
    This Will Blow Up the Deep-State's War on Trump! (Ep 2187)

    enFebruary 14, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Political scandals involving Trump are all connectedDan Bongino connects various political scandals, including Ukraine, FISA, and Biden documents, to foreign actors and spying.

      The host, Dan Bongino, emphasizes that various political scandals involving the Trump administration, including the Ukraine scandal, Mar-a-Lago raid, FISA, collusion hoax, spy gate, impeachment hoax, and Biden documents scandal, are all part of the same story. He claims that these scandals involve foreign actors, such as the Ukrainian government, spying on Donald Trump. Bongino also promotes Beams Dream Powder as a sleep aid and encourages listeners to use the code Bongino for a discount. Additionally, he mentions his deep involvement in the spy gate scandal and expresses strong emotions about the recent developments. The sponsor for the show is Blackout Coffee.

    • CIA, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama's involvement in spying and discrediting TrumpThe Mar-a-Lago raid and FISA operation were part of a larger effort by the CIA, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama to spy on and discredit Trump. The collusion scandal and impeachment process were fabrications, and the Biden documents scandal involved documents related to Ukraine and the spy gate scandal.

      The Mar-a-Lago raid and the FISA operation against Donald Trump were part of a larger effort by the CIA, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama to spy on and discredit Trump. The collusion scandal was a fabrication, and the impeachment process was initiated after Trump started asking questions about Ukraine. The Biden documents scandal involved documents related to Ukraine and the spy gate scandal. The global swamp, which includes those involved in these scandals, is in a state of panic as they fear Trump's return to office and potential declassification of information. The media played a role in covering up these scandals and attempting to deflect attention from them. Trust no one, as those in power hate the average person and will go to great lengths to maintain their power. The CIA has been involved in election interference, including in the United States. Trump was aware of these activities long before they were exposed.

    • Obama administration spied on Trump campaign under guise of Russian involvementIntelligence agencies under Obama administration allegedly spied on Trump campaign without substantial evidence, then disseminated info through 'pipes' to FBI, leading to investigation based on dislike for Trump, creating an 'information laundering operation' to make him look like a foreign agent

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, intelligence agencies under the Obama administration, specifically John Brennan, allegedly spied on Donald Trump's campaign under the guise of investigating Russian involvement. This information was then disseminated through various channels, known as "pipes," to the FBI without substantial evidence. The FBI, driven by their dislike for Trump, opened an investigation. This is an example of what the speaker calls an "information laundering operation." The ultimate goal was to make Trump look like a foreign agent and eventually impeach him. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reading the book "Follow the Money" for more details.

    • Allegations of Trump-Russia ties spread through various channels during the 2016 electionHillary Clinton's team hired Fusion GPS to discredit Trump, while false narratives about Trump-Russia ties were spread through media outlets, creating a web of misinformation during the 2016 election

      During the 2016 election, information alleging ties between the Trump campaign and Russia was shared through various channels, including the Democratic Senate led by Harry Reid, the Clinton campaign, Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Sheer, the FBI, the DOJ, and Fusion GPS. However, much of this information was known to be false, yet was spread to make public accusations. For instance, Hillary Clinton's team hired Fusion GPS not to investigate Russian collusion but to create a trail of evidence that could be used to discredit Trump. The intelligence agencies were also spying on these investigators, adding another layer of complexity to the situation. Ultimately, these false narratives were spread through various media outlets, creating a web of misinformation that muddied the waters of the election.

    • FBI used as a 'mushroom farm' during Trump-Russia investigationThe Clinton campaign spread false reports to the FBI, leading them to believe and act on misinformation during the Trump-Russia investigation.

      During the investigation into alleged collusion between Donald Trump and Russia, the FBI was used as a "mushroom farm," a term used to describe how information was fed to them through various sources, many of which were fabricated. The Clinton campaign, led by Sidney Blumenthal, played a significant role in creating and spreading these false reports. The FBI, despite having no solid evidence, believed and acted on this information due to the sheer volume of sources. This is a clear example of how misinformation was spread and perpetuated during this period, with serious consequences for Trump and American politics. It's important to be aware of this manipulation of information and to question the sources of the news we consume.

    • Russian collusion investigation based on false informationThe Russian collusion investigation against Trump's campaign was not grounded in solid evidence but instead, was an operation to launder false information to the FBI and intelligence agencies.

      The Russian collusion investigation against Trump's campaign was not based on solid evidence but rather an information laundering operation. Hillary Clinton hired Fusion GPS to find evidence of Trump-Russia collusion but instead, they fed false information to the FBI and intelligence agencies. This operation involved the Department of Justice, Nellie Orr, and Bruce Orr, who wrote emails about Russian collusion to the Department of Justice. The CIA also spied on Trump's associates with the help of foreign allies and shared the intelligence with US agencies. CNN reported on this operation in 2017, but the media and intelligence community believed it to be true, leading them to publicly report on it. In reality, the entire investigation was based on false information, making it a significant scandal.

    • Ukraine and Spygate: One Continuous Operation Against TrumpThe Ukraine and Spygate scandals are interconnected, with Democrats' hatred towards Ukraine turning into support due to potential harm from their involvement in the spying operation on Trump.

