
    Tofu: Healthy or Unhealthy? Solutions Pod EP 002 with Wen Raiti

    enJune 26, 2021

    About this Episode

    Meet Solutions Pod: a series of live discussions with inspiring community leaders where we’re exploring ways to unlock our human potential, including health, environment, and society at large. Today, a plant-based food entrepreneur Wen Raiti of Jacksonville, Florida's House of Leaf & Bean talks about her journey to health through clean eating and a plant-based diet. Together with J Harvey Lewis, the co-founder of NatureHub, and Kat Doe, a fellow tofu enthusiast, they also discover whether eating tofu is actually good for you, why you should have nuts for breakfast, and why every community-focused restaurant needs a meditation room. 

    ⚡️Join more of in-depth discussions about healthier eating, easy and clean recipes, and obviously, the benefits of tofu on NatureHub app: https://naturehub.com 

    👉Find Wen Raiti at https://www.houseofleafnbean.com 
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    Recent Episodes from Solutions Pod

    How To Avoid the Toxic Side of Beauty Products- Interview with Svetlana from Solidamie

    How To Avoid the Toxic Side of Beauty Products- Interview with Svetlana from Solidamie

    Most of us have a general awareness about the harmful chemicals in skincare/ haircare products and cosmetics, but the solutions are not as well-known. Svetlana, the founder of Solidamie will tell us more about the beauty industry in the US and Europe, whilst sharing possible ways to reduce harmful effects for you and your family. 
    In this Solutions Pod episode, we discuss why SLS-free (sodium lauryl sulfate-free) haircare products are your best choice and go deeper into diverse natural hair care routines. Justin Lewis even gets to share his personal tips and tricks 😉 
    If you watch this episode till the end, you will realize that looking good doesn’t need to come with serious health threats, a drastic carbon footprint, enormous levels of water consumption, and harm nature as they wash away down our drains. 

    2:00 A rebellious story of a little Russian girl 
    3:21 It looks like soap but it isn’t! Here is why 
    5:37 Beauty industry issues uncovered 
    8:34 What makes SLS-free shampoo bars better than mainstream alternatives 
    11:32 How hair feel when just SLS-free bars are used 
    13:55 The US beauty industry regulations compared to other countries 
    18:40 Link to some of the harmful chemicals that you might want to be mindful of: https://skinkraft.com/blogs/articles/toxic-ingredients-in-shampoos-and-conditioners
    25:55 Natural beauty methods… yes, aloe vera is one of them 
    22:09 Justin Lewis’s hair care routine 
    25:55 How to find Solidamie online 

    🌝 Find Solidamie: https://www.solidamie.co.uk/ 
    Solidamie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/solidamie_beauty/
    If you made it this far you are our favorite! Don't forget to like this video and sign up for NatureHub.com! 🐢

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    Magical material that’s been illegal in the US until very recently - Solutions Pod 010 - Pushaoo

    Magical material that’s been illegal in the US until very recently - Solutions Pod 010 - Pushaoo

    Most of us are well aware of the fact that the mass-fashion industry contributes to devastating climate change consequences. But, did you know that the fashion industry can actually protect forests, invest in renewable energy and help communities thrive? Helena, the founder of Pushaoo will tell us how that is possible. 
    In this Solutions Pod episode, we discuss the ‘new normal’ ways for fashion to be an industry of positive change. You might have guessed that the material we hinted at in the title is hemp. There are so many amazing facts about hemp! In fact, hemp is a true carbon warrior. 
    Did you know that hemp uses 1/20th the amount of water in comparison to cotton production to grow and process? Did you know that hemp farms were used in Chernobyl in attempting to clean the soil from toxins? Did you know that hemp items become softer the more you wear them, so most people love their hemp clothes more and more with time? If your clothes last longer, you buy less. These and many more incredible facts about hemp are discussed in this Solutions Pod interview. 

    1:43 Hemp qualities and history, possible use, and sustainability aspects. 
    7:05 Facts on hemp fabric; hemp fabric vs cotton. 
    11:26 The experience of opening a business during the pandemic. 
    14:40 Growth strategy tips and how Pushaoo works with small businesses and individuals. 
    17:15 The carbon-neutral aspect of the business. 
    21:14 Learn how you can plant a tree for every “public” post on social media. 
    23:47 Why it took so long for hemp to become legal. 
    26:28 Pushaoo… why Pushaoo? The story behind the name. 
    28:16 Ways to engage with Pushaoo online. 
    30:11 If you are a small business, here is how you can partner with Pushaoo. 🌝 

    Find Pushaoo: https://www.pushaoo.com 
    If you made it this far you are our favorite! Don't forget to like this video and sign up for NatureHub.com! 🐢🥦

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    One Jar Challenge - perfect starting point to join a growing Zero-waste movement(LISTEN TO LEARN HOW)

    One Jar Challenge - perfect starting point to join a growing Zero-waste movement(LISTEN TO LEARN HOW)

    Jenica tells us how to reduce the amount of waste we produce, turning it into a fun and positive experience. We discuss a One Jar Challenge, which is a perfect way to identify some zero-waste starting points for you and your family. For example, have you tried a zero-waste banana bread that actually uses the banana peel, so none of the fruit gets wasted? Sustainable living is never boring, there is so much new to discover! 

