
    Tips, Ausha's show to launch and grow your podcast

    enJune 13, 2022

    About this Episode

    Launch and boost the growth of your podcast with Tips, the new weekly show from Ausha! 💜

    Each week, listen to our top tips for taking your podcast to the next level and growing your audience. 🚀

    Communication, analysis, recording, editing, writing: in just a few minutes each week, we will give you all the key tips so that you can boost your podcast to the stars! ✨


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips


    This show is brought to you by Ausha, the all-in-one podcast hosting and marketing platform to help you grow your podcast. 🔥 

    Recent Episodes from Tips - How to grow your podcast

    [SUMMER REPLAY] How to transform an unkown listener into a loyal listener

    [SUMMER REPLAY] How to transform an unkown listener into a loyal listener


    🔥 To transform a stranger into a loyal listener, we have a technique: the listener journey. 🔥

    Here are the 𝟑 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬:

    1️⃣ ɴᴏᴛᴏʀɪᴇᴛʏ 👉 how to get your podcast noticed by your audience?

    ✔️ Make sure your podcast is available on all listening platforms: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Deezer... and even YouTube

    ✔️ Boost your show's visibility by optimizing your organic search ranking: implement a true SEO strategy with keywords in your titles and descriptions, a website dedicated to your podcast show or even blog articles summarizing your episodes

    Ausha actually allows you to automatically display a web page fully dedicated to your show, and it's perfectly optimized for the organic ranking of your podcast 😇

    Learn more about Ausha 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips

    2️⃣ ᴀᴄᴛɪᴠᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 👉 how to convince them to initiate the first listen?

    ✔️ You MUST have a trailer to tease your audience and convince them to continue listening to your podcast (you can even create a dedicated video clip with audiowaves on Ausha)

    ✔️ Promote your episodes on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn)

    3️⃣ ʀᴇᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ 👉 how to keep them coming back (or staying) on your podcast?

    ✔️ Organize your show in the form of seasons and playlists

    ✔️ Schedule your social media posts so your most loyal listeners can listen to your episodes as soon as they are released on the listening platforms

    We provide all the details in this episode, happy listening adventurers! ⚔️


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the best podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  

    [SUMMER REPLAY] How to catch the eye of Spotify

    [SUMMER REPLAY] How to catch the eye of Spotify


    🔥 In 5 minutes, find our best Marketing Tips to stand out on Spotify and gain visibility! 🔥


    There are so many podcasts today that getting noticed on Spotify becomes almost mission impossible! 🕵️

    Today we're revealing our best tips for being able to get properly referenced and featured on the world's most used listening platform

    It's not easy, but remember that Spotify's podcast curator teams are above all human beings and they say it, they are particularly attentive to 10 criteria! 

    We reveal them to you in this new episode (the 6th will surprise you) 👀

    The advantage is that your podcast can find itself referenced in different types of rankings:

    ✔️ A category close to its theme

    ✔️ An independent category such as "Best episodes of the week"

    So here are the top 10 criteria:

    1️⃣ The hook: from the first few seconds, the podcast host should have given a good reason to continue listening 🪝

    2️⃣ The form: the podcast should be informative but also entertaining 🧑🏫

    3️⃣ Authenticity and inclusiveness 🤝

    4️⃣ Conversations: they love programs that provoke exciting discussions and enlighten listeners 💬

    5️⃣ Consistency on the quality of content ⏱

    6️⃣ The surprises in the episodes 🤯

    7️⃣ The personality of the hosts and the energy they give off ⚡️

    8️⃣ Themes: if the themes diversify and allow to reach different audiences it is tip top 📖

    9️⃣ Confidence: listening should not be disturbed by technical problems, of course you don't need a pro studio to record but audio quality should not be a hindrance to listening. 🎙

    🔟 Experimental formats, like audio fiction for example! 🦸

    All the details are in this new episode of TIPS 🎧


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the best podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  

    [SUMMER REPLAY] How to optimize the metadata for your podcast

    [SUMMER REPLAY] How to optimize the metadata for your podcast


    🔥 Designing metadata is one of the most important steps in promoting a podcast. We explain why in this episode. 🔥

    Metadata is a word that can be intimidating 👻

    However, metadata is essential when creating a podcast or even when publishing an episode.

    Today in TIPS 🎺 we'll look at how to effectively manage all the elements that accompany your show: image, description, tags, category of your podcast... In short, everything your listeners see when they're tuning into your episodes. 🎧

    You'll see, your metadata is a real weapon to boost the visibility of your podcast and recruit new listeners:

    1️⃣ By correctly optimizing the SEO of your metadata, you can attract potential listeners who may not have initially intended to listen to a podcast. With good SEO, your podcast can quickly show up in Google searches!

    2️⃣ A good show and episode description can be the final push to convince a listener to hit play:

    ✔️ Start with a hook sentence, reminding the listener of something they already believe in or agree with

    ✔️ Then add the necessary information to describe the main topics discussed in your podcast

    ✔️ Finish convincing your audience by sprinkling in key details about the frequency of your show, the format of your podcast, and, why not, examples of prestigious guests

    ⚠️ There are, however, certain rules to follow for your metadata to be maximally optimized:

    ❌ Do not repeat the title and author's name in your description.

