
    Training Camp Previews, Madden Rating Reactions & Ed Kelce's Art of War | EP 50

    enJuly 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Netflix event roasts Tom Brady, Buffalo Wild Wings promo, Kelce brothers' new episodeTom Brady faces roasting at Netflix event, Buffalo Wild Wings offers BOGO wings deal, Kelce brothers discuss training camp and Tahoe news on New Heights

      Tom Brady is being roasted by famous friends and frenemies in a live Netflix event on May 5th at 5 PM Pacific time. Meanwhile, Buffalo Wild Wings is offering a buy one get one free wings promotion on Tuesdays. Travis Kelce and Jason Kelce are hosting a new episode of their show, New Heights, where they discuss training camp and share news from Tahoe, where Travis won $5,000 for charity in a longest drive competition but lost a karaoke contest. The brothers also mentioned Cincinnati Bearcats joining the Big 12 and being on primetime television more often. The show airs new episodes every Wednesday on YouTube and podcast platforms.

    • Competing in singing and golf leads to memorable experiencesCompeting in singing or golf can lead to unforgettable moments, feelings of accomplishment, and unexpected connections.

      The experience of competing and pushing one's limits, whether it's in a singing competition or a golf tournament, can lead to unforgettable moments and feelings of accomplishment. The speaker shared his experience of losing his first karaoke competition but later winning a long drive contest in golf, where he hit the ball the farthest he ever had. He described the feeling of hitting a home run or a long drive as an adrenaline rush. Despite some mishaps, like a 3-putt, he enjoyed the experience and even got to meet notable figures like Jerome Bettis and Josh Allen. The speaker also mentioned his preference for the color of the Titleist AVX golf balls and shared a humorous encounter with Charles Barkley. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of enjoying the journey and the unexpected connections that can be made during competitions.

    • Neutralizing an opponent's reach in a fightTo gain an advantage in a fight, neutralize an opponent's reach by getting inside their space and occupying their hands. If the opponent is significantly larger, target vulnerable areas to incapacitate them quickly.

      In a hypothetical fight situation, the strategy is to neutralize an opponent's reach and take the fight to the ground. This was discussed in relation to a perceived strong boxer named Alvarez, but the strategy could apply to any opponent. To neutralize reach, one should get inside the cage and occupy the opponent's hands. If the opponent has a significant size advantage, such as Tyson Fury, then the strategy could involve targeting vulnerable areas like the eyes or balls to incapacitate them quickly. The speaker also shared that his father had given him the advice to "shoot first, ask questions later" when fighting, which he received when he was around 10 years old. Overall, the conversation revolved around hypothetical fighting strategies and the importance of taking quick action to gain an advantage.

    • An Entertaining Guest's Unforgettable StoriesThe podcast reached top 5 rankings with a guest's captivating storytelling, featuring unbelievable experiences and unique perspectives. Travis, rated 99 in Madden, was a highlight, and the debate around Madden ratings added to the engaging discussion.

      The guest on the sports podcast was an incredibly entertaining and engaging storyteller, who captivated the audience with his unbelievable experiences and unique perspective. He helped the podcast reach the top 5 rankings on Apple and Spotify, leaving everyone in awe of his storytelling abilities. The podcast episode featuring this guest is a must-listen for fans, as it was filled with unforgettable stories and impersonations. Additionally, the NFL season is approaching, and Madden ratings have been released, with Travis being rated as a 99, which was an unsurprising yet impressive achievement. The discussion also touched upon the debate around the accuracy of Madden ratings and the memories of the hosts' first Madden scores. Overall, the podcast episode was a standout success, showcasing the guest's talent and the hosts' enthusiasm for football and storytelling.

    • Player's Frustration with Complex Madden NFL RatingsPlayer acknowledges fair pass blocking rating but questions low toughness rating, implying potential manipulation in video game player evaluations.

      Madden NFL ratings are complex and multifaceted, reflecting various aspects of a player's performance. The speaker in this discussion acknowledges that his rating of 92 for pass blocking is fair, but expresses frustration over his low toughness rating in the previous year. He believes that some attributes, like toughness, may be manipulated to fit a desired overall rating. Despite this, he remains a devoted fan of the game and suggests forming an all-star team featuring himself and another player. Overall, the discussion highlights the nuances and subjectivity of video game player ratings.

    • Impact of Position Changes on Player Ratings in Madden NFLSwitching positions in Madden NFL can alter a player's overall rating, and experimenting with these changes can lead to interesting discoveries.

      Changing a player's position in a video game like Madden NFL could significantly impact their overall rating at that new position. This was discussed between two individuals, both of whom had experience as quarterbacks but also played other positions in high school. They pondered the idea of forming a dynamic offense with one another, with one playing quarterback and the other running back. However, they questioned how the overall rating would be affected if they were moved to different positions on the depth chart. The debate centered around whether the overall rating includes ratings for all positions or just the one the player is currently playing. It was suggested that if a player's rating changes when they switch positions, it would be specific to that position. The conversation then shifted to their current ratings and how they would fare if they were moved to different positions. Ultimately, they encouraged other Madden players to experiment with position changes and share their findings. Additionally, they discussed the upcoming NFL season and shared their excitement for attending live events, including Taylor Swift's concert. The conversation was sponsored by SeatGeek, a ticketing app that offers tickets for various events, including sports and concerts.

