
    About this Episode

    There is probably no group of people who will talk with more passion and expertise about trade-related aspects of the game of football than soccer enthusiasts within the WTO.

    In this first episode of "Trade Goals", we introduce a group of WTO pundits with deep knowledge in realms such as trade in goods, trade in services,  trade-related aspects of intellectual property and communications who talk about what football means to them, both personally and professionally. Throughout the podcast season, they will try to make sense of the global value chain of the beautiful game.

    Setting the scene are Michael Roberts, Roy Santana, Antonia Carzaniga, Wolf Meier-Ewert, Jana Borges, Markus Jelitto, and Una Flanagan.

    The figure about the size of the global football economy comes from FIFA President Gianni Infantino, who visited the WTO in September 2022.

    Football and trade for development. WTO Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and FIFA President Gianni Infantino at the Public Forum 2022

    Recent Episodes from Let's talk trade by WTO

    Christine Lagarde and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on women empowerment

    Christine Lagarde and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on women empowerment

    Last year, on International Women's Day, the WTO community was treated to a special event. Two prominent women in the global economy came together for a candid conversation about women's economic empowerment, gender balance in the workplace, and more. The discussion with Christine Lagarde, who serves as the President of the European Central Bank, and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization, was moderated by CNN International's Eleni Giokos. 


    The event was held on 8 March 2023. 


    You can watch the full event, including the segment with questions from the audience, here: 



    Learn more about the Women Exporters in the Digital Economy (WEIDE) Fund, launched at the sidelines of the WTO's Thirteenth Ministerial Conference in February 2024, here: 


    Let's talk trade by WTO
    enMarch 08, 2024

    Feeding the world. Food Safety as a key to access export markets. (S7 - Ep 5)

    Feeding the world. Food Safety as a key to access export markets. (S7 - Ep 5)

    Food safety is a collective responsibility. Producers, businesses, , governments, and international agencies all contribute to ensuring that the food consumers receive  is safe to eat. In this podcast episode, our guest, Francis Chama of York Farms, a Zambian agricultural producer, sheds light on how his company tackles the issue of pest management. Adherence to sanitary and phytosanitary measures is key to accessing export markets explains Simon Padilla of the Standards and Trade Development Facility at the WTO. Simon offers context about the trade policies and collaborative efforts at the international level that enable businesses like York Farms to supply agricultural produce to consumers worldwide and locally. 

    In the podcast

    • Francis Chama, Packhouse Manager, York Farm, Lusaka, Zambia 
    • Simon Padilla, Economic Affairs Officer, Standards and Trade Development Facility Section, Agriculture and Commodities Division, WTO  
    • Kimonique Powell, Podcast Host, WTO Young Professional 


    Explainer video about the SPS Agreement

    Let's Talk Food Safety

    WTO SPS Agreement 

    WTO | Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - text of the agreement

    Standards and Trade Development Facility  

    STDF (standardsfacility.org)

    False Codling Moth 

    False codling moth, photos and article - Wikipedia

    Pest fact sheet from Stellenbosch University, South Africa

    False Codling Moth

    U.S. Department on Agriculture

    False Codling Moth | National Invasive Species Information Center

    Never give up. Export ambitions in the face of natural disasters (S7 - Ep4)

    Never give up. Export ambitions in the face of natural disasters (S7 - Ep4)

    The people of Tonga, a Small Island Developing State in the Pacific, know a thing or two about living with natural disasters. In 2022, their archipelago was first hit by a giant volcanic eruption and then went through a prolonged period of drought. Farmer and entrepreneur Minoru Nishi Jr is not prepared to give up on expanding his export activities in the face of natural hazards. Minoru is joined in this episode by Esterlina Alipate, a Tongan trade official who currently is with the Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation at the WTO. Esterlina explains how natural disasters and climate change constitute a setback for the development efforts of her country. 


    In the podcast:

    - Minoru Nishi Jr, farmer and entrepreneur, Managing Director of Nishi Trading Co. Ltd, Tonga

    - Esterlina Alipate, principal trade officer of the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development of the Kingdom of Tonga. Esterlina is currently stationed at the WTO under the Netherlands Trainee Programme where she works with the Aid for Trade Unit and the Trade Facilitation Unit.

    - Kimonique Powell, Podcast Host, WTO Young Professional


    If you want to go deeper on the topic, here are a few reading suggestions:

    Minoru Nishi Jr's family-owned agricultural business:

    Nishi Trading Co. Ltd

    Satellite animation of the initial ash plume and shockwave on 15 January 2022:

    The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption

    Developing, stimulating, and promoting economic development in Tonga:

    Ministry of Trade and Economic Development

    The Tonga Trade Portal is a trade facilitation platform implemented by the government of Tonga:

    Tonga Trade Portal

    A dedicated WTO website on trade and natural disasters provides access to research papers and WTO-organized symposia dealing with this topic:

    Research on natural disasters and trade

    What is the scope that exists under WTO Agreements for Members to adopt trade measures in support of disaster response, disaster recovery and disaster resilience?

