
    “This Is Why You’re Single!” - Divorce Lawyer on Love, Lies, and Cheating | James Sexton

    enJanuary 21, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Kroger's Attractive Meal Options and Savings OpportunitiesKroger provides a wide range of affordable meal options and various savings opportunities, making it a go-to choice for shoppers.

      Kroger offers an extensive selection of delicious meal options along with everyday low prices and various savings opportunities, making it an attractive choice for shoppers. Meanwhile, Bumble introduces new features to enhance compatibility, initiate conversations, and ensure safety in the dating scene. Relationships, whether successful or not, are a common experience for most people, and divorce is a reality for many married couples. Jim Sexton, a divorce lawyer, shares insights into the reasons for relationship failures and the importance of understanding the complexities of love and connection. The craziest divorces, according to Sexton, involve intense dislike and a once-loved partner, showcasing the strange and often painful transformation of intimacy into a weapon.

    • Understanding and Affection Towards Ex-PartnersDespite past hurts, recognizing everyone's pain and focusing on present happiness can lead to understanding and affection towards ex-partners.

      Despite past relationship challenges and even betrayals, it's possible to maintain a deep sense of affection and understanding towards an ex-partner. People's actions are often driven by their own pain and past experiences, and it's essential to recognize that everyone is trying to figure out life in their own way. Anger and resentment can be all-consuming, but it's essential to remember that they only cause harm to oneself. The speaker shares an analogy of children pushing away before leaving for college, and similarly, when we lose something or someone, we might need to mentally let go to move forward. Ultimately, it's crucial to understand that everyone has value, and focusing on the present and living life to the fullest can help us find peace and happiness.

    • Life experiences shape unexpected careersEmbrace unexpected career paths and prioritize mental well-being through resources like BetterHelp

      Life experiences, whether intentional or not, shape our paths and can lead us to discover new passions and careers. For instance, a psychology major with a minor in substance abuse might not have expected to become a divorce lawyer, but the combination of their interests and circumstances led them to this fulfilling profession. Another important takeaway is the significance of mental well-being, which can be nurtured through professional help. The speaker, who has ADHD, shares how they've benefited from using BetterHelp, a therapy service that offers flexibility and convenience for individuals seeking support. By being open to new experiences and embracing resources like BetterHelp, we can turn challenges into opportunities for growth.

    • Respecting each other's roles in a relationshipValuing each other's contributions and working together as a team is essential for a long-lasting marriage, regardless of political or social differences.

      Respect and appreciation for each other's roles in a relationship, regardless of political or social differences, is crucial for a long-lasting marriage. The speaker learned this valuable lesson from their parents, who had vastly different backgrounds and beliefs but managed to respect and love each other deeply. The father, a naval academy graduate and Vietnam veteran, and the mother, a progressive liberal and stay-at-home mom, taught their children the importance of valuing each other's contributions and working together as a team. This sense of unity and respect for each other's roles, whether inside or outside the home, is essential for maintaining a harmonious and loving relationship. Unfortunately, the speaker believes that this understanding is being lost in today's society, with constant pressure on individuals to conform to specific roles and constant comparison and criticism from others.

    • The pressure of societal comparisons on social mediaFocus on your own happiness and the happiness of those closest to you, rather than societal expectations or comparisons.

      The constant exposure to others' curated lives on social media can lead to endless comparisons and dissatisfaction with one's own life. This can create a pressure to constantly strive for an ideal that may not be attainable or realistic. The speaker emphasizes that true happiness and fulfillment come from the relationship between the two people in a household, rather than societal expectations or comparisons. In the past, people had fewer external influences, making it easier to define their sense of self and focus on their own lives. However, today, with the abundance of social media and the constant comparison it breeds, it's important to remember that everyone's life is unique and that focusing on one's own happiness and the happiness of those closest to us is what truly matters.

    • Comparing Ourselves to Others Can Be HarmfulInstead of comparing ourselves to others, focus on personal happiness and satisfaction. Appreciate and value our unique experiences and relationships.

      Comparison can negatively impact our perception of ourselves and our relationships. The speaker shares an observation about the high standards of appearance among some gay men in Chelsea, New York, and how it can make others feel inadequate. However, he also points out that everyone has their own unique experiences and comparisons can often be unrealistic or unattainable. He encourages focusing on personal happiness and satisfaction instead of comparing oneself to others. The speaker also touches upon the importance of communication in relationships and how it can help avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. In essence, the key takeaway is to appreciate and value our own experiences and relationships, rather than constantly comparing them to others.

