
    About this Episode

    The journalist John Sweeney has been on Vladimir Putin's case for 22 years since he first saw evidence of war crimes by the Russian army under Putin's command in Chechnya. John first called Vladimir Putin a war criminal in March 2000. And again and again he's seen evidence of Vladimir Putin killing people, killing people in Russia, killing people in Britain and around the world.
    Reporting from Kyiv this podcast will answer the question on everyones lips, who could do this to Ukraine, to civilians, to children? Who is Putin?  Taking On Putin is funded by you - the listener. You can support the podcast on Crowdfunder.

    - Follow John on Twitter - @johnsweeneyroar

    Recent Episodes from Taking On Putin

    12. At The Sharp End

    12. At The Sharp End

    John Sweeney has been on Vladimir Putin's case for over twenty years. He's been reporting from Kyiv throughout the Russian invasion. In this final episode of Taking On Putin, John heads East towards the frontline, to speak to the people bearing the brunt of the Kremlin's war machine. He asks what is the real cost for all of us, of not taking on Putin?

    Taking On Putin is funded by you - the listener. You can support the podcast on Crowdfunder.

    Follow John on Twitter @johnsweeneyroar


    11. The Kremlin Patient

    11. The Kremlin Patient

    John Sweeney has been on Vladimir Putin's case for over twenty years - reporting on evidence of Kremlin-backed crimes in Russia, Chechnya, Ukraine and beyond.  John's been reporting from Kyiv throughout the Russian invasion. In this episode he examines stories that the master of the Kremlin may be seriously ill - and considers whether Putin facing his own mortality could be a motivation for launching a war that is costing so many other people's lives.

    Taking On Putin is funded by you - the listener. You can support the podcast on Crowdfunder.

    Follow John on Twitter @johnsweeneyroar

    10. How to Lose a War

    10. How to Lose a War

    John Sweeney has been on Vladimir Putin's case for over twenty years.  He's been in Kyiv since February, reporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine from on the ground. Early predictions of a rapid Russian victory turned out to be wrong, but they're doing much better in Eastern Ukraine. This episode John looks at the rot at the heart of the Russian system that's weakened their military machine, and the failures of Western leadership that mean a Ukrainian victory is also far from certain.

    Taking On Putin is funded by you - the listener. You can support the podcast on Crowdfunder.

    Follow John on Twitter @johnsweeneyroar

    9. The Underpants Poisoner

    9. The Underpants Poisoner

    John Sweeney has been on Vladimir Putin's case for over twenty years.  He spent nearly three months in Kyiv reporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Currently back in London, this episode John explores the opposition to Putin from within Russia.  He tells the story of those who've given everything - even up to their lives - taking on the Kremlin to fight for democracy.

    Taking On Putin is funded by you - the listener. You can support the podcast on Crowdfunder.

    Follow John on Twitter @johnsweeneyroar

    8. The View from the Spire

    8. The View from the Spire

    John Sweeney has been on Vladimir Putin's case for over twenty years. He's back in the UK after nearly three months in Kyiv reporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This episode John revisits a war-like act by Russian operatives on British soil - using a banned nerve agent to try to kill a former Russian spy. John asks why the British response to the attack was so muted.

    Taking On Putin is funded by you - the listener. You can support the podcast on Crowdfunder.
    Follow John on Twitter - @johnsweeneyroar

    7. Kyiv The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

    7. Kyiv The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

    John Sweeney's been on Vladimir Putin's case for more than 20 years - reporting on killings and crimes committed under Putin's leadership in Russia and beyond.  John's been reporting from on the ground in Ukraine since before Russia invaded, but now he's returning to London for a short break.  In this special episode, John is interviewed by his brilliant Ukrainian fixer Liza, and they reflect on the past three months of war. 

    Taking On Putin is funded by you - the listener. You can support the podcast on Crowdfunder.
    Follow John on Twitter - @johnsweeneyroar

    6. The Killing Machine

    6. The Killing Machine

    John Sweeney has been in Kyiv since before Russia's invasion of Ukraine - reporting the war from on the ground. But he's been on Vladimir Putin's case for over twenty years. This episode, he examines the evidence for the poisoning and murder of Kremlin critics going back decades, and recalls his own face-to-face encounter with President Putin.

    Taking On Putin is funded by you - the listener. You can support the podcast on Crowdfunder.
    Follow John on Twitter - @johnsweeneyroar

    5. Let's Not Count the Dead

    5. Let's Not Count the Dead

    John Sweeney has been in Kyiv since before Russia's invasion of Ukraine - reporting from on the ground. This episode he visits towns near Kyiv that were occupied by Russia, and records evidence of war crimes. But over 20 years ago, John was reporting on the very same crimes, and others committed against civilians, in Russia and Chechnya - under Vladimir Putin's leadership.

    Taking On Putin is funded by you - the listener. You can support the podcast on Crowdfunder.
    Follow John on Twitter - @johnsweeneyroar

    4. Russia's Greatest Love Machine

    4. Russia's Greatest Love Machine

    John Sweeney has been uncovering the evidence of Vladimir Putin's war crimes for over twenty years. Now, he's on the ground in Kyiv reporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This episode, John reveals how Putin uses sex to shame his opponents, but has made it extremely dangerous for others to discuss the the Russian president's own affairs.

    Taking On Putin is funded by you - the listener. You can support the podcast on Crowdfunder.
    Follow John on Twitter - @johnsweeneyroar