
    Trump Drops a Bombshell on Big Tech (Ep 1405)

    enDecember 02, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Exclusive interview with Lt. Gen. Mike FlynnProtect online activity during shopping season. Shop at secure sites and limit personal info sharing. Hear from a patriot and former military leader on The Dan Bongino Show.

      The Dan Bongino show will be featuring an exclusive interview with Lieutenant General Mike Flynn, which is a huge exclusive and an amazing opportunity to hear from a patriot and former military leader. The interview will be broadcast on Thursday, December 3rd. Additionally, it's important to protect your online activity during the holiday shopping season by only shopping at secure websites and not oversharing personal information. The Dan Bongino show also discussed the importance of identity theft protection, as Dan himself has experienced identity theft and the nightmare that comes with it. The show will cover various topics including an update about a friend in North Carolina, Section 230, and an inside baseball story about Bill Barr.

    • AG Barr appoints Durham as special counsel to investigate Russia inquiryAG Barr expanded Durham's investigation into potential criminality during the Russia probe, allowing it to continue beyond a potential Biden administration change and potentially implicating multiple campaigns and individuals.

      Attorney General Bill Barr officially appointed John Durham as a special counsel to investigate potential criminality in the Russia inquiry. This appointment, which was previously just a special assistant role, could make it difficult for a potential Biden administration to interfere with Durham's investigation, particularly if it involves multiple presidential campaigns, including those of Trump, Cruz, and Carson. The investigation is authorized to probe any federal official, employee, or person or entity who may have violated the law in connection with the intelligence, counterintelligence, or law enforcement activities directed at the 2016 presidential campaigns and individuals associated with the administrations of President Trump and President Donald J. Trump. The special counsel is also authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from this investigation.

    • Disappointment with Justice Department's handling of campaign investigationsThe host expresses skepticism towards the outcome of investigations into political campaigns, including those involving President Trump, and finds it ironic that the special counsel is now under investigation himself.

      The host of a popular podcast is expressing his disappointment in the Justice Department's handling of investigations related to political campaigns, including those involving President Trump. He emphasizes that he's not hyping anything up, but rather suggesting that those being investigated are not dumb or done, as some may assume. The host also mentions that the special counsel's investigation is not just about Trump, but also other campaigns, and that he finds it ironic that the special counsel is now under investigation himself. He compares the situation to a twisted episode of "House of Cards" and expresses his skepticism about any potential outcomes, but acknowledges that there is still a possibility of action being taken.

    • Debate over Special Counsel Durham's AppointmentSome see Durham's appointment as necessary, others as politically motivated. Outcome uncertain, Nadler criticized for hypocrisy, candor important, October appointment date significant but implications unclear.

      There is ongoing debate regarding the appointment of a special counsel, John Durham, to investigate matters related to the 2016 election. Some see it as necessary to address past wrongdoings, while others view it as politically motivated. The appointment of a special counsel does not guarantee a specific outcome and the next attorney general could ultimately decide the fate of the investigation. Dylan Ratigan, a commentator, criticized Jerry Nadler for his hypocrisy in demanding explanations for this investigation but not for the Mueller investigation. She also highlighted the importance of candor and called out those who have burned their credibility. Ratigan's commentary also touched on the potential significance of the October appointment date, but the full implications of this were not clear.

    • Hints of Impeachment Threats if Special Counsel is FiredLegal analyst suggests firing special counsel could lead to impeachment proceedings, highlighting potential power struggle between executive and legislative branches.

      Harvey Dillon, a legal analyst, has hinted that if a future president, such as Joe Biden, were to attempt to fire the special counsel, there could be serious consequences, including impeachment proceedings. Dillon made these hints in a subtle way, using a wink and a nod, indicating that she is aware of the Democrats' threats if a special counsel is fired. She also expressed her disdain for the political establishment and her readiness to fight against any attempts to interfere with investigations. The implication is that if a president were to ignore these threats and fire the special counsel, there would be significant backlash. Dillon's comments suggest a power struggle between the executive branch and Congress, and highlight the high stakes involved in these investigations.

    • Florida sheriff uses social media to catch porch pirates, highlighting importance of home securityDuring the holiday season, ensure home security by using self-installed systems like SimplySafe, currently offering a deal with 40% off and a free camera. Be cautious of misreported news and verify sources before sharing.

