

    enOctober 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's Legal Woes: Multiple Cases Heating UpDespite numerous legal issues, Trump stormed out of a civil fraud trial in New York, faces a ballot disqualification trial in Colorado, and a federal case in DC for election interference, while three of his lawyers pleaded guilty in Georgia. Authorities remain confident in their prosecutions and continue to move forward.

      Former President Donald Trump has been making headlines for his involvement in multiple legal cases across the country. During the New York attorney general's civil fraud trial, Trump had a meltdown and stormed out of the courtroom after being found in violation of a gag order and hit with a $10,000 contempt sanction. In Colorado, a petition to disqualify Trump from the ballot under the 14th amendment is heading to trial on October 30th. In Washington, DC, Trump's federal case for attempting to overthrow the 2020 election continues to heat up, with his former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, taking an immunity deal and preparing to testify against him. In Georgia, three Trump lawyers have pleaded guilty in the Rico case, and Judge McAfee has set a hearing date for Trump's motions to dismiss. Trump's legal team has been filing frivolous motions in all cases, and the judges are growing increasingly frustrated. Confident in their prosecutions, authorities are moving forward with new trials, including the upcoming civil fraud case involving Don Junior, Eric, and Ivanka Trump.

    • Leticia James uses Cohen's testimony against TrumpDuring a court hearing, Leticia James strategically chose to have Michael Cohen testify against Donald Trump, knowing it would provoke an overreaction. Trump's unpredictable court attendance and disregard for evidence could harm his upcoming insurrection trial defense.

      During a court hearing, Leticia James intentionally chose to have Michael Cohen testify against Donald Trump, knowing it would provoke an overreaction. Trump's unpredictable attendance and disregard for presenting evidence properly in court have led to numerous sanctions against him. In the upcoming trial regarding his potential involvement in the insurrection, Trump's team is expected to use frivolous arguments and lack substantial evidence. However, the judge's denial of a premature directed verdict motion and subsequent decision to put Trump on the stand, concluding he can't be trusted as a witness, could significantly harm Trump's defense.

    • AG James uses Cohen as bait to destabilize TrumpNY AG James' team effectively uses Michael Cohen's testimony to gain insights and prepare for Trump family's testimonies, leaving their legal teams guessing

      New York Attorney General Leticia James and her team's mastery is on full display during the Trump Organization's ongoing trial. They don't necessarily need Michael Cohen's testimony to win their case, but they used him as bait to destabilize Donald Trump mentally. By watching Trump's reactions and outbursts, they gained valuable insights and prepared for the upcoming testimonies of his children, Eric and Ivanka, who have also been interviewed but not deposed yet. The strategy of not deposing Ivanka beforehand leaves her legal team in the dark about the potential lines of questioning during the trial. Overall, James' team's strategic moves demonstrate their confidence and control in the situation.

    • NY AG's case against Trump & Org faces setbacks during trialDespite initial setbacks, NY AG's case against Trump & Org continues with potential for significant damages and injunctive relief

      The New York attorney general's case against Donald Trump and the Trump Organization has not gone well for them during the trial's first four weeks. Judge Engeron's comments and denial of their directed verdict motion were a significant blow, as the attorney general already had a strong case based on undisputed evidence of financial misstatements. The trial is not over yet, and the attorney general still has a week or two left to present her case. The directed verdict motion, which the Trump team tried to use as a sanction for perceived perjury by Michael Cohen, is not typically filed until after the plaintiff has finished presenting their case in chief. The summary judgment motion, which the attorney general had already won, did not rely heavily on Michael Cohen's testimony. The trial's outcome will likely result in disgorgement, damages, and potential injunctive relief against the Trump Organization. Six counts with intent as a component still remain to be decided.

    • New York AG secures fraud charges against Trump Organization, Ivanka ordered to testifyNew York Attorney General Letitia James obtained a legal victory against the Trump Organization for various fraud charges, including business and financial statement fraud, requiring intent. Ivanka Trump, though not a defendant, was ordered to testify due to her ongoing connection to the organization.

      New York Attorney General Letitia James secured a legal victory against the Trump Organization for multiple counts of fraud, including business record fraud, financial statement fraud, and insurance fraud, which require intent. Ivanka Trump attempted to avoid testifying by claiming she no longer resides in New York and is not a defendant, but the court found she still benefits from the Trump Organization and therefore cannot claim no relationship. The court also imposed contempt sanctions on Donald Trump for violating a gag order. Ron Filipkowski of Midas Touch was the first to report on Trump's gag order violation. Trump and Don Junior have attacked Midas Touch in response. Ivanka is expected to file an appeal. AG1, the daily foundational nutrition supplement, is a partner of this program and supports whole body health.

