
    About this Episode

    It's never easy to talk with your child about topics that are scary, awkward or safety focused. But when your child has anxiety, depression or any mental health challenge you, as a parent, can feel like you're walking a tightrope between giving them the information they need and not needlessly upsetting them. Join Melissa, Perl and Chrissy to hear how they navigate those tough parenting conversations.

    If you're concerned about your child's mental well being here's a tip sheet on How To Talk To Your Child About Suicide  https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/talkaboutsuicide

    For one on one support at no cost to parents of children with behavior and mental health challenges in PA visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/one-on-one-help

    Find out more about the PA Parent and Family Alliance and how you can support our work at https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/

    To access any tip sheets and booklets we talk about visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/helpfulresources

    To be the first to know about our events, read stories of success from families raising children with mental health challenges and more sign up to join the Parent Alliance community: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/join-the-community

    Recent Episodes from This Is Not What I Was Expecting

    Why is this happening?

    Why is this happening?

    When your child suddenly starts acting out at school it can really throw you for a loop. The goal is to figure out what's going on and get them back on track as quickly as possible but the process is so slow. Additionally it really takes a toll on us, a parents. We question everything we're doing. This week we unpack not only ideas on how to help our kiddos but also how to help each other as parents in the thick of things, raising children with behavior and mental health challenges.

    Melissa shared a resource from our friends at DBSA to help your child understand and express their feelings. Check out the mood crew here:  https://www.dbsalliance.org/mood-crew/


    For one on one support at no cost to parents of children with behavior and mental health challenges in PA visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/one-on-one-help

    Find out more about the PA Parent and Family Alliance and how you can support our work at https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/

    To access any tip sheets and booklets we talk about visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/helpfulresources

    To be the first to know about our events, read stories of success from families raising children with mental health challenges and more sign up to join the Parent Alliance community: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/join-the-community

    Are we babying our children too much?

    Are we babying our children too much?

    We're never quite sure if we're doing too much or too little for our children. When you're raising a child with a mental health challenge it's even harder to know. Join us for this week's episode when Tracy, Chrissy and Christina share tips they've learned for walking that line between helicopter parent and hands off parenting. We'd love to hear what challenges you're facing. Feel free to reach out at contact@paparentandfamilyalliance.org Maybe we'll talk about your challenge next!

    For one on one support at no cost to parents of children with behavior and mental health challenges in PA visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/one-on-one-help

    Find out more about the PA Parent and Family Alliance and how you can support our work at https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/

    To access any tip sheets and booklets we talk about visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/helpfulresources

    To be the first to know about our events, read stories of success from families raising children with mental health challenges and more sign up to join the Parent Alliance community: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/join-the-community

    Parenting Curveballs: Real Talk on Picky Eating & Sensory Challenges!

    Parenting Curveballs: Real Talk on Picky Eating & Sensory Challenges!
    In this episode of This Is Not What I Was Expecting we dive into the challenges of parenting that you won't find addressed in parenting books. From food challenges to sensory processing disorders, we discuss our children's struggles and share our experiences. Tune in to hear our tips and advice for navigating these all to frequent tricky situations. For one on one support at no cost to parents of children with behavior and mental health challenges in PA visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/one-on-one-help Find out more about the PA Parent and Family Alliance and how you can support our work at https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/ To access any tip sheets and booklets we talk about visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/helpfulresources To be the first to know about our events, read stories of success from families raising children with mental health challenges and more sign up to join the Parent Alliance community: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/join-the-community

    Winter blues

    Winter blues
    Sometimes we wonder if anyone understands just how hard it is ... to be a parent, to be a parent of a child with a mental health challenge, to BE the child with the mental health challenge. Join Melissa, Tracy and Christina to check in and and chat about how this time of the year can be a little disheartening. For one on one support at no cost to parents of children with behavior and mental health challenges in PA visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/one-on-one-help Find out more about the PA Parent and Family Alliance and how you can support our work at https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/ To access any tip sheets and booklets we talk about visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/helpfulresources To be the first to know about our events, read stories of success from families raising children with mental health challenges and more sign up to join the Parent Alliance community: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/join-the-community

    Managing your relationship with your adult children

    Managing your relationship with your adult children

    The Parent Alliance offers one on one support to parents of children with behavior and mental health challenges no matter their age! Yes, you can give us a call and talk to a Family Support Partner at no cost even if your child is over 18 because, we get it. Our job as parent doesn't end just because our child becomes a legal adult. 

    For one on one support at no cost to parents of children with behavior and mental health challenges in PA visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/one-on-one-help

    Find out more about the PA Parent and Family Alliance and how you can support our work at https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/

    To access any tip sheets and booklets we talk about visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/helpfulresources

    To be the first to know about our events, read stories of success from families raising children with mental health challenges and more sign up to join the Parent Alliance community: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/join-the-community

    Extended School Year services (ESY): Why you need to plan for the summer now

    Extended School Year services (ESY): Why you need to plan for the summer now

    As always the team at PaTTAN has excellent resources to help us understand this service. Check them out here: https://www.pattan.net/publications/teachers-desk-reference-extended-school-year-esy/ https://www.pattan.net/videos/extended-school-year-esy/

    Questions an IEP team could consider regarding the need for ESY:

    • Documented problems with working memory from assessments
    • Demonstrated need for constant reinforcement over time, even during the regular instructional day/year
    • History from a previous year of losing skills and struggling to regain them after a school break
    • Need for constant reinforcement of a behavior support program when a student is at risk of being moved to a more restrictive environment without substantial progress around behavior

    For one on one support at no cost to parents of children with behavior and mental health challenges in PA visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/one-on-one-help

    Find out more about the PA Parent and Family Alliance and how you can support our work at https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/

    To access any tip sheets and booklets we talk about visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/helpfulresources

    To be the first to know about our events, read stories of success from families raising children with mental health challenges and more sign up to join the Parent Alliance community: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/join-the-community

    How do I keep my kiddos busy over the holidays

    How do I keep my kiddos busy over the holidays

    The holiday break has started and we're already out of things to do to keep our kiddos busy! We're looking for any ideas we can find to avoid hearing the dreaded "I'm bored." Join us as we troubleshoot ideas and inspiration to help everyone enjoy winter break.

    For one on one support at no cost to parents of children with behavior and mental health challenges in PA visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/one-on-one-help

    Find out more about the PA Parent and Family Alliance and how you can support our work at https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/

    To access any tip sheets and booklets we talk about visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/helpfulresources

    To be the first to know about our events, read stories of success from families raising children with mental health challenges and more sign up to join the Parent Alliance community: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/join-the-community

    What I wish my family knew about my kiddo (holiday edition)

    What I wish my family knew about my kiddo (holiday edition)

    When you're raising a child who struggles with their behavior or mental health, changes in schedules, large noisy events and activities with lots of pressure are ticking timebombs. Unfortunately all those things come together to make the holiday season the most joyful and hectic time of the year. Join our team as we talk about some of the challenges we face raising our own kiddos who struggle. We'll share how we manage and hopefully give you a few ideas to try out.

    How do you manage over the holidays? We'd love to hear!

    For one on one support at no cost to parents of children with behavior and mental health challenges in PA visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/one-on-one-help

    Find out more about the PA Parent and Family Alliance and how you can support our work at https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/

    To access any tip sheets and booklets we talk about visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/helpfulresources

    To be the first to know about our events, read stories of success from families raising children with mental health challenges and more sign up to join the Parent Alliance community: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/join-the-community

    Holiday mishaps

    Holiday mishaps

    In the real world the holidays don't always go as planned. In the moment things can feel like a disaster but so often looking back they're some of our favorite memories. In today's podcast the Parent Alliance team shares some of their favorite mishaps and ideas for managing those holiday expectations.

    Help your child prepare for holiday socialization with ideas from the Understanding your child's social battery tip sheet: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/understanding-social-batteries

    What are your favorite holiday mishaps? We'd love to hear! 

    For one on one support at no cost to parents of children with behavior and mental health challenges in PA visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/one-on-one-help

    Find out more about the PA Parent and Family Alliance and how you can support our work at https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/

    To access any tip sheets and booklets we talk about visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/helpfulresources

    To be the first to know about our events, read stories of success from families raising children with mental health challenges and more sign up to join the Parent Alliance community: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/join-the-community

    Tough conversations

    Tough conversations

    It's never easy to talk with your child about topics that are scary, awkward or safety focused. But when your child has anxiety, depression or any mental health challenge you, as a parent, can feel like you're walking a tightrope between giving them the information they need and not needlessly upsetting them. Join Melissa, Perl and Chrissy to hear how they navigate those tough parenting conversations.

    If you're concerned about your child's mental well being here's a tip sheet on How To Talk To Your Child About Suicide  https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/talkaboutsuicide

    For one on one support at no cost to parents of children with behavior and mental health challenges in PA visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/one-on-one-help

    Find out more about the PA Parent and Family Alliance and how you can support our work at https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/

    To access any tip sheets and booklets we talk about visit: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/helpfulresources

    To be the first to know about our events, read stories of success from families raising children with mental health challenges and more sign up to join the Parent Alliance community: https://www.paparentandfamilyalliance.org/join-the-community