
    This Isn’t a Protest Anymore, This is an Insurrection (Ep 1263)

    enJune 01, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • America's unrest is an insurrection, says Dan VonginoDan Vongino believes peaceful protests have been hijacked by criminals and Antifa, leading to chaos and the trampling of constitutional rights.

      The current unrest in America is no longer just a protest, but an insurrection, according to Dan Vongino. He believes that the peaceful protests have been hijacked by criminals and Antifa, leading to chaos and the trampling of constitutional rights. Vongino is deeply concerned about the future of the country and views this situation as a deliberate and orchestrated attempt to disrupt order. He encourages listeners to stay informed and stay strong in the face of uncertainty. Additionally, Vongino mentioned that Omaha Steaks offers great Father's Day packages for those looking to send a delicious gift to their dads.

    • Antifa: The Real Force Behind US ProtestsAntifa, a known fascist, anti-first amendment anarchy group, is causing civil disturbance and destruction during US protests, despite media portrayals of random individuals.

      The ongoing protests in the United States have been hijacked by an anarchist and terrorist group called Antifa. Contrary to media portrayals, these are not just random individuals, but trained organizers who are causing civil disturbance and destruction. Antifa is a known, fascist, anti-first amendment, anarchy group, and they have been designated as such by President Trump. The situation is chaotic, with multiple groups involved, and some cities have allowed the situation to escalate out of control. The White House has been the target of attacks, resulting in tear gas being deployed. It's important for people to be aware of the true nature of these protests and the groups involved. The situation is serious and requires immediate action to restore order.

    • Historical Significance of St. John's Church in Washington D.C.The speaker expresses concern over the damage to St. John's Church and urges unity, peaceful protest, and productive actions during this time of crisis.

      The speaker is expressing deep concern over the unrest in Washington D.C., specifically the damage done to St. John's Church near the White House. He emphasizes the historical significance of the church and the many prominent leaders who have attended services there. The speaker believes that the country is currently facing a crisis, akin to past tests in history, and urges everyone to step up and pass this test. He also appeals to the protesters to peacefully channel their energy towards productive means, as their movement has been hijacked by violent elements. The speaker expresses optimism that the country will come through this difficult time, as it has in the past, and emphasizes the importance of unity and leadership.

    • Conspiracy theories about Dan Bongino Show guest appearance debunkedVerify information before sharing it, distinguish between protesters, instigators, and law enforcement, and use Policy Genius for insurance needs during pandemic

      There are conspiracy theories circulating on the internet falsely claiming that a specific individual appeared on the Dan Bongino Show when in fact, he never did. The host strongly denies this hoax and encourages listeners to verify information before sharing it. Another important point from the discussion is the identification of three groups involved in the ongoing incidents: legitimate protesters exercising their constitutional rights, instigators causing violence and chaos, and law enforcement working to maintain order. The host emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between these groups and respecting the rights of peaceful protesters. Additionally, the show promoted Policy Genius, an insurance marketplace that can help individuals find the best life insurance rates during the pandemic.

    • Distinguishing Peaceful Protesters from Criminals and Antifa TerroristsSupport peaceful protests, condemn criminal actions, and recognize Antifa as a terrorist group to maintain order during unrest.

      During times of chaos and unrest, it's important to recognize that not all individuals involved share the same goals or values. The speaker emphasizes the existence of three distinct groups: peaceful protesters with legitimate grievances, criminals taking advantage of the situation, and Antifa terrorists. While the interests of the first group align with resolving issues peacefully, the second and third groups aim to exploit the situation for personal gain or to instigate violence. The speaker encourages the public to support peaceful protests and condemn criminal and terrorist actions. Additionally, he highlights the importance of law enforcement in addressing these issues and designates Antifa as a terrorist group.

    • Distinguishing Genuine Protesters from Criminals and AntifaSeparate fact from media narratives, hold rioters accountable, and decapitate Antifa as a terrorist organization to protect communities

      It is important to distinguish between the goals and actions of genuine protesters and criminal elements, including Antifa, infiltrating protests. The speaker urges protesters to turn in criminals and decapitate Antifa as a terrorist organization to prevent them from hijacking the movement and causing harm to communities. The media is accused of defending Antifa and misrepresenting the situation, and the FBI is urged to use all legal means to stop Antifa's violent actions. The speaker emphasizes the need to separate fact from media narratives and to hold those inciting riots accountable.