      The Ukraine and Spygate scandals are not two separate issues but one continuous operation against Donald Trump. According to the speaker, the Democrats' hatred towards Ukraine turned into support when they discovered information that could harm them due to their involvement in the spying operation on Trump. The speaker has been warning about this for years, as seen in his 2019 interviews on Fox News. He emphasizes that the Obama administration's actions towards Ukraine and Russia, as well as their targeting of Trump through intelligence and law enforcement agencies, are all interconnected. The speaker's book, "Insane in Ukraine," also touches upon this topic, warning about Ukraine's knowledge of the scandal and Biden's need to keep it quiet. The speaker encourages listeners to understand the gravity of the situation and the connection between these events.

    • Obama administration spied on Trump campaign under guise of Russian interactionDuring the 2016 US election, Obama's team targeted 26 Trump associates for Russian interaction to justify surveillance, aiming to discredit the campaign and future administration.

      During the 2016 US presidential election, there was an attempt by the Obama administration, through their intelligence agencies, to spy on the Trump campaign under the guise of incidental collection. This was not a routine surveillance of Russian officials but a deliberate setup instigated by the Clinton-Obama team. They identified 26 Trump associates as targets for Russian interaction and manipulation, and these contacts were facilitated to provide intelligence agencies with a pretext to spy on the Trump campaign. The list of targeted individuals was more extensive than the publicly disclosed 26 names. This information was obtained from a reliable source and has not been made public before. The ultimate goal was to discredit the Trump campaign and, by extension, the future Trump administration.

    • Allegations of CIA and FBI spying on Trump campaign under false pretensesSpeaker claims CIA and FBI obtained FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign based on false information, potentially revealing illegal intelligence operations and election interference, calling for accountability.

      According to the speaker, there was an operation by the CIA and the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant under false pretenses to spy on the Trump campaign, which they believed was a cover-up for a preexisting intelligence operation. They claim that this operation was prompted by individuals within the campaign to target certain individuals, including members of the Trump family and associates like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, and Roger Stone. The speaker argues that the media had the opportunity to expose this story years ago but failed to do so. If the alleged documents proving these charges exist, they could potentially reveal that intelligence officials broke laws against spying and election interference. The speaker asserts that this is the single worst thing the government has ever done and calls for accountability.

    • Media and individuals promoting false narratives rewardedFalse narratives like Russian collusion hoax spread by media and individuals can lead to promotions and recognition, despite their inaccuracy. The Ukrainian angle reveals Democrats' role in creating and hiding the hoax, and raises questions about potential Ukrainian involvement in monitoring Trump supporters.

      Certain media outlets and individuals have been promoting false narratives and hoaxes, such as the Russian collusion lie, and have been rewarded for their propaganda efforts with promotions and recognition. For instance, Natasha Bertrand, who was involved in spreading the Russian collusion hoax, was recently promoted by CNN. The Ukrainian angle in this discussion reveals that Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Donald Trump during the 2016 election backfired, and the Democrats, who were eager to reset with Russia, have been hiding their role in the creation and dissemination of the Russian collusion hoax. The Ukrainians have information on the Biden family corruption and Obama's role in spygate, and the $95.3 billion aid package to Ukraine raises questions about the motivations behind this aid and the potential involvement of the Ukrainian embassy in monitoring and spying on Trump supporters. Overall, this discussion highlights the importance of fact-checking and questioning the narratives pushed by the media and political figures.

    • Ukrainian officials' role in Trump scandal and missed opportunity for clearanceThe speaker believes Ukrainian leaders had the power to clear Trump during impeachment but didn't, accusing them of being manipulated and the FBI, certain political figures as 'useful idiots'.

      The speaker believes there was significant involvement of Ukrainian officials in the political spying scandal involving Donald Trump. He feels that Ukrainian leaders, including Zelensky, had the power to clear Trump's name during the impeachment process but chose not to. The speaker also accuses the FBI and certain political figures of being "useful idiots" in this situation, manipulated by those with ulterior motives. The speaker encourages his audience to remember the terms "mushroom farm" and "mosaic," representing the idea that various aspects of the scandal, including the impeachment, Ukraine, Mar-a-Lago, FISA, and more, are all interconnected. The speaker expresses disappointment in the Republican Party for removing George Santos from a congressional race, which resulted in a loss. Despite this, he urges his listeners not to panic and reminds them that the situation is subject to redistricting. Overall, the speaker's message is that the truth behind these political events is complex and interconnected, and that the public should remain vigilant and informed.

    • Trust the information in Dan Bongino's book and tune in for updatesDan Bongino encourages listeners to read his book for reliable information on controversial topics, verify facts with left-wing resources, and tune in daily for updates on his radio show and Rumble app.

      Dan Bongino encourages listeners to read his book for information on various controversial topics, including Brennan, Ukraine, and George Soros. He emphasizes the importance of the footnotes and using left-wing resources to verify the information. Bongino also promotes his radio show and Rumble app, which can be accessed for free. He appreciates the large audience and promises to continue providing the information on his show every day at 11 a.m. Eastern time. Additionally, he encourages everyone to download the Rumble app to watch the show. Overall, Bongino's message is to trust the information in his book and continue tuning in for updates.

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