
    Podcast Summary

    • Presidential Debate PrepBoth Biden and Trump are intensely preparing for the upcoming presidential debate, with Biden at Camp David and Trump's team uncertain about expectations. The Supreme Court and ethics in politics are also being discussed, and new books offer insights.

      As the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump approaches, both sides are preparing intensely. Joe Biden is at Camp David for debate prep, while Trump's team is unsure whether to lower or raise expectations. The Supreme Court and ethics in politics are also topics of discussion, with former White House counsel Bob Bauer sharing insights from his new book, "The Unraveling." Meanwhile, the hosts of Pod Save America encourage listeners to pre-order their new book, "Democracy or Else," to help it reach the New York Times bestseller list. The debate itself is set for June 27th, with Biden opting for the right-hand podium position. Trump's team is keeping their debate prep plans under wraps, but it's clear that both sides are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to win the debate.

    • Social media manipulationThe 2020 presidential debate is not just about the candidates' performance, but also about how moments from the debate will be edited and shared on social media. The Biden campaign is concerned about the potential spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories, and is taking steps to address it.

      The debate between President Trump and Joe Biden is not just about their performance on stage, but also about how moments from the debate will be edited and shared on social media. Trump's campaign has been known for spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories, and the Biden campaign is reportedly more concerned about this than the debate itself. The use of "cheap fakes" or edited footage to deceive the public is a growing concern, and the Biden campaign is taking steps to address it. The press used to play a big role in shaping the narrative after debates, but in the social media era, the power to shape public opinion lies more in the hands of individuals and social media platforms. The debate expectations management tactics used by politicians, such as accusing opponents of dementia or drug use, may not matter much to the mainstream press or the electorate, but they can be effective in appealing to a hardcore base. However, these tactics can also create cognitive dissonance and require a believable explanation to resolve it.

    • Social media impact on political debatesThe influence of spin rooms has diminished, and social media has taken over as the primary platform for public reactions during political debates. Candidates must be omnipresent in the media to create positive viral moments and combat negative clips.

      The dynamics of political debates and the role of media coverage have significantly changed since the Gore-Bush debates. Now, with the rise of social media, the spin room's influence has diminished, and online reactions can sway public perception. Debates are no longer just watched on television but also through various social media platforms, where quick moments, both positive and negative, can spread rapidly. The Biden campaign is particularly concerned about the proliferation of misleadingly edited videos and the potential impact of negative clips on public opinion. The only way to combat this is for the candidate to be omnipresent in the media and create positive viral moments. The president's busy schedule with presidential duties makes it challenging to do so, but it's the only effective strategy to counteract the constant flow of negative content.

    • Debate format improvementsThe upcoming debate between Biden and Trump is crucial, but debates have become more confrontational and less substantive. Empowering moderators and moderating mic usage are suggested ways to improve the format.

      The upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is expected to be a significant moment in the campaign, as it provides an opportunity for both candidates to address key issues and concerns, particularly regarding Biden's age and Trump's demeanor. A recent report from Open Debate at Princeton University concluded that debates have become more confrontational and less substantive over the years, and suggested ways to improve the format, such as empowering moderators and moderating mic usage. The debates have always been an important part of the campaign process, but they may not accurately reflect a candidate's abilities as president. The Fox News poll showing Biden leading in the national head-to-head race has angered Trump, who has lashed out at Fox News and Paul Ryan, a member of its board of directors. While the poll's accuracy is debated, it underscores the high stakes of the debate and the importance of a strong performance for both candidates.

    • Biden vs Trump polling shiftImproved economic numbers and Biden's advertising efforts have narrowed the gap between Biden and Trump, but Biden needs to address concerns of specific voter groups to maintain momentum and win the election

      The latest polling data indicates a narrowing gap between President Biden and former President Trump on key issues like the economy and immigration. This shift can be attributed to the sustained advertising efforts by the Biden campaign and the lack of advertising by the Trump campaign in certain states. The economic numbers show improvement across various questions, with more people feeling optimistic about their financial situation and the economy as a whole. Biden's approval ratings on the economy have also increased, although they remain underwater. The poll also highlights the importance of the upcoming debate and the potential impact of the Trump conviction on voter behavior. Another key takeaway is the need for the Biden campaign to address the concerns of specific voter groups, such as Latinos and women, on issues like immigration and inflation. Overall, the polling data suggests that while there is progress for the Biden campaign, there is still work to be done to win over key voter demographics and maintain momentum leading up to the election.

    • Campaign narrative developmentEstablish a clear and consistent campaign narrative before analyzing survey data. Develop a quadrant on a whiteboard to outline campaign message, opponents' messages, and messages about opponents.

