthcare plan, 'Bernie Care,' which has prevented damning reports from the Congressional Budget Office.

      During the discussion, there was a critique of certain political opinions. The speakers expressed their views on various topics, including business practices, healthcare policies, and the reliability of certain sources. One notable topic was a critique of Bernie Sanders' healthcare plan, "Bernie Care," also known as Medicare for All. The speakers argued that the lack of a formal bill for analysis has been used to avoid damning reports from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The discussion also featured a commercial break where the hosts promoted Dynatrap, which offers solutions for indoor and outdoor insect control. The hosts shared their positive experiences with the product and encouraged listeners to visit Dynatrap.com and use the promo code Bongino for a 15% discount. Overall, the conversation showcased diverse opinions and highlighted the importance of having clear and specific plans for significant policy changes.

    • Eliminating Private Insurance Could Lead to Reduced Quality and Accessibility of HealthcareThe CBO report reveals that eliminating private insurance under Medicare for All could result in rationing, reduced provider payments, and a potential exodus of doctors and hospital closures.

      The Medicare for All plan, also known as Medicare for None, proposed by Bernie Sanders would eliminate private insurance and lead to significant reductions in the quality and accessibility of healthcare. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report, which was requested by the left, revealed that high-income individuals might prefer to purchase substitute insurance with more generous benefits or greater access to providers, indicating that private insurance would be banned. Moreover, the CBO report suggested that rationing would be necessary due to reduced provider payments, which could lead to a reduction in the amount and quality of care supplied. The dynamic of Medicare and private insurance is that Medicare and Medicaid underpay doctors, and private insurance and the free market compensate for the difference. If private insurance is banned, there would be no one to pick up the slack, leading to doctors leaving the profession, hospitals closing, and rationing. It's important to note that these are the CBO's own projections, given on a silver platter from the left. This issue of private insurance being eliminated is going to be a significant one in the 2020 election. If you like your plan now, including Medicare, it may be gone.

    • Government-run healthcare system may limit treatment optionsUnder a single-payer healthcare system, patients might have access to more providers but may not be able to access certain treatments or drugs due to cost, and the system might not be as responsive to patient needs as private insurance companies.

      While Bernie Sanders advocates for a single-payer healthcare system with any doctor or hospital as an option, a report from the Congressional Budget Office suggests that under such a system, the government could limit treatment options due to cost or perceived lack of additional benefit. This means that while patients may have access to a wider range of healthcare providers, they may not be able to access certain treatments or drugs due to cost. Additionally, the report suggests that the government-run healthcare system might not be as responsive to patient needs as private insurance companies. These factors could potentially outweigh the benefits of universal healthcare access.

    • CBO Report on Medicare for All: Increased Spending and TaxesThe CBO report on Medicare for All reveals substantial spending increases, leading to higher taxes for individuals and corporations, while also suggesting potential limitations in treatment options and responsiveness.

      The CBO report on Medicare for All proposals reveals substantial increases in government spending on health care, which would translate to higher taxes for individuals and corporations. The discussion also explored an idea of offering military personnel a tax waiver for their service, as a potential incentive. The CBO report also suggests potential limitations in treatment options, responsiveness, and rationing under Medicare for All proposals. The speaker expressed support for the military and suggested this tax waiver as a gesture of appreciation for their sacrifices.

    • Government-enforced equality can lead to unequal treatmentGovernment policies promoting equality can inadvertently result in unequal treatment based on race or gender, creating a paradox for true equality

      Government efforts to enforce equality can inadvertently lead to unequal treatment of individuals. This was highlighted in the discussion about Initiative 1000 in Washington State, which reinstated the use of racial and gender characteristics for college admissions and government hiring, despite a previous voter-approved ban on discrimination based on these factors. This policy, aimed at promoting equality, could potentially result in unequal treatment of individuals based on their race or gender, as seen in the potential underrepresentation of Asian people in the lawsuit mentioned. Friedrich Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom" emphasizes this paradox, stating that government-enforced equality requires unequal treatment. This trend towards government-mandated equality leading to unequal treatment is concerning and could potentially lead to further policies, such as reparations, that require unequal treatment based on race or other identity markers. It's important for individuals to be aware of this paradox and to advocate for policies that promote true equality and merit-based outcomes.

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    Links to resources:


    Robin Farmanfarmaian: Robin Farmanfarmaian | LinkedIn








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