
    Trump Flip-Flops on the Republican National Convention | Eddie S. Glaude Jr.

    enJuly 28, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Stories of change and progressDespite challenges, individuals can make a difference through determination and support from others.

      Despite the challenges and barriers faced by individuals in society, there are always opportunities for change and progress. In the case of Florida's ex-felons, NBA star LeBron James is using his platform to help restore their voting rights by paying off their court debts. Meanwhile, a 4-year-old boy from the UK, named Nadim, has defied expectations and landed a book deal for his poetry about feelings like love and loneliness. These stories serve as reminders that everyone has the potential to make a difference, no matter their age or background. It's important to remember that progress may not always come easily, but with determination and support from others, it is possible to overcome obstacles and create positive change.

    • 2020 RNC goes virtual due to coronavirus concernsThe 2020 Republican National Convention has been shifted to a virtual format due to the coronavirus pandemic, reflecting differing attitudes towards public health within the party.

      The 2020 Republican National Convention, which was originally planned to be an in-person event with thousands of delegates, has been forced to go virtual due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. This decision comes after months of insistence from President Trump that he would deliver an acceptance speech in front of a large crowd. The reversal is likely due to the concerns raised by many Republican leaders and the public health risks associated with holding a large gathering during a global health crisis. This change highlights the differing attitudes towards coronavirus among Republicans, with some prioritizing public health and others dismissing it as a hoax. Despite the change in format, President Trump's campaign team is still promising a spectacle, but it remains to be seen how effective a virtual convention will be in delivering the same level of excitement and engagement as an in-person event.

    • The debate over teaching American history and slavery's roleSenator Cotton opposes the 16/19 project, believing it's racially divisive, while critics argue against his 'necessary evil' statement on slavery.

      The ongoing debate surrounding the teaching of American history, specifically the role of slavery, continues to be a contentious issue. Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton has objected to a curriculum based on the New York Times 16/19 project, which aims to reexamine the legacy of slavery in the U.S. Senator Cotton believes the curriculum is racially divisive and wants it defunded. However, his statement that slavery was a "necessary evil upon which the union was built" has been criticized as defending slavery. Despite their apparent disagreement, both Senator Cotton and the 16/19 project share the belief that slavery played a significant role in the formation of the United States. The controversy highlights the complex and often divisive nature of discussing race and American history in the classroom.

    • California avocados and sports leagues face unique challenges during the pandemicMLB and NBA navigate different approaches to the pandemic, with MLB dealing with positive cases and the NBA creating a 'bubble' to keep players safe, but both face unexpected hurdles

      The story of a California avocado is one of idyllic conditions, careful cultivation, and commitment to sustainability. Meanwhile, in the world of sports, Major League Baseball and the NBA are navigating the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic in different ways. MLB is dealing with positive cases among players, while the NBA has opted for a "bubble" to keep players safe. However, even in this controlled environment, players are still making mistakes, like Lou Williams' visit to a strip club. President Trump's handling of the pandemic continues to be a topic of concern for many. In the realm of baseball, we saw a demonstration of social distancing and mask-wearing during an argument between players and umpires. These examples show that, despite efforts to return to normalcy, the coronavirus continues to present challenges and require adaptations.

    • White House Official Tests Positive for COVID-19, Despite Containment EffortsTransparency and effective communication are crucial in managing a crisis, as shown by the White House's handling of COVID-19 cases among officials.

      Despite efforts to contain the coronavirus within the White House, another high-ranking official, Robert O'Brien, the national security adviser, has tested positive for COVID-19. This news comes as other countries have managed to bring their infection numbers under control, with even North Korea reporting its first suspected case and implementing a lockdown. Meanwhile, some US officials seem to be unaware of positive tests within their own circle. The situation highlights the importance of transparency and effective communication in managing a crisis. Additionally, the MTV Challenge podcast is back for another season, featuring All Stars 4 in Cape Town, South Africa. The competition promises to be intense as old school legends, modern power players, and ex-lovers compete for a $300,000 prize. Lastly, MassageMD's massage therapists and aestheticians offer services to help individuals look and feel their best, with Mother's Day specials available at participating locations.

    • Being an Effective Ally: Approach Conversations with Empathy and CuriosityEmpathize and ask open-ended questions instead of judging or using confrontational language when dealing with racism. Avoid cultural appropriation and don't expect black friends to educate us on their experiences.

      Being an effective ally in the fight against racism involves more than just watching documentaries or expressing emotion to your black friends. Dr. David Kant, a racial dialogue expert, advises white people to approach conversations with empathy and curiosity, rather than judgment or emotion. Additionally, it's important to avoid cultural appropriation and not expect black friends to educate us on their experiences. When dealing with family members who hold racist views, it's recommended to ask open-ended questions to understand their perspective, rather than labeling them as racist or using confrontational language. Overall, the goal is to keep conversations open and ongoing, rather than making grand statements and expecting instant change.