    • Encounter with Taylor Swift and SeatGeekImpressed by Taylor Swift's performance, learned about good ticket deals on SeatGeek, and shared upcoming training camp feelings. Encounters and tools offer new experiences and insights.

      The speaker had an encounter with Taylor Swift at a concert where he attempted to give her a backstage pass with his phone number, but she didn't take it. Despite this, he was impressed by her energetic performance and the excitement of the crowd. He also shared his experience with using SeatGeek to buy tickets and the importance of looking for green dots for good deals. Additionally, he mentioned his upcoming training camp experience and the contrasting feelings of excitement and reluctance that come with it. He also mentioned the sponsorship of the episode by BetterHelp, emphasizing its convenience and flexibility for those seeking therapy. Overall, the speaker shared a variety of experiences and recommendations, from music to technology to personal growth.

    • Building camaraderie through college and NFL training campsTraining camps foster team bonding and camaraderie through intense practices, shared living arrangements, and off-field experiences.

      Training camps, whether in college or the NFL, provide unique experiences that help build team chemistry and bonds among players. In college, the grind of 2-a-day practices in the woods with only teammates for company created a strong sense of camaraderie. In the NFL, training camps offer a different energy with large crowds and top-notch facilities. The destination spots, such as Lehigh Valley and Missouri Western State, provide opportunities for players to bond off the field, whether it's through shared living arrangements or meals in the cafeteria. The experiences, though challenging, contribute to the overall growth and development of the team.

    • Fond memories of delicious meals at Higher GroundAttendees appreciated the exceptional food at Higher Ground, with fond memories of specific dishes and workers.

      The food at Higher Ground was exceptional and a highlight for those who attended. The speakers fondly recalled the delicious meals they had there, and compared it favorably to other dining options they had experienced. They also shared fond memories of specific dishes, like barbecue and desserts, and expressed appreciation for the cafeteria workers who prepared and served these meals. While they acknowledged that other universities and teams also offered good food, Higher Ground's stood out as particularly memorable and enjoyable. Additionally, the conversation touched on the importance of accommodating dietary restrictions, but the consensus was that gluten-free and cauliflower substitutes did not compare to the original products.

    • Adaptability and determination in the military and sportsBoth military and sports require adaptability and determination to succeed in constantly changing conditions and discover new talents.

      Adaptability and determination are crucial in overcoming challenges, whether it's in the military or in sports. Marines and football players alike understand the importance of evolving and adjusting to new situations, as conditions and rosters change constantly. This mindset allows them to succeed and thrive, even in the face of uncertainty. Additionally, the excitement of discovering new talents and watching them grow is a common thread between the two worlds. Whether it's a new recruit or a promising rookie, the potential for greatness is always present, and the journey of unlocking it is what drives them forward.

    • Stories of players' dedication and impact during training campDedication and energy during training camp can lead to respect, success, and exemptions, but also come with risks of injuries.

      Energy and willingness to put in extra effort during training camp and in games can significantly impact a player's chances of making a team and earning respect from their teammates and opponents. The speaker shared stories of players who stood out due to their explosiveness, love for the game, and violent plays, which often resulted in them earning the right to be exempted from certain drills. However, the risks of such dedication can include injuries. The speaker also highlighted the unique nature of Andy Reid's training camps, which are known for their long hours and intense focus on executing plays perfectly.

    • Andy Reid's Long and Grueling Eagles PracticesAndy Reid's intense practices, including long drive drills, helped build a culture of hard work and discipline within the Eagles organization, despite being physically demanding and lengthy.

      Under Andy Reid's coaching, the Eagles had long and grueling practices, with some extending up to 3 hours. These practices included intense drills like long drive drill, where players had to run a set of plays without substitutions, starting from the 20-yard line and ending in the red zone. The drill was physically demanding, with players wearing pads and helmets in the heat. Despite the lengthy practices, players were still getting through a significant amount of work in the allotted time. However, the NFL Players Association has since limited practices to 2 hours per day, with exceptions for certain circumstances. Overall, Reid's demanding practices helped build a culture of hard work and discipline within the Eagles organization.

    • Long Drive Drill: Building Mental Fortitude in FootballThe Long Drive Drill pushes football players beyond their limits, helping them develop mental focus and resilience through recalling new plays, managing fatigue, and making quick decisions in adverse conditions.