      During political campaigns, it's crucial to establish a clear and consistent narrative before looking at survey data. Dan discussed how the exercise of creating a quadrant on a whiteboard, outlining one's campaign message, opponents' messages, and messages about opponents, can help develop an overall narrative. This narrative should guide the campaign, and data should be used to understand how people are interpreting the message rather than dictating what to say. The current Democratic Party has struggled with this approach, leading to inconsistent messaging and losing voters they didn't anticipate. Additionally, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s campaign is facing challenges, including not qualifying for the CNN debate due to insufficient polling numbers and a lack of funding, but his impact on the race remains unclear.

    • Debate PreparationEffective debate preparation includes immersing oneself in opponent's material, preparing for potential attacks and personal insults, and staying focused during the debate.

      Effective debate preparation involves immersing oneself in material about the opponent to approximate their style and arguments, even if it means playing unpleasant or personal roles. Former White House counsel Bob Bauer, who has prepared candidates for debates including Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, emphasized the importance of preparing candidates for potential attacks and personal insults. He noted that incumbent presidents like Biden can become rusty and may face particularly aggressive opponents like Trump, who will not hesitate to raise painful personal matters. While debate prep can be uncomfortable, it's essential for candidates to be prepared for the actual debate and not be taken by surprise by their opponent's tactics. The upcoming debate between Biden and Trump will have some changes, including muted microphones when candidates aren't speaking, which Bauer hopes will lead to a more focused and productive discourse.

    • Political climate and crisis of faithThe current political climate prioritizes exciting moments over substantive discussions, leading to a crisis in public faith in politics. Serious self-reflection and mindfulness are necessary for those in power to address this issue, while the influence of money in politics is a significant contributor to the crisis.

      The current debate structure and political climate can often prioritize exciting moments over substantive discussions, leading to a crisis in public faith in politics. Bob Woodward, in his book "The Unraveling," expresses concern about this issue and shares his introspection on his role in politics, acknowledging that choices made in the past, even if they helped win campaigns, may have contributed to the current state of affairs. He also discusses an anecdote about a McGovern aide using underhanded tactics during a debate, which he now views as detrimental to the political process. Woodward emphasizes the importance of serious self-reflection for those in positions of power, especially in the current political climate where institutions and norms are in peril. Additionally, he raises concerns about the influence of money in politics, which he believes is a significant contributor to the crisis of faith in politics. He acknowledges his skepticism of over-regulation of political money but emphasizes the need for mindfulness in this area.

    • Campaign finance reform ethicsMaintaining ethical sensibility and accountability is crucial in campaign finance reform to prevent corruption, while striking a balance between being aggressive and ethical in campaigns is essential to preserve democratic culture.

      Campaign finance reform is a complex issue with ethical considerations. While there have been concerns about too much money in politics, the competitive nature of American politics and the desire to win elections can make it challenging to implement strict reforms. Ethical sensibility and accountability are crucial in preventing corruption. However, the risk of extreme tactics, especially in the current political climate, raises legitimate concerns. It's essential to strike a balance between being aggressive and ethical in campaigns while maintaining faith in the democratic culture of the country. Despite the challenges, there's a commitment to preserving the democratic system among various political figures and communities, offering hope for a more balanced and ethical political landscape.

    • Supreme Court reputationThe Supreme Court's reputation has been affected by political polarization and controversies, leading to institutional changes and the need for bipartisan discussions to address imperfections while balancing defense and acknowledgement.

      The Supreme Court's reputation has been affected by the polarized political climate and controversies surrounding ethics and accountability. Criticisms of conflicts of interest and the court's handling of emergency orders have led to public debate and institutional changes, such as the adoption of an ethics code. However, striking a balance between defending institutions and acknowledging their imperfections is crucial. Bipartisan discussions, like the ones facilitated by the American Law Institute, can lead to progress in addressing institutional issues. The challenge lies in fostering candid, respectful conversations in an increasingly polarized political landscape. The Biden administration and tech platforms face complex issues in managing misinformation and first amendment rights, requiring careful consideration and engagement.

    • Ethics and DemocracyDiscussions on ethics and democracy in politics are crucial for ensuring quality debates, fair treatment of voters and opponents, and introspection in public life. Historical injustices, such as the taking away of land titles from formerly enslaved people, underscore the importance of addressing these challenges.

      The issues of ethics and democracy are of paramount importance in politics, as discussed by Bob Bauer on the podcast "Pod Save America." Bauer emphasized that these issues significantly impact the quality of debates, discourse, and treatment of voters and opponents. He also highlighted the significance of introspection and reflection in public life. The conversation underscored the gravity of the current state of democracy and the need for addressing these challenges. Additionally, a new audio series from Reveal, titled "40 acres in a lie," reveals how over 1,200 formerly enslaved people were given land titles only to have them taken away, highlighting the complex and often unjust historical realities of land ownership.

