
    This Is What It Means To Live Like No One Else!

    en-usMarch 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Waiting for a Million-Dollar Net Worth Before Making Large PurchasesFinancially secure individuals prioritize saving and building wealth before making significant purchases to ensure they can absorb the cost and any potential depreciation without straining their finances.

      Financial stability and having a strong net worth are crucial before making significant purchases that could potentially put a strain on your finances. The Ramsey Show, with Dr. John Deloney, emphasizes the importance of saving and building wealth before making large purchases, such as buying a new truck. The concept is that you should have enough financial cushion to absorb the initial cost and any potential depreciation without it significantly impacting your financial situation. The number given, a million dollars, is not set in stone, but rather a guideline to ensure financial security. The conversation revolves around a couple who is debating buying a truck, with one wanting to wait until they reach a million-dollar net worth before making the purchase. The discussion highlights the importance of understanding the principle behind the guideline rather than being legalistic about the number itself.

    • Exceptions to Financial RulesAssess situations carefully and consider long-term consequences before deviating from financial principles.

      While following a financial plan and staying disciplined is important, there are exceptions. For instance, buying a truck before reaching a specific financial goal doesn't necessarily mean ruining one's financial situation. However, deviating from established principles can feel damaging and may lead to further deviations. The key is to assess the situation carefully and consider the potential long-term consequences. For example, waiting to buy a truck until reaching a certain net worth can provide a sense of security and reinforce the importance of the financial plan. The borrower-is-slave-to-the-lender principle applies to most debts, but taking out a mortgage is an exception due to the stability and long-term benefits it can provide. Ultimately, it's essential to understand the principles behind the financial plan and make informed decisions while staying mindful of the potential risks and rewards.

    • Exceptions to Ramsey's no-borrowing rule include mortgagesMortgages are an exception to Ramsey's no-borrowing rule, but keeping debt minimal and paying it off quickly is crucial. Building a financial buffer is also essential for long-term financial health.

      While the host of the show, Dave Ramsey, strongly advises against borrowing money, he acknowledges that there are exceptions, such as taking out a mortgage to buy a house. He shares his personal experience of following this advice strictly, but allows for flexibility when it comes to home loans. However, he emphasizes the importance of keeping mortgage debt to a minimum and paying it off as quickly as possible. Another important point raised during the discussion was the need for creating a financial buffer, especially for those starting their financial journey with the Ramsey program. This buffer could help individuals avoid the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck and build a foundation for long-term financial health.

    • Rewire your budgeting behaviorEffective budgeting means planning every dollar, following the plan closely, and having term life insurance for unexpected events.

      Effective budgeting involves planning your cash flow and ensuring you have enough money for upcoming automatic payments, without relying on a large buffer. Instead, give every dollar a name before the month begins and stick to the plan to rewire your brain and transform your behavior. Budgeting is not about having a large cushion due to incompetence, but rather about having a detailed plan and following it closely. The importance of this becomes even more apparent during unexpected events, making it crucial for everyone, especially those with families, to have term life insurance.

    • Emotional attachment to a house causing financial strainUnderstanding financial implications while acknowledging emotional complexities is crucial when making decisions based on personal discoveries or unexpected revelations.

      The discovery of family secrets and unexpected revelations, often through genetic testing or other means, can lead to emotional turmoil and difficult decisions. During a call to a financial advice show, a woman named Cindy shared her experience of staying in a house she could no longer afford due to a divorce decree, but was hesitant to leave due to emotional attachment. The expert advised against keeping the house based on financial reasons, but acknowledged the emotional complexity of such decisions. The conversation highlighted the importance of understanding the financial implications of personal situations while also acknowledging the human element behind them. It's essential to approach such discoveries and decisions with a clear understanding of both the financial and emotional consequences.

    • Considering the Long-Term Impact of DivorceDivorce can cause significant financial and emotional changes. Use tools like future focus and sunk cost analysis to make informed decisions.

      Going through a divorce can drastically impact various aspects of your life, making it nearly impossible to keep certain things the same. It's essential to consider the long-term consequences and make decisions based on what will benefit you in the future. Using decision-making tools like looking towards the future and conducting a sunk cost analysis can help in making informed decisions. Divorce can bring significant financial changes, especially for women, as they often face a greater income reduction post-divorce. It's crucial to understand these realities and plan accordingly.

    • Struggling with financially unstable situation can cause long-term harmAcknowledge the short-term pain of adjusting to a new living situation for long-term financial recovery. Focus on increasing income and reducing expenses instead of relying on savings.

      Trying to hold on to a financially unstable situation, even with the best intentions, can cause more harm than good in the long run. This was discussed in relation to single mothers struggling to keep up with mortgage payments after a divorce. The emotional pain of uprooting children from their schools and friends is understandable, but the financial strain can set them back for years. It's important to acknowledge that while the short-term pain of adjusting to a new living situation can be difficult, it's often necessary for long-term financial recovery. Additionally, the speaker emphasized that the greatest gift a parent can give their child is not material possessions, but a stable emotional environment. In the specific case of Hailey and her husband, it was recommended that they focus on finding ways to increase their income and reduce their expenses, rather than relying on savings that may not be replenished.

    • Financial Hardships for Employees with Unreimbursed Company VehiclesAvoid financial hardships by focusing on reducing expenses, increasing income, and managing money wisely. Consider long-term goals and potential earning power before supplementing children's living expenses.

      Working for a company that requires employees to purchase company vehicles on their own, despite not being adequately compensated, can lead to financial hardships. This is especially true when the employee is in a low-paying field, such as a PhD student in environmental science. The speaker advises against enabling such situations and instead suggests focusing on reducing expenses, increasing income, and managing money wisely. For parents, the speaker recommends considering the long-term goals of their children and the potential earning power of their chosen career before deciding to supplement their living expenses. Overall, it's important to be aware of financial commitments and ensure they align with one's income and goals.

    • Balancing Grad School and Multiple JobsIf affordability is a concern, have a family agreement for education costs. Explore work opportunities and ensure a good ROI from the PhD.

      While a graduate student may have restrictions on their work schedule, it doesn't mean they can't work another job or explore opportunities in an adjacent field. The speaker shares their personal experience of obtaining a second PhD while working multiple jobs and being a parent. They argue that if the student cannot afford their education, the family should have an agreement in place for covering the costs, and the student should also be exploring work opportunities to ensure a good return on investment. The speaker emphasizes that education for education's sake can be a luxury, and an additional five years of PhDing should lead to a significant increase in income. The student should be passionate about their field and ensure that the PhD is a requirement for additional income or licensure.

    • Exploring All Options Before Making a Major DecisionConsider various cities with similar net income and preferred quality of life before limiting yourself to two options in a major life decision.

      When considering a major life decision like moving for a job, it's important to explore all possible options thoroughly before making a choice. In the discussion, a nurse named Alex was weighing the pros and cons of staying in travel nursing versus accepting a staff position in San Francisco. While San Francisco offered a higher potential income, it also came with a significantly higher cost of living and taxes. The guest, Dr. John Deloney Ramsey, suggested that Alex consider exploring other cities with similar net income and preferred quality of life before making a decision. Alex mentioned feeling trapped into thinking San Francisco was the only viable option due to travel nursing's uncertainty, but Dr. Ramsey encouraged him to broaden his horizons and not limit himself to just two options. Ultimately, the decision is a personal one, but it's essential to make an informed choice based on a comprehensive analysis of all available options.

    • Making Important Decisions: Research, Explore, ConsiderResearch and explore options thoroughly before deciding, focus on what truly matters, prioritize soft skills, take your time, and trust professionals.