    1:22 What is a One Jar Challenge? 
    3:10 The most important lessons learned from the zero-waste lifestyle 
    4:42 Refuse, reduce, reuse, rote, and recycle: Using 5 R’s like a mantra 
    7:10 How the pandemic has affected sustainable living habits 
    9:50 Zero waste and DIY workshops 
    12:08 Jenica’s most favorite topics to write about 
    14:13 Tips for those who dare to attempt the One Jar Challenge 
    17:50 Bringing sustainable living workshops and talks to offices and local businesses 
    19:53 What new activities are Jenica looking to start 
    20:38 Further information: social media handles, website, and more 

    🥑 Connect with Jenica at https://www.zerowastewisdom.com/

    Try NatureHub to find more good, green, local businesses & healthy tips. 👉 👉 https://naturehub.com​

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    Carcinogenic Chemical Found In 99% of US population. (LISTEN TO FIND OUT HOW TO AVOID IT!)

    Carcinogenic Chemical Found In 99% of US population. (LISTEN TO FIND OUT HOW TO AVOID IT!)

    If you're an American you probably have a deadly chemical in your blood. Watch this video to find out what it is and what you can do to avoid it along with other actions you can take to help solve the problem. 
    In this episode, we are joined by Kyla Bennett from PEER.org an organization that assists government employees who blow the whistle on various Environmental and Health problems. 
    Kyla talks about a type of harmful "forever chemical" which has ended up in 99% of American's blood at detectable levels. Just 70 parts per trillion are considered dangerous by the EPA and yet it's found in everyday consumer products, firefighting foam, and it's now been shown to be inside barrels that many pesticides are stored in which results in it getting in our food and water. 
    It can cause deadly diseases like cancer in humans not to mention huge damage to aquatic and semi-aquatic animals like fish and frogs. Please share this information to help raise awareness so that this problem can be solved ASAP! 
    This topic isn’t fun or cheerful but we can't lose hope and forget our power to influence business and policy just by changing our consumer habits. Thank you for doing your part! 🤓🙏 
    Were you already aware of this? What do you do to avoid this chemical? What do you think we can do to help solve the problem on a governmental level? Let us know in the comments! 

    Links mentioned in the interview (* Note: We are NOT affiliated with any of the product makers listed below and are not receiving any benefit for sharing their product links) 
    1. "EPA Confirms PFAS in Aerial Pesticides" https://www.peer.org/epa-confirms-pfas-in-aerial-pesticides/
    2. "PFAS Found in Widely Used Insecticide" https://www.peer.org/pfas-found-in-widely-used-insecticide/
    3. Info + Water filters that remove PFAS: 
    - https://www.nsf.org/news/pfoa-pfos-reduction-claims-requirements-added-to-nsf-standards
    - https://info.nsf.org/Certified/DWTU/Listings.asp?ProductFunction=053%7CPFOA+Reduction&ProductFunction=053%7CPFOS+Reduction&ProductFunction=P473%7CPFOA+Reduction&ProductFunction=P473%7CPFOS+Reduction&ProductType&submit2=Search
    4. Filter for the shower: Aquabliss SF 220 https://aquabliss.com/products/sf220-shower-filter
    5. PFSA free goods: https://pfascentral.org/pfas-free-products/
    6. EWG's interactive map: https://www.ewg.org/interactive-maps/pfas_contamination/map/
    7. PEER.org Website: https://www.peer.org/ 
    8. Peer's Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/PEERorg 
    9. Today's Sponsor: https://naturehub.com/ 

    2:01 What is PFAS? 
    4:33 PFAS causes cancer 
    6:06 Whistleblower experience 
    9:00 What PEER does 
    13:05 How PFSA contaminates drinking water and food 
    18:21 Firefighting foam contains harmful chemicals 
    20:33 “Let’s change the formula” does not fix the issue 
    21:55 “Dark Waters” movie 
    23:37 It’s easier to pay the fine than change the system 
    26:12 What can people do to try and protect themselves from these harmful chemicals?* 
    30:14 Can you detoxify your body from PFAS? 
    23:33 Why consumer protection is such a secondary issue? 
    36:01 Is science bias?
    39:02 Some of the changes that have been implemented since the Trump administration 
    40:17 How can we make the difference?

