
    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Put-Call Ratio as a Contrarian Indicator in the Stock MarketThe Put-Call Ratio is a tool used to measure market sentiment. A ratio above one suggests bearishness, making it a contrarian indicator for investors. It can help predict trend reversals and potential market bottoms.

      The put-call ratio is an indicator that measures sentiment on the market by looking at the total number of puts and calls being traded. The higher the ratio above one, the more puts being traded, indicating the average retail investors are bearish. This is considered a contrarian indicator because by the time the masses have become the most bearish, most of the bad stuff is already baked into the cake. In light of everything else happening macroeconomically speaking, such as what the Federal Reserve is doing and what the inflation numbers are doing, it looks like a pretty strong contrarian indicator that the bottom might already be in with the stock market.

    • Understanding the importance of market metrics for investing decisions.Take into consideration market metrics such as the put-call ratio, household consumer strength, economic indicators, and the Fed's balance sheet when making investment decisions. The reverse repo facility on the Fed's balance sheet can act as a release valve without decreasing interest rates. Don't overlook these metrics in making informed investment decisions.

      Market makers remain neutral while retail traders usually purchase puts, leading it to be considered a contrarian indicator. A high put-call ratio can suggest a reversal in the market, as it indicates the most amount of bearish activity. Other metrics to consider for investing decisions include household consumer strength, indicators of economic strength or weakness like the FedEx indicator, and the Fed's balance sheet, interest rates, and reverse repo facility. The $2 trillion in reverse repo on the Fed's balance sheet can serve as a release valve for economic conditions without having to lower interest rates. Asset prices have already priced in the pain of the overall economy, but further indicators suggest more pain ahead.

    • How the Reverse Repo Facility Helps Control Excess Capital in the Financial SystemThe Federal Reserve's reverse repo facility helps to control excess capital in the financial system by allowing banks to access collateral directly from the Fed at a higher rate, ultimately preventing interest rates from being pushed negative.

      The repo market is where banks buy and sell collateral for overnight cash needs. The Federal Reserve steps in to prevent potential collapse in the financial system by creating cash to lend in the repo market. The reverse repo facility was opened to counteract excess capital resulting from the government spending trillions of dollars and giving rise to an overabundance of cash in the system. Banks have to go out and buy treasuries and T-bills to offset their liabilities, but the Fed didn't want interest rates to be pushed negative, so they opened up the reverse repo facility. Banks can access collateral directly from the Fed at a higher rate, which helps to soak up excess capital.

    • The Impact of the Reverse Repo Facility on Government Borrowing CostsThe Federal Reserve's reverse repo facility has soaked up 2 trillion in cash, which could lead to an increase in government borrowing costs when the money leaves the facility. Banks will have to purchase bills and treasuries from the open market, reducing the government's purchasing power. This move may be a subtle tightening of the Fed's policies.

      The Federal Reserve's reverse repo facility offers risk-free returns for banks who park their cash with the Fed, but the 2 trillion cash has soaked up from the system. When the money leaves the reverse FPA facility, the government's borrowing costs will go up. The Federal Reserve will drop the amount they're paying in that reverse repo facility when that gets too tight for the government. Banks will then have to take the cash and buy bills and treasuries from the open market, which will be a nice boost like a 2 trillion buffer that ends up hitting the government's purchasing power. This move may be an undercover first phase of the pivot, so people won't understand the mechanics of it, and it'll just be like the Fed is still tightening.

    • The Shift to Alternative Debt and the Future of the Repo FacilityAs interest rates rise, lenders shift towards alternative debt. The repo facility may dwindle down as banks seek collateral through bills and treasuries. However, the Federal Reserve's expanded repo facility can offset deflationary pressures in the future.

      As interest rates continue to rise, lenders may be more willing to invest in alternative forms of debt to gain higher returns. The reverse repo facility may start to dwindle down as banks seek collateral through bills or treasuries. The Federal Reserve has broadened access to their repo facility, demonstrating foresight for when institutions may eventually need it. While this tool may throw a wrench in the short term thesis of monetary debasement, it will eventually be used to offset deflationary pressures. The $2 trillion borrowed has not yet worked its way throughout the entire system, as it sits in deposits and money market accounts. Overall, there will likely be an offsetting of inflation and deflationary pressures, allowing the Federal Reserve to continue tightening until they need to start easing again.