      Making important decisions requires careful consideration and multiple options. The speaker shares his experience of deciding to move to a new place and emphasizes the importance of researching and exploring different opportunities before making a final decision. He also warns against being swayed by superficial factors like a specific salary figure, and instead encourages focusing on what truly matters to an individual. Furthermore, the speaker discusses the importance of possessing strong soft skills, particularly decision making, in today's digital age where virtual decisions can be easily reversed. He advises taking your time to make significant decisions and considering the long-term impact. Lastly, the speaker touches upon the importance of trusting professionals, especially when it comes to handling complicated tax situations.

    • Considering buying a car as a gift for mom's 70th birthdayGiving thoughtful gifts to loved ones during milestones brings joy and builds wealth for future generosity.

      Making thoughtful and generous gestures towards loved ones, especially during significant milestones in their lives, can bring immense joy and fulfillment. The speaker in this conversation is considering buying a car as a gift for her mom, who is turning 70, and is seeking advice on the matter. The conversation reveals that the speaker has the financial means to do so and has a strong bond with her mother. The Ramsey Solutions team, led by Dave Ramsey, encourages the speaker to go ahead with her plan, emphasizing the importance of living generously and building wealth to give back. The conversation also shares a heartwarming story of a friend who reunited with his father over a car sale many years later, highlighting the potential long-term impact of such gestures. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of prioritizing relationships and making meaningful investments in the lives of loved ones.

    • Be wary of dishonest contractorsSeek multiple opinions before making home repair decisions, prioritize debt repayment, and consider financial resources for money management.

      It's important to be cautious when dealing with home repairs and contractors, as some may try to take advantage of homeowners by exaggerating the urgency and cost of necessary repairs. The speaker shared a personal experience of being approached by a potentially dishonest HVAC contractor who claimed that the family's safety was at risk and that extensive and expensive repairs were needed. However, the speaker advised against letting this contractor back into the house and suggested seeking multiple opinions before making any decisions. Additionally, the speaker encouraged listeners to consider their financial priorities and focus on paying off debt before making significant home improvements. Finally, the speaker promoted various events and resources offered by Ramsey Solutions to help individuals improve their financial situation and learn how to manage money effectively.

    • Seeking Clarification on Baby Steps for New ParentsNew parents should pay off debt, build an emergency fund, and save for retirement in order of priority.

      Attending the Ramsey show can provide valuable financial advice, even for new parents. A listener named Shawn, who recently had a baby, was confused about implementing the baby steps, particularly regarding saving for retirement while paying off debt. The Ramsey team clarified that after paying off debt and building an emergency fund, one should focus on saving for retirement. Shawn, who is an electrical apprentice, was advised to start with clearing his $40,000 debt and then create a budget to find hidden savings. By sticking to a budget and eliminating waste, Shawn will be able to build an emergency fund and eventually save 15% of their combined income for retirement.

    • Prioritize debt repayment and savingsFocus on debt repayment while saving 15% for emergencies and investments. Adjust budgets and reprioritize savings for unexpected expenses.

      When it comes to managing personal finances, it's essential to prioritize debt repayment while also saving for emergencies. The speaker recommends putting 15% of household income towards savings and investments, even while paying off debt. However, in the case of unexpected expenses, it might be necessary to pause savings and focus on covering the emergency. The speaker advises against dipping into long-term savings for short-term emergencies and instead suggests adjusting budgets and reprioritizing savings if necessary. Additionally, the speaker shared some insights on going into business with family, emphasizing the importance of clear roles and respectful communication.

    • Setting boundaries in family businessesClear rules, respect, and strong family bonds help maintain balance in family businesses, despite challenges in handing over leadership to the next generation.

      Maintaining a healthy balance between personal and professional roles, especially in a family business, requires clear boundaries and consistent behavior. The speaker, Dave Ramsey, shared his experience of being a father and son in a family business, emphasizing the importance of setting onsite and offsite rules, earning respect, and addressing family dynamics. He also highlighted the challenges founders face when handing over their businesses to the next generation. Ultimately, effective communication, hard work, and a strong family bond can help navigate these complexities and ensure the success of the business.