      The long drive drill in football is an essential training exercise that pushes players beyond their limits, helping them develop mental focus and resilience. During this drill, players must remember snap counts, recall new plays, and maintain focus even when they're exhausted and facing high temperatures. This mental challenge mirrors the military's philosophy of operating effectively in adverse conditions, where lives can depend on quick decision-making. The long drive drill prepares players for the game by helping them manage fatigue and stay mentally sharp. Coach Reed strategically challenges players during this drill, ensuring they remain accountable and ready for any situation. Overall, the long drive drill is an invaluable training tool that helps players build the mental fortitude needed to succeed on the field.

    • Welcoming Rookies with Singing and Talent ShowsThe Kansas City Chiefs have unique rookie initiation traditions, including singing or talent shows, that help build camaraderie and allow veterans to get to know rookies personally, while avoiding hazing.

      The Kansas City Chiefs, under the guidance of head coach Andy Reid, have unique traditions for welcoming rookies into the team. These traditions include a singing or talent show, where rookies showcase their abilities in front of the team. Reid is known for being against hazing, so there are no hazing rituals. Instead, the rookies are encouraged to sing or perform a talent. This not only helps to break the ice and build camaraderie, but it also allows the veterans to get to know the rookies on a more personal level. Another tradition is having rookies hold bags during training camp, which is a way for them to learn an important skill and earn respect from their teammates. Overall, these traditions help to create a positive and inclusive team culture in the Chiefs' locker room.

    • Learning from NFL legends and supporting teammatesRookies gain valuable experiences off the field, including learning from veterans, supporting teammates, and building camaraderie, which contribute to personal growth and team culture.

      Being a part of an NFL team goes beyond just playing on the field. Rookies play essential roles in supporting their teammates and preparing them for the season, such as holding the bag during drills or learning from veteran players. The experience of working with NFL legends like Michael Vick and Vince Young was invaluable, and the camaraderie and team spirit were just as important as the technical skills. These experiences, even if they didn't result in game time, were crucial for personal growth and development. Additionally, the small pleasures, like enjoying Rita's water ice after practice, added to the overall experience and helped build a strong team culture.

    • A rookie year filled with memorable moments and influential teammatesThe speaker reflects on his rookie year, sharing a heartfelt moment with Vince Young and looking forward to working with new teammates Rashod Bateman and Tyler Steen, while also embracing the challenges of the NFL.

      The speaker had a memorable rookie year filled with influential teammates and unexpected encounters. He shared a heartfelt moment with Vince Young, a favorite player from his past, during the aftermath of the Super Bowl. Looking forward, the speaker is excited to work with new rookies and young players, including Rashod Bateman and Tyler Steen, and is intrigued by the position battles that will unfold during training camp. Despite the challenges that come with being a rookie, such as adjusting to the NFL's rigorous conditioning tests, the speaker is eager to begin the new season and continue building relationships with his teammates.

    • Reflecting on the Successful First Season of New Heights PodcastThe speakers shared their excitement for the upcoming NFL season and the continuation of their podcast, New Heights. They discussed changes in NFL training drills and favorite moments from the previous season, promising to resume recording as soon as possible and providing additional content for listeners.

      The speakers expressed their excitement about the successful first season of their podcast, "New Heights," and looked forward to continuing the show during the NFL season. They discussed changes in NFL training drills and shared favorite moments from the previous season, which included live shows and interviews with notable athletes. Despite the challenges of recording during training camp, they promised to resume the podcast as soon as possible and encouraged listeners to stay tuned for additional content, including clips and bloopers. Overall, the speakers expressed gratitude for the support of their team and audience and looked forward to creating more engaging content in the second season.

    • The power of community and connectionThe 92 Percenters event showcased the importance of coming together and supporting each other, leading to meaningful conversations and growth.

      The importance of community and connection. The 92 Percenters, as a group, have shown that coming together and supporting one another can lead to meaningful conversations and growth. The speakers shared their experiences and insights, and the audience was engaged and responsive. While the specific topics varied, the underlying theme of connection was present throughout the event. It's a reminder that we're not alone in our struggles and that we can learn from and be inspired by others. So, let's continue to seek out and build meaningful connections in our own lives, whether it be through online communities like the 92 Percenters or in-person interactions. Together, we can make a positive impact on the world. And that's a wrap for today's discussion. Thank you all for tuning in, and we'll see you soon. Peace.

    Recent Episodes from New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce

    Jason Gets Heckled, Travis Golfs with The Great One and the Kelces London Era | Ep 96