    • Small acts of kindness build strong relationshipsAppreciate the value of small gestures and consistent behavior to build lasting bonds, express gratitude regularly, and be a supportive and positive influence in your partner's life.

      Relationships, whether romantic or platonic, thrive on small acts of kindness, gratitude, and attentiveness. These little things are often overlooked, but they are the foundation of a strong connection. Just as in finance, the day-to-day efforts and disciplined actions are what build long-term success, in relationships, it's the small gestures and consistent behavior that create a lasting bond. It's essential to appreciate the value that each person brings to our lives and express our gratitude regularly. By focusing on the little things, we can avoid taking our partners or friends for granted and keep the relationship strong. Additionally, being a supportive and positive influence in our partner's life is crucial for maintaining a healthy and happy relationship. The ability to recognize when a relationship may not be working and making the difficult decision to move on is also important. Overall, relationships require effort, consistency, and a deep appreciation for the other person.

    • Understanding and accepting flaws in a partnerA meaningful relationship requires a partner who accepts your flaws, inspires growth, and supports you through challenges. Focus on understanding the underlying causes of relationship breakdowns and working towards solutions.

      A meaningful relationship requires a partner who accepts your flaws, inspires growth, and supports you through life's challenges. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a partner who uplifts you when you fall instead of criticizing or abandoning you. Additionally, the speaker challenges the common belief that women are the primary initiators of divorce, arguing that it's not an accurate reflection of the complexities of modern relationships. Instead, the speaker suggests that the focus should be on understanding the underlying causes of relationship breakdowns and working towards solutions that benefit both parties. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the humanity and complexity of both partners in a relationship.

    • Understanding the reasons behind marriageMarriage success isn't determined by who files or fault, but by why individuals marry and their understanding of its purpose and implications.

      The focus on who files for divorce and the presence or absence of fault in a divorce may not be the most significant factor in the success or failure of a marriage. Instead, it's essential to understand why individuals choose to get married in the first place and what they hope to gain from the relationship beyond love. Marriage is also a public declaration of commitment and comes with legal rights and obligations that many couples may not fully understand. To increase the chances of a successful marriage, individuals should consider taking classes, implementing waiting periods, or other barriers to entry, rather than focusing on making it difficult to exit the marriage. Overall, it's crucial to approach marriage with a clear understanding of its purpose and implications.

    • Understanding Marriage Laws and Financial ResponsibilitiesMarriage laws protect society but can be subjective. Open conversations about finances and prenups are valuable. Child support and alimony distribution can be inconsistent, and proving misuse challenging.

      Marriage laws, including child support and alimony, are designed to protect against potential bad actors and ensure a stable society, but their implementation can be subjective and open to interpretation. The legal implications of marriage and the financial responsibilities that come with it should be carefully considered before entering into a marital agreement. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having open and honest conversations about financial expectations and responsibilities in a relationship, and the value of prenuptial agreements in facilitating these conversations. The speaker also notes that the distribution of child support and alimony funds can be inconsistent, and that proving misuse of these funds can be challenging. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach marriage and its financial obligations with a clear understanding of the legal framework and the potential challenges that may arise.

    • A prenup is an act of love and preparationPrenups show commitment, fairness, and preparation for future asset distribution in case of divorce

      Having a prenup is an act of love and preparation for the future. Despite common misconceptions, it doesn't indicate a lack of faith in the relationship. Instead, it shows that couples are having honest and pragmatic conversations about their future and the potential distribution of assets in case of a divorce. The prevalence of hidden prenups among celebrities is evidence that many high-profile couples understand this. The law aims to create a fair distribution of assets, but having a prenup can provide additional security and reduce potential conflict in the event of a divorce. It's essential to remember that all marriages eventually end, either through death or divorce, and a prenup is a way to ensure both parties are prepared for that eventuality. By having these discussions and creating a prenup, couples demonstrate their commitment to each other and their future.

    • Dispelling Myths About PrenupsPrenups offer financial protections and peace of mind, challenging the belief that love is enough. They're becoming more common among younger generations, and when properly drafted, they're enforceable in court.