    • Separating work and personal livesSeek expert advice, legally secure assets, and maintain clear boundaries to optimize productivity and effectiveness.

      Maintaining a clear distinction between personal and professional relationships is crucial for productivity and effectiveness. This was evident in the discussion between the podcast hosts, who emphasized the importance of separating their work and personal lives. They also highlighted the significance of seeking expert advice, such as financial advisors, to help achieve personal goals. The hosts also encouraged listeners to engage with the show and share it with others to help reach more people. However, a listener named Kimberly from Oklahoma shared a cautionary tale about the importance of legally securing assets in a relationship. She discovered that her late fiance had transferred ownership of their house to his sons before his death, potentially superseding the right of survivorship in their deed. Kimberly was advised to consult a lawyer to determine her title and the implications of the quit claim deed. The hosts emphasized the importance of marriage when buying a house to avoid such complications.

    • Complex financial situations with unmarried partnersAvoid under-the-table deals and ensure clear financial agreements before co-owning property. Prioritize financial stability when moving and starting a new job, and focus on making progress towards financial goals instead of taking on new debts.

      Buying a house with an unmarried partner can lead to complex financial situations and potential legal issues, especially if there are children involved. In the discussed scenario, a man found himself in a mess after his late partner made an under-the-table deal that left his fiancée and her children in a difficult position. The best advice is to avoid such situations and ensure clear financial agreements before co-owning property. For those planning to move and start a new job, it's essential to prioritize financial stability. In Mike's case, he should focus on securing employment first and then worry about moving expenses and debts. It's important to remember that taking on one debt to pay off another doesn't make financial sense in the long run. Instead, focus on making progress towards financial goals and securing a stable future.

    • Reassessing finances during significant life changesWhen making major life changes, adjust expenses to ensure financial stability and consider insurance coverage to protect your finances.

      When making significant life changes, such as entering a new career or moving to a new location, it's essential to reassess your financial situation and adjust your living expenses accordingly. This may mean downsizing your home or other possessions, but doing so can lead to financial freedom and peace of mind. The Ramsey Solutions team offers a coverage checkup quiz to help individuals determine the necessary insurance coverage to protect their finances. And if you're feeling called to make a change, remember that it often comes with sacrifices, but the rewards can be worth it.

    • Following a call or making a significant life change comes with a costTrusting oneself and the environment are crucial for successful transitions, which may involve personal sacrifices and a leap of faith.

      Following a call or making a significant life change comes with a cost. Dave Ramsey shared his personal experience of going all-in with his financial peace business after bankruptcy, which required sacrifices and a leap of faith. He emphasized that none of these changes are permanent, and it's essential to trust oneself and the environment to make such transitions successfully. It's important to remember that these costs can vary from a 25-minute commute to a move to a smaller house, and they're an inevitable part of the process. Second Peter 3:9 reminds us that the Lord is patient and not slow in keeping His promises, and promises, like crying babies in a theater, should be acted upon promptly.

    • Renting to Irresponsible Family Members: A Financial and Emotional StruggleRenting to family members with a history of irresponsibility can lead to significant financial and emotional strain. Clear boundaries, proactive management, and forgiveness are crucial in maintaining relationships and protecting investments.

      Renting a house to family members who have a history of irresponsibility can lead to significant financial and emotional strain. In this case, the family in question allowed their sisters to rent their house, only to find out that they hadn't paid rent on time and had caused significant damage to the property. Despite knowing their sisters' tendencies, they felt torn between their familial obligations and the need to protect their investment. The situation became even more complicated when the family tried to navigate family gatherings and maintain relationships with the sisters who had caused the damage. The family members were divided, with some blaming the renters and others defending them. Ultimately, the family had to make a difficult decision. They evicted the sisters and moved back into the house, but they were left with the financial burden of repairing the damages and lost rent. The experience served as a painful reminder of the importance of setting clear boundaries and being responsible landlords. Moving forward, the family learned to forgive and forget, focusing on the love and connection that binds families together, rather than the mistakes and disappointments. They also recognized the importance of being proactive in managing their properties and protecting their investments.