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      AG1 is a daily supplement that provides high-quality nutrition, supports gut health, boosts energy, and improves overall well-being. The consumer spoke about their experience of feeling unstoppable after incorporating AG1 into their routine, which includes improved digestion and a seamless daily habit. AG1's high-quality ingredients, great taste, and comprehensive nutritional benefits make it a top choice for foundational health support. Another takeaway is the introduction of Henry Meds, an affordable online weight management program that utilizes compounded semaglutide, offering a non-stimulant solution for those struggling with weight loss and insurance coverage. Lastly, the legal news mentioned Donald Trump being compelled to testify in the New York attorney general civil fraud case and the implications of his conduct in the courtroom.

    • Judge Goran finds Trump in contempt for lying and attacking people during trialJudge Goran criticized Trump for lying and attacking people during the trial, finding him in contempt. The trial was described as 'dead' with no new evidence or findings, and damages and disgorgement were expected soon.

      During the ongoing trial, Judge Goran found Donald Trump to be a liar and in contempt for violating the gag order. Trump's testimony was described as poor, and he was attacking people, including the judge's law clerk, which the judge found unacceptable and potentially harmful. The judge's written order emphasized that it's not acceptable to take advantage of ambiguous language and make attacks on people, which could result in harm. Trump's strategy to attack the justice system, the judge, and his law clerk during the trial was criticized as ridiculous and unproductive. The trial was described as being "dead" in terms of new evidence or findings, and the judge was expected to rule soon on damages and disgorgement.

    • Trump's credibility on trialThe focus of the Michael Cohen trial has shifted to Trump's own credibility, with potential consequences including subpoenas, jail time, or disqualification from office.

      The focus of the trial against Donald Trump has shifted from questioning Michael Cohen's credibility to Trump's own credibility, which could potentially lead to unfavorable outcomes for Trump. The judge's inclination is to move forward with remedies and sanctions, and Trump's refusal to testify could result in his being subpoenaed and potentially facing jail time. The prediction is that Trump may try to invoke the 5th Amendment or claim other distractions, but ultimately, his pathology as a "big coward" may lead him to avoid the stand and face the consequences. Additionally, disqualification cases under the 14th Amendment Section 3, such as the one brought by CREW against Trump, are gaining momentum. These cases argue that Trump's role in the January 6th Capitol insurrection attempt warrants his disqualification from holding office.

    • Trump's argument against 14th Amendment disqualificationTrump argued that the 14th Amendment doesn't apply to him as he never took an oath to uphold the Constitution and it's a political question for Congress to decide, but the court rejected these arguments and the case is proceeding to trial.

      During the legal proceedings regarding Donald Trump's potential disqualification from holding office due to his actions leading up to the Capitol insurrection, Trump argued that the 14th Amendment Section 3, which disqualifies individuals from holding office if they have previously engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, does not apply to him because he never took an oath to support the Constitution. Trump also argued that this was a political question not for the courts to decide and that the 14th Amendment section 3 is not self-executing and requires a decision by Congress. The court rejected Trump's procedural and statutory arguments and the case is proceeding to trial. The Colorado Secretary of State's role in removing individuals who do not meet constitutional requirements was also highlighted in the proceedings. Ultimately, these cases may end up in the United States Supreme Court for a final decision.

    • Judge Offers Trump a Way Out of Eligibility LawsuitJudge gives Trump chance to withdraw from race if he can get Congress to remove disability, but errors in legal filings have weakened his case

      The judge in the case regarding Donald Trump's eligibility to run for office in Colorado has given him an opportunity to withdraw from the race if he can secure the necessary votes in Congress to remove the disability related to the 14th amendment. However, Trump's lawyers have made several unforced errors in their filings, citing cases and laws that do not support their argument, which has damaged their credibility with the judge. The judge has already indicated that she will make a decision on the issue, and based on the evidence presented, it is likely that Trump will not be able to provide any evidence to support his eligibility. The trial is based on the preponderance of evidence, and the plaintiff, who is trying to ban Trump from the ballot, is expected to present all the evidence in their favor. The judge has also made it clear that this is not a political question that needs to be decided by Congress.