    Recent Episodes from Pod Save America

    The First (and Last?) Debate

    The First (and Last?) Debate

    The first debate is upon us, and you’re not the only one feeling nervous. Guest host Stacey Abrams joins Jon, Jon, Tommy, and Dan, live in Brooklyn, to talk about what we can learn from the 2020 debates, and what would constitute a win for Biden on Thursday night. Then, Strict Scrutiny’s Melissa Murray joins the hosts to break down the latest from the Supreme Court and what’s still to come this term, and Run for Something co-founder Amanda Litman talks with Dan about why it’s so important to have progressive candidates running in local races.Democracy or Else is out now! 


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    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    Donald Trump vows to cut education funding by half, throws his support behind displaying the Ten Commandments in public classrooms, and offers a new, anatomically specific theory for how Joe Biden gets his pre-debate uppers. With Biden holed up in debate camp, his campaign works to set expectations, and marks the second anniversary of the end of Roe v. Wade with a blistering new attack ad and waves of surrogate events around the country. Plus, it’s publication day at last: Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps is out now! Head to your local bookstore or www.crooked.com/books to order your copy.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    Jon is joined by Carlos Odio and Stephanie Valencia, founders of Equis Research, the nation’s leading polling and research firm focused on the Latino electorate, to talk about what Democrats can do to win back the Latino voters who left the party for Trump in 2016 and 2020. Why are some of them leaning towards Trump? How did they react to Biden’s border actions? And what issues are they most focused on in 2024? Jon, Carlos, and Stephanie dive into the focus groups to answer these questions and Leo Murrieta, Director of Make the Road Nevada, joins to talk about his trip to the White House and offer his advice for the Biden campaign.

    Take action with Vote Save America: Visit votesaveamerica.com/2024  

    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

    Pod Save America
    enJune 23, 2024

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

    Joe Biden heads to Camp David to prepare for next week's debate, Donald Trump bungles the expectations game, and both sides prepare for the post-broadcast clip war. Meanwhile, a new Fox News poll shows Biden ahead, and Trump lashes out at the betrayal. Then, former White House Counsel Bob Bauer stops by to talk about playing Trump in debate prep in 2020, the Supreme Court, and his new book, The Unraveling: Reflections on Politics without Ethics and Democracy in Crisis. 


    To pre-order Democracy or Else, out June 25th, visit www.crooked.com/books 


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    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    Joe Biden makes a big new move on immigration, and Democratic governors and progressive groups quietly make plans to fight back against the second-term agenda that Trump is promising, from mass deportations to bans on medication abortion and gutting the civil service. Strict Scrutiny's Kate Shaw joins Jon and Lovett to talk about the legal challenges in store for both Trump and Biden, the Supreme Court's dangerous decision on bump stocks, and what else we can expect from the justices with so many opinions yet to drop.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

    The Biden campaign puts big money into a new ad slamming Trump as a convicted felon, fraudster, and sexual predator, and painting Biden as a fighter for working families. Trump courts the Black vote in front of a mostly white audience in Detroit, and CNN announces the final rules for next week’s debate. Plus: Jon, Lovett, and Tommy talk about who’s up and who’s down in the race to be Trump’s VP.To preorder you copy of Democracy or Else, visit http://crooked.com/booksFor tickets to upcoming live shows and book events, visit http://crooked.com/events

    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump returns to the Capitol for the first time since January 6th and receives a hero’s welcome from House and Senate Republicans—where he calls Milwaukee a “horrible city,” refers to the Justice Department as “dirty bastards,” and complains about Taylor Swift not endorsing him. Meanwhile, the same Republicans attempting to overturn Trump’s conviction are instead trying to prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland. Plus, SCOTUS affirms legal access to abortion medication, Biden takes voters’ cost of living concerns head on, and Trump tries to woo CEOs with more tax cuts.

    The GOP Meltdown Over Hunter's Conviction

    The GOP Meltdown Over Hunter's Conviction

    Dan and The Bulwark’s Sarah Longwell break down the chaotic Republican response to the Hunter Biden news and what the conviction might mean for the Biden campaign, which of Donald Trump’s rumored VP picks scare them the most, and the latest from Tuesday’s primaries.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    MTG: Jesus Was a Felon Too

    MTG: Jesus Was a Felon Too

    Donald Trump meets with a probation officer for his pre-sentencing interview just a day after holding an unhinged rally in Nevada where Marjorie Taylor Greene compared him to notable defendant Jesus Christ. Trump's crew of hard-right advisors plots a new round of tax cuts for the rich while the Biden campaign sharpens its lines of attack. Then: Jon and Tommy land the world-exclusive first interview with newly minted reality TV persona Jon Lovett, who suffers through a quiz about all the news he missed during his time away.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.