    ❌ Do not write your keywords one after the other, without logical order.

    ❌ Do not add episode numbers in their title

    3️⃣ One last tip for optimizing your metadata: use Tags #

    Tags are considered a bit like labels that help your audience discover episodes of your podcast. On Ausha, when you upload a new episode to the platform, you can add up to 20 tags.

    Find out more about Ausha 👉  https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips 


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the best podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  

    [SUMMER REPLAY] Should you publish your podcast on YouTube?

    [SUMMER REPLAY] Should you publish your podcast on YouTube?


    🔥 In less than 7 minutes, we'll explain why it's interesting to distribute your podcast on YouTube! 🔥

    While YouTube is a video platform, it's also widely used by listeners to discover new podcasts 🕵️

    Not surprising because there's a lot, a lot, A LOT of people on YouTube!

    In this TIPS episode, we give you all the good reasons to distribute your podcast on YouTube and reveal the best practices to follow for effective distribution on this platform!

    1️⃣ +2.527 billion users active users each month... there will inevitably be an audience for your podcast on this platform

    2️⃣ YouTube's powerful algorithm will be your ally to get new people to listen to your podcast

    3️⃣ YouTube's features are designed to facilitate interactions: Like, Comments...

    4️⃣ YouTube is Google... Listing your podcast on YouTube can therefore significantly improve its natural ranking.

    ⚠️ YouTube is a platform that favors content with a video, simply uploading your audio file on a black background is extremely discouraged.

    By hosting your podcast on Ausha, you can automatically generat e video clips with your cover and audio waves and distribute them on YouTube with one click!


    Here is our YouTube video on how to record your podcast remotely for free :



    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the best podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  

    [SUMMER REPLAY] Get your podcast off the ground with Snacking Content

    [SUMMER REPLAY] Get your podcast off the ground with Snacking Content


    🔥 In less than 6 minutes, find our best Marketing Tips to launch your podcast with Snacking Content! 🔥

    Your podcast is a real gold mine ⛏

    You can extract a myriad of content from it and develop a Snacking Content strategy to reach and grow your audience 🍿

    The direct consequence? An increase in your listens 📈

    In this new episode of TIPS, we present the key steps that make up a good Snacking Content strategy:

    1️⃣ Implement an inverted pyramid strategy (Gary Vaynerchuck's technique)

    ✔️ Create your podcast episode (the pillar content)

    ✔️ Break down this main content into dozens of satellite contents by varying the formats (audio excerpts, video clips, guest photos, quotes...)

    ✔️ Flood your networks with these new contents to attract people to your pillar content (aka your podcast episode)

    2️⃣ Capitalize on the entirety of your episode to create snacking content

    ✔️ Titles, covers, descriptions 

    ✔️ The script of your episode

    ✔️ Photos of your recordings

    3️⃣ Distribute micro-content on suitable social networks: 

    ✔️ Your episode (which is, I remind you, your pillar content), can be available on Ausha, on all listening platforms, and on YouTube, for example. 

    ✔️ The content that tells the story behind the episode recording, the why and how of the theme or how you convinced your guest to participate in your show is ideal for a newsletter or a LinkedIn post.

    ✔️ The entirety of your episode script can be published as an article on your website.

    ✔️ Photos taken during the recording may interest your community on Instagram or Snapchat, but perhaps less so your Twitter or LinkedIn followers. However, an inspiring quote from your guest is perfectly suited for these types of social networks."


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the best podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  

    [SUMMER REPLAY] How to master Apple Podcasts like a pro (Part 2/2)

    [SUMMER REPLAY] How to master Apple Podcasts like a pro (Part 2/2)


    🔥 Apple Podcast is THE platform you need to win over for your podcast to take off and gain listeners 🚀( 2/2) 🔥

    Nothing has changed in 1 week: Apple Podcasts is still THE most used listening platform in the world by podcast listeners. 😉

    It's still the platform that lists the most podcasts... and it's still just as difficult to stand out and be highlighted by Apple Podcasts.

    In this 2nd part, we give you even more tips to improve your ranking on the platform:

    1️⃣Take care of your episode titles and descriptions

    ✔️ Use keywords so people can find your podcast when searching directly on Apple Podcasts

    ❌ Don't write "Episode n°8", or "Episode #8", we already know we're listening to a podcast episode and the platform itself numbers your show!

    2️⃣Keep in mind that it's human beings who highlight podcasts

    ✔️ Pay attention to your form, your cover should be beautiful to catch the eye of the platform's podcast curators

    3️⃣Invite your listeners to interact with your episode

    ✔️ Ask them to rate your show on Apple Podcasts

    ✔️ Invite them to leave comments on the platform

    ✔️ Suggest they share your show 

    We provide a focus on Apple Podcasts rankings and the best techniques to appear in them in our blog post: How to master Apple Podcasts like a pro?


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the best podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  

    [SUMMER REPLAY] How to master Apple Podcasts like a pro (Part 1/2)

    [SUMMER REPLAY] How to master Apple Podcasts like a pro (Part 1/2)


    Apple Podcasts is THE most used listening platform in the world by podcast listeners. 🌍  (1/2)

    But it's also the platform with the most podcasts... So it's hard to stand out and be highlighted by Apple Podcasts. Fortunately, there are a few little tricks and tips to put in place to maximize your chances of being noticed by its algorithm.

    In this first part, we will look at:

    1️⃣ The impact of the number of subscribers to your podcast on Apple Podcasts

    2️⃣ The importance of choosing your category on the listening platform

    (And particularly the interest in preferring a subcategory to benefit from double listing)

    3️⃣ The frequency of publishing your episodes:

    The most important thing is to be consistent: but a weekly or daily podcast will have more chances of being noticed by the platform. A high frequency stimulates the algorithm more 😉

    We provide a focus on Apple Podcasts rankings and the best techniques to appear in them in our blog post: How to Appear in Apple Podcasts Rankings. 

    PS: I really had a lot to tell you about this so I’ve separated this episode into 2 parts. This is the first!


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the best podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips 

    [SUMMER PLAYER] How to properly promote your podcast on social media

    [SUMMER PLAYER] How to properly promote your podcast on social media


    🔥 There’s no doubt: social media is THE most powerful tool for finding new listeners. 🔥 

    It’s also the perfect channel to get to know your audience and turn them into loyal listeners. 🤝 

    In this new episode of TIPS 🎺, we’re giving you all the winning strategies for your podcast on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    We’ll also talk about the new tool from Ausha: the Social Media Manager! A tool dedicated to social media that allows you to manage all your communication super easily.


    1️⃣Define your target audience

    ✔️ Who is the listener you want to reach? 😀

    ✔️ What motivates them to listen to your podcast? 🎧

    ✔️ What stops them from listening to your podcast? 🙅‍♀️

    ✔️ What does a typical day look like for your persona? ☕

    👉 Download Ausha's template  to help you define your listener persona

    2️⃣Create content tailored to each social network

    ✔️ INSTAGRAM: The kingdom of Snacking Content 🍿

    ✔️ TWITTER: THE platform for immediacy and hot news 🔥

    ✔️ FACEBOOK: Ideal for meeting other podcasters thanks to private groups 😎

    ✔️ LINKEDIN: THE place to be if your podcast is business or professional oriented 🤝

    3️⃣ Create Snacking Content 🍿 (this is a really, really great tip)

    ✔️Make your podcast the PILLAR content of your comms strategy

    ✔️ Envision other small content pieces around your pillar content (images, quotes, videos...)

    4️⃣ Automate your communication on social media with Ausha 🚀

    ✔️ CREATE and SCHEDULE all your posts on Ausha

    ✔️ Track the success of your posts from Ausha's SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the best podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  

    [SUMMER REPLAY] How to know your audiene to boost your downloads

    [SUMMER REPLAY] How to know your audiene to boost your downloads


    🔥 In marketing, it’s no secret that for communication to be impactful, you have to start with the consumers. 🔥

    🤝 Put yourself in their shows, understand their problems, and identify the places and times when they consume your product…

    And for a podcast, it’s the same! 🎙️

    By putting yourself in the shoes of your listeners, and imagining their typical day, what they like and what they do, their listening habits, etc: you’re defining your listener-persona. 👩

    And by knowing your target audience (or your core target) like the back of your hand, you can offer them more relevant audio content that they will like 100% of the time. 💪

    To help you construct your listener-persona, you can download our template and complete it for yourself !


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the best podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    This show is brought to you by Ausha, the all-in-one podcast hosting and marketing platform to help you grow your podcast. 🔥 

    Taking a break from your podcast : Good or Bad idea ?

    Taking a break from your podcast : Good or Bad idea ?

    🔥 In less than 6 minutes, we answer THE question of the summer for podcasters! 🔥


    Summer is the perfect time to take time for yourself and recharge your batteries. ☀️🍹

    But when you have a podcast, it's not always easy... Is taking a break a good idea or a bad one? When you know that regularity is one of the keys to success (and that taking a break is the exact opposite of regularity), the question really arises.

    There are several good answers to this question, otherwise it would be too easy:

    ✔️ You can use the summer period to get your podcast off the ground by taking advantage of the reduced activity of other podcasters!

    ✔️ YES, you have the right to take a break if you feel the need.

    Taking a break doesn't mean you're going to disappear. In this episode we give you 3 techniques for staying active on your podcast, even on vacation:

    1️⃣ You can schedule your episodes and social media posts

    2️⃣ You can set up a cross-promotional strategy with other podcasters to introduce your audience to new shows and keep your listenership up.

    3️⃣ You can repackage your old episodes so that your audience can listen again to your best episodes (or the episodes you consider most important).

    We give you all the details in this episode of TIPS, enjoy 🎧


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips