
    About this Episode

    Coke or Pepsi? Ford or Chevrolet? Swipe left or swipe right? Everywhere we turn, we need to make choices. Ironically for many of us our biggest problem is not a lack of choice. It is too much choice. How do we sift through the mountains of information out there to make a good decision? And how can marketers better understand the processes we use so that they can boost their chances of being the chosen one? My three expert guests will shed some light on this issue. Heather Lutze helps clients to up their search marketing game to increase the likelihood that a company will come out on top when people go online to find products and services. Prof. Barbara Kahn at Wharton is an internationally recognized expert on retailing; she’ll talk about aspects of the shopping experience that determine what we buy. Finally, we’ll talk to John Greco, who was CEO of both the Direct Marketing Association and the Yellow Pages Publishers Association.

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