      While many people believe that love is enough to sustain a marriage without the need for a prenuptial agreement, the reality is that prenups can provide important financial protections and peace of mind. The speaker in this discussion acknowledges the common perception that having a prenup implies a lack of faith in the relationship, but he argues that this is not the case. Instead, he suggests that prenups can help couples navigate potential financial complications that may arise during a divorce, and that the increasing prevalence of prenups among younger generations reflects a growing recognition of their value. The speaker also addresses common misconceptions about the effectiveness of prenups in court, emphasizing that they are enforceable when properly drafted. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of open and honest communication about financial matters in a marriage, and the potential benefits of having a prenup in place.

    • Ensuring a fair and voluntary prenup agreementConsult a qualified attorney to draft a valid prenup, focus on clear communication, respect, and fairness during the process.

      While prenups can be crucial in protecting assets and future financial interests, the circumstances surrounding their signing can significantly impact their validity. The extreme example given of a prenup being upheld in court while the bride was pregnant and under duress highlights the importance of ensuring a fair and voluntary agreement. However, not all prenups are created equal, and poorly drafted or misunderstood agreements can be set aside. It's essential to consult a qualified attorney to navigate the complexities of drafting a valid prenup. The majority of divorces are not the dramatic, knockdown, drag-out cases that receive media attention, but rather accounting problems that can be resolved through a civil transaction. The key is to approach the process with clear communication, respect, and a focus on finding a fair and equitable solution.

    • Divorce proceedings without a prenup focus on equitable asset distribution, not moral judgmentsIn divorce proceedings without a prenup, the legal system does not determine who was the good or bad spouse, but instead focuses on identifying, valuing, and distributing assets in an equitable manner.

      In the context of divorce proceedings without a prenup, the legal system does not determine who was the "good" or "bad" spouse, and there is no concept of a "good spouse bonus" or "bad spouse penalty." Instead, the focus is on identifying, valuing, and distributing the assets in an equitable manner. The legal system is not designed to make moral judgments or determine who was at fault in the relationship. Instead, it seeks to divide the assets fairly, regardless of who is considered the "good" or "bad" spouse. This is because proving who was right or wrong in a court of law can be challenging, as friends and family may have differing perspectives. Ultimately, it's important to remember that the legal system is not a fairy tale, and communism-style distribution of assets based on need or moral judgment can lead to unintended consequences. Instead, the focus should be on identifying and fairly distributing the assets, regardless of who was the "good" or "bad" spouse in the relationship.

    • Navigating the Complex Divorce ProcessDivorce involves identifying, valuing, distributing assets, dealing with child and spousal support, and negotiating custody and visitation. Divorce lawyers act as mechanics, focusing on legal issues. Asset division requires careful analysis and negotiation, not a simple split of proceeds.

      During a divorce, the process involves identification, valuation, distribution, child support, spousal support, custody and visitation. Divorce lawyers act like mechanics, focusing on legal issues rather than personal ones. They help divide assets, which can be complex due to tax implications, depreciation, and other factors. It's crucial to understand that dividing assets is not a simple process of selling everything and splitting the proceeds. Instead, it requires careful analysis and negotiation. As for preventing infidelity, maintaining connection with your partner might be the best approach. Cheating is often not an intentional act to hurt a partner but rather a result of personal desires and motivations. Ultimately, the focus should be on treating those we love with respect and consideration, regardless of intentions.

    • Understanding Infidelity: Complex Human BehaviorFocus on building a strong, fulfilling relationship through communication, emotional support, and discipline to increase its resilience against infidelity.

      While intentions matter in various situations, including infidelity, it's essential to recognize that human behavior is complex and not always easily explained or prevented. The speaker acknowledges that people make mistakes and that even those who love deeply can still be tempted to cheat. However, they also suggest that there might be underlying factors, such as personality traits or emotional vulnerabilities, that could increase the likelihood of infidelity. Ultimately, the speaker encourages people to focus on cultivating a strong, fulfilling relationship through communication, emotional support, and discipline rather than relying on simplistic solutions or guarantees. While there may not be a foolproof way to prevent infidelity, paying attention to the relationship and working on its foundation can help increase its resilience.

    • Approaching difficult conversations with empathy and understandingExpressing needs positively and focusing on solutions strengthens relationships. Be open and honest for a deeper understanding.

      Effective communication and understanding are key to maintaining a healthy and long-lasting relationship. When difficult conversations arise, it's essential to approach them with empathy, avoiding judgment and attack, and focusing on finding solutions together. Desire and attraction are unique to each person, and expressing what we want and need in a positive way can strengthen the bond between partners. By being open and honest, we can keep the mystery and love alive in our relationships. Additionally, having the courage to have hard conversations, such as those involving potential infidelity, can ultimately lead to a stronger connection and a deeper understanding of one another.

