
    “Thoughts Vs. Emotions - Who’s In Control?”, with Andre Popa!

    enFebruary 29, 2020

    About this Episode

    In this episode, Andre helps us understand how thoughts and emotions are connected and how we can be in control of what we think and feel, instead of being constantly pushed around by things that we think we don’t have power over.

    Listen in now and learn how to take over the thoughts and emotions that drive you and be the captain of your ship making sure you’re heading to a place of love, happiness, peace, and freedom.


    "Nobody has control over our emotions unless we give them power.”

    What's amazing is the options that we have as human beings to control our thoughts and emotions.

    “Life goes in the direction of our thoughts, words, and beliefs.”

    “I believe that our belief system is the core of this universe, of this existence.”

    “Your thought is the emotion that you're feeling.”

    “What you resist will persist.”

    Show Notes:

    (01:18) Where do things begin?

    (03:07) Who’s in control?  

    (05:31) Why do we feel all those negative emotions?

    (06:48) A belief system that governs everything

    (11:49) How do we change the emotion? 

    (14:22) We have the power

    (18:33) Having bigger thoughts than the emotions

    (24:03) Don’t resist what you’re feeling

    (24:47) Laughter


    Learn more about Andre Popa here: https://www.badasseryfactory.com/


    Recent Episodes from Who's A Badass

    The Higher Dimensional Aspect Of Who You Are With Cher Gardiner

    The Higher Dimensional Aspect Of Who You Are With Cher Gardiner

    In this episode, Andre is with a special guest, Cher Gardiner, to talk to us about religion, vibration, ascension, and how to be happy and stay happy despite what’s happening in the world today. Cher shares insights about the current state of the youth, which is one in 10 high school students have attempted suicide. She then gives her learned opinion on the bigger conversation about what we can do, how can we get out of that state, and raise our vibration to be able to step into love and help the world with the same.

    Make sure to listen to this episode and open your mind to the wisdom that will shed light on a lot of key principles that will bring you freedom, joy, and peace.



    “I think it's unfortunate what's happening to our parents, the parents that are in charge of those children, because you are given those children, you are given the opportunity to be stewards over those children and guardians and guides over those children.” - Cher Gardiner

    “There's power and being conscious, activating a thought applying an emotion to it, and then doing an action because an action is essential in order for you to move forward.” - Cher Gardiner

    “Your emotion is either love or fear. And then, you choose the frequency or the feeling that supports it, and then you can ascend.” - Cher Gardiner

    “Consciousness is what creates matter in manifestation.” - Cher Gardiner 




    Text BADASS to 55444 for SMS updates and contents

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BadasseryFactory 

    Bootcamp: https://badasseryfactory.com/bootcamp/

    Group Coaching: https://badasseryfactory.com/group-coaching/



    Power Vs. Force, by Dr. David Hawkins


    Show Notes:

    (00:00) Podcast Intro

    (00:43) Greetings and updates

    (03:52) Introduction of Cher Gardiner

    (05:27) How is Cher inside with what’s happening in the world

    (06:29) The concept of spirit

    (08:52) A death experience of losing our identity

    (12:43) The concept of self-loathing

    (16:03) Understanding the lower worlds’ system and how to move into the higher planes

    (23:29) How to get to your heart center

    (29:13) The concept of religion

    (34:03) Ascension - the higher dimensional aspect of who you are

    (41:24) Where is heaven?

    (43:03) If it feels good, keep doing it

    (47:04) Why do people get stuck in negativity and drama?

    (49:42) What you can do to help get to a phenomenal 2023 for yourself

    (54:58) Understanding that we are creators

    (1:02:57) Updates and events announcements

    Who's A Badass
    enOctober 25, 2022

    My Journey With The Carnivore Diet

    My Journey With The Carnivore Diet

    In this episode, Andre is going to talk about his health journey and his experience with the carnivore diet. He shares how he started, the process he went through, some details of what he eats, some of the negatives at the beginning of this journey, and most importantly, the positive results he is now experiencing.

    Listen in and get to know the carnivore diet through Andre’s experiences and some other resources he shares in this episode.



    “So, get good at reading labels, understanding what sugars are going into your body and what sugar does to the body.” 

