
    This Method of Marketing is Crucial to A Sustainable Business

    enNovember 01, 2021

    About this Episode

    Cassandra and Monica talk about a top passion of theirs as marketers: doing it holistically *chime*. Once upon a time you started a business online and now you want it to last. Holistic marketing is here for that and to help you with less burn out and more moving parts working for you in your business in the background.

    They dive into the foundation and building blocks of creating a holistic marketing method. Starting with brand messaging: what it is, how it informs content, and why repeating yourself is pivotal to having a business that clicks and generates sales. They also talk about business and marketing goals and how they inform everything you do in your business.

    They talk about how they didn't get into business to be content creators and most of the time you don't have to create as much content as you might thing. social media isn't meant to be the beginning and end of marketing. The long-form content comeback is real and we're done giving sooooo much content without compensation. You too? Enter: holistic marketing and how it can help you do less and grow more!

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    Recent Episodes from Business Without The Buts

    Cassandra and Monica's Fav Cliff Notes & Takeaways from Season 2

    Cassandra and Monica's Fav Cliff Notes & Takeaways from Season 2

    To wrap up Season 2, Cassandra and Monica are going meta! They revisit topics from this season and summarize our key takeaways from our conversations.

    A lot has changed in a year (we launched season one in Oct 2020), and they reflect on how that's impacted them and their clients. Business and life changes often, and that's okay!

    From ideal clients to experimenting in marketing to what Business Without the Buts means, join us for this episode and get the cliff notes to a season full of sassy, robust conversations that Cassandra and Monica enjoyed so much. That's a wrap!! If you have any ideas for Season 3, email us at biznobutspodcast@gmail.com. See you next season. <3

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    This Method of Marketing is Crucial to A Sustainable Business

    This Method of Marketing is Crucial to A Sustainable Business

    Cassandra and Monica talk about a top passion of theirs as marketers: doing it holistically *chime*. Once upon a time you started a business online and now you want it to last. Holistic marketing is here for that and to help you with less burn out and more moving parts working for you in your business in the background.

    They dive into the foundation and building blocks of creating a holistic marketing method. Starting with brand messaging: what it is, how it informs content, and why repeating yourself is pivotal to having a business that clicks and generates sales. They also talk about business and marketing goals and how they inform everything you do in your business.

    They talk about how they didn't get into business to be content creators and most of the time you don't have to create as much content as you might thing. social media isn't meant to be the beginning and end of marketing. The long-form content comeback is real and we're done giving sooooo much content without compensation. You too? Enter: holistic marketing and how it can help you do less and grow more!

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    Welcome to the Business Petty Party with Special Guest Katharine Nicole Magsaysay

    Welcome to the Business Petty Party with Special Guest Katharine Nicole Magsaysay

    Cassandra and Monica welcome Kat to a little business petty party about Instagram, online business, bro marketing and much more. They're going pure petty, and the tea could not be strong enough.

    They're fired up, ya'll! Always ;), but especially this episode. Transparency is key and they're calling out that there isn't enough of it with some sass (in true BNB fashion) and spicy language. They talk about the "rules" of business, why they don't work for everyone, and that the "rules" don't actually matter most of them time.

    They're spilling the tea on topics like outsourcing (CEO vibessss, right? Mehhhh), social media silver bullets (why aren't we making $10k after one month?), and websites (Cue people telling you that you don't need a website when they have one).

    Join us for the petty partyyyyyyy!

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    When to Hire a Business Coach vs. a Service Provider (We have thoughts)

    When to Hire a Business Coach vs. a Service Provider (We have thoughts)

    saturated business coaching industry and where it might be headed. They talk about what they think about the roles of coaches in business, when a service provider (Copywriter, Designer, Podcast Editor, etc) could be a better option, and when business coaches can be beneficial.

    They also share their own experiences with coaches as service providers/agencies in this online business world and beyond. If you've been wondering what direction to take or have some thoughts on this too, listen in for our take on the present and future of the online business economy.


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    Marketing is one big experiment - here's why...

    Marketing is one big experiment - here's why...

    Oh, get ready for a wild ride! If you thought marketing was all about formulas, cookie-cutter strategies, and numbers - think again.

    In this episode, the introverted-extroverted duo, Monica and Cassandra, talk about how marketing is just one big experiment! Also, they do talk about marketing and numbers (which are very helpful). They share their "best" marketing experiments and their "worst" ones, what they've learned, and how they apply this "experimenting" strategy to their business and their client work.