    • Expressing love positively strengthens relationshipsCompliment, praise, and share fantasies to build connection. Embrace discomfort for personal growth and relationship strengthening.

      Expressing love and appreciation towards your partner in a positive way can lead to a stronger connection, rather than criticizing their actions or pointing out what they're not doing. The speaker suggests using compliments, praising their positive traits, and even sharing fantasies as ways to incentivize new experiences and conversations. Being a hero in a relationship isn't about grand gestures, but rather about putting your partner's needs above your own and doing the hard thing because it's right. The speaker encourages men to embrace discomfort and challenges, as these actions can lead to personal growth and strengthen the bond in a relationship.

    • Being heroic in relationships: Prioritize partner's needs and goalsHeroism in relationships isn't about grand gestures; it's about valuing your partner's needs and goals. Honesty and vulnerability are crucial for genuine connections, but societal influences and unrealistic expectations can hinder authenticity.

      According to Joe Rogan, being heroic in relationships involves placing your partner's needs, values, and goals in high esteem. He emphasizes that heroism is not just about grand gestures, but also the little things. However, he also believes that current dating culture is affected by choice paralysis and performative behaviors, making it challenging to build genuine connections. He suggests that honesty and vulnerability are essential for successful relationships, but people often struggle to be true to themselves and others due to societal influences and unrealistic expectations set by media.

    • Society's idealized versions of relationships can lead to unrealistic expectationsSociety's obsession with romanticized and gendered relationship portrayals can cause unhappiness and unhealthy behaviors, and we should strive for a more balanced and individualistic approach.

      Our society's obsession with idealized versions of relationships, whether in romcoms or gender roles, can lead to unrealistic expectations and unhappiness. The speaker argues that these stylized portrayals can cause people to compare their own relationships unfavorably and even try to emulate unhealthy or unrealistic behaviors. Furthermore, the speaker criticizes the extreme shifts in societal expectations, from rigid gender roles to an overcorrection towards gender equality, and calls for a more balanced approach. Ultimately, the speaker believes that people should be free to pursue their own paths in relationships and careers without being judged or pressured to conform to societal norms or ideals.

    • Empowering women and acknowledging traditional rolesFocus on building honest relationships, learn to trust, heal from past hurts, be real and authentic, and approach feedback with care and sensitivity.

      Feminism is about empowering women to pursue any role they choose in life, while also acknowledging the importance of traditional gender roles and the strengths they bring. When done properly, feminism benefits men as well. The current cultural climate often criticizes individuals for not adhering to certain gender norms, leaving many feeling lost and unsure of themselves. The solution, according to the speaker, is to focus on building honest and brutally honest relationships where both partners can support each other's individual strengths and weaknesses. In relationships, we can learn to trust again and heal from past hurts. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being real and authentic in our relationships, rather than subscribing to fairy tale ideals. When it comes to giving feedback, such as commenting on a partner's appearance, the key is to approach the conversation with care and sensitivity. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of self-awareness, authenticity, and compassion in both personal growth and relationships.

    • The Power of Positive Reinforcement in RelationshipsCommunicate openly and positively, focus on strengths, ask deep questions, and appreciate your partner to build a strong and fulfilling relationship.

      Effective communication and positive reinforcement are key to building a strong and fulfilling relationship. The speaker shares an example of how she used positive reinforcement to help her friend feel more confident and attractive, and suggests that the same approach can be applied to sexual relationships. She emphasizes the importance of sharing with your partner what they do well and focusing on the positive, rather than criticizing or focusing on the negative. The speaker also encourages asking your partner deep and meaningful questions to foster better understanding and connection in the relationship. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open and honest communication, and the power of positive reinforcement and appreciation in building a strong and fulfilling partnership.

    • The importance of deeper conversations in relationshipsRegular, intentional conversations help prevent small issues from becoming bigger problems and strengthen the foundation of love and connection in relationships

      Having regular, deeper conversations in relationships is crucial for maintaining a strong connection. We often go through the motions in relationships and assume that everything is fine, but disconnection can slowly build up over time. By having intentional and open conversations about how we're doing and what we could improve on, we can prevent small issues from becoming bigger problems. It's important to remember that no relationship is perfect, and there will always be challenges. However, a strong foundation of love and connection can help navigate those challenges and lead to a fulfilling and long-lasting relationship. It's not about being perfect or having all the answers, but rather being willing to engage in honest and vulnerable conversations and approach the relationship with seriousness and intention.

