
    Trinny Woodall: How She Went From Drug Addict To Building A $300m Business Empire!

    enSeptember 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Trinny Woodall's Journey From Addiction to TransformationTrinny Woodall overcame addiction and transformed her life by seeking help, leaving toxic relationships, and embracing new opportunities, ultimately finding her true self.

      Trinny Woodall went through significant challenges and struggles in her life, especially during her late teens and early twenties, where she turned to drugs to cope with a lack of confidence and self-identity. However, at the age of 26-27, she managed to get clean and it marked a turning point in her life. She realized that her addiction was no longer recreational but had become a serious problem. Trinny's journey towards recovery involved going to rehab, leaving her old friends behind, and making new ones in the process. Despite facing tragic incidents during her recovery, she persevered, worked in a people's home, and ultimately transformed into a different person.

    • Aligning Inner Feelings with Outward ChoicesIt is essential to be authentic and examine our own situations to ensure we are pursuing our true passions. If discontent arises, educate yourself and have a plan to pursue a path aligned with your desires.

      It is crucial to align our inner feelings and desires with our outward actions and choices. Trinny Woodall shared her experience of struggling with addiction and putting up a facade of success and busyness while feeling disconnected on the inside. She emphasized the importance of authenticity and self-discovery, encouraging individuals to examine their own situations and consider if they truly love what they do and the environment they are in. If feelings of insecurity or dissatisfaction arise, it is essential to educate oneself and gain knowledge to feel more empowered and confident. Ultimately, Trinny Woodall advises taking the necessary steps to leave an unhappy situation and pursue a path aligned with one's true passions, always having a plan in place.

    • Trinny Woodall's Deception in the Trading Industry and Reflections on a Flawed Rehab System.Trinny Woodall overcame gender biases in the trading industry by disguising herself as a man, but also highlights the need for more supportive and compassionate approaches in the rehab system.

      Trinny Woodall went to great lengths to disguise herself as a man while working in the trading industry. She dressed in men's clothing, wore men's shoes, and even had a tailor make her a suit. By doing so, she was able to sell Anglo American fund on the phone, making her clients believe she was a man. However, the conversation also delves into her experiences in rehab, which were fundamentally shaming and lacked proper support. Trinny reflects on the old rehab system where 20 people would critique and judge individuals, which contributed to her sense of humor gone wrong and ultimately being kicked out. Despite her past struggles, Trinny later found fulfillment in her media career, particularly with the positive impact her work had on people's self-perception.

    • Trinny Woodall's Transformative JourneyTrinny's experience shows that life's unexpected challenges can lead to personal growth and a shift in perspective.

      Trinny Woodall's show had a significant impact on women's self-perception, inspiring them to think about themselves differently. Trinny enjoyed traveling around England and making over women, witnessing their metamorphosis over a week. She stayed in touch with many of the women, witnessing their life-changing moments, knowing that she had made a small contribution to their transformation. However, her personal life became challenging, with a partner struggling with addiction and her own busy schedule. Eventually, she had to readjust and prioritize her personal life. Trinny's journey also highlights the unpredictability and inconsistency that comes with being in a relationship with someone battling addiction. Life's unexpected turns, such as divorce and the loss of loved ones, can serve as wake-up calls and reshape one's perspective.

    • Navigating the complexities of grief and lossGive yourself time and space to process grief, address practical matters, and prioritize mental health to prevent tragedy.

      Grieving the loss of a loved one can be a complex and challenging process. Trinny Woodall shares her experience of grieving the death of her partner, Johnny, who left behind financial and personal messes. She emphasizes how these practical issues preoccupied her and made it difficult to focus on her own emotions and what she missed about him. Trinny also discusses the importance of giving oneself space and time to truly feel and process the grief, without judgment or guilt. Additionally, the conversation highlights the complexity and intense emotions that can accompany the loss of someone who died by suicide. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing mental health issues to prevent such tragedies.

    • The Importance of Acknowledging and Healing from GriefGrief can have long-lasting effects on our lives, and it's important to address and work through it in order to heal. Seek support and find the right words to navigate the grieving process. Age should not limit our ability to pursue our dreams.

      Grief can have a long-lasting impact on our lives, and it's important to acknowledge and work through the stages of grief in order to heal. It may take time for us to fully process and address our grief, and sometimes it can show up unexpectedly, even years later. Trinny Woodall emphasizes the need to find the right words and seek support from counselors or friends who can guide us through the grieving process. Additionally, this conversation highlights the misconception that age should limit our ability to pursue our dreams. Trinny's decision to start a business at 53 challenges the stigma and reminds us that our age should not define our potential or energy to pursue our goals.

    • Trinny Woodall's Journey: Perseverance, Sacrifice, and BeliefTrinny Woodall's story reminds us to stay committed to our goals, even in the face of adversity, and to be willing to make sacrifices and take risks to achieve our dreams.

      Trinny Woodall's journey to launch her business was not easy, but she remained determined and believed in her idea. Despite facing numerous rejections and negative feedback, she persevered because she knew her personalized makeup concept was a good idea that would resonate with women. Trinny made personal sacrifices, such as selling her house, to finance her business. She was willing to let go of material possessions and take risks because she was driven by a bigger picture and a mission. Trinny's resilience and unwavering belief teach us the importance of staying committed to our goals, even in the face of adversity.

    • Commitment, Communication, and Balance: Keys to Business SuccessStarting a business requires dedication and risk-taking. Effective communication, tailored delivery, and balancing protection with growth opportunities are crucial for sustainable success in business.

      Starting a business requires unwavering determination and a willingness to take risks. Both Trinny Woodall and Steven Bartlett emphasize the importance of fully committing to the business and being prepared to make sacrifices for long-term success. Doubt and uncertainty may arise along the journey, but they should not deter entrepreneurs from pursuing their goals. Trinny highlights the significance of effective communication and tailoring the delivery of information based on the audience's preferences, especially when pitching to predominantly male investors. Additionally, they discuss the balance between protecting against potential downsides and maximizing growth opportunities. Building a strong foundation and ensuring customer retention are crucial for sustainable success in business.

    • Overcoming Prejudice and Finding Success in Online Makeup RetailUnderstanding and connecting with your target audience, evaluating potential investors, and effectively communicating your message are essential to business success.

      Trinny Woodall recognized and addressed prejudice before it hindered her pitch in boardrooms. She countered the idea that only millennials or Gen Z would buy makeup online, stating that she provided personalization and language that spoke directly to women. Despite initial skepticism, Trinny's online platform attracted hesitant customers who found it better than shopping in-store, leading to word-of-mouth recommendations and organic growth. Trinny's takeaway is the importance of evaluating potential investors and considering their contribution to the business. Additionally, she emphasizes the need to understand the target audience and effectively communicate with them. Trinny's understanding of how women think and her ability to speak to them has played a significant role in her business's success.

    • The Power of Repetition and Tailoring MessagesRepetition, adaptability, and personal growth are crucial for effective communication and self-worth. Tailoring messages and acknowledging accomplishments help in conveying messages and staying motivated.

      Repetition is a powerful tool for effective communication. Trinny Woodall shares her experience of working with Oprah Winfrey, who would repeat important information multiple times in different ways to ensure it registered with her audience. This repetition helped people remember and internalize the message being conveyed. Trinny also highlights the importance of tailoring your message to different individuals, taking into account their specific needs and circumstances. Furthermore, the conversation touches upon the idea of self-pride and the struggle to acknowledge personal accomplishments. Both Steven Bartlett and Trinny Woodall express the need for constant forward motion and a sense of chaos to feel stable and motivated. Overall, the key takeaway emphasizes the significance of repetition, adaptability, and personal growth in effective communication and self-worth.

    • Stability and forward motion through setting goals and constant progress.Success is not a destination but a continuous journey of growth and challenge, accompanied by loved ones. It's important to find a balance between work and personal experiences and relationships.

      For both Trinny Woodall and Steven Bartlett, stability and forward motion are intertwined. They discuss how having goals to strive for and constantly progressing gives them a sense of stability and purpose in their lives. They view complacency and reaching a point of "enough" as chaotic and purposeless. Success, to them, is not a destination but an ongoing journey of growth and challenge, accompanied by the presence of loved ones. However, they also recognize the importance of finding a balance, especially as they consider the future. As they age, they contemplate whether they want to continue sacrificing personal experiences and relationships for the sake of their work.

    • Trinny Woodall's Mission to Empower WomenTrinny Woodall is dedicated to helping women feel better about themselves by building a supportive community through her social media presence and connections. She prioritizes creating a lasting impact on women's lives.

      Trinny Woodall's work is more than just a job to her. She sees it as a passion and a mission to help women feel better about themselves. Through her social media presence and connections with her audience, she has created a community of women who know and understand her on a deep level. These women support and uplift each other, creating a sense of belonging and shared experiences. Trinny's goal is to continue growing this community, reaching more women and making a positive impact on their lives. She values the relationships she has built and prioritizes connecting with her audience, even amidst the challenges of running a business. Trinny's focus is on creating a meaningful and lasting impact on women's lives, rather than simply retiring and relaxing.

    • Prioritizing Creativity: Creating Space and Time for Innovation in BusinessTaking breaks and focusing on creativity rather than day-to-day operations can lead to the generation of innovative ideas and benefit the overall success of the business.

      Trinny Woodall recognizes the importance of creating more space and time for creativity in her business. She realizes that constantly running the business and being involved in operational tasks limits the generation of innovative ideas. Trinny understands that giving herself mental and physical breaks allows the best ideas to come up, ultimately benefiting the business. Steven Bartlett supports this notion and suggests that Trinny should consider working differently in the future, with more focus on creativity and less on day-to-day operations. Trinny also realizes the value of taking time off without thinking about the business, as it provides mental rejuvenation. This conversation emphasizes the need to prioritize creativity and provide the best of oneself to the business.

    • Importance of Skincare for All Ages and Skin TypesSkincare is essential for everyone, and incorporating cleansing, SPF, regeneration, and maintenance products into a routine can promote skin renewal and health. Regular exfoliation and clarifying products are vital for unclogging pores and maintaining a consistent skincare regimen.

      Skincare is essential for everyone, regardless of age or skin color. Trinny Woodall emphasizes the importance of properly cleaning the skin, wearing SPF daily, and using products that regenerate and maintain the health of the skin. She recommends incorporating retinoids and exfoliants into a skincare routine to promote skin renewal and keep it even. Steven Bartlett admits to neglecting his skincare routine, but Trinny advises him on the specific concerns he should address, such as congestion and oily skin. The conversation highlights the need for regular exfoliation and clarifying products to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. Ultimately, taking care of the skin through a consistent skincare regimen is crucial for maintaining skin health.

    • Easy Steps to Rejuvenate and Refresh Your SkinIncorporating hyaluronic acid and gentle exfoliating acids, along with facial massage and a simplified skincare routine, can help achieve healthier and more radiant skin.

      Incorporating certain skincare ingredients and practices can rejuvenate the skin and impart a refreshed appearance. Trinny Woodall emphasizes the importance of using products that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid for hydration and gentle exfoliating acids for exfoliation. Additionally, she highlights the significance of lymphatic drainage through facial massage to promote circulation and detoxification. Trinny suggests using three specific products, Better Off cleanser, Find Your Balance exfoliant, and Energize Me, to simplify the skincare routine. In terms of personal routines, drinking water, getting enough sleep, and regularly massaging the face are advocated for healthy skin. By making skincare easy and accessible, individuals are more likely to commit to a routine and achieve desired results.

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    Simon Cowell Opens Up About His Heartbreaking Loss, "losing them was the hardest thing that happened to me"!

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    Moment 165: This Exercise Enhances Mood, Memory & Concentration: David Raichlen

    Moment 165: This Exercise Enhances Mood, Memory & Concentration: David Raichlen
    In this moment, leading professor of evolutionary biology, David Raichlen discusses how to boost the brain benefits that come from exercise. Most people know that exercise can improve cognitive function, but don’t realise that different sort of exercise, like cardio or strength training, can provide different types of neurological benefits. David says that whilst all exercise is beneficial to the brain, research shows that the best sort of physical activity is a combination of physical and cognitive challenges. This helps the brain function as it copies how humans evolved to find food and survive. So this could mean that the next time you go for a run, choose the great outdoors over the treadmill and try different routes you haven’t taken before. Listen to the full episode here - Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/J39pwN9c3Jb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/HDB7itjd3Jb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos David:  https://www.raichlen.arizona.edu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Secret Agent: Send Your Children To A Village! How To Detect A Lie Instantly! The Eye Contact Trick I Learnt From 12 Years As A Secret Service Agent! - Evy Poumpouras

    Secret Agent: Send Your Children To A Village! How To Detect A Lie Instantly! The Eye Contact Trick I Learnt From 12 Years As A Secret Service Agent! - Evy Poumpouras
    She was the last line of defence and ready to die for the most important person on earth, here are the secret skills she’s learned defending 4 U.S. Presidents.  Evy Poumpouras is a former U.S. Secret Service Special Agent and multi-media journalist. She is also the co-host of Bravo TV's series ‘Spy Games’ and author of the best-selling memoir, ‘Becoming Bulletproof’. In this episode, Evy and Steven discuss topics such as, Evy’s close encounter with death on 9/11, how to gain control over anyone, her biggest lessons from working for Obama and Bush, and the best way to tell if someone is lying to you.   00:00 Intro 02:05 My Mission To Unlock People's Potential 05:05 How You Became A Secret Service Officer 10:43 How To Get Someone To Do What You Want Them To 13:10 When You Listen To Someone They Like You More 14:34 You Need To Know About Them And Then You Can Start Asking The Right Questions 18:18 How To Get Others To Respect You 22:59 Is It Your Ego Or Have Your Boundaries Being Broken? 26:49 How To Build Confidence 29:34 The Different Versions Of Ourselves We Create 32:49 What I Learnt About Leadership From Working With 4 US Presidents 35:47 I Was In The Room When US Presidents Would Make Tough Decisions 38:36 My First Day Working For George Bush 41:07 Secret Service Training: Only 1% Make It Through 44:16 The 1% Of People That Became Part Of The Secret Service 46:06 How Can You Tell If Someone Is Lying To You? 48:16 Who's The Biggest Liar You've Met? 50:54 Signs They're Lying To You 52:59 What Your Body Language Reveals About You 01:00:19 Do Men Struggle With Strong Women? 01:01:00 What Advice Would You Give Your Daughter Become A Resilient Person 01:04:37 What Do You Work Out Your Mind And Body 01:07:19 What Was The Scariest Day Of Your Career? 01:12:28 How Was Your Mental Health During Your Career? 01:17:48 Discrimination In The Secret Service 01:19:39 How To Be Heard And Respected 01:25:51 Why You Need To Take Personal Responsibility 01:33:48 The Addiction To Being A Victim 01:35:02 Identifying Victims That Don't Want To Change 01:39:47 Undercover Missions 01:45:24 Discrimination In The Job 01:50:58 Labelling Yourself Can Affect The Way You See Yourself You can purchase Evy’s book, ‘Becoming Bulletproof’, here: https://amzn.to/3RhDtz9  Follow Evy:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4aN4q4D  Twitter - https://bit.ly/4c4TErD  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo   Sponsors: PerfectTed: bit.ly/PerfectTed-DOAC with an exclusive code DIARY10 for 10% off ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO10 for 10% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Pregnancy Doctor: Pregnancy Halves Every Year After 32! If You Want 2+ Children, You Need To Know This! If You Experience This Pain, Go See A Doctor!

    The Pregnancy Doctor: Pregnancy Halves Every Year After 32! If You Want 2+ Children, You Need To Know This! If You Experience This Pain, Go See A Doctor!
    Where have all the babies gone? Dr Natalie breaks down everything you need to know about fertility.  Dr Natalie Crawford is a double board-certified fertility doctor. She is also the co-founder of Fora Fertility clinic and Pinnacle Conference, a leadership conference for women in medicine. In this conversation, Dr Natalie and Steven discuss topics such as, how plastic and pollution affect your fertility, the surprising condition that’s affecting 1 in 4 women, the best time to have sex for pregnancy, and the impact of phones and hot baths on sperm count.  00:00 Intro 02:05 You Need To Look After Your Fertility Even Before You Want Children 04:31 We're Struggling More Than Ever To Have Children 07:00 Are We Having Less Sex? 07:47 Sperm Count Is Declining At Scary Risk 10:38 I Had 4 Pregnancy Losses And It's Devastating 13:36 The Stigma Of Infertility 16:15 Infertility Is Not Just A Female Issue, Men Are Affected Too 18:49 Understanding The Basics Of Fertility 22:26 Environmental Factors Affecting Male And Female Fertility 26:32 Are Phones And Laptops Bad For Fertility? 29:40 Heat And Infertility 30:15 What Testosterone Replacement Therapy Does To Your Sperm 31:45 The Egg Vault 35:25 Egg Production And Anomalies 42:41 Regret, Hindsight Of Patients And What You Can Do 47:16 What Has Changed Since Our Parents 49:06 The Effects Of An Unhealthy Lifestyle 54:07 Sleep Is Crucial In Your Reproductive Hormone System 55:07 How Stress Impacts Fertility 57:14 The Best Diets For Good Fertility 59:11 How Dairy Impacts Your Fertility 01:01:05 You Need To Understand The Reproductive Cycle To Know How Exercise Impacts It 01:10:58 Menstrual Irregularities And What's Normal 01:16:57 How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant? 01:17:50 When Trying To Have Children Sex Can Become A Chore 01:21:43 Purchasing Sperm From The Black Market 01:24:48 PCOS Explained 01:30:59 PCOS Diagnosis 01:33:50 Link Between PCOS & Endometrial Cancer 01:37:02 What Is Endometriosis & How Do You Know You Have It 01:43:55 What Happens When You Come Off The Pill And Want To Have Children 01:46:25 Advice For People With Endometriosis And PCOS, If They Want To Have Children 01:49:36 Getting Started With Freezing Eggs And Embryos And Success Rate 01:55:15 The Cost Of Fertility Procedures 01:56:40 IVF Stigma 01:58:42 Ads 01:59:32 When To Think About Fertility Treatment 02:01:54 Dummies Guide To IVF 02:06:38 Myths Of Conception 02:08:54 Best Sex Position To Get Pregnant 02:10:33 Is Birth Control Healthy? 02:13:36 What Can People Do If They Struggle With Infertility? 02:15:40 Last Guest Question Follow Natalie:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3yIQJ9L  Twitter - https://bit.ly/3wLxtb6  YouTube - https://bit.ly/4551ZZY  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo   Sponsors: Colgate: https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Follow John:

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Passion-Struck-Powerful-Principles-Intentional/dp/B0C8G5R5FZ

    Personal website: https://johnrmiles.com/

    Passion Struck website: https://passionstruck.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/john_r_miles/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/milesjohn/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/John_RMiles

    Medium: https://medium.com/@JohnRMiles


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    Produced by: Social Chameleon


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    Copyright © 2024 Mike’D Up! with Mike DiCioccio | For permission to use this content in any way, please email mike@socialchameleon.us

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    The recognition and acceptance stage is crucial in this journey, as it allows us to face our fears and begin to take action.

    Once we recognize where we are, we can begin to take steps towards transformation and growth.

    Don't be afraid to embrace your own hero's journey and use it to guide your personal and business life.

    It's time to recognize and accept where you are and take the first step towards a brighter future.

    Start your hero's journey today and watch as your personal and business life transforms before your eyes.

    Don't wait another day to begin your journey. Start today and embrace the hero within.


    Join the masterclass here: https://masterclass.coreyboutwell.net/ascendregistration

    The Next Level Tickets Here: https://thenextlevel.coreyboutwell.net/2024signup

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