    • Judge in Colorado case may rule against Trump's eligibilityJudge's ruling against Trump's eligibility could lead to lengthy appeals, intersecting federal trial, and impact on lawyers' credibility.

      The judge in the Colorado case, with the secretary of state as the compelled party, seems determined to rule against Donald Trump's eligibility to be on the ballot due to his alleged involvement in insurrection. This decision could lead to a lengthy appeals process, potentially reaching the US Supreme Court, and intersecting with Trump's federal trial in Washington DC. Additionally, Trump's lawyers are losing credibility as they continue to represent him and push baseless conspiracies in court. For instance, Mark Meadows, a former White House chief of staff, has reportedly taken an immunity deal. These developments highlight the importance of staying informed about ongoing legal proceedings and their potential implications in the future. As experienced litigators, we encourage everyone to consider not just the immediate consequences, but also the potential long-term effects. To stay updated on the latest news and analysis, visit midas touch.com and consider supporting independent journalism through Patreon.com/midastouch.

    • Legal proceedings surrounding Trump and associates in D.C.Meadows sought immunity, gag orders, and disputes over classified documents are part of ongoing legal proceedings for Trump and associates in D.C.

      The legal situation surrounding Donald Trump and his associates in Washington D.C. is complex and ongoing. Michael Popok predicted some developments, such as Mark Meadows' acceptance of an immunity deal, which was later confirmed. The legal proceedings involve various motions to dismiss, gag orders, and disputes over classified documents. The involvement of numerous lawyers raises questions about their motivations and effectiveness. One interesting case is Meadows', who was indicted in Georgia but resisted cooperating there, only to later seek a federal court intervention. Overall, the legal proceedings surrounding Trump and his associates in Washington D.C. continue to unfold with various twists and turns.

    • Former Trump chief of staff Meadows cooperating with investigatorsMeadows, a close Trump ally, is providing evidence to investigators about election interference and classified document mishandling despite not being charged or listed as a coconspirator.

      Mark Meadows, a former White House chief of staff for Donald Trump, is cooperating with Special Counsel Jack Smith in the ongoing investigations into election interference and the mishandling of classified documents. This cooperation was suspected in August when Meadows was noticeably absent from the indictment against Trump. Since then, reports have emerged of Meadows testifying before grand juries and meeting with prosecutors multiple times. He has provided evidence regarding the "big lie" and efforts to overturn the election results. Despite not being indicted or listed as an unindicted coconspirator, Meadows' cooperation is significant because of his close relationship with Trump and his role in various controversial activities during Trump's final days in office. The cooperation could potentially impact ongoing investigations and potential future legal actions. The gag order surrounding the case is also a developing issue, with recent filings shedding light on potential violations.

    • Trump's Legal Actions Add Complexity and Potential ConsequencesTrump's attempts to make disputes with intelligence assessments public and challenge a gag order could lead to stronger release conditions, jail time, and additional legal complications.

      Donald Trump's actions, including violating a gag order and attempting to use classified information as part of his defense, have led to new consequences for him. The Department of Justice has used these actions as evidence to encourage a judge to strengthen conditions of Trump's release and potentially send him back to jail. Trump's attempts to make disputes with intelligence community assessments public through his defense could also be considered a form of "gray mail," where a defendant threatens to reveal classified information if prosecuted further. Trump has also filed a motion challenging the CIPA, or Classified Information Procedures Act, to make certain documents available for his defense. The judge has now put Trump on the spot, asking for his position on the media's request to televise the trial. Trump's actions continue to add complexity and potential consequences to his legal situation.

    • Emphasizing the importance of facts and evidence in legal casesTransparency and factual evidence are crucial in legal proceedings, as highlighted by Special Counsel Jack Smith's call for Trump's lawyers to review records and the case of Jenna Ellis' guilty plea.

      Transparency and factual evidence are important values at Legal AF and Midas Mighty communities. The discussion highlights the issue of misinformation and the importance of accessing facts and evidence in legal cases, such as the January 6th committee case. Special Counsel Jack Smith emphasized the availability of records and urged Trump's lawyers to review them before filing bogus motions. Additionally, the case of Jenna Ellis, a Trump lawyer, entering a guilty plea in connection with the attempt to overthrow election results in Georgia, was mentioned as an example of the importance of relying on facts and evidence rather than misinformation. The Legal AF and Midas Mighty communities aim to promote truth beyond political allegiance and party.