    “Get involved with your food.” 

    “I am my food and my food is me and we are one.”

    “Do the tiniest thing possible and build upon it but taking action is the mofo.” 

    “If the why doesn't make you cry, you're wasting time.”

    “So, discipline has to do with committing to your best self and then creating a goal [like 208] and then creating a plan to get to that [like 208]. Without a plan, you don't get to the goal.”




    Text BADASS to 55444 for SMS updates

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BadasseryFactory 

    Bootcamp: https://badasseryfactory.com/bootcamp/

    Group Coaching: https://badasseryfactory.com/group-coaching/






    Show Notes:

    (00:00) Podcast Intro

    (00:43) Greetings, episode introduction, and updates

    (03:42) Why Andre is telling his story about his health journey on the carnivore diet

    (15:53) How Andre does his carnivore diet

    (25:29) The concept of organic

    (29:41) Get involved with what food you eat because you are what you eat

    (30:23) How they began their carnivore diet

    (35:44) Talking about working out

    (39:58) Continuation on How they began their carnivore diet

    (41:08) Some negatives they experienced doing the carnivore diet

    (44:12) The positives they’re experiencing doing the carnivore diet

    (49:48) A way of life of respecting your body and committing to the best you

    (52:58) Creating a plan to get to your goal

    (55:18) Discipline is the biggest takeaway in this journey

    (56:11) When are you supposed to eat heavy

    (59:13) Enjoying a happy life  

    (1:00:52) Updates and events announcements

    Who's A Badass
    enSeptember 22, 2022

    Staying On The Side Of Love And Respect Despite Our Differences

    Staying On The Side Of Love And Respect Despite Our Differences

    In this episode, Andre explains how people’s differences in belief cause judgment, separation, and division when we do not learn to stay on the side of love and respect. He also shows us what to do when we’re in a situation where our belief is different from others. So, listen to this episode and learn how to respond to people who have different principles than us and let love and respect keep our peace and foster an environment of openness and growth.



    “When we're separated, we're weak.” 

    “Believe what you want to believe. Do not attempt to stick your shit down other people's throats, do not inflict your opinion upon anybody else. They don't give a fuck.” 

    “Stop playing the fucking game. You are strong. God gave you power. God gave you a will. God gave you the strength to make a choice to know where truth is because only truth shall set you free.” 

    “What you're telling other people to do, it's really from a place of you not doing enough.”

    “The idea of shutting your mouth is going to be your most powerful tool because it's, it's your first line of defense.” 

    “Until you love you, you cannot love somebody else.”

    “If I love [me] fully, I don't need your love. I want it, but I don't need it.”

    “How you do something is how you do everything.”




    Text BADASS to 55444 for SMS updates

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BadasseryFactory 


    Show Notes:

    (00:00) Podcast Intro

    (00:43) Greetings and episode introduction

    (03:02) Separation by using the human dynamic to hang on to a belief

    (09:59) Believe what you want to believe but respect others

    (12:19) A lot happening in the world right now

    (15:34) Mind conditioning through media

    (18:51) Stop playing along with their evil game

    (20:18) How to let people be and avoid attacking/judging others

    (26:30) Be quiet and watch what comes out of your mouth 

    (32:18) Learn who you are and become more self-aware

    (37:37) Love and respect yourself

    (40:09) Focus on the things that you want

    (42:51) Updates and events announcements

    Who's A Badass
    enSeptember 19, 2022

    How To Be Certain Amidst Uncertainty

    How To Be Certain Amidst Uncertainty

    In this episode, Andre talks about things we can do when we feel uncertain because of uncertain times, and how to be certain and stay strong in a time of global weakness. He shares insights on why things are happening now and how it is tied up to the plan against the evil agenda.

    Listen in now and learn how to keep your peace, and take yourself to higher levels of manifestations despite the chaos that’s happening around us.



    “Once you understand what's really happening, then you can understand the fight, the battle, and this is a spiritual battle.” 

    “The more you know, I think, the more certain you are because you know there's a plan.” 

    “If we know that we are responsible for this vessel and I allow visual things to come in that will affect my vessel, my being in a negative way, that's my choice. If I allow only positive things, [and] that's also my choice.” 