    • US Government Debt and the Potential Future ChallengesThough the US government may face challenges with paying bills in the next 10-15 years, it won't be a problem within the next 5 years unless interest rates see a huge increase. Zero interest rates could make borrowing easier, but dumping of US treasuries by the world could lead to a long-term problem for the US.

      The US government may face major issues of paying its bills in the next 10-15 years due to the high level of spending and debt, but it will not be a problem within the next 5 years unless interest rates rise substantially. Even with interest rates at 6%, the government could take 4-5 years to reach that point. However, if interest rates go back to zero, it will make borrowing easier for the government. Meanwhile, if the Federal Reserve can cause the rest of the world to dump US treasuries, it will become a long-term problem for the US.

    • The Connection Between Federal Reserve, Government Debt, and a Potential Digital CurrencyThe Federal Reserve's ownership of government debt creates a transfer of money, while discussions are ongoing about a top-down surveillance digital currency, with some preferring commodity-backed international currencies over a digital dollar.

      The Federal Reserve's ownership of government debt means that the interest paid on that debt ultimately flows back to the federal government, making it essentially a transfer of money from one pocket to the other. Governments around the world are exploring the potential of a central bank digital currency (CBDC), which would be fully programmable and controlled, allowing for top-down surveillance and control of the flow of resources in the economy. While some believe a digital dollar is necessary to compete with China's CBDC, others see the future in international currencies backed by a basket of commodities, rather than a single nation's currency.

    • The emergence of CBDCs and their impact on the global financial systemThe introduction of CBDCs presents a potential challenge to the power of the dollar in international trade. Institutions like the Bank of International Settlements are working to create a new layer for SWIFT to maintain control over cross-border payments, but concerns about censorship and government control must be addressed.

      The CBDC is not seen as an immediate replacement for the dollar but technology presents more competition. The current system of using the dollar for international trade, especially through SWIFT, gives the US undue advantage over the global financial system. However, the fear is that other countries may soon trial or research their own central bank digital currencies, displacing the dollar. To maintain power, institutions like the Bank of International Settlements are designing a new layer for SWIFT to act as an in-between system for different CBDCs. The desire for control over cross-border payments, even censorship, is a concern as seen in the track record of government and anti-money laundering laws.

    • The Potential for Abuse with CBDC ImplementationWhen implementing a CBDC, it is important to consider the potential for abuse of power by governments and the increased risk for fraudulent activity. Expansion of the money supply must be carefully monitored to prevent fraud and theft.

      The potential for abuse of power should be considered when looking at the implementation of a CBDC. Governments have historically abused the power they have been given and a CBDC represents even more potential power over the financial system. While Ethereum is an example of a powerful tool that has not been abused, the potential for abuse still exists. The recent chaos in the market and the crackdown on tokens by the SEC has created a perfect storm where individuals and organizations are looking for higher returns, which can lead to fraudulent activity. When expanding the money supply, it is important to consider the potential for fraud and theft to occur.

    • Lack of Regulation and Cryptocurrency FraudCryptocurrency frauds flourish due to the lack of regulation, causing institutional investors to stay out while retail investors flood in. The collapse of Ponzi schemes reveals a need for regulation, but overbearing regulations can crush real technological applications. Bitcoin survives as a result.

      The lack of regulation in the cryptocurrency space has allowed frauds to flourish, such as the example of Nikola creating fake semi truck videos to attract investment. The absence of clear rules has caused institutional money to stay out of the market, while retail investors flooded in. Ponzi schemes and frauds built up during times of easy money and always collapse when inflation takes off. The collapse reveals them as frauds that cannot continue without new money. Once people lose their money and beg for regulation, the government will step in with overbearing regulations that will crush any real technological applications. Bitcoin, however, has passed the point where it can be legislated out of existence, making it a survivor among the 95-99% of cryptocurrencies that will likely be dead in five years.

    • The Evolution and Flaws of Banking and the Role of Governments in the Financial SystemBanking history is plagued with greed and instability leading to government intervention. Today, inflation risks arise from excessive printing of money not supported by wealth. SPF is a symptom of the larger Ponzi scheme in our financial system.

      Historically, banks created paper receipts redeemable for gold at any time, but they printed more receipts than there was actual gold, causing a run on the bank. Governments centralized banking and nationalized it, but the boom and bust cycle continued and caused the Great Depression. Today, we don't have to worry about a bank run because there is no limitation on how much money can be printed, but inflation occurs when there is not enough wealth to back up printed money. Governments don't like competition, so they want to have a monopoly on running the money Ponzi themselves. The fall of SPF may go down as the face of the everything bubble, but it's only a small example of what has been going on in our traditional financial system, which is based on continued loaning out of assets.

    • Over-Leveraged Global Economy and Potential Deflationary PressuresDifferentiating asset classes is crucial in the current economic climate. While most cryptocurrencies may not be reliable, some stocks could still endure. Moreover, households may experience significant economic pain over the following year due to over-leveragement.

      The global economy is over-leveraged, and there may be more pain to come. While the FTX collapse hasn't caused much contagion yet, there are signals of potential deflationary pressures coming down the pipeline. The money supply has stopped increasing, so prices may start going down and cause further selling. This means that households will likely experience a lot of economic pain over the next year, especially since American households are the most over-leveraged they've ever been. Therefore, it's necessary to differentiate between asset classes. While most cryptocurrencies may go to zero, some stocks may have more room to go down, but many have already priced in a lot of economic pain.

    • Managing Debt and Real Estate in the Current MarketDespite concerns about debt and a real estate shortage, waiting for a market crash may not be wise for non-homeowners. Understanding the market and planning for future expenses is crucial.

      The massive debt load and real estate market are major concerns. People end up defaulting on credit cards or falling short on mortgage payments, which causes big economic pain. The overall real estate market is controlled by just two indicators: the total number of housing units and the population. We are currently facing a shortage of houses, which means house prices continue to inflate. For people who don't currently own a home, waiting for the next crash may not be a smart move, as rents continue to increase while home prices also double or triple. It's important to understand the state of the market and plan accordingly.

    • Why Housing Prices Haven't Crashed Despite High Interest RatesDon't wait for a housing market crash to buy a home. Invest in real estate now to take advantage of current prices, as interest rates can be refinanced but purchase prices are permanent. Focus on paying down debt before buying.

      Housing prices in the current market should have crashed due to high interest rates, but they haven't. This may lead to deflation and the Fed backing off interest rate hikes. Those who are waiting for a housing market crash to buy a home may be locked out forever, as prices may start to go up again. It's better to have some skin in the game and buy a home with exposure to the real estate market. Interest rates are temporary and can be refinanced, whereas purchase price is permanent. However, it's important to focus on paying down debt before buying real estate, depending on the type of debt.

    • Shorting the Dollar with Mortgages: Fixed Rates vs. Adjustable RatesEliminate high-interest debt, especially credit card debt, before considering shorting the dollar with mortgages. Opt for fixed-rate mortgages to effectively short the dollar and check out Heresy Financial for educational resources.

      Mortgages can be an effective way to short the dollar if you expect its value to go down. However, for effective shorting, it has to be a fixed-rate mortgage, as adjustable rate debt will increase interest rates to compensate for the loss of purchasing power due to inflation. This will only lead to more dollars owed, defeating the purpose of shorting the dollar. Therefore, it is important to get rid of adjustable debt, especially credit card debt, before investing or shorting the dollar. Once you've eliminated high-interest debt, you can consider shorting the dollar using mortgages. Heresy Financial, Joe Brown's platform, provides educational content and other resources on financial matters.