    • Respecting Client Autonomy in Divorce CasesLawyers should respect clients' decisions, provide resources for reconciliation, and uphold moral principles while ensuring the best possible representation

      Divorce lawyers often encounter situations where they believe the couple could still work things out, but it's essential to respect their autonomy and decision-smaking. Lawyers can encourage reconciliation, provide resources for marriage therapy, or recommend mediation. However, they should not force their clients to stay together against their will. Morally conflicted situations arise when lawyers represent clients whose actions are morally questionable, but they believe in the democratic justice system and the importance of vigorous advocacy. Lawyers should not judge their clients morally but do their best to represent them within the rules of the system. The reality is that the legal system favors those who can afford better representation, but lawyers should maintain faith in the system while acknowledging its limitations. Despite feeling morally conflicted at times, lawyers must uphold their duty to provide the best possible representation for their clients.

    • Lawyers' Inner Workings and Ethical RulesLawyers have personal desires and ethical obligations, ensuring fair trials and protecting the innocent through adherence to rules like attorney-client privilege and prohibition of perjury.

      Lawyers have complex inner workings and fantasies just like everyone else. They fantasize about speaking their minds in court and uncovering hidden information, but they are bound by ethical rules, such as attorney-client privilege and the prohibition of suborned perjury. These rules ensure a fair trial and protect the innocent, even if the truth is elusive at times. Despite their best efforts, lawyers must give every client the same representation, regardless of their personal beliefs about their guilt or innocence. The truth may eventually come out, but the legal process relies on strict adherence to ethical guidelines to maintain its integrity.

    • Lawyer's Stories of Uncovering Hidden TruthsDespite initial appearances, due process and the rule of law help reveal the truth in legal proceedings, allowing for justice to be served.

      Appearances can be deceiving, and the truth often comes out during legal proceedings. The speaker, a lawyer, shares stories of representing individuals accused of heinous crimes, where their seemingly charming and nice demeanor contrasted starkly with their private actions. The lawyer emphasizes the importance of due process and the rule of law, as these processes allow the truth to surface, even when it defies initial impressions. The lawyer also shares examples of how they have used evidence to challenge negative perceptions and reveal the truth. Ultimately, the lawyer finds fulfillment in their profession when they help bring justice by uncovering the truth, regardless of how it may initially appear.

    • Unique provisions in prenups and their legal implicationsCreative prenup provisions can lead to complex legal issues, requiring detailed legal analysis and specific definitions for enforceability.

      Prenups can include unique and creative provisions, as long as they are legal. For instance, a woman may have agreed to receive less alimony if her partner's income increased by a certain amount. However, the implications of such provisions can lead to complex legal issues. For example, establishing a baseline for the calculation of alimony and defining what constitutes a breach of a fidelity clause can be challenging. Lawyers are trained to focus on the details and specific definitions to ensure enforceability. The example of the £10 alimony provision illustrates the importance of considering the legal implications of seemingly simple provisions in a prenup agreement.

    • Marriage and Finances: A Tale of Two ExtremesUnderstanding individual financial approaches and rights is crucial in marriage to avoid misunderstandings and potential harm.

      Approaches to marriage and finances can vary greatly from person to person. In the discussion, an example was given of a hedge fund guy and a yoga teacher with vastly different income levels, leading to unique arrangements regarding alimony. Some individuals in finance are meticulous about every penny, while others take a more pragmatic view. Prenups have become more complex, addressing not just financial matters but also personal issues with potential financial repercussions. It's crucial for individuals to understand their rights and obligations, as misunderstandings can lead to misconceptions and potential harm. Successful relationships often have some level of polarity, with each partner bringing unique strengths and perspectives to the table.

    • Understanding and appreciating differences in relationshipsBalancing similarities and differences is crucial for relationship success. Recognize and value connections from various sources, including work and friendships, and communicate effectively to maintain a strong bond.

      Finding the right balance of differences and similarities in a relationship is crucial for its success. Too much similarity can lead to a lack of stimulation and growth, while too much polarity can result in competition and conflict. The speaker, a divorce lawyer, emphasizes the importance of understanding and appreciating each other's differences while still maintaining a strong connection. Additionally, the speaker highlights that love and connection can come from various sources, including romantic relationships, work, and friendships. It's essential to recognize and value these connections, whether they are romantic or not. The speaker also shares their personal experience of having a successful relationship while being deeply devoted to their work, emphasizing the importance of communication and understanding between partners.