    • Lawyers for Trump rely on motions from other defendantsTrump's team uses dismissed motions from previous defendants, raising questions about their validity and inconsistency in legal arguments.

      During the legal proceedings against Donald Trump, his lawyers have relied on motions to dismiss filed by other defendants, some of whom have since pleaded guilty. This strategy has raised questions about the validity of these adopted arguments, especially when the original authors are no longer in the same legal position. Furthermore, in the case of Georgia, Trump's team has had only one lawyer, Steve Sadow, handling the case, who has not produced any original arguments since joining the team. The judge, McAfee, has criticized this approach and Trump's former lawyer, Jenna Ellis, has been called out for her inconsistent stance on Trump. Her previous social media posts criticizing Trump have contrasted sharply with her later support for him during the 2020 election. The trial's final four defendants, including Trump, Meadows, Giuliani, and Clark, are predicted to be tried together, making for an intriguing and potentially explosive courtroom scene.

    • DA Fani Willis strategically waiting to set Trump trial date based on Florida case outcomeDA Fani Willis may set Trump trial date to conflict with Florida hearing, putting pressure on Trump to make a decision

      Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is strategically waiting to set the trial date for former President Donald Trump based on the outcome of a related case in Florida. She is using the potential conflict between the two trials to potentially force Trump to make a decision, and possibly put him in a difficult position. Additionally, Willis is expected to file her motion soon to set the trial date, but she may choose a date that conflicts with a hearing in the Florida case to put pressure on the judge. The outcome of the Florida hearing on November 1st is expected to influence Willis' decision on the trial date.

    • Legal proceedings against Trump could impact 2024 election timingNew York and Georgia trials could influence voter perceptions before 2024 election, potentially revealing jury's verdict on Trump's election interference attempts

      The timing of legal proceedings against former President Donald Trump, specifically the trial dates for the New York and Georgia cases, could significantly impact the 2024 election. Leticia James, the New York Attorney General, scheduled Trump's deposition for the day before the 2022 election, potentially influencing voters' perceptions of Trump's conduct. If the Georgia case in Fulton County follows suit, having both cases tried before the 2024 election could allow Americans to see a jury's verdict on Trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 election results. This community of legal enthusiasts, known as Legal AF, is closely following these developments and their potential impact on the political landscape. If you want to support independent journalism, consider joining the Patreon for Midas Touch, the platform breaking these stories.

    Recent Episodes from Legal AF by MeidasTouch

    Trump’s VERY OWN Appointed Judge DISMISSES His Lawsuit

    Trump’s VERY OWN Appointed Judge DISMISSES His Lawsuit
    Trump MAGA world just lost again in another defamation court case as Trump’s CEO of his Truth Social media company just had his defamation case against the Washington Post dismissed on summary judgment by a Trump-appointed federal judge no less. Michael Popok explains how MAGA world is about 0-80 in lawsuits at the trial and appeal level starting in 2020 to date, including Trump’s losses in state and federal civil and criminal and appellate courts, and the loser streak continues. Sign up at https://MoinkBox.com/LEGALAF and get FREE BACON for a YEAR Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


    The DOJ will push for a mini-trial THIS SUMMER to allow them to present to the American People BEFORE NOVEMBER ALL of the evidence against Trump that renders his indicted criminal acts in the DC election interference case UNOFFICIAL AND PROSECUTABLE CRIMES. Michael Popok of Legal AF walks through how Judge Chutkan step by step will get the case against Trump back on track for a trial before the Inauguration if not the election. Head to https://zbiotics.com/LegalAF to get 15% off your first order when you use LEGALAF at checkout. Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Trump THROWS Co-Defendants UNDER THE BUS with Ruling

    Trump THROWS Co-Defendants UNDER THE BUS with Ruling
    Michael Popok of Legal AF explains why ALL THE OTHER Trump CRIMINAL COCONSPIRATORS will NOT be able to use the new Supreme Court immunity decision to have their charges dismissed or convictions vacated. Popok explains that immunity is like a pardon and is only enjoyed by the person receiving it and that it's not like “executive privilege” which can extend to a third party other than the president at the time. Find out how you can get a free 30-day supply on bundles of new SuperBeets Heart Chews Advanced and save 15% for a limited time only by going to https://SUPERBEETSRADIO.COM, promo code LEGALAF Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Lara Trump Makes TOTAL FOOL of Herself with Latest STUNT