    Jason Gets Heckled, Travis Golfs with The Great One and the Kelces London Era | Ep 96
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Crown Royal.  In this episode, we are live from the Passyunk Avenue Bar in London, England! Before we get into what you all have been waiting for we have to tie up one last Beer Bowl loose end, Travis breaks down his weekend in Nashville golfing with Wayne Gretzky and attending Tight End U, and Jason how his charity golf outing almost got derailed by some Philly hecklers.  Then we gotta talk about it. Jason recaps his first night attending the Eras tour, explains why holding a beer with your teeth isn’t a big deal, and what meeting the Royal family was like.  And finally, because this is our London Special, the guys also take a “London Slang Quiz,” revive “Player’s As” with figures from the Revolutionary War, answer some No Dumb Questions about playing overseas, and sample some authentic British cuisine throughout the episode.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  If you’d like to contribute to New Heights Show & Tell, please send your items to:  New Heights PO Box 251799. Los Angeles, CA 90025 . . . Support the Show:   CROWN ROYAL: Crown Royal believes that when you live generously, life will treat you royally. Submit a 92% who is taking your community to New Heights at newheightshow@gmail.com HELIX: Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners! Go to https://HelixSleep.com/NEWHEIGHTS. This is their best offer yet and it won’t last long!  UNCRUSTABLES: The 4th of July is next week – and Uncrustables are the perfect snack for on-the-go, holiday picnics, family time, etc. Learn More at https://SmuckersUncrustables.com NUTRAFOL: For a limited time, Nutrafol is offering our listeners ten dollars off your first month’s subscription and free shipping when you go to https://Nutrafol.com and enter the promo code NEWHEIGHTS. AG1: Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase at https://drinkAG1.com/newheights. BETTERHELP: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit https://BetterHelp.com/NEWHEIGHTS today to get 10% off your first month. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Travis’ New Ring, Father’s Day Traditions and Justin Jefferson Got Paid | Ep 95

    Travis’ New Ring, Father’s Day Traditions and Justin Jefferson Got Paid | Ep 95
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Crown Royal!  In this episode, we look at a strange Father’s Day tradition that involves hanging with your bros in the woods, we attempt to settle some Beer Bowl II controversy, and Jason might have some dog racing in his future.  We also have Travis break down the Chiefs mini-camp, his “retirement pact” with Chris Jones, and how he feels about the Super Bowl ring typo.  The guys also react to the latest tampering punishments, discuss how Justin Jefferson changed the WR market, and debate where they’d go if they had a time machine.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  If you’d like to contribute to New Heights Show & Tell, please send your items to:  New Heights PO Box 251799. Los Angeles, CA 90025 . . . Support the Show:   CROWN ROYAL: Crown Royal believes that when you live generously, life will treat you royally. Submit a 92% who is taking your community to New Heights at newheightshow@gmail.com ACCELERATOR: You can buy Accelerator Active Energy Drink at Hyvee, Quiktrip, Meijer, and Wawa and if you’re not in the Philly area – go purchase Accelerator at https://amazon.com! Grab your favorite flavors now! HELIX: Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners! Go to https://HelixSleep.com/NEWHEIGHTS. This is their best offer yet and it won’t last long!  SHADY RAYS: Go to http://shadyrays.com and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 50% off 2 or more pairs of polarized sunglasses. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Travis Hitting Dingers, The One Play Jason Wants Back & Buying The Eagles | Ep 94

    Travis Hitting Dingers, The One Play Jason Wants Back & Buying The Eagles | Ep 94
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Crown Royal!  In this episode, we’ve got Travis’ reaction to an incredible award nomination, our "official rankings" of Disney Channel Original movies, and we all might owe Jason an apology after the latest update in the great foot-washing debate of 2024.  We’ve also got a home run derby recap, a look at just how close Travis came to the majors, and an incredible story about his days on the mound at Heights High.  Finally, we’ve got an update from the Chiefs mini-camp, try and figure out if we’re too broke to buy the Eagles, and Jason breaks down the one play he wishes he could do over.  If you are a kid, please vote for Travis below. If you are not a kid, please disregard. https://www.nick.com/kids-choice-awards/vote/favorite-male-sports-star.  There is still time to be a part of the 2nd Annual Beer Bowl, to submit your team video visit the link below:  http://newheightsbeerbowl.rsvpify.com/ If you’d like to contribute to New Heights Show & Tell, please send your items to:  New Heights PO Box 251799. Los Angeles, CA 90025 We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Follow New Heights on Social Media:  http://hoo.be/newheightshow Support the Show:   CROWN ROYAL: Crown Royal believes that when you live generously, life will treat you royally PRIZEPICKS: Download the PrizePicks app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100. https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/NEWHEIGHTS UNCRUSTABLES: Uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. Learn More at https://SmuckersUncrustables.com AG1: Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase at https://drinkAG1.com/newheights.  SIMPLISAFE: Right now, you can get 20% off on a new system with Fast Protect™ Monitoring at https://simplisafe.com/newheights LIQUIDIV: Get 20% off your first order of Liquid I.V. when you go to HTTPS://LIQUIDIV.COM and use code NEWHEIGHTS at checkout ACCELERATOR: You can buy Accelerator Active Energy Drink at Wawa and if you’re not in the Philly area – go purchase Accelerator at https://Walmart.com! Go grab your favorite flavors now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Travis Addresses the Nation, Jason Exposes ‘Big Soap’ and Kickoffs Are Officially Back | Ep 93