    Natural disasters and trade: a legal mapping


    Let's talk trade by WTO
    enDecember 05, 2023

    Go local. Gaining a foothold in the global IT services market (S7 - Ep3)

    Go local. Gaining a foothold in the global IT services market (S7 - Ep3)

    Digitally transmitted services are the fastest-growing segment of international trade. They offer huge opportunities for SMEs in emerging markets and developing economies. But how do you convince potential clients that you offer cutting-edge IT services when your country is mainly known as an exporter of pineapples and coffee? In this episode we talk to Albán Sánchez, an IT entrepreneur from Costa Rica who decided that the way to deal with outdated perceptions of his country was to establish a business presence in his target market. Albán is joined by Antonia Carzaniga of the WTO's Trade in Services Division who puts his experience into the bigger services trade context. 


    In the podcast:

    - Albán Sánchez, Co-Founder and CEO of Lantern Technologies and LinkAmerica Labs, Costa Rica and Dallas/Texas.

    - Antonia Carzaniga, Counsellor, Trade in Services and Investment Division, WTO 

    - Kimonique Powell, Podcast Host, WTO Young Professional


    The IT business of Albán Sánchez

    LinkAmerica Labs

    Costa Rica's Trade Promotion Agency


    Find out more about services trade and the WTO

    Services Trade

    The future of services trade

    World Trade Report 2019

    The contribution of services to economic growth and development

    Trade in services for development

    Bittersweet. Exporting cacao beans for a living (S7 - Ep2)

    Bittersweet. Exporting cacao beans for a living (S7 - Ep2)

    Cocoa is an important export crop for West African countries. Yet, many of the smallholder cocoa farmers struggle to earn a decent livelihood. Assata Doumbia, president of the ECAM cooperative in Côte d'Ivoire, applies a mix of strategies to obtain higher and more predictable incomes for her fellow farmers. The cooperative works with trusted international partners, invests in improving productivity and enables women to join the workforce. Assata even tackles the challenge of moving up the cocoa value chain through a cacao-processing business. In this podcast episode, she is joined by Kobby Bandoh, Economic Affairs Officer in the Agriculture and Commodities Division of the WTO. 


    In the podcast:

    - Assata Doumbia, President of the ECAM cooperative (Entreprise Coopérative des Agriculteurs de Méagui) and founder of "La Paysanne" 

    - Kobby Bandoh, Economic Affairs Officer in the Agriculture and Commodities Division of the WTO

    - Kimonique Powell, Podcast Host, WTO Young Professional


    Links :

    Website of the ECAM Cooperative (in French)



    Tony's Chocolonely, a Netherlands-based chocolate producer, and a major business partner of ECAM



    The chapter on "Cacao" is co-authored by podcast host Kimonique Powell

    Sustainable Production and Trade: Perspectives from the Commonwealth


    A report about how voluntary sustainability standards (VSSs) can enhance farmers' livelihoods, promote trade, and provide price transparency across value chains.

    Global Market Report: Cocoa prices and sustainability | International Institute for Sustainable Development (iisd.org)


    Reorganizing the cocoa farming business to enable farmers to obtain higher prices:

    Cocoa Industry: Integrating Small Farmers into the Global Value Chain | UNCTAD


    One example of a certification scheme that monitors social, economic, and environmental standards in the cocoa sector

    Cocoa - (fairtrade.net)


    Let's talk trade by WTO
    enOctober 11, 2023

    Just do it. Learning to trade internationally (S7 - Ep1)

    Just do it. Learning to trade internationally (S7 - Ep1)

    Lack of information about export procedures is a known obstacle to trade for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. But there are learning tools available to get newcomers started. 

    Confronted with the need to cut costs during the pandemic, Natali Tjahjadi, Operational Manager of CV Triguna Widya, a garment manufacturer in Bali, Indonesia, took things into her own hands. In this episode, Natali talks about her learning experience and the thrill she gets from successfully handling trade-related paperwork herself. Kathryn Lundquist, economic affairs officer at the WTO, joins in to fit Natali's experience into the bigger picture of small businesses in international trade. 


    In the podcast:

    - Natali Tjahjadi, Operating Manager, CV Triguna Widya, a garment manufacturer in Bali, Indonesia.