    • Taking Responsibility for Our ActionsLearn from past mistakes, set boundaries, and move forward wisely. Take responsibility for your actions and make better decisions.

      We have control over the situations we find ourselves in, and taking responsibility for our actions is crucial. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges that she allowed certain situations to escalate due to her lack of management and expectations. She emphasizes that people and situations, no matter how difficult, cannot be changed into something they're not. It's essential to learn from past mistakes and move on, rather than seeking retribution or holding grudges. The speaker also highlights the importance of setting boundaries and recognizing that not everyone we care about can live with us or be employed by us. Lastly, she encourages listeners to learn from her experiences and make better decisions in their own lives. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to take responsibility for our actions, learn from our mistakes, and move forward with wisdom and understanding.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    Build Wealth by Doing What Rich People Actually Do

    Build Wealth by Doing What Rich People Actually Do
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss: "Is it ever okay to spend $50k on a trip?" "My dad wants me to pay for his life insurance..." "Should we buy a house if we're going to move in 4 years?" "We disagree about paying off our cars," "We make $400K but can't pay extra on debt," "I co-own a house with my girlfriend's parents..." "My employer wants me to stop my side hustle" Support Our Sponsors: Zander: Go to zander.com or call 800-356-4282 for a fast and easy quote today. Health Trust Financial BetterHelp: betterhelp.com/Delony to get 10% off your first month Next Steps 🏠 Selling Your House? Check out one of our Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agents 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🎟️ Reserve your seat for Summit 2025 today! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    All About Family Money Drama!

    All About Family Money Drama!
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "I did a bad deal with my parents and now I'm not getting paid," "Is it possible to build wealth while renting?" Why you don't need to build your credit score if you don't plan on borrowing money, "I'm tired of paying so much in taxes..." "My husband gambled away our HELOC," "My wife is a compulsive shopper" "What can I do to stop overdrafting my account?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp NetSuite Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  📚 Teach Kids About Money!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

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    Gym Bro Is Going To Die In Poverty

    Gym Bro Is Going To Die In Poverty

    Check out these fun things:

    Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/calebhammer⁠ 

    My socials: ⁠https://linktr.ee/calebhammer⁠ 

    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 05:21 Kudos 10:40 Business is not booming 12:16 Stop this BS SPENDING! 14:23 I'm scared for you... 21:00 Losing a friend over debt 25:54 SPEND SPEND SPEND! 31:00 What even is your buisness? 35:37 You need to work more 40:07 You need a budget! 43:00 Your situation is DIRE 44:00 Clean up this mess 52:26 Hammer Financial Score

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/calebhammer/support

    Her "Baby Daddy" Destroyed Her Life

    Her "Baby Daddy" Destroyed Her Life

    Check out these fun things:

    Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/calebhammer⁠ 

    My socials: ⁠https://linktr.ee/calebhammer⁠ 

    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 04:12 Worst relationship in the world 09:25 This is more important than finances 11:42 SOFI 13:48 You don't have the income for this! 24:22 Holy checking account! 28:53 There's no excuse with this spending 34:18 AURA 38:14 You need a budget! 44:06 Please just do this 50:00 Hammer Financial Score

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/calebhammer/support

    Couple Is Going To Die In Poverty

    Couple Is Going To Die In Poverty

    Check out these fun things:

    Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/calebhammer⁠ 

    My socials: ⁠https://linktr.ee/calebhammer⁠ 

    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Jobs and Incomes 06:50 You're meant to be SELLING the cars! 12:50 What a mess! 15:00 Stop using Credit Cards! 20:00 Wait... There's more?! 24:20 Worst Car Debt I've Seen to Date 29:04 You guys are Screwed 33:40 SPEND SPEND SPEND 35:23 You Need a Budget 41:14 I'm Scared for You 44:00 Clean up this Mess! 49:00 Final Thoughts 50:51 Hammer Financial Score

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/calebhammer/support