    • Media's false narrative of white supremacists instigating riotsMedia's focus on white supremacists instigating riots is false, most arrests are local residents, and far-left radical groups like Antifa are often the instigators of violence.

      The media narrative of white supremacists being the primary instigators of the riots and looting during protests is false. According to various reports from reputable news outlets like USA Today and Fox 9, most of the arrests have been of local residents, not out-of-towners. The media's focus on this false narrative is an attempt to stoke racial hatred and obscure the truth about the criminality and instigation of violence by far-left radical groups like Antifa. It's essential to recognize this and demand accurate reporting to address the root causes of the unrest and work towards solutions.

    • Antifa's Legal Status and Media CoverageExperts suggest FBI action against Antifa, but military involvement is a mistake; ongoing riots require urgent and effective solutions to prevent further damage

      The leftist group Antifa, which includes individuals wearing hoodies, masks, and carrying weapons, has not been treated as a terror group despite engaging in civil disruption and arson. This raises questions about media coverage and the rule of law. Regarding legality, an expert suggests the FBI should take action against Antifa and the National Guard should be activated, but involving the military is a mistake. Additionally, Rock Auto was highlighted as a reliable source for affordable auto parts without price discrimination or membership requirements. The ongoing riots need to be addressed urgently and effectively to prevent further damage and chaos.

    • Taking a firm stance against lawbreakingIdentify and arrest offenders, cooperate to restore order, prevent further damage, follow legal process, hold accountable, send clear message against intolerable behavior.

      Law enforcement needs to take a firm stance against looting and rioting by identifying and arresting offenders, and leaders at all levels should cooperate to restore order. The permissive atmosphere towards lawbreaking must end, and the government must act swiftly to prevent further damage. The military should not be the first response, as they are trained for war and combat, and police officers should remain the face of community engagement. The legal process should be followed, and those responsible for contributing to the chaos must be held accountable. It's crucial to send a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated.

    • Trusting local authorities in crisis situationsSupport local authorities, trust their expertise, and avoid politicizing their actions or the media's reporting during crises.

      Local authorities, particularly the police, should be given the autonomy to handle crowd control situations without political interference or military involvement. The media's sensational reporting can fuel tensions and create unnecessary panic. The Secret Service makes decisions regarding the safety and security of the President, and their actions should not be politicized. The lights being out at the White House is a security measure, not a sign of fear or hiding. The media's role during crises should be to inform the public truthfully, not to create sensational narratives or add fuel to the fire. It's crucial to support local authorities and trust their expertise in handling crisis situations.

    • Celebrities and Media MisinformationBe cautious of celebrities who claim to support communities but abandon them during unrest. Critically evaluate news sources and be aware of potential misinformation.

      Some celebrities have been criticized for donating to protest or bail funds, while allegedly abandoning their communities during times of unrest and destruction. The speaker urges listeners to remember these celebrities and not support them financially. The speaker also accuses certain media figures of misinforming the public and spreading false narratives. The designation of Antifa as a terrorist group by President Trump is expected to be contested. The speaker encourages listeners to be aware of this information and to critically evaluate the sources of their news.

    • Media personality accused of spreading disinformation during crisisDespite media controversy and chaos, America has faced adversity before and will overcome it. Violence may end gun control debate and racial division.

      Joy Reid, a media personality, is being accused of spreading disinformation for political gain during a time of crisis. This accusation comes amidst widespread chaos and unrest in various cities. The speaker expresses concern about the current state of affairs but encourages listeners not to tune out or give up. He emphasizes that America has faced and overcome adversity in the past, and that we are currently being tested like every great civilization. He also points out that the violence and chaos in the streets may put an end to the gun control debate and the argument for identity politics and racial division as a viable path forward. The speaker ends by urging listeners to stay safe, defend themselves, and remain engaged.

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