
    This Likely Scenario Could Make Things Much Worse | Ben Shapiro

    enFebruary 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • From political commentator to rap stardomUnexpected success in rap music shows culture's power to transcend boundaries and shape individuals, politics and society.

      The unexpected success in rap music of a former political commentator serves as a reminder of the profound influence culture holds in shaping society and politics. The individual in question, who started as a political commentator, gained unprecedented fame and success in the rap world, reaching number 1 in the charts. This unexpected turn of events highlights the power of culture to transcend boundaries and defy expectations. The individual's journey from classical violin lessons to rap stardom demonstrates the potential for individuals to evolve and adapt, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. However, the individual expresses concerns about the potential negative influences of the rap lifestyle and the pressure to continue in that direction. This conversation also touches upon the significance of culture in politics, with the speaker acknowledging that politics is downstream from culture. The rapid spread of the individual's rap video, which garnered 10 million views in just four days, underscores the immense reach and impact of culture on a global scale.

    • The Rapid Change in Circumstances and the Challenges of Prioritizing ValuesThe cultural dominance of pop culture makes it difficult to uphold values and principles. The world faces significant challenges, including geopolitical tensions, social issues, and economic stagnation. Rapid changes in circumstances have made governance complex, with figures like Trump offering alternative solutions, but also raising concerns.

      The cultural dominance of pop culture poses a significant challenge for those who prioritize values and principles. The speaker expresses concern over the current state of the world, including geopolitical tensions, social issues, and economic stagnation. He believes that the rapid change in circumstances, from a seemingly promising 2019 to the present, is astounding. Despite this, he acknowledges the resurgence of figures like Trump, who some see as a viable alternative to the current administration. The speaker criticizes President Biden's governance and expresses concern over potential foreign policy issues, particularly with China and Taiwan. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex and challenging issues facing the world today.

    • Geopolitical Challenges Ahead: Taiwan, Middle East, and UkrainePossible conflicts in Taiwan, Middle East, and Ukraine, exacerbated by Biden admin's unclear foreign policy stance. Domestic crises like terror attacks, economic downturns, or media-driven unrest could further erode America's global influence.

      The geopolitical landscape could face significant challenges in the coming months, both internationally and domestically. In foreign policy, there is a possibility that China could take aggressive action towards Taiwan, Israel may engage in conflict with Hezbollah in the Middle East, and the situation in Ukraine could escalate into a larger conflict. The Biden administration's lack of a clear and coherent foreign policy stance could exacerbate these situations. Domestically, potential catalysts for crisis include a terror attack, economic downturn, or media-driven unrest. The administration's inconsistent messaging and unwillingness to assert deterrent power abroad could lead to a further erosion of America's global influence. Overall, the uncertainty and instability of the current political climate could lead to unforeseen and potentially dangerous outcomes.

    • Flawed assumptions in geopolitical policiesFailure to understand deterrence and inconsistent approaches towards Middle East and China could lead to further conflict and instability.

      Current geopolitical policies, particularly regarding the Middle East and China, are based on flawed assumptions and could lead to further conflict and instability. The speaker criticizes the rewarding of violent actors in the Middle East and the inconsistent approach towards China, where economic measures are coupled with conciliatory gestures. The fundamental principle of deterrence is emphasized as a crucial component of foreign policy, and the failure to understand this could lead to disastrous outcomes. The speaker also touches upon the importance of projecting military power and making clear to potential adversaries that there will be consequences for aggressive actions. The split on the right regarding foreign policy is acknowledged, with some advocating for a more conciliatory approach and others emphasizing the importance of deterrence. Ultimately, a clear and strong deterrence strategy is seen as essential for maintaining peace and security in the world.

    • Understanding America's role in foreign policyAmerica's geographical position offers advantages but doesn't make foreign policy irrelevant. Balanced realism approach is necessary to determine involvement in foreign conflicts based on our interests and potential consequences.

      While America's unique geographical position blesses us with certain advantages, it doesn't make foreign policy irrelevant to us. The freedom of the seas, for instance, significantly impacts our economy, and a disruption can lead to increased costs for American consumers. However, it's essential to question why we're involved in foreign conflicts and understand our interests at stake. The pendulum swing between interventionism and isolationism is typical of American foreign policy, but a balanced approach based on realism is necessary. For instance, we might not have had an interest in getting involved in Libya or fomenting the Arab Spring. The question of why we should be involved in a place is valid, but an answer exists, and dismissing every global issue as solely America's fault and withdrawing without considering the consequences might not be realistic. As for US policy regarding Israel, a careful analysis of our interests and potential consequences should guide our decision-making.