    Travis Addresses the Nation, Jason Exposes ‘Big Soap’ and Kickoffs Are Officially Back | Ep 93
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Crown Royal!  In this episode, we’ve got an update on the 2nd annual Beer Bowl, we address the ‘diabolical lies’ we’ve all been told about washing our feet, and Philadelphia’s #1 movie critic weighs in on ‘Life is Beautiful.’ Travis also breaks down just how close he came to being tased at the White House, what it was like to be a part of a legendary SNL sketch, and Jason updates us on what it feels like to officially retire on paper.  There’s also a breakdown of the new NFL Kickoff rules, some teach tape about the only touchdown pass Travis ever threw, and we raise a glass to a 92%er that has taken their community to New Heights.  There is still time to be a part of the 2nd Annual Beer Bowl, to submit your team video visit the link below:  http://newheightsbeerbowl.rsvpify.com/ If you’d like to contribute to New Heights Show & Tell, please send your items to: New Heights PO Box 251799. Los Angeles, CA 90025 We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/KuTLmBUJIvM Support the Show:   CROWN ROYAL: Try All-new Footlong Sidekicks at Subway Today! PRIZEPICKS: Download the PrizePicks app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100. https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/NEWHEIGHTS UNCRUSTABLES: Uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. Learn More at https://SmuckersUncrustables.com SHADY RAYS: Go to http://shadyrays.com and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 50% off 2 or more pairs of polarized sunglasses. BETTER HELP: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit https://BetterHelp.com/NEWHEIGHTS for 10% off your first month Give online therapy and get on your way to being your best self. ACCELERATOR: You can buy Accelerator Active Energy Drink at Wawa and if you’re not in the Philly area – go purchase Accelerator at https://Walmart.com! Go grab your favorite flavors now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    NFL Rookie Learning Curve Explained, Witnessing Playoff Luka and Adam Sandler's Oscar Snub | Ep 92

    NFL Rookie Learning Curve Explained, Witnessing Playoff Luka and Adam Sandler's Oscar Snub | Ep 92
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Subway. Try All-new Footlong Sidekicks at Subway today! In this episode, we are back to recap everything from some new accolades from the 92%ers, Jason’s attempt to bring Philly fans to a golf course, and even the 1999 Oscars. Folks, what other sports show is going to finally rehash an awards show from almost 25 years ago.  We’ve also got Jason and Travis’ thoughts on transitioning into the NFL as rookies, how hard they think it is to learn an NFL playbook, and a little lesson in a good old scramble drill There’s also a recap of Travis’ time in Dallas watching some NHL and NBA playoffs, a no dumb question about board games, and Jason shows off some gifts he received down at the shore.  There is still time to be a part of the 2nd Annual Beer Bowl, to submit your team visit the link below:  http://newheightsbeerbowl.rsvpify.com/ If you’d like to contribute to New Heights Show & Tell, please send your items to: New Heights PO Box 251799. Los Angeles, CA 90025 Finally, if you want to help Jason give golfers the experience of playing in front of real Philly sports fans on June 19th, please reach out to the show on Twitter.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Support the Show:   SUBWAY: Try All-new Footlong Sidekicks at Subway Today! PRIZEPICKS: Download the PrizePicks app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100. https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/NEWHEIGHTS UNCRUSTABLES: Uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. Learn More at https://SmuckersUncrustables.com SIMPLISAFE: Right now, you can get 20% off on a new system with Fast Protect Monitoring at https://simplisafe.com/newheights. Act fast to get this deal. SHADY RAYS: Go to http://shadyrays.com and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 50% off 2 or more pairs of polarized sunglasses. FACTOR: Head to https://factormeals.com/NEWHEIGHTS50 and use code NEWHEIGHTS50 to get 50% off your first Factor box plus 20% off your next month ACCELERATOR: You can buy Accelerator Active Energy Drink at Hyvee, Wawa, and Meijer. And if you want to order from your house – go purchase Accelerator at https://Walmart.com! Go grab your favorite flavors now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Chiefs OTAs Commence, Brand New Segments, and Jason Pushes it. Pushes it Real Good | Ep 91