      A sheriff in Florida has been successfully using social media to identify and apprehend porch pirates, reminding us of the importance of home security during the holiday season. SimplySafe, a highly-rated home security system, is currently offering a deal with 40% off and a free security camera. The system, which can be self-installed in about 30 minutes, has received numerous accolades including CNET Editor's Choice, Forbes, and Popular Mechanics' Best of 2020. However, there was recent misreporting by the media regarding a statement made by the Department of Justice regarding President Trump's fraud claims. The media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, took the statement out of context and labeled it as an "ill-advised statement." In reality, the statement did not indicate that there was no evidence of fraud, but rather that the Department of Justice had not yet found sufficient evidence to overturn the election results. It's crucial to be aware of accurate information and to verify sources before sharing or relying on them.

    • AG Barr's statement on voter fraud investigation raises questionsDespite ongoing investigations, AG Barr stated that there's no substantial evidence of voter fraud, fueling speculation and calls for transparency

      Attorney General William Barr's statement about the lack of substantial voter fraud evidence, despite ongoing investigations, has raised eyebrows due to the scale of votes in question. Barr's comments came amidst ongoing allegations of voter fraud in several key states, with Trump trailing behind Biden by significant margins. Critics argue that Barr's statement, if true, would mean that the investigations were ill-timed and potentially misleading to the public. Barr's statement also fueled speculation about his motivations and potential compromise, with some suggesting that he may be compromised, unprincipled, or even ill. The lack of evidence presented to the public has led to calls for transparency and conclusive results.

    • Eyewitness testimonies in state legislative hearings are trusted despite media misinterpretationsSpeakers emphasized the importance of accurate reporting and criticized sensationalism, while DOJ clarified ongoing election fraud investigations

      Eyewitness testimonies in state legislative hearings are considered trustworthy by the speakers, despite media misinterpretations of certain statements made during these hearings. For instance, Attorney General Bill Barr's comments on ongoing investigations into election fraud were misconstrued as a conclusion that no fraud had occurred. The Department of Justice (DOJ) later issued a statement clarifying that they would continue to investigate all credible allegations of election fraud. The speakers emphasized the importance of accurate reporting and criticized those who sensationalize information for the sake of clicks or ratings. They also highlighted the responsibility of media outlets to correct any misinformation they may have inadvertently spread.

    • Speaker expresses frustration with media misinterpretations and urges caution from Justice DepartmentSpeaker advises media to read statements carefully and Justice Department to avoid making unnecessary statements regarding election fraud and privacy.

      During a podcast, a speaker expressed frustration with the media's misinterpretation of her words regarding election fraud and privacy. She urged media personnel to read statements carefully and for the Justice Department to avoid making unnecessary statements. The speaker also shared a humorous anecdote about taking advice from an old man. Another significant topic was former President Trump's alleged bombshell against tech tyrants. The speaker took a brief intermission to promote Omaha steaks as a holiday gift idea before promising to discuss the Trump news in more detail.

    • Dan Bongino promotes Omaha Steaks deal for listenersDan Bongino discussed terminating Section 230 during his podcast and encouraged listeners to order Omaha Steaks with a special discount code

      During the podcast, Dan Bongino promoted Omaha Steaks and encouraged listeners to order the deluxe grillers assortment, which includes a variety of entrees, sides, and desserts, and comes with four free burgers and a free digital meat thermometer. He shared a special promo code, BONGINO, for a discount of over 50% exclusively for his listeners. Additionally, Bongino discussed President Trump's call to terminate Section 230, a liability shielding provision for tech companies, which Trump believes poses a threat to national security and election integrity. Bongino, who has financial interests in competitors to Twitter and Rumble, mentioned Trump's tweet and the potential veto of the National Defense Bill if Section 230 isn't terminated.

    • Section 230: Social Media Platforms' Immunity for Content RemovalSection 230 of the US code grants social media platforms immunity from civil liability for removing content they find 'otherwise objectionable', creating a subjective standard and limiting legal challenges

      Section 230 of the US code, also known as the "protection for private blocking and screening of offensive material," gives social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube immunity from civil liability for removing content they deem "otherwise objectionable." This vague term allows these companies to make subjective decisions about what content to remove, making it difficult for individuals to challenge their decisions in court. While some argue that this immunity is necessary for the free flow of information online, others believe it gives these platforms too much power and should be amended to clarify the definition of "otherwise objectionable" or limited to protecting them from liability for removing content that constitutes a crime or terrorism.

    • Potential unintended consequences of removing Section 230 protectionAmending Section 230 to target crimes or terrorism is a suggested alternative to removing it entirely, as removing it could limit free speech and communication platforms, potentially leading to increased lawsuits and their removal.

      Regulating social media platforms by removing Section 230 protection could have unintended consequences. This includes the potential for increased lawsuits and the removal of communication platforms altogether. Instead, it's suggested to amend Section 230 to specifically target crimes or terrorism, allowing individuals to decide for themselves what constitutes objectionable content. Social media is a crucial means of communication for many, and removing it could limit free speech and the ability to share ideas. Additionally, the importance of investigative journalism, as demonstrated by Project Veritas and James O'Keefe, was highlighted as a reminder of the role it plays in holding powerful entities accountable.

    • Receive a free Chaminis Zotique Deep Correcting Serum with order on genucel.com using code Dan40During the holiday season, receive a free serum with faster collagen production, free microdermabrasion, mask, surprise gift, and priority shipping with order on genucel.com using code Dan40. Honesty and transparency are crucial in journalism.

      During the holiday season, you can receive a free Chaminis Zotique Deep Correcting Serum, Paula's new favorite, when you place an order on genucel.com using the code Dan40. This serum promises smooth, silkier skin, faster collagen production, and the reduction of redness, acne, and acne scars. Additionally, your order comes with free crystals at home microdermabrasion, a spit it out treatment, an exfoliating mask, and a surprise luxury gift, along with priority shipping. In other news, James O'Keefe from Project Veritas gained access to CNN leadership's conference calls for two months without their knowledge and announced himself during a call, leading to the release of the recordings at 7 pm that day. The takeaway from this is that honesty and transparency are essential in journalism, and while some may not admit their biases, it's important to recognize the difference between news and liberal propaganda.

    • CNN Listened in on Team Trump's Calls for Two MonthsCNN's bias towards the Biden team was exposed during a call where they discussed minimizing coverage of election fraud allegations and focusing on the transition instead, while privately acknowledging Trump's refusal to concede

      During a conference call, it was revealed that CNN had been listening in on their calls for two months without their knowledge. The conversation between the team lightheartedly discussed a misunderstood image of a cigar being mistaken for a marijuana cigarette. However, the main concern was CNN's apparent bias towards the Biden team, as evidenced by their decision to minimize coverage of President Trump's allegations of election fraud and focus on the transition instead. CNN's editorial conference call was even discussed, where they discussed how to cover Trump's refusal to concede at the behest of the Democratic Party and powerful interest groups. Overall, this incident highlights the perceived activist role of CNN rather than an unbiased news organization.

    • CNN follows Biden camp's request to downplay voter fraud storyCNN agreed to prioritize Biden team's transition over potential voter fraud story, while Dan Bongino shared experiences of defying lockdowns and supporting business owners.

      CNN was instructed by the Biden camp to downplay the story of potential voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election and focus on the Biden team's transition instead. Despite this being a significant news story, CNN agreed to comply with the request. Meanwhile, Dan Bongino shared his experience of supporting a business owner who defied lockdown orders to feed his family and got arrested for it. He also got a tattoo from the business owner as a sign of solidarity. The conversation seemed disconnected, with some participants appearing to miss each other's points or making light of serious issues. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities and challenges of reporting on controversial topics in the media.

    • Empowerment to Stand Up for RightsIndividuals have the power to make a difference by standing up for their rights, as shown by Jax's successful fight against his arrest. Support each other and take action in small ways.

      Individuals have the power to stand up for their rights and make a difference, as demonstrated by Jax's successful fight against his arrest. Dan Bongino emphasized this idea, quoting Ginny Thomas's statement, "We are the leaders we've been waiting for." He encouraged listeners to take action in their own small ways and highlighted the importance of supporting each other and standing together. The dismissal of Jax's case was a reminder of this empowering message. Additionally, Dan announced an upcoming interview with Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, another American patriot who embodies the spirit of leadership and standing up for what is right. The interview would be launching the next day, and Dan encouraged viewers to subscribe to his channel on Rumble for more content.

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    Patrick is a successful startup entrepreneur, CEO of PHP Agency, Inc., emerging author, and Creator of Valuetainment on Youtube. As a natural critical thinker, Patrick takes complex leadership, management, and entrepreneurial ideas and converts them into simple life lessons for today and tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.

    Patrick is passionate about shaping the next generation of leaders by teaching thought-provoking perspectives on entrepreneurship and disrupting the traditional approach to a career.

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