    Recent Episodes from We Study Billionaires - The Investor’s Podcast Network

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    TIP641: Improve Decision Making with Mental Models w/ Clay Finck & Kyle Grieve
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    TIP640: Investing: The Last Liberal Art w/ Clay Finck & Kyle Grieve

    TIP640: Investing: The Last Liberal Art w/ Clay Finck & Kyle Grieve
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    BTC188: Claude Shannon and Information Theory with Jimmy Soni (Bitcoin Podcast)
    In this episode of the Bitcoin Fundamentals Podcast, Jimmy Soni, author of "A Mind at Play" and "The Founders," joins us to discuss the life and work of Claude Shannon. We explore Shannon's groundbreaking contributions to information theory, including the concept of entropy and its importance in data transmission. Jimmy explains how Shannon's work laid the foundation for many of the technologies we take for granted today, including Bitcoin and blockchain technology. We also touch on stories from "The Founders," highlighting the tech pioneers and their innovative contributions. Join us for an in-depth discussion on information theory, Bitcoin, and the history of technology. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 02:06 - The life and work of Claude Shannon, the father of information theory. 07:10 - The foundational role of Shannon's work in modern technology. 20:31 - The relevance of information theory to Bitcoin and blockchain. 20:52 - Stories from Jimmy Soni's book "The Founders" about tech pioneers. 28:58 - How Shannon's concept of entropy relates to data transmission. 32:52 - Insights into the problem-solving approaches of early tech innovators. 40:42 - How Bitcoin investors can apply Shannon's principles to their strategies. 55:16 - The impact of Shannon's interdisciplinary approach on his innovations. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Jimmy’s book, A Mind at Play. Jimmy’s Book, The Founders. Jimmy's X (Twitter Account) Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our Bitcoin Fundamentals Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Sun Life The Bitcoin Way Meyka Sound Advisory Industrious Range Rover iFlex Stretch Studios Briggs & Riley Public American Express USPS Shopify Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

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    TIP639: Buffett's Favorite Business Book w/ David Fagan
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    BTC187: Home Heating and Bitcoin Mining w/ Alex Busarov (Bitcoin Podcast)
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    TIP638: Gold w/ Lyn Alden

    TIP638: Gold w/ Lyn Alden
    In this episode, Stig Brodersen talks with investment expert Lyn Alden about why gold has recently hit an all-time high. They discuss the optimal market conditions for gold investments and gold in portfolio management.  IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 01:20 - Why the gold price is at an all-time high 02:41 - Who are the buyers of gold, and what is the role of central banks 15:27 - Why emerging economies have more gold on their balance sheet than developed economies 18:53 - Whether it makes sense for Argentina to print money to buy gold and then dollarize their economy 21:23 - Who would benefit from having a gold standard 28:06 - The allocation to gold in your portfolio and why does gold do well in market conditions when stocks and bonds do not 32:08 - What is paper gold, and how is it different than physical gold?  45:10 - What is the cost of gold, and what is the discount you will get from buying higher quantities Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Lyn Alden’s book, Broken Money – Read reviews here. Our interview with Lyn Alden about Currencies and Debt | YouTube Video. Our interview with Lyn Alden about her book, Broken Money | YouTube Video. Our interview with Lyn Alden about How the Fed Went Broke | YouTube Video. Our interview with Lyn Alden about Macro and the Energy Market | YouTube Video. Our interview with Lyn Alden about Money | YouTube Video. Our interview with Lyn Alden about Gold and Commodities | YouTube Video. Lyn Alden's free website. The website of the World Gold Council. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota CI Financial Sun Life AFR The Bitcoin Way Industrious Briggs & Riley Range Rover Meyka iFlex Stretch Studios Vacasa Public Simon & Schuster USPS American Express Shopify HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    TIP637: Jeff Bezos Letters w/ Clay Finck