    Chiefs OTAs Commence, Brand New Segments, and Jason Pushes it. Pushes it Real Good | Ep 91
    92%ers we are finally back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Subway. Try All-new Footlong Sidekicks at Subway today! In this episode, we’ve got some huge announcements, other than Travis is still Outta the House because everyone knows that by now, we are officially running back The Beer Bowl! To submit your team visit the link below:  http://newheightsbeerbowl.rsvpify.com/ We’ve also got Travis reacting to Jason’s Jeopardy appearance, a sad goodbye to the chain gang, and we find out how far Jason was willing to go to win a football game.  We also get Travis’ thoughts on everything happening in and out of Chiefs OTAs, the guys' opinion on the full NFL schedule, and a definitive ranking of the seasons.  Finally, we’re trying out a new segment so we can get back to watching football, we recap Kelce Jam II and the Eagles Autism Challenge, and finally, we send our thanks to Elaine who has been doing the thankless task of keeping track of the New Heights Swear Jar.  There is still time to nominate a 92% who has taken your community to New Heights, submit their name, a photo, and let us know how they’ve been giving back to our email at: newheightshow@gmail.com. Include their date of birth, social account, and mailing address! All nominees must be 21+ years old.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Support the Show:   SUBWAY: Try All-new Footlong Sidekicks at Subway Today! PRIZEPICKS: Download the PrizePicks app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100. https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/NEWHEIGHTS CONTAINER STORE: Use KELCE for 25% off Elfa online and at any location of The Container Store through June 23. Visit https://www.containerstore.com/ FARMER’S DOG: Get 50% off your first box of fresh, healthy food at https://TheFarmersDog.com/newheights. Plus, you get FREE shipping! AG1: Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase at https://drinkAG1.com/newheights. FACTOR: Head to https://factormeals.com/NEWHEIGHTS50 and use code NEWHEIGHTS50 to get 50% off your first Factor box plus 20% off your next month ACCELERATOR: You can buy Accelerator Active Energy Drink at Hyvee, Wawa, and Meijer. And if you want to order from your house – go purchase Accelerator at https://Walmart.com! Go grab your favorite flavors now! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    A Kelce in Paris, NFL Schedule Reactions and Horse Beef | Ep 90

    A Kelce in Paris, NFL Schedule Reactions and Horse Beef | Ep 90
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings. Let’s Go Sports Bar!  In this episode, everyone is out of the house! We’ve got Jason coming to us from NYC and Travis from who knows where but that did not stop us from getting you another great episode.  We get into both guys heading to your TV screen with Travis giving us the inside scoop on his new role in a Ryan Murphy TV show and Jason explaining what he’s getting up to at ESPN. Most importantly we have a follow-up to the minor Twitter kerfuffle we started last week about the legacy of Secretariat.  The guys also react to what we know about the 2024 NFL schedule including the Chiefs kicking off the season against Lamar Jackson and the Ravens followed by a visit from Joe Burrow and the Bengals. We also find out how ready Jason is for the booth when we break down his first MNF assignment, and of course, we revisit the NFL vs NBA debate that tore the professional sports world apart.  Finally, Travis lets us know what he thought of his Eras Tour stop in Paris, we attempt to name the new Utah NHL team, and we’ve got a huge announcement from our friends at Crown Royal.  If you want to nominate a 92% who has taken your community to New Heights, submit their name, and a photo, and let us know how they’ve been giving back to our email at: newheightshow@gmail.com. Include their date of birth, social account, and mailing address! All nominees must be 21+ years old.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Support the Show:   BUFFALO WILD WINGS: For a limited time, you can get All You Can Eat Boneless Wings and Fries for only $19.99 when you dine-in at Buffalo Wild Wings on Mondays and Wednesdays!  PRIZEPICKS: Download the PrizePicks app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/prizepicks-dfs-game/id1437843273 LIQUID I.V: Get 20% Off Your First Order of Liquid I.V. when you go to https://www.liquid-iv.com/ and use promo code NEWHEIGHTS SHADY RAYS: Go to https://shadyrays.com and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 50% off 2 or more pairs of polarized sunglasses ACCELERATOR: You can buy Accelerator Active Energy Drink at Hyvee, Wawa, and Meijer. If you want to order from your house, go purchase Accelerator at https://Walmart.com! Go grab your favorite flavors now! UNCRUSTABLES: Make sure you get your hands on some Uncrustables this summer, 92%ers, they are perfect for all the best on-the-go activities. You can find Uncrustables in the freezer section of your local grocery store! Learn more at https://www.smuckersuncrustables.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Travis Goes Racing, Brady Roast Reactions and Anniversary Swords | Ep 89

    Travis Goes Racing, Brady Roast Reactions and Anniversary Swords | Ep 89
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings. Let’s Go Sports Bar!  In this episode, we’ve got some updates on how you can attend the biggest party in Kansas City at this year's Kelce Jam 2.0 and where you can watch all of the videos recapping our incredible live show in Cincinnati.  But we’ve got some important business to get to in this episode including, responding to Ryan Reynolds’ and Rob McElhenney’s plan to get us to a Wrexham game overseas and Pat Mahomes’ claim that he can’t keep up with the Kelce boys.  We also have the reveal of Kylie’s anniversary sword, our reactions to the roast of Tom Brady, Travis gives us all the details on his time at the races in Kentucky and Miami, and Jason is maybe starting a feud with Secretariat. That horse could outrun the competition but not the asterisk we’re adding to the record books.  We finally check in on the NFL now that we’re 120 days until kickoff and break down what fans should take away from rookie mini-camps and react to all the guys maybe doing too much in their social media workouts.  Don't forget to check out all the videos from our live show in Cincinnati. The team did some amazing work on all of those, and who knows, maybe you will solve the mystery of Jason’s missing ring.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Support the Show:   BUFFALO WILD WINGS: Right now, until May 12th, when you order with Buffalo Wild Wings GO, you can get 6 free wings with a minimum purchase of $10 and promo code GOWINGS. Let’s GO!  PARTY CITY: Get Mom a gift she will really love with Balloons from Party City. You can order them ahead of time, buy them online, pick them up in store or get them delivered. Visit https://www.partycity.com/ TOMMY JOHN: Go to https://www.tommyjohn.com/newheights and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 20% off your first order of the most comfortable underwear out there!  AG1: Go to https://drinkAG1.com/newheights to try AG1, and you’ll get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase. SHADY RAYS: Go to https://shadyrays.com and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 50% off 2 or more pairs of polarized sunglasses BETTERHELP: Visit https://BetterHelp.com/NewHeights today to get 10% off your first month.  ACCELERATOR: Every flavor of the Kelces’ favorite drink, Accelerator Active Energy, is available at Hyvee, Quiktrip, Giant Eagle, Amazon, and now Wawa.  https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/FB06B38E-F0C2-479F-9DA5-FD4A1C852B07?channel=NewHeights5SAVENOW Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    NFL Draft Reactions, Travis’ New Contract and Joe Burrow on Aliens | Ep 88