    Lara Trump Makes TOTAL FOOL of Herself with Latest STUNT
    Michael Popok of Legal AF takes on Trump’s daughter-in-law and RNC chairperson Lara Trump and her claims that IN TREASONOUS FASHION TRUMP IS ALREADY LEADING THE COUNTRY, in a call to violate Article 2 of the Constitution. Head to https://ProlonLife.com/LEGALAF to get 15% off their 5-day nutrition program. Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Trump SENTENCING Nears + Supreme Court BOMBSHELLS

    Trump SENTENCING Nears + Supreme Court BOMBSHELLS
    Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok are back for the weekend edition of the top-rated Legal AF podcast. On this episode, the anchors discuss and debate: (1) whether Judge Cannon will give another win to Trump in the Mar a Lago prosecution and throw out and “suppress” the incriminating testimony and evidence against him by his former attorney Evan Corcoran, and the impact on the prosecution’s case if she does; (2)  whether Judge Cannon in the Trump Mar a Lago criminal case will be persuaded TO GAG HIM by the dozens of threats against the FBI Trump and MAGA have made putting their lives in the line of fire; (3) why the Supreme Court did NOT BAIL OUT Steve Bannon and instead reaffirmed the validity of the Jan6 Committee and its subpoena powers and sent him to jail in early July to serve out his sentence for contempt of Congress; (4) why Judge Merchan in New York lifted a part of the Trump gag and whether that could impact his sentencing decisions on 7/11 for Trump’s 34 count felony conviction; (5) which is more impactful on our way of life, the Supreme Court’s throwing out the window one of the main charges against the leaders and most violent insurrectionists on Jan6, or the MAGA Justices’ wholesale destruction of the entire executive branch regulatory scheme, touching every aspect of our lives by throwing out a series of 40+ year precedent, with one stroke of the pen, and so much more at the intersection of law and politics. Join the Legal AF Patreon: https://Patreon.com/LegalAF Thanks to our sponsors: Liquid IV: Get 20% off when you go to https://Liquid-IV.com and use code LEGALAF at checkout! Miracle Made: Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to https://TryMiracle.com/LEGALAF and use the code LEGALAF to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF. Rocket Money: Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to https://RocketMoney.com/legalaf Timeline: Go to https://timeline.com/LEGALAF and use code LEGALAF to get 10% OFF your order. Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Justice Department COMPLETELY OUTMANEUVERS Supreme Court After Ruling

    Justice Department COMPLETELY OUTMANEUVERS Supreme Court After Ruling
    Michael Popok explains how the DOJ will be able to CONTINUE TO USE OBSTRUCTION criminal charges against Current and FUTURE insurrectionists, and the blueprint for it is in Supreme Court Justice Jackson’s concurring opinion focused on the “integrity” and “impairment” of Congressional proceedings like the electoral vote count. Try Mosh today and use LEGALAF to save 20% plus free shipping at https://moshlife.com/LEGALAF Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    CRY BABY Trump Ally Finally THROWN IN PRISON for Crimes

    CRY BABY Trump Ally Finally THROWN IN PRISON for Crimes
    Legal AF’s Michael Popok reports on Steve Bannon being dragged kicking and screaming to prison this week, as the United States Supreme Court REJECTS any argument that the Jan6 Committee is “illegitimate” or that Bannon and Trump and the Jan6 insurrectionists are “political prisoners” and that the Jan6 Committee is illegitimate. Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to https://TryMiracle.com/LEGALAF and use the code LEGALAF to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF. Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Supreme Court Makes FATAL DECISION for Key AGENCIES

    Supreme Court Makes FATAL DECISION for Key AGENCIES
    Michael Popok explains that in twin decisions by the MAGA Justices on the Supreme Court against the Securities and Exchange Commission’s powers and throwing out 50 years of agency deference precedent, the Court may have accidentally put the brakes on Trump’s 2025 Project to use the power of agencies headed by his lackeys to implement his policies of vengeance and retribution through agency and Executive Laws. Get 10% off plus free shipping of your estate plan documents by visiting https://trustandwill.com/LEGALAF Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Trump CAN’T ESCAPE From Latest Supreme Court RULING

    Trump CAN’T ESCAPE From Latest Supreme Court RULING
    The US Supreme Court may have just signaled that DC indictment against Trump for in part CREATING FALSE ELECTOR CERTIFICATES is saved and will include his “criminal interference with an official proceeding” counts at any future trial. Michael Popok does a deep analysis of the new Fischer v US ruling and its decision to keep the crime in place for anyone who is charged with creating “false evidence” to undermine the “integrity” of an official proceeding, such as Trump. For 30% off your order, head to https://GetSoul.com/LEGALAF and use code LEGALAF Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Jack Slips POISON PILL into Brief before Judge Cannon