    “Positive energy gives us more energy, itself creating, it's never-ending, and it's constantly evolving.”

    “Positive energy pays, negative energy costs.” 

    “If you learn to start the day on a positive note, on a note that says I'm going in this direction, your life will change.”

    “You see it as uncertain because your life is uncertain. Once you start making [you] a priority and start loving yourself, and you start giving yourself a schedule… man, I can just tell you how things changed so fast.”

    “What we put out, we get back.”

    “When we align the conscious mind with the subconscious mind, magic, that's when manifestation happens.”

    “You get from life what you are.”




    Text BADASS to 55444 for SMS updates

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BadasseryFactory 


    Show Notes:

    (00:00) Podcast Intro

    (00:43) Greetings and episode introduction

    (04:58) Understanding what’s really happening in the world of fuckery and uncertainty

    (12:58) The more you know, the more certain you are that there’s a plan

    (17:13) Understanding the 2020 election and the things that are connected with it

    (24:07) How to be certain and strong amidst the uncertainty 

    (34:06) Perspective is the key

    (41:14) How far back does the agenda go?

    (46:32) You get from life what you are

    (50:20) Don’t stop loving you

    (52:02) Updates and events announcements

    Who's A Badass
    enSeptember 19, 2022

    Being In The Battlefield with Jason Frank

    Being In The Battlefield with Jason Frank

    In this episode, Andre is joined by Jason Frank. Jason discovered a military intelligence operation dedicated to eradicating the evils of our planet and finally felt like this world was worth participating in and, most importantly, began a mission to save our children. He created a YouTube channel, Freedom Rings, to begin a journey in search of the truth. 

    Together with his team, he shows us the actual cartel-owned ranches and the holes where the trafficking is happening. He tells stories of real-life experiences of rescuing trafficked women, children, and men, chasing “coyotes”, and a lot more. 

    Tune in and witness the great things Jason and his team have been doing on the battlefield as part of God’s solution to these dark and evil problems.



    “I got right with God. And then I got that relationship with the family right. And now, I can take all that and bring it back into the community.” - Jason Frank

    “We got to get into solution. And the only way to the other side of stuff is through it.” - Jason Frank

    “My only job is truth and transparency. God's in charge of the judgment and the accountability. ” - Jason Frank

    “I don't have the fucking answers. I know. But together I know we can do better than they've been fucking doing… that I do know.” - Jason Frank




    Text BADASS to 55444 for SMS updates

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BadasseryFactory 


    Jason Frank’s phone number: 702-281-4227



    Show Notes:

    (00:00) Podcast Intro

    (00:43) Greetings and episode introduction

    (02:19) Jason’s background and why he’s doing what he’s doing now 

    (10:55) Seeing the actual cartel-owned ranches where the trafficking is happening

    (16:38) Being part of God’s solution

    (17:34) Who’s doing anything about this problem

    (19:02) Important information being blocked

    (21:03) The evil concept of abortion

    (23:25) Being on the border and helping the border patrols

    (26:31) Why would New York Times run a hit piece on a topic like this?

    (30:51) How you can support Jason in what he’s doing on the border

    (33:16) Helping out trafficked women, children, and men

    (37:54) What is a “coyote”

    (40:20) Who’s legally responsible for the trafficked people and who can take them and provide shelter 

    (45:01) Prayer for the people that are doing the hard work of protecting the people

    (47:03) Human trafficking and all other evil works are real

    (48:42) Doing good things and being part of the solution

    Who's A Badass
    enSeptember 18, 2022

    Focusing on the solution

    Focusing on the solution

    In this episode, we have Andre with us to talk about what the world is doing and what we're doing in with all this information and with all the chaos. Yes, we have to wake up to all the fuckery that has been happening in the world but we also need to remember to always focus on the solution and figure out our part in making our lives happy and free. Andre shares tips on where can we get “facts” and explained the value we get from self-development, so tune in now and get all these and more!



    “With all the stuff that's happening in the world, there are good people and bad people.” 

    “This thing that has been allowed to be brainwashed, to be mind-fucked, we now have to start taking responsibility for this. And this is my big message today, we have to wake up.” 