    NFL Draft Reactions, Travis’ New Contract and Joe Burrow on Aliens | Ep 88
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings. Let’s Go Sports Bar!  In this episode, we finally have some real football news! We’ve got Travis’ reaction to his new Chiefs contract, Jason addressing the rumors he’s making a move to TV, and we’ve finally reveal the launch dates for our videos recapping the insanity that was our live show in Cincinnati.  We also have breakdown of Mother’s Day gifts, a No Dumb Question about swapping bodies with another athlete, and Travis recaps his weekend in Vegas raising money with Patty Mahomes.  The guys also breakdown the 2024 NFL Draft. We get into the first round that was dominated by offensive players, the Chiefs adding the fastest WR available, and the Eagles making some bold choices with skill position players. There’s also a lengthy discussion about NFL butts, thoughts on NFL scheduling rumors, and an incredible sneak peek at our interview with Joe Burrow. Joe breaks down his thoughts on aliens and his favorite trash talkers in the league.  Reminder that all of our exclusive Lombaby games content has already been dropping on our social channels all week, our full interviews will launch on YouTube this Friday (5/3) followed by a “Best of the Lombaby Games” on Tuesday (5/7) before next week’s episode.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Support the Show:   PRIZE PICKS: Download the app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100  BUFFALO WILD WINGS: Right now, until April 30th, when you order with Buffalo Wild Wings GO, you can get 6 free wings with a minimum purchase of $10 and promo code GOWINGS.  LA-Z-BOY: To score your very own custom recliner - enter the New Heights La-Z-Boy Giveaway — simply by following La-Z-Boy on Instagram and “liking” and commenting on one of their posts about the giveaway. And while you’re at it, check out https://www.la-z-boy.com/. Or stop into your local La-Z-Boy retailer to test one of these bad boys out.  FARMER’S DOG: Get 50% off your first box of fresh, healthy food at https://TheFarmersDog.com/newheights. Plus, you get FREE shipping!  ACCELERATOR: Every flavor of the Kelces’ favorite drink, Accelerator Active Energy, is available at Hyvee, Quiktrip, Giant Eagle, Amazon, and now Wawa.  https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/FB06B38E-F0C2-479F-9DA5-FD4A1C852B07?channel=NewHeights5SAVENOW UNCRUSTABLES: This episode is sponsored by Uncrustables, the best part of the sandwich. Learn more at https://www.smuckersuncrustables.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Andrew Santino on Caleb Williams Draft, John Cena Down Under & Jason's Stand-Up Future | Ep 87

    Andrew Santino on Caleb Williams Draft, John Cena Down Under & Jason's Stand-Up Future | Ep 87
    92%ers we are back with another special guest episode of New Heights sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings. Let’s Go Sports Bar! In this episode, we welcome comedian, actor, fellow podcaster, and Bad Friend Andrew Santino.  The guys get into Andrew’s snowy first impression of Jason, the origin of his “Cheeto” nickname, how Bobby Lee ruined the Bad Friends tour bus, Andrew’s wild Vegas golf outing with Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon, and the exotic cuisine he tried down under with John Cena.  We also get to Travis’ “Fall Out Boy” incident when he guested on Santino’s show, discuss which comedians could make it in the NFL, the time Andrew punk’d Taylor Swift and Drake, and because this is football show we do eventually discuss the upcoming NFL draft.  There are also great stories about Pat Mahomes and his love of Coors Lights, Rob McElhenney donating a golf club to the LA River, some confusion over George Washington’s hair color, and of course, everyone’s favorite conspiracy theories.  We will be back with more New Heights every Wednesday during the offseason so make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show.  . . . Support the Show:   PRIZE PICKS: Download the app today and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100  BUFFALO WILD WINGS: Right now, until April 30th, when you order with Buffalo Wild Wings GO, you can get 6 free wings with a minimum purchase of $10 and promo code GOWINGS.  TOMMY JOHN: If any of you 92%ers want to try Tommy John, go to https://www.tommyjohn.com/newheights and use code newheights for 20% off your first order. LA-Z-BOY: To score your very own custom recliner - enter the New Heights La-Z-Boy Giveaway — simply by following La-Z-Boy on Instagram and “liking” and commenting on one of their posts about the giveaway. And while you’re at it, check out https://www.la-z-boy.com/. Or stop into your local La-Z-Boy retailer to test one of these bad boys out.  SHADY RAYS: Go to http://shadyrays.com and use code NEWHEIGHTS for 50% off 2 or more pairs of polarized sunglasses. FARMER’S DOG: Get 50% off your first box of fresh, healthy food at https://TheFarmersDog.com/newheights. Plus, you get FREE shipping!  ACCELERATOR: Every flavor of the Kelces’ favorite drink, Accelerator Active Energy, is available at Hyvee, Quiktrip, Giant Eagle, Amazon, and now Wawa.  https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/FB06B38E-F0C2-479F-9DA5-FD4A1C852B07?channel=NewHeights5SAVENOW Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Jason Defends the Push, Travis’ Record-Breaking Connection and Coach Prime Makes History | Ep 54

