
    About this Episode

    Magic happens when you foster an environment where diverse talents thrive and contribute their unique strengths to achieve collective greatness!

    Is it easy? Nah.
    Is it worth it? Every time. 

    Here's what you can expect from this weeks episode:

    🍀 The power of collaboration across your organization and how to encourage it
    🍀 How embracing diversity is the key to a culturally inclusive workspace
    🍀 What it takes to develop synergy within a multigenerational company

    So, fellow entrepreneurs, let's hold ourselves accountable and embrace inclusivity as a cornerstone of our business strategies. Together, we can build businesses that not only succeed but also make a positive impact on the world.

    TLDR; Spread Love and Elevate Consciousness Everywhere You Go
    You'd be amazed by how far that will take you when it comes to hiring a steller team.

    Subscribe and watch on Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/@heatherlawsonbradfield
    The Fresh Entrepreneur: HTTPS/thefreshentrepreneur.co 




    Recent Episodes from The Imperfect Founder

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    Time To Create a Safe Space for Your Team with Psychological Safety
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    • How to navigate and get out of toxic work environment and culture
    • How to develop a psychologically safe work environment as the founder and leader of a team.

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    • How to stop judging yourself (and others)
    • What the Rationalization Trap is
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    Leadership Styles from The White House: Authoritarian vs Stewardship (Trump Vs Obama)
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    What's your opinion on authoritarian and stewardship styles? Let us know in the comments.

    Learning From People You Don’t Like

    Learning From People You Don’t Like
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    The important message here is to realize that just because you don't like someone, does not mean there isn't something of value they have that you can learn from.
    Don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell so you don't miss the episode next episode.

    Letting Go of Ego - The MORE You Know, The LESS You Know

    Letting Go of Ego - The MORE You Know, The LESS You Know
    In this episode of The Imperfect Founder, we talk about the importance of letting go of your ego and being willing to learn or hire people to do the things in your business that you aren't an expert in.
    By the end of this episode, you will have an arsenal of questions to ask yourself to help reduce your own blindspots, such as:
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    - What is your greatest opportunity for growth when it comes to your own hubris?

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    • What is holding me back right now from getting to the next phase in my journey?
    • What is the most common & avoidable way you see agency owners failing in their business?
    • What indicators do you look for as a business owner to tell you it’s time to pivot?
    Don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell so you don't miss the next episode of The Imperfect Founder.

    Forgive Me Mother For I Have Sinned / Learning From Our Mistakes

    Forgive Me Mother For I Have Sinned / Learning From Our Mistakes

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    Remember to always start small and not be afraid to take imperfect action. That's the only way you learn and grow.