
    Trump Indicted AGAIN, Facebook ADMITS Censorship & Now Kamala Supports the Wall?

    enAugust 28, 2024
    What contributions did Benjamin Franklin make besides flying a kite?
    How did Facebook's censorship relate to the 2020 election?
    What major issues did Zuckerberg admit to Congress regarding Facebook?
    How might Zuckerberg's political donations impact future elections?
    What implications does Zuckerberg's letter have for tech companies?

    Podcast Summary

    • Podcasts and NewsBenjamin Franklin's multifaceted life parallels the diverse range of podcast topics, from mafia history to health and wellness, while news discusses political developments and humanitarian crises

      Benjamin Franklin was not just the old man flying a kite in the rain, but a successful businessman, scientist, and founding father who cast his lot on the side of revolution, causing family discord. In the world of podcasts, there's something for everyone, from learning about the end of the New York City mafia's reign of terror to staying informed about health issues and expert-approved advice for physical and mental wellness. A surprising admission from Facebook about censorship and Kamala Harris' plan to build a wall were also discussed. In the news, Senator Ted Cruz discussed the indictment of Donald Trump, which some see as a political move, and the ongoing crisis in Israel, where The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is providing critical support.

    • Double Jeopardy, Trump IndictmentsDespite multiple indictments against Trump, no double jeopardy violation as jeopardy hasn't attached yet. Supreme Court recognizes presidential immunity for official actions, and Smith refiled indictments to narrow claims. Political ammunition for opponents, no trial before election.

      Despite multiple indictments against Donald Trump by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, there is no violation of double jeopardy as jeopardy has not yet attached to any of the cases. The Supreme Court has ruled that presidents have significant immunity for official actions, and Smith has refiled the indictment to narrow the claims related to Trump's official presidential authority. The timing of the latest indictment, coming close to the election, raises questions about potential election interference, but there is no risk of a criminal trial between now and the election. If Trump wins, the case will be dismissed upon his inauguration. The indictments serve as political ammunition for his opponents, who continue to label him a felon.

    • Facebook-Government CensorshipFacebook admitted to complying with government pressure to censor Americans, which could lead to legal consequences and changes in how tech companies handle government requests, and also throttled the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 election.

      Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Meta (Facebook and Instagram), admitted in a letter to Congress that the Biden administration pressured his company to censor Americans and Facebook complied. This admission has significant legal consequences as it challenges the assumption made by the Supreme Court that government was not pressuring big tech to censor people. This admission could lead to litigation and potential changes in the way tech companies handle government requests. Additionally, Zuckerberg's letter revealed that Facebook also throttled the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 election. These revelations raise concerns about the role of tech companies in political discourse and their relationship with the government.

    • Facebook's Role in 2020 ElectionFacebook's interactions with the FBI over Hunter Biden laptop and Zuckerberg's $400 million investment in election infrastructure for Democrats raised concerns of bias and censorship during the 2020 election. Zuckerberg's apology and shift in political donations could impact future elections.

      The 2020 election was potentially influenced by both the FBI's pressure on Facebook to censor information about the Hunter Biden laptop and Mark Zuckerberg's $400 million investment in election infrastructure for Democrats. Zuckerberg's apology for his role in the former issue is a step towards accountability, but his denial of intent with the latter raises skepticism. The shift in Zuckerberg's political donations away from Democrats could significantly impact the outcome of future elections, enhancing the chances of a Trump victory and promoting free speech. During a dinner conversation with Zuckerberg, the speaker expressed their concerns about censorship and free speech, and while Zuckerberg acknowledged the issues, he defended Facebook by pointing to other platforms as worse offenders. The speaker believes that the pendulum swing towards free speech on Twitter, led by Elon Musk's acquisition, is putting pressure on Facebook to become a greater free speech forum.

    • Mark Zuckerberg's stance on free speechMark Zuckerberg's position on free speech is a topic of debate, with some seeing him as a potential champion and others accusing him of hedging his bets. The importance of aligning values with supported companies, historical impact, and standing up against oppressive entities were also discussed.