    • The value of deep, committed relationshipsDeep relationships bring joy and fulfillment, respecting choices is key, successful couples inspire us to improve

      Deep, committed, monogamous relationships bring fulfillment and joy to people's lives. The speaker expresses his strong desire for such a relationship and admires those who have found it, including Joe Rogan and his wife. He believes that understanding what successful couples do right can help others learn and improve their own relationships. The speaker emphasizes the importance of respecting personal choices and appreciating the beauty of love stories, whether they're from celebrities or everyday people. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the value of deep connections and the positive impact they can have on individuals and relationships.

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    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced Vanta: Get $1,000 OFF at https://www.Vanta.com/ICED Streamyard: Start creating high-quality content easily with https://clickurl.ca/ICH-StreamYard FOLLOW PETER SCHIFF: https://schiffgold.com/ https://x.com/PeterSchiff https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIjuLiLHdFxYtFmWlbTGQRQ NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 Peter’s Viral Street Interviews - 0:41 What Nobody Is Listening To - 7:35 The Upcoming Housing Market Collapse - 9:44 Renting is Better Than Owning - 16:18 Homes Are A TERRIBLE Investment - 22:43 Will Home Prices Go Down? - 26:02 Why Peter is Against US stocks - 26:50 Why People Spend Money - 33:35 The US Dollar as a "Reserve Currency” - 36:39 China- 41:04 How to Actually FIX the US economy - 45:09 The Lady Who Got RICH Off Social Security - 48:47 How To Help People Who CAN’T Help Themselves - 53:36 Bankruptcy - 59:12 Bitcoin As A Retirement Investment - 1:01:46 What is Bitcoin ACTUALLY worth? - 1:06:46 What it Would Take for Bitcoin to Drop to $100 - 1:09:42 Is Bitcoin a Threat to Gold? - 1:14:44 Is it YOUR FAULT if You're Poor In America? - 1:20:48 What SHOULD the Government Be Responsible For? - 1:24:24 Flat Rate vs Consumption Tax - 1:28:51 $0 Minimum Wage - 1:31:12 Peter’s Advice for Young People - 1:43:52 Peter on Elon Musk's Compensation Package Being Revoked - 1:48:35 Closing Thoughts - 1:49:56 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enJune 09, 2024

    “THE US DOLLAR IS COLLAPSING!” Michael Saylor on The Future of Bitcoin, Money, and Freedom

    “THE US DOLLAR IS COLLAPSING!” Michael Saylor on The Future of Bitcoin, Money, and Freedom

    MasterClass: Visit https://MasterClass.com/ICH for 15% off ANY Annual Membership Babbel: Visit https://www.Babbel.com/ICH to get up to 60% OFF & learn a new language Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich https://x.com/saylor https://www.hope.com/ NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Timestamps: Intro - 0:00 Michael Saylor’s Background (Starting MicroStrategy) - 1:55 Why Michael Bought $250M in Bitcoin During COVID - 4:25 How To Spot "New Trends" Before They Happen - 19:04 Michael Saylor’s Thoughts On AI - 24:53 Why Your View on Money & Economics Is "Defective" - 36:31 Inflation, War & Collapsing Currencies - 42:20 What Is Bitcoin & Why Is It So Useful? - 55:09 The Biggest Pros & Cons of Bitcoin - 1:02:51 BTC vs ETH - 1:08:50 The Human Condition, Power & Bitcoin’s Place In It All - 1:16:57 The Problem w/ Fiat Money - 1:23:48 How the Government Will Start to Regulate Crypto - 1:37:05 Is It Too Late to Buy Bitcoin? - 1:47:29 The Longevity of Bitcoin - 1:54:57 How Bitcoin Mining Will ALWAYS Have Value - 2:24:02 How Michael Learned All This - 2:34:53 How to Not Take on Too Much at Once - 2:48:05 How It Feels to Lose $6,000,000,000 in a Day - 3:00:11 Closing Thoughts - 3:18:41 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enJune 02, 2024

    Kevin O’Leary: “The BIGGEST Myth About Money That Keeps You POOR!”

    Kevin O’Leary: “The BIGGEST Myth About Money That Keeps You POOR!”