    • Supporting allies against hostile groupsThe US should back its allies against hostile groups to prevent disastrous consequences and contain potential threats like Iran.

      The US should support its allies, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia, in taking action against hostile groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, respectively. Leaving these situations unchecked has led to disastrous consequences in the past. Additionally, containing Iran through sanctions is a useful policy. The US should also make strategic decisions about where to deploy forces based on the potential benefits and risks. Criticisms of American involvement in world affairs, such as those from Tucker Carlson, are misguided as they ignore the potential consequences of inaction, including the expansion of Chinese, Russian, and Iranian spheres of influence that could negatively impact American citizens.

    • Political Landscape: Personal Dynamics, Public Perception, and InvestigationsBen Shapiro expressed a desire for productive conversation with Tucker Carlson and discussed the shifting dynamics of the 2024 Republican presidential race, noting that Ron DeSantis had a brief window to challenge Donald Trump but ultimately faced challenges due to Trump's investigations and the party's rallying around him.

      The political landscape is complex and influenced by various factors, including personal disagreements, public perception, and investigations. Ben Shapiro discussed his interactions with Tucker Carlson, expressing a desire to clarify misunderstandings and have a productive conversation. Shapiro also reflected on the 2024 presidential race, noting that there was a brief window of opportunity for Ron DeSantis to challenge Donald Trump in the earlier stages of the campaign. However, the race shifted when Trump faced investigations, and the Republican party rallied around him, making it challenging for other candidates to gain traction. Ultimately, the political landscape is shaped by a combination of personal dynamics, public opinion, and external events.

    • 2024 Republican Primary: Trump's Foregone ConclusionDespite internal discussions, Trump's base strongly supported him, making it difficult for opponents like DeSantis to gain ground. Media ecosystem's role in hesitancy to criticize Trump added to his dominance. Iowa primary marked the end of the race.

      The 2024 Republican primary race between Donald Trump and other contenders, such as Ron DeSantis, was largely considered a foregone conclusion by many, despite some internal discussions in conservative media about publicly supporting alternatives. The polling data showed that Trump's base strongly supported him, and his opponents, including DeSantis, were unable to make significant gains. The media ecosystem played a role in this dynamic, as some outlets and personalities were hesitant to openly criticize Trump due to potential backlash from their audience. Ultimately, the race was over after the Iowa primary, and the data reflected this reality, despite some blowback from the camps of other candidates.

    • Shifting Political Landscape in AmericaThe Democratic Party is leaning towards progressive policies, while the Republican Party sees a rise in younger, Trump-inspired politicians. The effect of a leader's approach matters, and there's a growing discussion about the potential rise of independent parties.

      The political landscape in America is shifting dramatically, with the Democratic Party appearing to lean more towards progressive policies and the Republican Party seeing a rise in younger, Trump-inspired politicians. Some believe that if the Democrats lose the next election, the party may be taken over by the more radical elements, while others argue that moderation in campaigning but leftist governance may be a better approach. The effect of a leader's approach, rather than their specific policies, seems to be increasingly influential in voters' decisions. Additionally, there's a growing discussion about the potential rise of independent parties as a response to the increasingly brash rhetoric from both sides.

    • Libertarian Party's image and border situation may impact RFK's political aspirationsThe Libertarian Party's brand stigma and the ongoing border situation could potentially harm RFK's political image and aspirations, and careful handling is required to avoid escalating tensions.

      The Libertarian Party's brand stigma and the ongoing border situation could potentially impact RFK's political aspirations. RFK, who is not a libertarian, might consider running under the Libertarian Party due to ballot access, but the party's reputation could harm his image. Regarding the border situation, some governors' actions, such as Texas Governor Abbott's, have raised concerns about disregarding the Supreme Court. However, the situation is not as straightforward as it appears, and the governors' actions have not yet violated any Supreme Court orders. The worst-case scenario could involve escalating tensions and potential clashes between protesters and border patrol agents, which could be exploited by the Biden administration to crack down on the right and open the border. In summary, the Libertarian Party's image and the ongoing border situation could pose challenges for RFK's political ambitions, and the situation at the border requires careful handling to avoid escalating tensions.

    • The future of American politics may lie in decentralizationBelieving in a more decentralized system for American politics requires careful planning and preparation to navigate potential obstacles, such as government crackdowns and interference from big tech companies.

      The current political climate in the United States has led some to believe that the country may be on the brink of separation among states due to differing policies and ideologies. This idea stems from the belief that the federal government cannot continue to impose its will on half the country, and that a return to subsidiarity and allowing states to govern themselves would be the best solution. However, this shift towards decentralization faces challenges, including potential government crackdowns and interference from big tech companies. Despite these challenges, many believe that this decentralized approach is the future and that it is essential for companies and individuals to have backup plans in case of censorship or loss of access to major platforms. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that the future of American politics may lie in a more decentralized system, but it will require careful planning and preparation to navigate the potential obstacles.

