
    Trump's Opponents Debate Tomorrow — He Says He Won't Show Up

    en-usAugust 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Trump Skips First GOP Debate of 2024 CycleTrump skips first GOP debate, cites high support among voters, but counters with his own events. Other candidates like DeSantis, Pence, and Haley participate.

      Former President Donald Trump is skipping the first Republican primary debate of the 2024 election cycle, citing it as a strategic move since he already enjoys high support among Republican voters. Despite this, he's not completely abandoning the spotlight as he's counter-programming with his own events. Meanwhile, eight other Republican candidates, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, will participate in the debate. Trump's absence raises questions about his campaign strategy and why he's choosing not to engage directly with his rivals on the debate stage.

    • Trump skips debate to keep focus on himselfTrump's absence from debate keeps focus on him, potentially boosting popularity among base, challenging for other candidates to gain momentum, high approval ratings may not be affected.

      Donald Trump's decision to skip the upcoming Republican debate is a politically calculated move that plays to his chaotic and attention-grabbing style. Trump has a history of avoiding debates when he perceives a large lead, and his absence will keep the focus on him, potentially increasing his popularity among his base. For the other Republican candidates on stage, it will be challenging to gain momentum without directly attacking Trump, as most GOP voters prefer them to focus on presenting their own cases. Despite the risks, Trump's high approval ratings within the party may not be significantly impacted by his absence from the debate.

    • Republican Primary Debates: Intense Battles AheadCandidates aim to differentiate themselves from Trump, with potential viral moments or attacks. DeSantis, in second place, may face attacks instead due to perceived 'sputtering' campaign. Directly challenging Trump is necessary for nomination hopefuls.

      The 2024 Republican primary debates are expected to be intense, with candidates vying for a chance to differentiate themselves from the frontrunner, Donald Trump. Candidates need to demonstrate a deep understanding of the issues, discipline, and the ability to debate effectively to gain support. A viral moment or notable attack against Trump could help a candidate break through the noise. However, some strategists believe that the candidate in second place, Ron DeSantis, may become the target for attacks instead. DeSantis' campaign is currently described as "sputtering," and some strategists have criticized his potential debate strategy for focusing on less viable opponents. Ultimately, taking on Trump directly is seen as a necessary step for any candidate hoping to secure the nomination. Some candidates who did not qualify for the first debate were also not mentioned in the discussion.

    • Republican Debate Loyalty Pledge and Trump's BoycottCandidates pledge to support nominee, Trump refuses and boycotts, impact on debate dynamic, other candidates seize spotlight

      The ongoing Republican presidential debates include a loyalty pledge for candidates, requiring them to support the eventual nominee, regardless of whether they win the nomination themselves. This pledge was initially put in place to ensure support for then-candidate Donald Trump, who had faced criticism and opposition from within the party. However, Trump himself refused to sign the pledge and is now boycotting the debate as a result. The significance of this pledge lies in its potential impact on the dynamic of the debates, as it may influence how candidates approach each other and the issues at hand. Other notable aspects to watch for in Wednesday's debate include the opportunity for other candidates to seize the spotlight, as Trump counters with his own programming, and the potential for candidates to challenge each other on various issues.

    • Republican VP Candidates' Chance to ShineCandidates must present solutions and clear messages to stand out, earn voter trust amidst potential debate overshadowing by Trump's arrest and news cycle dominance.

      The upcoming Vice Presidential debate is a significant opportunity for Republican candidates to show leadership, connect with millions of viewers, and differentiate themselves from the Biden administration on key issues, particularly inflation and the economy. However, the ongoing focus on Trump's potential arrest could overshadow the debate and dominate the news cycle. Candidates must present tangible solutions and clear messages to stand out and earn voter trust. Despite the challenges, a debate winner is still expected to emerge, but Trump's influence remains a formidable force in the news cycle. Unfortunately, there will be no regular episode of the podcast the following day, as the team will be producing a post-debate analysis instead.

    • Stay updated on political news and insights from NPR and Charles Schwab's Washington WiseListeners can tune in to NPR for the latest political analysis and investors can check out Washington Wise for potential portfolio impacts. Mint Mobile offers affordable wireless plans and American Jewish World Service supports human rights advocacy globally.

      NPR's political team will provide in-depth analysis from the White House and the Trump camp every Thursday morning. Listeners are encouraged to tune in first thing in the morning for the latest political news and insights. Additionally, investors may want to keep an eye on policy changes in Washington that could impact their portfolios. They can get the latest information and analysis on Washington Wise, a podcast from Charles Schwab. Mint Mobile is another sponsor offering premium wireless plans starting at just $15 a month. Lastly, American Jewish World Service supports human rights advocates worldwide in their fight for democracy, equity, and justice for all people.

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    NOTE: In an earlier version of this podcast, a recording of Deanna McKay was played instead of a recording of Kerry Webster. The audio has been updated to include the correct recording.

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    The podcast is produced by Jeongyoon Han, Casey Morell and Kelli Wessinger. Our intern is Bria Suggs. Our editor is Eric McDaniel. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi.

    Listen to every episode of the NPR Politics Podcast sponsor-free, unlock access to bonus episodes with more from the NPR Politics team, and support public media when you sign up for The NPR Politics Podcast+ at plus.npr.org/politics.

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    Listen to every episode of the NPR Politics Podcast sponsor-free, unlock access to bonus episodes with more from the NPR Politics team, and support public media when you sign up for The NPR Politics Podcast+ at plus.npr.org/politics.

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    Listen to every episode of the NPR Politics Podcast sponsor-free, unlock access to bonus episodes with more from the NPR Politics team, and support public media when you sign up for The NPR Politics Podcast+ at plus.npr.org/politics.

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    Listen to every episode of the NPR Politics Podcast sponsor-free, unlock access to bonus episodes with more from the NPR Politics team, and support public media when you sign up for The NPR Politics Podcast+ at plus.npr.org/politics.

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    The podcast is produced by Jeongyoon Han, Casey Morell and Kelli Wessinger. Our intern is Bria Suggs. Our editor is Eric McDaniel. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi.

    Listen to every episode of the NPR Politics Podcast sponsor-free, unlock access to bonus episodes with more from the NPR Politics team, and support public media when you sign up for The NPR Politics Podcast+ at plus.npr.org/politics.

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    The podcast is produced by Jeongyoon Han, Casey Morell and Kelli Wessinger. Our intern is Bria Suggs. Our editor is Eric McDaniel. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi.

    Listen to every episode of the NPR Politics Podcast sponsor-free, unlock access to bonus episodes with more from the NPR Politics team, and support public media when you sign up for The NPR Politics Podcast+ at plus.npr.org/politics.

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    The podcast is produced by Jeongyoon Han, Casey Morell and Kelli Wessinger. Our intern is Bria Suggs. Our editor is Eric McDaniel. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi.

    Listen to every episode of the NPR Politics Podcast sponsor-free, unlock access to bonus episodes with more from the NPR Politics team, and support public media when you sign up for The NPR Politics Podcast+ at plus.npr.org/politics.

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