    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis Vanta: Get $1,000 OFF at https://www.Vanta.com/ICED https://www.instagram.com/kevinolearytv NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 Why You Shouldn't Become An Entrepreneur - 0:50 Why "Watch Insurance" Is A Scam - 6:14 The BEST First Watch To Get - 11:08 The Most Overrated Watch - 15:38 Why Kevin Fired His Own Mother - 16:59 Kevin O’Leary Explains The Value Of Time - 20:29 What Body Language Tells You About A Person - 28:23 Kevin O'Leary's BEST Shark Tank Investments - 34:08 Why A Morning Routine Is Crucial - 38:11 Pitching A Product VS Pitching Yourself - 50:36 Kevin O'Leary On TikTok Being Chinese Spyware - 54:33 What Is The Role Of The Government? - 58:07 Is Being Poor Your Fault? - 1:02:03 Why The Tax Rate Should Be Flat - 1:06:22 Why California's $20 Minimum Wage Is A Huge Mistake - 1:10:00 Will AI take over the US job market? - 1:10:48 Kevin’s Dating Advice To Jack - 1:15:00 Why Kevin LOVES Business Of Death & Divorce - 1:27:56 Something Most People Don't Know About Kevin O'Leary - 1:30:42 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 27, 2024

    Confronting Don Lemon On Failed Elon Musk Interview

    Confronting Don Lemon On Failed Elon Musk Interview

    MasterClass: Visit https://MasterClass.com/ICH for 15% off ANY Annual Membership ZocDoc: Go to https://www.zocdoc.com/ICED and download the Zocdoc App for FREE Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich Follow Don Lemon: YouTube @TheDonLemonShow Twitter / X: https://x.com/donlemon/ Instagram:   / donlemonofficial   Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 Does Mainstream Media Divide People On Purpose? - 1:37 How Self-Reporting "Neutral Networks" Are A Big Problem - 8:43 Why CNN Is The "Most Trusted News Source" - 12:04 Why Don Was Fired From CNN - 15:48 Don Lemon on "X" As A News Source - 17:59 Do Billionaires Pay Less In Taxes? - 22:48 Should There Be Billionaires? - 24:16 Is Don Lemon A Patriot? - 25:41 Is Social Media Moderation A Violation Of Free Speech? - 26:06 Don Explains His Disagreement W/ Elon Musk On "Free speech" - 32:46 Should People Listen To The News? - 38:55 Don Lemon Explains Why “The Elon Musk Interview" Went Well - 40:10 How Don ALMOST Signed A Contract W/ Elon Musk - 44:53 How Don Prepped For The Elon Musk Interview- 57:44 Don Explains The Dangers Of Echo Chambers - 1:04:29 How Tucker Carlson Could’ve Interviewed Putin Better - 1:10:26 Common Misunderstandings About Don Lemon - 1:12:00 Don Clarifies His Controversial Comment: "White Men Are the Biggest Terror Threat" - 1:16:30 Rapid Fire Questions About “The Republican Party” - 1:19:28 Closing Remarks - 1:22:32 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 21, 2024

    FBI’s Most Wanted Con Artist: How To Get Insanely Rich | Matthew Cox

    FBI’s Most Wanted Con Artist: How To Get Insanely Rich | Matthew Cox

    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis    / @insidetruecrime   NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 The First Fraud Mathew Cox Ever Committed - 3:24 Matt’s Secret To Staying Calm Under Pressure - 12:34 Exploring Matt Cox's History with Fraud - 18:00 How Much Money Matt Was Making From His First Scam - 24:14 Matthew Starts His Own Fraudulent Brokerage - 30:16 Getting Caught By The FBI (Wearing A Wire) - 48:03 Why Criminals ALWAYS Turn In Their Accomplice - 58:52 Matt Cox On Cheating and His CRAZY Ex Wife - 1:06:51 Making Synthetic Identities & Buying Houses W/ Them - 1:11:16 How To Make A Living After 13 Years In Prison - 1:46:07 How Matthew’s Henchmen Started Getting Arrested - 1:55:31 What It's Like To Be "On The Run" - 2:06:43 Matt Almost Gets Caught At The Bank - 2:16:58 Why Matt Started Stealing Homeless People’s Identities - 2:23:42 Matt’s Scheme Begins To Unravel - 2:28:23 Running From The Secret Service & Fleeing To Tennessee - 2:53:33 Matt’s Big Mistake: A New Girlfriend - 2:56:42 Matt Gets Caught - 3:06:38 The Lawyer In Prison Who Stole $200 Million From The Federal... - 3:36:14 Matt Cox On Meeting His Ex Wife - 4:01:24 Why It’s Easier To Commit Worse Crimes After You’ve Done One - 4:08:47 The Real Story Behind The Movie "Catch Me If You Can" - 4:13:14 How The Fraud Matt Cox Committed Could've Been Stopped - 4:15:21 Matt Cox Teaches Jack How To Get A Girlfriend - 4:18:23 Closing Thoughts - 4:25:50 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 14, 2024