    “God isn't evolution, God is in constant motion. Get in motion, do something.”

    “In everything that we're doing, I'm requesting for all of us to go into a solution mode and talk about solutions.”

    “What we do is up to us, what we think about is choice.”

    “Start brainwashing yourself with solutions. And this is actually a really cool exercise to do in life, period.”

    “You're alive today for a reason. God gave you breath today for a reason. What are you doing with it?”




    Text BADASS to 55444 for SMS updates

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BadasseryFactory 

    Bootcamp: https://badasseryfactory.com/bootcamp/

    Group Coaching: https://badasseryfactory.com/group-coaching/ 

    Show Notes:

    (00:00) Podcast Intro

    (00:42) Greetings and episode introduction

    (04:30) The good people and the bad people

    (06:40) Faith vs. facts

    (09:17) Where can you get facts?

    (16:25) The beautiful journey of waking up to the truth

    (18:26) The collective consciousness of focusing on the solution 

    (26:38) What we think about is our choice 

    (28:56) You got to start seeing why

    (32:51) Trump never left

    (38:36) Start brainwashing yourself with solutions and do self-development

    (41:44) You are alive today for a reason, go figure it out

    (44:43) Updates and events announcements

    Who's A Badass
    enSeptember 16, 2022

    The Dynamic Of A Couple’s Relationship

    The Dynamic Of A Couple’s Relationship

    In this episode, we have Andre talk about relationships, the process of people coming together, and then, why all of a sudden, misery and bad things happen. He discusses the dynamic that happens when relationships go south and what you and your spouse can do to take care of your relationship and let it grow deeper, better, and stronger. 

    Listen in, learn “the work” that you need to do, and live that badass relationship with your spouse.



    “I'm talking about allowing the man to be a man. He needs to do the manly things.” 

    “A lot of women, out of fear, [they] look to control the situation. They look to control the relationship. They look to control the man. And it's fucking dangerous.” 

    “Misery only comes out of expectations.”

    “Expectations, the ones that cause problems, don't happen because of love. They happen out of judgment.”

    “Understanding who I am, and therefore, how I'm going to treat the love of my life. And if we can stay there, then now we're going to get that result long term.”

    “The only way to make things better is for you to make them better.”

    “So, [to] anybody out there in a relationship, what I strongly recommend is [to] find ways of communication.”

    “We record. Everything that's happened in this journey, we are today.”




    Text BADASS to 55444 for SMS updates

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BadasseryFactory 

    Bootcamp: https://badasseryfactory.com/bootcamp/

    Group Coaching: https://badasseryfactory.com/group-coaching/ 




    Show Notes:

    (00:00) Podcast Intro

    (00:43) Greetings and episode introduction

    (01:46) It’s 100% on each side

    (05:23) Respect has to be in the middle

    (11:51) You start with you

    (14:41) By doing “the work,” people can stay happy

    (17:20) Misery cheats

    (21:05) You have to wake up and change you

    (23:39) Learn to be in communion with your spouse

    (25:54) Find ways together to keep growing

    (26:55) Understanding your blueprint

    (31:12) Updates and events announcements

    Who's A Badass
    enSeptember 12, 2022

    Responding As Opposed To Reacting

    Responding As Opposed To Reacting

    In this episode, Andre is going to talk about a lot of things that are happening in the world today and explain to us the value of responding versus reacting to everything we see and hear. He will shed light on different concepts that will open our minds and then show us how to respond and get what’s truly happening behind all the brainwashing around us. So, jump right in and take this step to open the mind that will start and keep you on your truth-seeking journey.



    “Everything that's happening right now getting rid of this evil has been a plan for many, many years.” 

    “When the right people say that nothing can stop what's coming, this is why. Nothing can stop what is coming because it is impossible to stop God.” 

    “So you have the power, you have the ultimate power. When a church, or an establishment, or a government, or an entity, or other people, or a loved one tells you that you do not have the power, get the fuck away from them,”

    “If you want to be set free, you have to get the truth.”

    “Get yourself into a state where you are neutral and you're looking for information.”

    “Learning to stay in a neutral state, which means getting into the subconscious mind, is your power.”




