
    Trump shooting, Biden and loser PR

    enJuly 16, 2024
    How did Trump utilize PR during the assassination attempt?
    What was unique about the New York Times' editorial on Trump?
    Who spoke to Trump on behalf of Boris Johnson?
    What was President Biden's message regarding political climate?
    What topics will the podcast Rare Earth discuss?

    Podcast Summary

    • PR in Crisis MomentsSkillful communication and image crafting in PR can create iconic moments during crises, and instinct and awareness are crucial for effective response.

      PR plays a significant role in shaping history, particularly during moments of crisis. The use of skillful communication and image crafting can create iconic moments that resonate for generations. During such moments, instinct and awareness are crucial, as seen in President Trump's response to an assassination attempt, which involved repeating the word "fight" and ensuring his bloodied face was visible to the public. The power of PR was also evident in the New York Times' editorial condemning Trump's candidacy, which was printed on entirely black pages for maximum impact. Ultimately, PR professionals play a vital role in shaping the narrative during moments of crisis, and their actions can have lasting consequences.

    • Crisis CommunicationDuring crises, powerful figures carefully plan and strategically use words and communication to convey specific messages, with junior staff and communications teams facilitating effective delivery.

      During times of heightened tension and crisis, the use of words and communication from powerful figures is carefully planned and strategic. The New York Times' coverage of a dangerous figure and Elon Musk's reaction demonstrate the power of words to raise or lower temperatures. In the aftermath of a shooting, statements from figures like Jill Biden, Melania Trump, and King Charles were scripted and timed to convey specific messages. Behind the scenes, junior staff members and communications teams work to facilitate these messages and ensure they are delivered effectively. Ambassadors, like David Carran-Pierce, also play a crucial role as super PR professionals, preparing their leaders for important calls and shaping the messaging. The communication strategies of these figures demonstrate the importance of careful messaging during times of crisis.

    • UK-US relations PR strategyUK PM's wife Carrie Johnson made a strategic PR call to former US President Trump on Boris Johnson's behalf, involving multiple people and acknowledging Trump's potential future presidency. Biden responded with a call for lowering political temperature and reminding friendship between the nations.

      During a call between the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and former US President Donald Trump, it was Carrie Johnson, the Prime Minister's wife, who spoke to Trump on Johnson's behalf. This call, which lasted for about 10 minutes, was a strategic PR move from both Number 10 and the Palace, acknowledging Trump's position as a possible future president. The decision for Carrie Johnson to make the call was made by communicators and PR people, as well as strategic and foreign office people. The call was not a one-on-one conversation, but involved multiple people listening in. President Joe Biden responded to the situation by calling for lowering the temperature in politics and reminding Americans that they are neighbors and friends, despite their disagreements. Biden's speech was put together quickly, with a focus on both political and personal messages, considering the upcoming Republican Convention and campaign.

    • Biden's health and nominationBiden's team faces uncertainty over his health and nomination status, while media scrutiny on Trump's fitness for office and past actions complicates the PR battle between the candidates.

      The aftermath of the shooting incident at a Republican event has presented challenges for both President Biden and the media in terms of focusing on the important issues, particularly Trump's fitness for office. Biden's comments about Trump, though well-intentioned, have been criticized, and the media's ability to hold Trump accountable for his past actions and inflammatory language is complicated by the emotional fervor surrounding his campaign. The PR battle between the two candidates is far from over, and the tone and dialogue during the Republican Convention will be closely watched. The central issue for Biden's communications team remains his health and whether he will continue as the nominee. The outcome of these internal conversations among his advisors remains uncertain.

    • Elder PR for aging leadersUnderstanding family dynamics and adapting communication style are crucial in elder PR for aging leaders, who may be less receptive to advice due to accumulated power and wealth.

      Advising aging leaders, like President Joe Biden, can be a challenging task. Older leaders, often men, tend to be set in their ways and may be less receptive to advice. They have accumulated power and wealth over the years, making them less concerned about losing their position or reputation. Some leaders, like Ronald Reagan and Winston Churchill, have used different strategies to cope with aging, such as sleeping a lot and concealing health issues. It's crucial to understand family dynamics and the roles of spouses and children in politics and business. Advisors must be patient, persistent, and adapt their communication style to effectively reach aging leaders. Ultimately, the art of elder PR involves keeping advice clear, concise, and delivered at the right time.

    • Leadership communication during difficult timesEffective communication, especially with humility and grace, is crucial for leaders during challenging times to maintain support and loyalty from their constituents

      The ability to communicate effectively, especially during difficult times, is crucial for leaders, whether they are in politics or sports. The British monarch and Gareth Southgate provide excellent examples of this. The monarch's focus and attention to detail, even in her old age, were remarkable, and she was able to maintain the respect and loyalty of her subjects through her humility and grace. Gareth Southgate, on the other hand, turned the narrative around after a disappointing loss by showing humility and empathy towards his team and the nation. In both cases, their communication skills helped them navigate challenging situations and maintain the support of their constituents. Additionally, the concept of "loser PR" can be rebranded as "humility" in the communications industry, as it's an essential quality for building connections and resonating with the mass market. Ultimately, the ability to communicate with humility and grace, especially during losses, can help leaders turn negative situations into opportunities for growth and connection.

    • Football manager PRGareth Southgate's PR skills have benefited the UK economy through maintaining positive public relations, even in the face of career setbacks.

      Gareth Southgate, the English football manager, has shown remarkable resilience and emotional intelligence throughout his career, despite coming close but falling short of major victories. His ability to make few enemies and maintain positive public relations has resulted in tangible benefits for the UK economy. During their absence, hosts Tom Heap and Helen Chersky will be releasing bonus episodes on BBC Sound, addressing various PR-related topics. In their upcoming series of Rare Earth, a podcast from BBC Radio 4, they will explore how to reduce the destructive power of wildfires, flood-proofing vulnerable communities, and the phenomenon of "green hushing" in companies. Stay tuned for these insightful discussions when they return from their summer break.

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