    TIP637: Jeff Bezos Letters w/ Clay Finck
    On today’s episode, Clay reviews Jeff Bezos’ shareholder letters and shares his biggest takeaways. Jeff Bezos is an exceptional capital allocator who has delivered unprecedented returns to shareholders. Since Amazon’s IPO, the stock is up 152,400%. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 01:58 - How Jeff Bezos thought about building Amazon.com in the early days. 04:51 - Why Bezos believed that focusing on the customer is in the best interest of shareholders. 15:55 - Why Amazon’s business model was more capital efficient than physical retail stores. 23:26 - Why Bezos is more terrified of his customers than his competition. 25:17 - Why Bezos largely ignored Amazon’s volatile stock price movements. 36:55 - Why Bezos encouraged an ownership mindset. 57:12 - The three business units that created the majority of shareholder value for Amazon shareholders. 59:30 - Our favorite framework from Jeff Bezos. And so much more! Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Related Episode: TIP506: How Jeff Bezos Built Amazon | YouTube video. Follow Clay on Twitter.  Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota CI Financial Sun Life AFR The Bitcoin Way Industrious Briggs & Riley Range Rover Meyka iFlex Stretch Studios Vacasa Public Simon & Schuster USPS American Express Shopify HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    BTC186: Fiat Food & Bitcoin w/ Matthew Lysiak (Bitcoin Podcast)

    BTC186: Fiat Food & Bitcoin w/ Matthew Lysiak (Bitcoin Podcast)
    In this episode of the Bitcoin Fundamentals Podcast, investigative journalist Matthew Lysiak discusses his latest book on fiat food policies, influential figures like Ancel Keys, corporate interests, and the impact of inflation on health. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 02:22 - The history and impact of fiat food policies. 10:11 - The role of influential figures like Ancel Keys and John Harvey Kellogg. 25:11 - Insights into nutrient density and its importance. 26:21 - How to accurately measure the CPI bucket considering nutrient dense food prices. 29:02 - How corporate interests have shaped national food policies since 1884. 40:30 - The monetary and nutrition shifts of the 1970s. 52:03 - The real cost of inflation on financial, physical, and mental health. 56:21 - How Bitcoin can change the current food and health landscape. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Matthew’s Book: Fiat Food. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our Bitcoin Fundamentals Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota CI Financial Sun Life AFR The Bitcoin Way Industrious Briggs & Riley Range Rover Meyka iFlex Stretch Studios Vacasa Public Simon & Schuster USPS American Express Shopify Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    TIP636: Billionaire Investing Legend Li Lu w/ Clay Finck

    TIP636: Billionaire Investing Legend Li Lu w/ Clay Finck
    On today’s episode, Clay dives into the investment approach of billionaire value investor Li Lu. Li Lu is the Founder and Chairman of Himalaya Capital, a value investing firm where he has been managing its principal fund since 1997. Before his passing in 2023, Charlie Munger was an investor in the fund. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 01:27 - The back story of Li Lu’s early life. 06:46 - Li Lu’s investment philosophy. 08:28 - The four key investment principles he adheres to. 29:36 - Li Lu’s view on investing in China. 44:52 - An overview of Alphabet, one of Li Lu’s top holdings. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Li Lu’s book: Moving the Mountain. Check out: FT Magazine Article. Check out: Li Lu’s 2006 talk at Columbia. Related Episode: RWH008: Playing to Win w/ Mohnish Pabrai | YouTube video. Follow Clay on Twitter.  Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Sun Life Range Rover AFR The Bitcoin Way Meyka CI Financial Industrious Fidelity Long Angle Briggs & Riley AFR Fundrise iFlex Stretch Studios Public NDTCO American Express Shopify HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

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    Macro Lit Review 1: Highlights from Mid-2022 with George Selgin

    Macro Lit Review 1: Highlights from Mid-2022 with George Selgin

    George Selgin is a senior fellow and director emeritus of the Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives at the Cato Institute. He is also the most frequent guest on Macro Musings, now appearing for his 12th time. In this episode, George and David identify and discuss their top three articles from the past few weeks related to macroeconomics and monetary policy. Specifically, George and Selgin discuss Lael Brainard’s recent speech defending the Fed’s prospects of issuing central bank digital currency, Janet Yellen’s concession about the path that inflation has taken, the governmental accounting of Federal Reserve losses and whether they amount to a net taxpayer burden, why the Dollar remains firm as the dominant currency in global markets, how an orthodox corridor system defaults into a floor system during times of crisis, and much more.