    Jason Defends the Push, Travis’ Record-Breaking Connection and Coach Prime Makes History | Ep 54
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights presented by our friends at Accelerator Active Energy!  In this episode, we finally address the topic that you guys have been blowing us up about, did Jason ever find his Super Bowl ring? We also answer your not-dumb questions about the most quotable movie and find out why Travis is so good at taping ankles.  We also get to talk about the Eagles bringing back the most dominant play in football, the D’Andre Swift breakout game on Thursday Night Football, and why we don’t actually hate the touchback rule. Travis also lets us know where he got his twerking inspiration from, how it felt to finally get back on the field, and his thoughts on reaching yet another Tight End milestone.  The guys also go around the league for the biggest Week 2 takeaways, why we believe in Coach Prime, how much fun it is when the refs talk back, and marvel at Bill Belichick’s challenge flag toss.  We will be back later this week with a video previewing the Eagles and Chiefs Week 3 games and another all new episode every Wednesday during the NFL season. Make sure to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all the best moments from the show. . . Support the Show:   Merch - https://homage.com/newheights PRIZEPICKS - Go to https://PrizePicks.com/newheights and use code NEWHEIGHTS for a first deposit match up to $100  BUFFALO WILD WINGS: Bourbon Barbecue Sauce is back! Head out to your local Buffalo Wild Wings to try Bourbon Barbecue or go ahead and order some Bourbon Barbecue Wings at https://www.buffalowildwings.com/ this football season.  STATE FARM: Visit https://www.statefarm.com/ or talk to a State Farm agent today to learn how you can bundle and save with the Personal Price Plan.® Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. ACCELERATOR ACTIVE ENERGY: Available nationwide at Target or visit https://ashoc.com/ to find the store nearest you.   THE FARMERS DOG: Get 50% off and FREE shipping! on your first box of fresh, healthy dog food at https://TheFarmersDog.com/newheights  AG1: Go to https://drinkAG1.com/NEWHEIGHTS to get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    NFL Schedule Release Recap, Travis Goes International and LeBron to the Finals? | EP 39

    NFL Schedule Release Recap, Travis Goes International and LeBron to the Finals? | EP 39
    92%ers we are back with another episode of New Heights brought to you by our friends at Fireball!  In this episode, we have some major updates for you guys about how you can help us win our first major award, when we’re releasing the Kansas City live episode, our favorite comments on the Andy Reid episode, and some of our favorite not dumb questions.  We also break down all things NFL schedule release; from the team social media videos, games we’ve already got circled, how Travis might spend his time in Germany, and for some reason, a long discussion on tubular-shaped meats.  And finally, the guys recap their time at the Sixers playoff game, why Travis might have ruined the game with chicken grease, and we’ve got a huge surprise guest helping us get ready for the NBA Finals. When you disrespect a legend, it turns out they just might show up at your door.  As always, watch and listen to new episodes of New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce every Wednesday & check us out on Instagram, Twitter, and Tik Tok for all the best moments from the show.  Merch: https://homage.com/newheights  Shorty Awards Voting: http://shortyawards.com/15th/new-heights-with-jason-travis-kelce Support the Show:   SEAT GEEK: Get 15% OFF NFL Tickets https://seatgeek.onelink.me/Matg/NEWHEIGHTS2023 $50 max discount ATHLETIC GREENS: Visit https://athleticgreens.com/newheights for a FREE 1-year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase. FIREBALL: Enjoy the #1 shot in the country responsibly and visit https://www.fireballwhisky.com to find out where you can purchase those little cinnamon delights ACCELERATOR ACTIVE ENERGY: Available nationwide at Target or visit https://ashoc.com/ to find the store nearest you  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Kate gives her list of what to watch this week including Real Housewives of New Jersey (Bravo), The Tuck Rule (ESPN), and The Tindler Swindler (Netflix).



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