    • Expanding the Reach of the Right-Wing EcosystemThe right-wing ecosystem aims to engage larger audiences by experimenting with new strategies, collaborations, and content genres, including children's entertainment and feature films. Successful collaborations, like BlazeTV and Elon Musk, can help expand reach and influence.

      The right-wing ecosystem is focused on expanding its reach beyond its current audience and engaging the larger population of Americans who are not politically oriented. This will require new strategies and collaborations, as well as an understanding of how to bridge the gap between politics and pop culture. Companies are experimenting with various approaches, including children's entertainment and feature films, to attract more viewers. Successful collaborations, such as the one between BlazeTV and Elon Musk, can help broaden the ecosystem's reach and influence. Ultimately, the goal is to create a sustainable and inclusive ecosystem that supports a range of voices and perspectives. This will require ongoing effort and iteration, as well as a commitment to engaging and growing the audience beyond the current base.

    • A visit to Auschwitz with Elon MuskExploring Auschwitz with Elon Musk revealed the enduring dangers of harmful ideologies and the importance of addressing them.

      Interviewing Elon Musk is an unpredictable experience, as he may shift his opinions during the conversation. During one of these interviews, Musk expressed his interest in visiting Auschwitz, leading the interviewer to travel there with him for a wide-ranging discussion on various topics. The experience was heavy and difficult, especially with the world's attention on them. The interview highlighted the dangerous ideology that led to the Holocaust, which is still prevalent in conspiracy theories on both the left and right. The interviewer, as a Jewish figure, represents the core principles of his religion and the west, which he takes seriously in his everyday life and discussions on religion and politics. The interview is a reminder of the importance of understanding and addressing the harmful ideologies that have led to tragic historical events.

    • Impact of high-profile status leads to increased security measuresAccepting the burden of representing valuable views as a high-profile figure results in heightened security and a commitment to continue the work.

      The events of October 7th led to a significant increase in security measures for the individual in the conversation, transitioning from occasional 24/7 security to constant around-the-clock protection. This change comes with the responsibility of representing valuable views as a high-profile figure, and the individual is willing to accept the burden. The conversation ended on a positive note, with a reminder to review, share, and subscribe to The Rubin Report, and an invitation to join the host on Locals for early and exclusive content. Overall, the conversation highlighted the impact of high-profile status and the commitment to continuing the work despite the challenges.

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    The Rubin Report
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    Chinese Involvement in the "Congo Hold-Up" Corruption Scandal

    19 media outlets together with five NGOs in the U.S. and Europe pored through 3.5 million leaked documents from a Gabonese bank to produce Congo Hold-Up, a landmark report that detailed breathtaking corruption in the DR Congo during the presidency of Joseph Kabila in the early 2000s.

    Chinese entities, including the joint venture mining company Sicomines, were implicated in the findings (although Sicomines denies any allegation of corruption), specifically relating to the dealings of one man, Du Wei.

    William Clowes and Michael Kavanagh, two senior journalists at Bloomberg News with extensive experience reporting in the DR Congo, were among the journalists who participated in the investigation. They spent six months working on the project and traced the activities of Du and the role he played as a middleman between Chinese corporate actors and power brokers in Kinshasa.

    William and Michael join Eric & Cobus to discuss their reporting as part of the Congo Hold-Up investigation and the small role that Chinese entities played in this multimillion-dollar corruption scandal.


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    Week in Review: Illegal mining in Ghana, US Disillusionment in the DRC & #ChinaAfricaSpaceTalk

    Week in Review: Illegal mining in Ghana, US Disillusionment in the DRC & #ChinaAfricaSpaceTalk

    Aisha Huang, aka the "Galamsey Queen," surprised everyone when she was arrested again for illegal mining in Ghana. What does her arrest say about the government's efforts to combat illicit Chinese mining? Plus, a new report says the U.S. is "disillusioned" with the Congolese government for not doing more to push back against Chinese mining companies. And, African youth in 8 countries get the chance to speak with astronauts aboard the Chinese Space Station.

    Francophone Editor Christian-Geraud Neema joins Eric & Cobus to discuss the top China-Africa stories of the week plus the latest installment of "Where in the world is Xi Jinping going?"


    • The China-Global South Project: Why the U.S. Shouldn’t Be Surprised About China’s Close Ties With DRC Mining Companies: https://bit.ly/3qeK7by


    Twitter: @ChinaGSProject@stadenesque | @eric_olander | @christiangeraud

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/ChinaAfricaProject


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