    Transcript for the episode can be found here.


    George’s Twitter: @GeorgeSelgin

    George’s Cato profile


    David’s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth

    Follow us on Twitter: @Macro_Musings

    Click here for the latest Macro Musings episodes sent straight to your inbox!


    Related Links:


    *No, Fed, Unrealized Losses are Real Losses for Taxpayers* by Bill Nelson


    *Preparing for the Financial System of the Future* speech by Lael Brainard at the 2022 U.S. Monetary Policy Forum


    *What if the Federal Reserve Books Losses Because of its Quantitative Easing?* by Willam B. English and Donald Kohn


     *From Burns to Powell*, a Macro Musings podcast episode with Guest Donald Kohn and host David Beckworth


    *Treasury Secretary Concedes She Was Wrong on 'Path That Inflation Would Take'* By Kevin Liptak and Paul LeBlanc


    *How Monetary Policy Got Behind The Curve And How To Get Back: A Policy Conference* Hoover Institution, Stanford University


    *Jack Dorsey is Wrong. The Dollar is Still a Global Reserve Currency* by Mark Copelovitch


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    Spotlight: The New Digital Currency That Could Save The Global Economy

    Spotlight: The New Digital Currency That Could Save The Global Economy

    Governments, including the U.S., are spending money on a scale not seen since WWII, and most of that is being financed by their central banks printing massive amounts of money. Inflation is, undeniably, a looming threat, but what can we do? Steve Forbes takes a look at a possible solution emerging in Latin America that would be one of history’s biggest monetary revolutions and the new digital currency that could save the global economy.

    Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Episode 300- Ones And Zeros

    Episode 300- Ones And Zeros

    www.commsolutionsmn.com- We’re back with season 8, and we’re off to a raging start. We’re going after an issue that seems like a national issue, but it really doesn’t get more local than what’s in your wallet. The Federal Reserve has been talking about issuing a new currency… a progammmable digital-based currency.

    This isn’t the first time a new US currency has been implemented. Most times the American consumer got the short end of the stick on the conversion. This new currency will no longer have physical money, but will be completely digital and run through the Federal Reserve system. This will have huge implications for you, because the Fed will be able to track and trace every dollar you earn, invest, and spend.

    This currency will be programmable, which means that they can control how you use your money. All they have to do is program the restrictions on your account to allow you buy certain things or not, spend your money somewhere or not, or donate to a certain organization or not. The Chinese are already putting parts of this in place with their social credit system. The World Economic Forum has already lauded China as the gold standard.

    President Biden has already tasked the government with designing this currency, creating the programmable technology, and laying uot a plan for implementation. It’s all ready to go, now we’re just waiting for an economic emergency. At some point, things will crash and they will step in with this ready-made solution.

    Check out the Community Solutions Podcast on your mobile device’s podcast app or click on the button for other options.

    George Selgin on the Future of CBDC, Fed Accounts, and Stablecoins

    George Selgin on the Future of CBDC, Fed Accounts, and Stablecoins

    George Selgin is a senior fellow and director emeritus of the Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives at the Cato Institute and is also a long-time returning guest of Macro Musings. He rejoins the podcast to talk about central bank digital currency, stablecoins, and the future of the Fed’s balance sheet and operating system. Specifically, David and George also discuss the challenges presented by CBDC and Fed accounts, how they could create financial instability, George’s proposal for wholesale CBDC, and more.


    Check out Conversations with Tyler: https://conversationswithtyler.com, and subscribe to Conversations with Tyler on your favorite podcast app.


    Transcript for the episode can be found here.


    George’s Twitter: @GeorgeSelgin

    George’s Cato Institute profile: https://www.cato.org/people/george-selgin


    Related Links:


    *Central Bank Digital Currency as a Potential Source of Financial Instability* by George Selgin



    *Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the Age of Digital Transformation* by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors



    *George Selgin on the Past, Present, and Future of a Real-Time Payments System*



    David’s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth

    David’s blog: http://macromarketmusings.blogspot.com/