
    About this Episode

    The Pirates discuss traveling by sharing some experiences and fun memories of adventures, as well as tips and advice learned over the years. 

    Recent Episodes from The Pirate Life Podcast



    The Pirates discuss the holidays... the memories, traditions, best and worse parts, and what changed over the years. 

    NOTE from the Pirates (after recording): We apologize (in advance) for a few errors during recording... we had already left the studio once the errors were found. We did our best to adjust and recover what we could. Thanks for understanding!  

    Morning Routines

    Morning Routines

    The Pirates talk about morning routines and the possible benefits of having a morning routine... or not. Is it try to wake up with tons of coffee and hope for more energy? Or is it wake up with tons of energy to go work out and start the day? Everyone is different and what works for one may or may not work for someone else. Listen for tips on how to make a morning routine work for you. 

    Vitamins and Supplements

    Vitamins and Supplements

    The Pirates discuss different vitamins and supplements, as well as who takes what and when.  

    Disclaimer: Every person is different. Anything discussed in this podcast is not expert or professional advice, just opinions based on personal experiences. Please consult a physcian prior to taking or adding any type of vitamin, supplement, or medicine. Do your own reasearch to determine what is best for you personally.

    Thanks for listening.