    Jack Slips POISON PILL into Brief before Judge Cannon
    The DOJ just fired at Cannon, judge Cannom that is, and to support their motion to gag Trump, gave her real time examples of Trump and his MAGA ecosystem of podcasters, fundraisers, advisers, PAC spokespeople, members of Congress, elected officials, and lawyers, FALSELY claiming that President Biden and the Attorney General operate assassination hit squads to kill Trump and his family. Michael Popok explains it all on his latest hot take. Head to https://manukora.com/legalaf to receive $25 off your starter kit today! Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Trump’s Trials Investigated & Anti-Semitism Act Fallout | 5.3.24

    Donald Trump’s Hush money trial wraps up for the week as House GOP probe the prosecution, the House passes an anti-semitism act, and Trump hush money trial yields poor ratings for legacy news networks. Get the facts first with Morning Wire.

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    Jack Smith UNCOVERS Trump Election Plot, BOMBSHELL FILING

    Jack Smith UNCOVERS Trump Election Plot, BOMBSHELL FILING
    The special counsel has just told the federal judge that Trump’s lawyer and political operative TRIED TO CAUSE A RIOT to stop the vote count in Detroit on election night AFTER Trump and his co conspirators found out they were losing. Michael Popok of Legal AF identified who he believes this unnamed consultant is and why, and explains why this evidence will help prove Trump’s criminal intent. Go to https://PrizePicks.com/legalaf and use code legalaf for a first deposit match up to $100! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


    Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok are back with a new episode of the weekend edition of the top-rated Legal AF podcast. On this episode, they debate/discuss: whether the jury is ready to convict after just the first 2 weeks of the Trump NY criminal trial; the powerful impact of Judge Kaplan’s denial of Trump’s motion for new trial and to reduce the punitive damages in the E Jean Carroll sex assault, defamation and punitive damages trial; whether the Supreme Court can ever recover from a future decision that a criminal, coup plotting, rival assassination planning president can get away with it and enjoy immunity from criminal prosecution; whether Trump will be indicted eventually in Arizona for election interference, and who may be cooperating with the Arizona AG to make that happen, and so much more at the intersection of law and politics. Join the Legal AF Patreon: https://Patreon.com/LegalAF Thanks to our sponsors: Mack Weldon: Go to http://mackweldon.com/?utm_source=streaming&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=podcastlaunch&utm_content=LEGALAFutm_term=LEGALAF and get 20% off your first order with promo code LEGALAF Liquid IV: Get 20% off when you go to https://Liquid-IV.com and use code LEGALAF at checkout! Miracle Made: Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to https://TryMiracle.com/LEGALAF and use the code LEGALAF to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF. 3 Day Blinds: For their buy 1 get 1 50% off deal, head to https://3DayBlinds.com/LEGALAF Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coalition-of-the-sane/id1741663279 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    A Salacious Conspiracy or Just 34 Pieces of Paper?

    A Salacious Conspiracy or Just 34 Pieces of Paper?

    The prosecution and the defense both opened their cases on Monday in the first criminal trial of Donald Trump.

    Jonah Bromwich, who watched from inside the courtroom, walks us through the arguments.

    Guest: Jonah E. Bromwich, a reporter for The New York Times covering criminal justice in New York.

    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.


    Defense attorney Michael Popok & former prosecutor Karen Friedman Agnifilo are back with a new episode of the midweek edition of the Legal AF pod. On this episode, they debate: updates in the NY Civil Fraud case; developments in the DC election interference case; developments in the civil trial for defamation damages against Rudy Giuliani; new indictments against Nevada GOP leaders for their role as fake electors, and so much more at the intersection of law, justice and politics. DEALS FROM OUR SPONSORS! GREEN CHEF: Head to https://GreenChef.com/legalaf250 and use code legalaf250 to get $250 off! AURA FRAMES: Visit https://Auraframes.com/LegalAF and get $30 off their best-selling frames with promo code LEGALAF AG1: Go to https://drinkAG1.com/LEGALAF and get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase! SUPPORT THE SHOW: Shop NEW LEGAL AF Merch at: https://store.meidastouch.com Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/meidastouch Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices