
    TPP436: Everything you need to know about short-term inflation

    enJuly 22, 2021
    What are landlords advocating regarding legislation enforcement?
    How is inflation affecting property investors and saving habits?
    What role does globalization play in rising inflation?
    Why have construction input costs increased significantly?
    How can listeners stay updated on inflation news?

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Inflation and Regulations in Property InvestingInflation brings higher costs but mortgage choices and lower rates offer opportunities for property investors. However, the regulatory environment for landlords is complex and enforcement is needed, not new laws.

      While inflation is causing an increase in costs for property investors, there are also opportunities in the mortgage market with more choices and lower rates. However, the regulatory environment for landlords is becoming increasingly complex, with 168 separate pieces of legislation in England, and local authorities not effectively enforcing them. The National Residential Landlords Association argues for easier enforcement rather than new laws. Additionally, the podcast is introducing a new way for listeners to stay updated on upcoming content by texting "first" to the number 3802.

    • Saving alone isn't enough due to inflationUnderstanding inflation is crucial for wealth accumulation, as saving alone can lead to losing wealth over time.

      Saving money without taking inflation into account can lead to losing wealth over time. Despite the common belief that saving is a positive financial habit, the speaker emphasizes that due to inflation, saving alone is not enough to maintain or increase wealth. The conversation revolves around the importance of understanding inflation and its impact on wealth accumulation. Sending the word "first" plus to triple 802 is a suggested action to stay informed about inflation-related news. The speaker encourages listeners to delve deeper into the topic to make informed decisions about their finances and avoid being punished by inflation. The conversation also highlights that inflation is a hot topic now, and it's essential to understand it to keep up with the current financial landscape.

    • Understanding the difference between consumer price and asset price inflationAwareness of both consumer price and asset price inflation is crucial for investors as they can have different rates. High asset price inflation could lead to falling behind even with a high savings rate.

      Inflation is not just about the rising cost of consumer goods, but also about the increase in the value of assets like property. While consumer price inflation (CPI) measures the change in prices of typical goods and services, asset price inflation refers to the rise in value of assets over time. Property investors should be aware of both types of inflation as they can have different rates. While CPI might be around 2.1%, property prices could be rising by 8% or more. Therefore, not investing in assets that are experiencing high rates of inflation could result in falling behind even if you have a high savings rate.

    • Feeling content with financial situation? Think again!Inflation can make your savings worth less, and the true picture of your financial situation might be different due to monetary inflation and other factors.

      While you might be feeling content with your financial situation due to slight outperformance against inflation, the reality is that you could be experiencing a significant loss due to the rapid increase in asset values and monetary inflation. The true picture shows that you're potentially 6% down compared to other investors. Monetary inflation, an increase in the amount of money in circulation, is another type of inflation that is worth being aware of. The money supply has gone up by about 15% in the last year, which can lead to a decrease in the value of money. In the short term, inflation is driven by shifts in supply and demand, and we're currently experiencing both an increase in demand and a reduction in supply, leading to price increases. So, in summary, while you might think you're doing well, the true picture might be different due to the complexities of inflation. Stay tuned for next week's episode where we will discuss long-term inflation and its causes.

    • Economic shifts during the pandemicPeople saved more during the pandemic due to reduced spending, causing inflation, but not all industries were equally affected, and supply side issues also played a role.

      Despite the economic challenges brought about by the pandemic, there are significant numbers of people who have saved more due to reduced spending on commuting, dining out, and other non-essential activities. This increased savings, combined with the easing of restrictions, has led to a surge in demand for goods and services, causing inflation. However, it's essential to remember that not all industries have been equally affected. Some, like travel and tourism, have been devastated, while others have thrived. Additionally, the supply side of the equation is also crucial. Although demand has increased, supply has decreased due to various reasons related to the pandemic's logistics. These factors have combined to create inflationary pressures, making it an interesting time for economic analysis.

    • Globalization and border closures causing inflationGlobalization and border closures have disrupted supply chains, causing inflation through decreased supply and increased demand for goods and labor.

      The global economy is currently experiencing significant inflation due to a combination of factors. The move towards globalization and interconnected supply chains has made it so that goods rely on parts and labor from all over the world. However, when borders close and transit becomes more difficult, it affects these supply chains, causing production to slow down and reducing the supply of goods. Additionally, there has been a decrease in the labor supply in the UK due to various reasons, including Brexit and the pandemic, leading to an increase in wages and ultimately, inflation. Furthermore, input costs for construction have risen significantly due to increased prices for materials like timber, concrete, and bricks. These factors are pushing up demand while reducing supply, leading to inflation that is currently at 2.1% but is expected to continue to rise. This inflation can lead to people holding back on spending or a reversal in demand for materials, but at the moment, there are multiple factors at play that are pushing inflation up. This means that everything from goods to construction is becoming more expensive, making earnings go further and leaving people worse off.

    • Governments secretly welcome mild inflation to reduce debt burdenGovernments prefer mild inflation to deflation as it decreases real debt value, but economists predict continued inflation rise

      While the official target for inflation is 2%, governments secretly welcome mild inflation as it helps reduce their massive debts accumulated throughout history. This is because inflation decreases the real value of their debts as the cost of goods and services increases. Governments fear deflation, which is the opposite of inflation, as it could lead to a contraction in the economy and a potential snowball effect. Despite targeting 2% inflation, many economists believe it will continue to rise, and governments are unlikely to take significant action to stop it.

    • Central banks believe inflation is transitoryCentral banks currently believe inflation is temporary but may change stance if structural reasons become clear

      Central banks, such as the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve, currently believe that inflation is transitory and are unlikely to take significant action against it due to historical low inflation rates and the fact that they have recently redefined their inflation targets to allow for averages rather than strict adherence to a specific percentage. Additionally, raising interest rates, a traditional method for combating inflation, could be politically unpopular and potentially damaging to the economy. However, it's important to note that there are longer-term structural reasons why inflation may not be transitory and could continue to rise. Central banks' relaxed stance on inflation may change if these structural reasons become more apparent.

    • Bank of England expects inflation to reach 3% in short termInvestors may face increased costs due to inflation, but those without significant assets may not notice immediate effects. The Bank of England plans to continue money printing and low interest rates, potentially fueling further inflation.

      Inflation is expected to rise, potentially reaching 3% in the short term, according to the Bank of England. This could lead to increased costs for property investors, particularly in the areas of refurbishments and flips, as material and labor costs continue to rise. However, for those without significant assets, savings, or debts, the effects of inflation may not be immediately noticeable. The Bank of England has indicated that they do not plan to raise interest rates or end their money printing activities, which could further fuel inflation. Overall, this presents challenges for property investors, but it's important to note that the situation is not yet cause for alarm. The long-term impact of these trends on the property market remains to be seen.

    • Inflation's Impact on Real Estate: Wages and RentsInflation causes cost increases for projects but also leads to rent increases, making rent inflation more stable than asset inflation. Understanding both short-term and long-term implications of inflation is vital for consumers, savers, and investors.

      The current inflation trend, while causing an increase in costs for big projects, also brings good news for real estate investors as rents may follow wage inflation and increase as well. This relationship between wages and rents makes rent inflation more stable compared to asset inflation. For consumers and savers, it's essential to understand the short-term and long-term implications of inflation. For investors, long-term inflation is crucial to grasp as it sets the foundation for future discussions. The Hub Extra segment offers additional value with a free service from the Land Registry, allowing users to sign up for alerts on any property changes to prevent potential fraudulent activities.

    • Stay informed about property updates with free email alertsRegister your property for free to receive email notifications about mortgage changes and unexpected events, helping you take action before potential issues become major problems

      The discussed service allows users to register their properties and receive email alerts for important updates. This includes notifications for mortgage changes or unexpected events. The registration process is quick and free, making it a valuable tool for property owners. By staying informed, users can take action before potential issues become major problems. Tune in next week for an episode on inflation, and don't forget about Ask Robin Rob on Tuesday. In the meantime, sign up for the property alert service to stay informed and protect your investments.

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