    Text BADASS to 55444 for SMS updates

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BadasseryFactory 


    Show Notes:

    (00:00) Podcast Intro

    (00:43) Greetings and episode introduction

    (01:15) Responding as opposed to reacting 

    (07:15) It is time for us to wake up

    (13:08) Understanding the concept of abortion

    (20:07) The Age of Aquarius

    (23:30) The concept of cannibalism

    (30:05) Different tactics of waking people up

    (34:15) Who’s really in charge

    (40:54) Be patient, start responding, and break patterns

    (47:17) The Rothschild family

    (57:04) What you can do to get into the state of now and the state of peace


    Who's A Badass
    enSeptember 09, 2022

    Your Money's Being Stolen, What Can You Do About It

    Your Money's Being Stolen, What Can You Do About It

    In this episode, Andre talks about how the finance world is in transition, how your money's being stolen, and what you can do about it. We can see it everywhere but it seems so easy for people to ignore it. So, listen in because Andre is going to break it down for us and give us strategies on what we can do to mentally and financially prepare ourselves, find opportunities, and make good things happen.



    “The best thing you can do today is to start getting around people who understand money, understand what's going to happen in the market, and then understand not just money as to how to make it but how to become frugal.” 

    “We are not taught to think through everything that affects everything.” 

    “Remember that expense is gone, investment comes back.”

    “Investing your time into the wrong people is going to get you a return on that investment. Be very careful who you hang out with.”

    “Start fighting for you. Start getting so detailed in your shit that you would scare yourself.”

    “Until you become disciplined with your money, your money is going to run you you're not running it.”

    “Nothing happens on the outside that doesn't happen on the inside first.”




    Text BADASS to 55444 for SMS updates

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BadasseryFactory 


    Show Notes:

    (00:00) Podcast Intro

    (00:43) Greetings and episode introduction

    (01:17) Everything else is to keep your head spinning 

    (08:55) We're repeating history until we wake up

    (11:00) “They” are killing our decision-making process 

    (13:14) Recession is coming but so are opportunities  

    (19:00) The best thing you can do going through this coming recession

    (24:58) This all begins with being disciplined

    (27:18) Becoming disciplined in your money

    (33:40) Becoming resourceful in storing up food supplies

    (41:58) Tracking your time and thinking about what else you can do to make more income  

    (51:38) You got to start now

    (52:54) Breaking free from the system’s design

    Who's A Badass
    enSeptember 06, 2022

    Why The Fear Of Death

    Why The Fear Of Death

    In this episode, Andre is here with us to talk about death. Yes, it is a weird topic but understanding death and the fear it brings to us is important to point us in the direction of living a life of freedom and prosperity. Andre takes us into a conversation about why there’s fear, what it represents, and where it's from, and then compares the concept of fear of death to fear of public speaking.

    Do you want to know how to break free from that fear that holds you back? Listen to this episode now.



    “As long as you make it about you, then you're going to hold back your God-given voice, talent, message to that audience.” 

    “The biggest fear of death is lack of knowledge. We don't know what it is, we don't know what it's going to feel like, we don't know what it's going to look like.” 

    “We're here to grow. We're here to learn. We're here to do great things.”

    “There is no death. It's this physical body being complete in this cycle.”

    “Figure you out because once you understand that you are a chunk of God, you're made by God, the spirit that is you is perfect. You are amazing, you are light, you are vibration, then it's okay.”




    Text BADASS to 55444 for SMS updates

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BadasseryFactory 

    Bootcamp: https://badasseryfactory.com/bootcamp/

    Group Coaching: https://badasseryfactory.com/group-coaching/ 




    Show Notes:

    (00:00) Podcast Intro

    (00:43) Greetings, episode introduction, and announcements

    (05:22) The concept of fear of death vs. fear of public speaking

    (10:47) The simplicity of public speaking: Shifting the conversation’s focus from YOU to THEM

    (18:12) The process of asking questions internally

    (20:13) The fear of death

    (27:33) We’re here to do great things

    (28:29) There is no death

    (35:52) Why the fear then?  

    (37:15) Figure you out because you are amazing

    (39:29) Flip the script

    (42:20) Events and channel announcements

    Who's A Badass
    enSeptember 06, 2022