    They explore what are "good" and "bad" marketing experiments, if there is such a thing as a "bad" marketing experiment and how this relates back to white supremacy culture and the perfectionist ideology of "being a good/bad person" - especially when we talk about creating a more ethical economy.


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    What is Business Without the Buts?

    What is Business Without the Buts?

    Dive deep into the "metaverse" (NOT a reference to Facebook), as Cassandra and Monica explain what "Business Without the Buts" means to them and how to dismantle capitalism while living in a capitalist system...

    Monica and Cassandra take turns sharing what Business Without the Buts means to them, how that is reflected in each of their brands and the work they focus on with their clients, and how it all comes together under this podcast.

    They also explore how each of their lived experiences and social identity have impacted their interpretation of Business Without the Buts and their work as marketers!

    At the end of the episode, after exploring all the "meanings", "ideas", and "concepts" of Business Without the Buts in the episode - the two invite YOU to also share your take on what "Business Without the Buts" means to you.


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    If you don't know everything about your ideal client avatar - are doing business wrong?

    If you don't know everything about your ideal client avatar - are doing business wrong?

    You might have heard of the infamous marketing term... "IDEAL CLIENT AVATAR".

    Who is your ideal client avatar? What do they like? What don't they like? Where do they live?

    If you've ever thought that these questions are hard to answer about YOURSELF, let alone, needing to know the answers about someone else... this episode is for you. Cassandra and Monica explore the nuances of "identifying" your ideal client avatar and how it's more of a science & learning opportunity than something you completely nail down at the first try.

    They dive into how you can start pulling out similarities between the past clients you've worked with, how to model an ideal client avatar after your past self, and what human-centered marketing looks like in this case.

    Monica and Cassandra also share their journey with their ideal client avatars, how they've changed, who they used to work with vs. who they work with now, and their tips on how to find those "dream" clients (hint: it's all about relationships & negotiating, also knowing yourself).


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    Creating space for more of LIFE & less of work

    Creating space for more of LIFE & less of work
    • Welcome to Season 2 of Business Without the Buts! In this episode, Monica and Cassandra are back and having a lil' catch-up session about what's happened in the past year - diving into business and personal.

      They go into how both their businesses have changed (from shutting down programs, shifting clients, or hiring new team members), to their personal realizations & priorities (wanting more or less of something), and what their vision is for themselves, Business Without the Buts, and more.

      Cassandra and Monica also get real about their mental health, what boundaries they had to place around business & work, and how they want to create more space for LIFE... without working so damn hard.


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    It's not gross to SELL or make MONEY

    It's not gross to SELL or make MONEY

    To wrap up Season 1 of Business Without The Buts, Cassandra and Monica come together for a final conversation all about SELLING and MONEY. Yikes.

    In this episode, they go over concepts like pricing your offers, making the ask, selling, and transparency. The two share their process for pricing new offers and how to make sales call so much more comfortable and pleasant for everyone involved. The conversation touches on points about detaching yourself, your identity and self-worth, sustainability, and the ever-present feeling of 'needing to offer more', when sometimes, you don't!

    Join the final episode of Season 1 of Business Without the Buts and then send us a DM on Instagram @biznobutspodcast with your thoughts, feedback, what you'd like to hear from us in the next season, and more!

    Thank you for being part of this first season and we can't wait to continue the conversation!

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    Overcoming Perfectionist and People-Pleasing Thoughts with Victoria Albina

    Overcoming Perfectionist and People-Pleasing Thoughts with Victoria Albina

    In this episode, Cassandra and Monica sit down (virtually) with Victoria Albina, Life Coach and Holistic Practitioner, to talk about overcoming codependency, perfectionism, and people-pleasing thoughts in our lives and businesses.

    The question we’re asked at such a young age is, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” From the jump, it sets the tone of we are the sum of our production and our title. OOF! They discuss topics like embracing failure, being in our power, external validation keeping us stuck, not borrowing other people’s thoughts about ourselves, and our mindset vs. systems of oppressions.

    The three dive into perfectionism and people-pleasing thinking, wrapping our identity and self-worth into our businesses, and why selling doesn’t have to be pushy or gross. All within the constructs of capitalism, white supremacy, and the patriarchy.

    Connect with Victoria Albina, Life Coach and Nurse Practitioner:

    Download her free boundary-setting meditation

    Feminist Wellness Podcast: https://victoriaalbina.com/podcast/


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