    Mikhaila Peterson on Cancel Culture, Depression, and Fighting The Woke Mob

    Mikhaila Peterson on Cancel Culture, Depression, and Fighting The Woke Mob

    Ahrefs: Sign up for Ahrefs Free Webmaster Tool at https://www.ahrefs.com/awt Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich Subscribe to @mikhaila Mikhaila Peterson Here Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Intro - 0:00 What It Is Like Growing Up With Jordan Peterson As Your Father - 1:20 Don't Listen To Stupid Rules - 5:51 How Jordan's VIRAL Argument Impacted The Peterson Family - 7:27 Why Mikhaila ONLY Eats Steak - 12:31 How Mikhaila Knew She Was Depressed - 13:22 Can Depression Be Solved For Anybody? - 16:12 How Diet Cured Mikhaila's Depression - 17:31 Mikhaila Explains 'The Lion Diet' - 20:54 The Ideal Diet For The Average Person - 41:06 How Mikhaila Prepares Her Steaks - 42:12 Mikhaila's Thoughts On Veganism - 42:54 Why Mikhaila & Jordan Are So Controversial - 43:41 Mikhaila On 'The Sunday Times' Hit Piece & Negative Media - 49:38 Why Billionaires Support Media Publications - 52:40 Why Mikhaila Has ZERO TRUST For The Medical System - 59:11 Depression vs Deep Sadness - 1:04:45 How The "Trans Issue" Has Gotten Out Of Hand - 1:07:57 The Negative Effects Of Social Media On Children - 1:10:36 Mikhaila's Relationship W/ God & Religion - 1:13:58 Mikhaila On Her Dad - Jordan Peterson - 1:21:56 Does Mikhaila Feel Like She Is Living In Her Father's Shadow? - 1:23:49 Is Modern Dating Screwed? - 1:27:11 Why Mikhaila Got Married After ONLY 3 Months - 1:35:14 The Advantages Of Working With Your Spouse - 1:40:53 What Divorce Taught Mikhaila - 1:44:01 Is It Good To Be Brutally Honest? - 1:49:08 Closing Thoughts - 1:59:03 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    Confronting The Squatter Living In My Home (Actual Footage)

    Confronting The Squatter Living In My Home (Actual Footage)

    Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Prolon: Go to https://prolonlife.com/ich for 10% off their 5-day nutrition program https://www.youtube.com/@FlashShelton https://www.gofundme.com/f/helping-elderly-remove-their-squatters NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:50 - Why Flash Started Hunting Squatters 5:12 - The Type Of Person Who “Squats” 8:56 - How Flash Got Squatters Out Of His Mom’s House 12:41 - How Much It Costs to Remove A Squatter 17:25 - The ONE WAY To Stop Squatters 23:28 - The Common Ways Squatters Are Taking Homes Right Now 26:33 - It’s ILLEGAL For Homeowners To Do This… 28:55 - The Commonalities Between People Who Squat 31:16 - How Flash Gets Squatters To Leave 37:05 - What Flash CAN vs CAN’T Do To Get Rid Of Squatters 40:12 - How This Old Woman’s Caregiver Ruined Her Life 42:58 - The Adam Fleishman Squatter Story *SUPER SAD* 52:20 - Why Suing A Squatter Is Nearly Impossible 56:12 - How YOU Can Protect Your Property From Squatters 59:42 - Flash’s Thoughts On Florida Taking A Stand Against Squatting 1:03:36 - How Do Squatters Pick A House? 1:09:01 - Why Lease Agreements Aren’t Treated Like Contracts 1:14:06 - ‘Getting Rid Of Squatters’: How Flash’s Business Works 1:19:17 - The Hardest Squatter Flash Has Ever Tried To Remove 1:24:52 - Backlash Flash Has Received For Removing Squatters 1:27:33 - Squatter In Hollywood Hills EXPLOITS AirBnB 1:32:10 - The CRAZIEST Squatter Situation Flash Has Dealt With 1:36:14 - The Person Trying To SCAM Flash For $100,000?! 1:46:09 - Closing Thoughts *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

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    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 


    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox! 


    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here





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    Please enjoy today’s 1 Thing with Dr. Kim Kimberling episode!