    If you made it this far you are our favorite! Don't forget to like this video and sign up for

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    Dr. Jason Snyder & The End of Civilization As We Know It! (+ reasons to be optimistic)

    Dr. Jason Snyder & The End of Civilization As We Know It! (+ reasons to be optimistic)

    Solutions Pod episode 007 welcomes Dr. Jason Snyder, a professor at Appalachian State's Department of Sustainable Development to talk about bioregional regeneration, metamodern localism, homesteading, the end of civilization as we know it, and why he's optimistic. 
    In this episode, we ask Jason why he's optimistic even as civilization continues to break down and explore how movements like permaculture can act as bridges between politically divided people. Jason also explains what bioregional regeneration and metamodern localism are and how these can be valuable tools for transitioning into a better type of civilization. 

    8:21 - What is bioregionalism and why it’s important? 
    11:37 - Without the support of the government, how can people initiate bioregionalism? 
    16:09 - Cosmo-localism 
    19:40 - What communities start doing community agriculture and homesteading? 
    23:42 - Power-centralisation and ecomodernism 
    28:30 - Jason’s personal story Ironically for a localist to align you need to have a planetary vision. 
    37:55 - Cosmopolitanism and cosmo-localism 
    41:40 - Meno-modernism or meno-modern-localism 
    46:30 - Community bottom-upwards 
    48:45 - The difference between left- & right-localists and what unites them 
    53:54 - How do you live well within the limits of the Earth 
    56:14 - Concluding thoughts 

    👉Connect with Jason Snyder at https://twitter.com/cognazor

    Try NatureHub to find more good, green, local businesses & healthy tips. 👉 👉 https://naturehub.com​

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    The story of the 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge - Dr. Erlijn Van Genuchten

    The story of the 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge - Dr. Erlijn Van Genuchten

    Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten tells us how to implement healthy habits, reminding us about the importance of not being too harsh on ourselves and not expecting perfection. When we plan to run a marathon, we don’t go for a marathon on day one, right? We train gradually and grow slowly. This is a great analogy for sustainable living too! 
    In this interview, Erlijn tells us how to save money through sustainable living. We discuss climate anxiety and ways to not feel that burning worry about the future. Erlijn’s background as a white-hat hacker and psychology has really helped her understand and implement sustainable living habits. Daily, she comes up with creative sustainable solutions to everyday living. Let us know what you think in the comments down below! 

    1:36 - How Erlijn’s background in penetration testing and psychology helped her implement sustainable habits. 
    4:04 - 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge highlights. 
    6:50 - The psychology behind building healthy habits. 
    8:27  - The importance of taking small steps and not expect perfection. 
    11:07 - Items that Erlijn excluded from her life for good, saving money, time and the environment. 
    12:38 - How to save money by living more environmentally friendly. 
    15:10 - The tipping point when sustainability becomes ‘normal’. 
    17:16 - The relation between health and sustainability. 
    19:14 - Climate anxiety and future plans. 
    21:52  - How to reduce climate anxiety and feel good every single day. 
    24:42  - How it feels to live more sustainably. 
    26:16 - Further information: social media handles, e-books, courses, and more.

    👉Connect with Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten at https://www.sustainabledecisions.eu 

    👉 👉Try NatureHub to find more good, green, local businesses & healthy tips.  https://naturehub.com​

    Follow NatureHub 
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    Bloating, heartburn, constipation? Common red light signals from your gut - Talk with Olivia Haas

    Bloating, heartburn, constipation? Common red light signals from your gut - Talk with Olivia Haas

    Olivia Haas received a Certification of Holistic Nutrition from Hawthorn University. Her goal is to give people tools to understand the mind, body, and soul and create sustainable, long-term healthy habits with food, exercise, sleep, self-care, and mindfulness. 
    In this episode of Solutions Pod, Olivia tells us how to build great habits when it comes to food and lifestyle. She uncovers the best foods to boost the immune system, as well as great dietary advice for those of us who suffer from gallbladder disorder. Olivia shares some amazing advice for people with hormonal imbalance and explains what oils are good and which ones are bad for us. Let us know your thoughts and ideas in the comments down below! 