    - Kathryn Lundquist, Economic Affairs Officer at the WTO

    - Kimonique Powell, podcast host, WTO Young Professional


    The Global Trade Helpdesk  is a multi-agency initiative jointly led by ITC, UNCTAD, and the WTO that aims to simplify market research for companies, and especially micro, small and medium Enterprises (MSMEs), by integrating trade and business information into a single online portal.


    Another gateway to trade information is trade4msmes.org with guides and resources for MSMEs, policymakers, and researchers on topics of international trade.

    This website also includes a Trade Game.

    Learn about what the WTO does for Small business and trade 

    More about Natali Tjahjadi's family business CV. Widya Triguna

    Let's talk trade by WTO
    enSeptember 28, 2023

    Ralph Ossa on re-globalization

    Ralph Ossa on re-globalization
    In the face of recent crises in geopolitics, public health, and the environment, are people better served by the fragmentation of trading relationships or by a new kind of globalization? The WTO’s World Trade Report 2023 tackles the debate head on, as presented by Chief Economist Ralph Ossa.
    Let's talk trade by WTO
    enSeptember 19, 2023

    Mia Mottley on "Reinventing the global order"

    Mia Mottley on "Reinventing the global order"

    Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, delivered a thought-provoking Presidential Lecture on "Reinventing the global order" at the WTO in March 2022. In her speech, she explored how the rules-based trading system can be part of the solution to the major problems facing the world today. In her introductory remarks, WTO Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala had this to say: "She is fearless. She speaks truth to power on issues like climate justice, vaccine inequity, sovereign debt and the unique vulnerabilities facing small economies. She makes Barbados punch above its weight."

    Presidential Lecture Series with Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados: 


    Trade Goals: Rules and referees (S5 – Ep7)

    Trade Goals: Rules and referees (S5 – Ep7)

    Without rules and referees there would be no game. Each football match is policed by a cwho has full authority to enforce the law of the game. In multilateral trade, we have plenty of rules but no all-powerful referee to supervise them. The ultimate control on trade disputes remains with the WTO members themselves. In this episode of the Trade Goals podcast, Michael Roberts and Antonia Carzaniga look at how football and trade disputes arise and how they are resolved.


    We talked to:

    Philippe Senderos, Sporting Director of Servette FC, Geneva

    Sean Cottrell, Founder and CEO of the sports law knowledge hub LawInSport

    Carol Etter, Swiss Attorney-At-Law specialised in sports law and board member of FC Basel

    Clarisse Morgan, Director of the WTO Rules Division

    Valerie Hughes, Senior Counsel with law firm Bennett Jones, former Director of the WTO Legal Affairs and Appellate Body Divisions


    Show notes


    A world-famous football referee with a degree in economics

    Pierluigi Collina (Wikipedia)

    Peruvian and Chilean Football Associations file appeals with Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)

    Media release by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on 30 September 2022

    CAS ruling in the matter of the player Byron Castillo

    Media release by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on 8 November 2022

    Rules-based trade explained (video)

    Video "Let's Talk Rules-Based Trade"

    Learn more about the WTO dispute settlement mechanism

    The WTO dispute settlement mechanism explained

    Understanding the WTO: the agreements

    Overview of WTO agreements

    Laws of the Game 2021/2022

    Download link to the Laws of the Game 2021/2022 from the FIFA website

    Trade Goals: The Game (S5 – Ep6)

    Trade Goals: The Game (S5 – Ep6)

    Football video games are popular wherever people have access to the internet. The games are part of the much larger e-sports universe of competitive video gaming. In this episode of the Trade Goals podcast, Michael Roberts and Antonia Carzaniga explore how playing the beautiful game in a virtual format brings together the different strands of trade law dealing with merchandise goods, services, and intellectual property.


    We talked to:

    Chester King, Founder and CEO, British Esports Association, Vice President of the Board of the Global Esports Federation

    Brendan Vickers, Adviser and Head, International Trade Policy, Commonwealth Secretariat, London

    JJ Shaw, Senior Associate at the international law firm Lewis Silkin, London.


    Special thanks to Melissa, Tamara, Tobias and Tosson and all the others who shared their video game experience with us during the "Futur en Tous Genres" day 2022, when children of staff members visited the WTO to get a better idea of the organization as a workplace.


    The FIFAe Nations Cup 2022™

    Brazil crowned world’s best FIFA esports nation

    Global Entertainment & Media Outlook 2022-2026

    Report by consultants Price Waterhouse Coopers  

    50 years of gaming history visualized

    50 Years of Gaming History, by Revenue Stream (visualcapitalist.com)  

    A short history of gaming (1970-2020)

    50 Years Of Gaming History, By Revenue Stream (1970-2020) - Phil Davis (thestreet.com)

    Lear more about the ITA agreement:

    WTO | Information Technology Agreement

    Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Policy

    WIPO conversation on intellectual property (IP) and artificial intelligence (AI)