      Mark Zuckerberg's stance on free speech is under scrutiny, with some accusing him of hedging his bets, while others welcome him as a potential champion. Meanwhile, the conversation also touched upon the importance of aligning one's values with the companies they support, as exemplified by the advocacy of Patriot Mobile. The podcast episode also highlighted the relevance and influence of historical figures like Benjamin Franklin and the impact of their groundbreaking discoveries and innovations. Lastly, the discussion emphasized the significance of standing up against oppressive entities, such as the mafia, and the role of individuals and organizations in bringing about change.

    • Business Success, PoliticsDetermination, adaptability, and pivoting are crucial for business success and achieving significant goals. Michael Rappaport's podcast business and dog ramp sales demonstrate this. In politics, staying true to principles and being open to change are important, but voters must stay informed to avoid being swayed by tactics.

      Building a successful business or achieving a significant goal requires determination, adaptability, and a willingness to pivot when necessary. Michael Rappaport discussed his experiences building a podcast business and turning a wild dream into a $10 billion company, as well as selling millions of dollars worth of dog ramps during a pandemic. He also highlighted Kamala Harris's flip-flop on the border wall issue, emphasizing the importance of staying true to one's principles while also being open to change. The podcast industry has evolved, and the most disruptive and consistent podcasts provide valuable insights and entertainment. In politics, the Democrats are facing a significant vulnerability on the issue of open borders, and while they may not be willing to change their policies, they will say whatever they need to in the 69 days leading up to the election to convince voters to elect Kamala Harris. Ultimately, it's essential to stay informed and be aware of the tactics being used to sway public opinion.

    • Harris's border wall stanceVice President Harris's stance on the border wall has fluctuated, with her campaign now supporting a bill that includes funding, but her team claims it's an extension of previously appropriated funds, despite her past opposition and inconsistent comments

      Vice President Kamala Harris's stance on the border wall has flip-flopped throughout her political career. While she has previously stated she is not in favor of building a wall, her campaign now supports a bipartisan border bill that includes funding for the wall. However, her team claims this is just an extension of previously appropriated funds. Harris's lack of clarity on the issue and her demand for her running mate to join her in interviews have raised questions about her true position. Additionally, her past voting record and comments about border security have been criticized for being inconsistent with her current stance. It's important to note that factual information about policies and voting records should always be considered when evaluating political candidates.

    • AmmoSquared vs Kamala Harris InterviewAmmoSquared offers flexible ammo subscription with no set budget or monthly shipments, while Kamala Harris' interview with CNN raises concerns due to its pre-taped format and potential editing, questioning journalistic integrity.

      AmmoSquared offers a flexible ammunition subscription service with no set budget or monthly shipments, allowing customers to decide their budget and schedule. The company also allows customers to trade caliber options and even profit during price surges by selling back their ammo. In contrast, Kamala Harris' upcoming interview with CNN has raised concerns due to its pre-taped format and the presence of Vice President Tim Kaine. Critics argue that it will be more of a propaganda piece than an actual interview, as CNN may edit out any potential missteps or embarrassing moments. The lack of transparency and potential editing raises questions about journalistic integrity.

    • Journalistic integrityDana Bash's interviews for Kamala Harris campaign have raised questions, some calling for unedited, tough questioning, while others argue she's following the rules in a media landscape where everyone is interconnected.

      Dana Bash's recent interviews for the Kamala Harris campaign have raised questions about her journalistic integrity. Some believe she's selling out by not asking tough questions, while others argue she's playing by the rules in a media landscape where everyone is in it together. Regardless, there's a call for Bash to prove the naysayers wrong and conduct a real, unedited interview. Meanwhile, in other news, a new season of Walter Isaacson's podcast on Benjamin Franklin explores the founding father's business acumen and revolutionary spirit. The Law and Order: Criminal Justice System podcast delves into the history of the Mafia's grip on New York City, and WebMD's Health Discovered Podcast offers insights into the latest health news and trends. Lastly, Katie Couric invites readers to sign up for her free newsletter, Good Taste, for recipes, tips, and kitchen must-haves.

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