    1:23 How Olivia became a holistic nutritionist 
    9:02 Common warning signs that a person might have a gallbladder disorder* 
    10:59 Dietary suggestions for people suffering from gall bladder disorder/ gallbladder trigger foods 
    14:14 How Olivia’s clients’ requests changed due to the pandemic 
    16:55 How to build healthy eating and living habits 
    19:40 Should people who suffer from gallbladder disorder keep a different diet compared to those who’d like to prevent the gallbladder-related problem 
    22:08 What oils are good for you and what oils should be avoided 
    25:05 Advice for people with hormonal imbalance 
    28:42 What ingredients we should add to our diets to boost the immune system 
    31:16 How to get in touch with Olivia and what specific services she provides 

    Find Olivia Haas on NatureHub today here: https://naturehub.com/view/user/5ff498d109a9831cefb6517e
    Follow her on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/gallbladder.nutritionist/

    ** This isn’t medical advice, and one should always consult a physician for medical concerns. 

    Try NatureHub to find more good, green, local businesses & healthy tips. 👉 👉 https://naturehub.com​ 

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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/naturehubofficial
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    Does meditation really work? According to mindfulness Coach Michael Atma it only works when you....

    Does meditation really work? According to mindfulness Coach Michael Atma it only works when you....

    Michael Atma is a meditation and mindfulness expert who lives and breathes meditation. He is an accomplished author, presenter, and entrepreneur. In this interview, we explore what meditation actually is. What it’s like to be present. How to make your mind work with you and for you instead of against you. All of this and lots more are covered in this interview. 

    1:30 Michael Atma sharing his 1st meditation experience. 
    5:15 What it’s like to be a Freedom Coach. 
    7:38 Mental health tips… how to shut your monkey mind and find some peace. 
    11:08 180 meditation techniques and passive/ active meditation explained. 
    15:14 Theta wave explained. 
    17:18 Scientific benefits of meditation. 
    21:46 Breathing techniques. 
    24:52 The effects of a pandemic on people’s mental health. 
    27:58 Workplace meditations. 
    30:16 A six-month program for conscious leaders called EVOLVE. https://www.michaelatma.com/evolve/ 
    33:47 How to find more information. https://www.meditationdojo.com/ 

    👉Connect with Michael Atma at https://www.michaelatma.com 
    👉Get your free 28-page guide book https://app.naturehub.com/view/busine... 

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    Website: https://naturehub.com

    Amazing Regenerative Agriculture! Echo Farms "Finding Hope Against Hunger." Solutions Pod EP 003

    Amazing Regenerative Agriculture! Echo Farms "Finding Hope Against Hunger." Solutions Pod EP 003

    In this episode, find out how one Florida-based farm is solving the problem of hunger through community-oriented regenerative agriculture. Since the 1970s, ECHO has put its faith into action equipping Missionaries, NGOs, and community leaders with the tools they need to improve the lives of the communities they serve through self-sustaining food independence. Echo + Solutions Pod EP 003 with Danielle Flood. 

    1:11 Introducing ECHO and the challenges small-scale farmers face globally. 
    3:04 The resources ECHO provides 
    6:46 Sustainable farming solutions ECHO helps small-scale farmers to integrate 
    10:29 ECHO tours have become a local attraction 
    14:34 ECHO app has just been launched! 
    18:19 Danielle’s personal most proud achievement with ECHO 
    21:47 Free-trial packets of seeds 
    25:11 What is next with ECHO? Online experiences are on the rise 
    27:28 How to become an intern or a volunteer with ECHO Everyone who is reading the comments, you are amazing and we are thankful you joined us! 🙏
    Don't forget to like, subscribe, comment, and visit naturehub.com to find local, healthy, sustainable options near you.

    👉Find Danielle Flood at ECHO https://echonet.org 

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    Tofu: Healthy or Unhealthy? Solutions Pod EP 002 with Wen Raiti

    Tofu: Healthy or Unhealthy? Solutions Pod EP 002 with Wen Raiti

    Meet Solutions Pod: a series of live discussions with inspiring community leaders where we’re exploring ways to unlock our human potential, including health, environment, and society at large. Today, a plant-based food entrepreneur Wen Raiti of Jacksonville, Florida's House of Leaf & Bean talks about her journey to health through clean eating and a plant-based diet. Together with J Harvey Lewis, the co-founder of NatureHub, and Kat Doe, a fellow tofu enthusiast, they also discover whether eating tofu is actually good for you, why you should have nuts for breakfast, and why every community-focused restaurant needs a meditation room. 

    ⚡️Join more of in-depth discussions about healthier eating, easy and clean recipes, and obviously, the benefits of tofu on NatureHub app: https://naturehub.com 

    👉Find Wen Raiti at https://www.houseofleafnbean.com 
    Follow NatureHub 
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/naturehubofficial
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/nature_hub 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naturehub.official/
    Website: https://naturehub.com