    • Engaging with problematic individuals and asking questions can lead to agreement and learningAcknowledging and addressing uncomfortable truths is essential for continuing important conversations and encouraging change

      Continuing important conversations and encouraging change requires persistence and understanding. As discussed, engaging with problematic individuals and asking questions can lead to agreement and learning, rather than correction which may be met with resistance. Furthermore, the value gap, a belief that white people matter more than others, is a persistent issue in America's history and continues to manifest in our habits and practices. James Baldwin's work, although written decades ago, remains relevant and unsettling as it exposes this ongoing issue. In order to move forward, it's essential to acknowledge and address these uncomfortable truths.

    • James Baldwin's Hope Amidst DespairDespite his anger towards America's treatment of Black people, James Baldwin never lost hope. He believed that hope could be invented daily and that truth-telling about the past is crucial for a better future.

      Key takeaway from the discussion about James Baldwin is that despite his rage and despair over America's betrayal towards Black people, he never gave up hope. He believed that hope could be invented every day, even in the midst of struggle and adversity. Baldwin's writing shows that he grappled with feelings of guilt for living a better life as a Black American in France, where he was away from the strife of his fellow Black Americans in the US. This dynamic raises questions about the role of history and the burden of guilt in shaping interactions between different racial and ethnic groups. Baldwin's work is a powerful reminder that even in the face of great trauma and pain, it's essential to remain true to oneself and tell the truth about the past to move towards building a new and better future.

    • The importance of truth-telling and self-discovery in James Baldwin's lifeThrough Baldwin's experiences, we learn the importance of confronting truths about ourselves and society, especially in the face of systemic oppression, to build a genuinely multiracial democracy and imagine a better world.

      Learning from this discussion about James Baldwin's life and work is the importance of truth-telling and self-discovery. Baldwin, a Black American writer, felt the weight of racial injustice in the United States and sought refuge in other countries to find the space to breathe and create. His experiences highlight the need for individuals to confront the truth about themselves and their society, especially in the face of systemic oppression. By sharing the truth, we can work towards building a genuinely multiracial democracy and imagining a different world for ourselves. The ongoing struggle for racial equality in America is a reminder of the importance of truth-telling and the potential for hope and change.

    • Become a Poll Worker to Help Ensure a Fair ElectionSign up to be a poll worker and help maintain a fair and functional election process while earning an income. Open to those as young as 16 in some states.

      The shortage of poll workers could lead to fewer polling stations, longer lines, and potential barriers for underserved communities to exercise their right to vote. However, there's an opportunity for individuals to make a difference by becoming poll workers themselves, which is a paid position in some states and open to those as young as 16. By volunteering, you can help ensure a fair and functional election process while also earning an income. It's a chance to make a difference, protect democracy, and get paid. If you're interested and have the time, consider signing up to be a poll worker. Stay informed and engaged with The Daily Show for more updates and insights.

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    Notes, References, and Links for further study:

    1. Use the "Donate" buttons at the bottom of these notes, or on the side bar of this site, or the T&H Community, or the T&H dot com site, for “The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto” multi-DVD interview project, currently in post-production. With over 5 hours of interview footage, this is a collection of education which is invaluable.
      1. If you donate $50 or more towards the completion of this project, you will receive the entire DVD set; as our way of saying Thanks!
    2. Your invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online critical thinking community
    3. Peace Revolution Podcast’s primary hosting site (2009-2011)
    4. Peace Revolution Podcast’s backup hosting site (2006-2011, also includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast episodes, starting at the bottom of the page)
    5. Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media productions, freeto the public)
      1. On the top menu, there is a “Trivium” selection, which includes the Brain model discussed in Peace Revolution episodes.
    6. A Peaceful Solution” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
    7. T&H Partner Podcasts: Media Monarchy, Corbett Report, Gnostic Media, & Remedy Radio
    8. www.StartPage.com (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’tcollect your private info and search history)
      1. StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
    9. (Video) Bilderberg Group 2003, by BBC
    10. (Video) The Last Word on Utopia, by James Corbett (on CorbettReport.com)
    11. (Video) Maafa 21: Black Genocide in the 21st Century(on YouTube)
      1. Margaret Sanger (on Wikipedia)
      2. Eugenics (on Wikipedia)
      3. Eugenics Record Office (on Wikipedia)
      4. Eugenics and Population Control (in The Brain Model)
      5. Charles Darwin (on Wikipedia)
      6. Francis Galton (on Wikipedia)
    12. (Video) Webster Tarpley Interview “The Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination”,by InfoWars & PrisonPlanet.tv (on YouTube)
      1. (Article) “Obama’s Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions” (via FoxNews.com)
      2. John Holdren(on Wikipedia)
        1. Ecoscience (on Amazon.com)
      3. Paul Ehrlich(on Wikipedia)
        1. “The Population Bomb” (on Wikipedia)

    Peace Revolution partner podcasts:

    Corbett Report dot com

    Media Monarchy dot com

    Gnostic Media Podcast

    School Sucks Project Podcast

    Remedy Radio Podcast

    Meria dot net

    The Unplugged Mom Podcast

    Other productions by members of the T&H network:

    Navigating Netflix (2011) our new video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.

    "Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven, graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)

    What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.

    Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)

    Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)

    Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)

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