
    Trump Wins New Hampshire, But Haley Fights On, with Victor Davis Hanson, Comfortably Smug, and Michael Moynihan | Ep. 709

    enJanuary 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Republican Primary: Trump vs HaleyFormer SC Governor Nikki Haley refuses to concede, warning a Trump nomination could lead to a Kamala Harris presidency, while Trump labels her attacks as 'bullshit'. Haley's chances of winning the nomination are slim, but she's trying to prove herself as a viable alternative to Trump, despite potential alienation from the MAGA base.

      The Republican primary race is heating up, with former President Donald Trump securing a win in New Hampshire but former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley refusing to concede and instead vowing to stay in the race. Haley, who has been outperforming expectations, is warning that a Trump nomination could lead to a Kamala Harris presidency, sharpening her attacks on Trump. Trump, in response, has labeled her attacks as "bullshit." Despite Haley's claims of a strong showing, particularly in New Hampshire where she lost by only 11 points after being predicted to lose by 22, her chances of winning the nomination are slim, as she is currently down 30 points in her home state of South Carolina. The race is now a direct head-to-head between Trump and Haley, with Haley attempting to prove to Republicans that she is a viable alternative to Trump. However, her efforts may be hindered by her perceived alienation from the MAGA base.

    • Winning over Republicans and Independents in the Primary RaceEffective communication of policies and vision, appealing to moderates and independents, and maintaining trust are crucial for Republican primary nominee success.

      The Republican primary race for the nomination requires winning over both Republicans and independents to secure a victory in the general election. However, Donald Trump's approach to winning over voters, which involves denouncing former supporters on social media, may not be the most effective strategy for attracting independents. Nikki Haley, who is perceived as more moderate than Trump, has been successful in appealing to independents, as seen in her recent New Hampshire primary performance. Her ability to connect with moderates and independents could make her a formidable opponent for Trump in the primary race. Trump's unpredictable personality and actions, such as his intervention in Syria, make it unclear where he stands on certain issues, making it difficult for some voters to fully trust him. Ultimately, the success of the Republican nominee will depend on their ability to appeal to both Republicans and independents, and effectively communicate their policies and vision for the future.

    • 2024 Republican Primary: Haley vs. TrumpHaley's potential candidacy could weaken Trump's influence, impact the general election, and make abortion a significant issue in the primary and general election.

      The 2024 Republican Primary race between Trump and potential contenders like Nikki Haley holds significant implications for the party and democracy. Haley's potential candidacy could weaken Trump's influence within the RNC and diminish his chances of securing the nomination. Polling suggests that Haley performs better in a general election compared to other Republican candidates due to her appeal to independent voters. Trump's base, however, is motivated by his stance on perceived injustices, such as lawsuits against him. This dynamic could play a major role in the primary race. Additionally, abortion is expected to be a significant issue in the upcoming election, with Democrats planning to use Trump's role in the overturning of Roe v. Wade against him, particularly among suburban voters. Trump's ability to effectively address this issue during the general election remains uncertain.

    • Trump's Effective Messaging and PersonalityDespite criticisms, Trump's disciplined messaging, magnetic personality, and marketing skills have helped him secure Republican nominations. His ability to adapt and appeal to a broad base, contrasting positions on cultural issues, and effective governing record may boost his electoral prospects.

      Donald Trump's disciplined messaging on key issues like the border and China, coupled with his magnetic personality and marketing skills, have helped him secure yet another Republican nomination. Despite criticisms of his temperament and policies, Trump's ability to adapt and appeal to a broad base has proven effective in winning elections. For instance, his opposition to cultural warfare and stance on Social Security contrasts with traditional Republican positions. Trump's track record of governing effectively during his previous term, as compared to the current administration, may also mitigate Democratic scaremongering about his extreme policies and ultra MAGA image. The cultural shift towards reevaluating the Democratic narrative on Trump's presidency may also contribute to his electoral prospects.

    • Fear as a Political Tool: DEI Fears and Voter MotivationPolitical fears, whether real or exaggerated, can significantly impact voter behavior. The progressive movement has used DEI concerns under Trump to rally support, while the right has targeted the Biden administration. However, constant fear-mongering could lead to voter fatigue, and the media's role in amplifying these fears is debated.

      The fear of a perceived threat, be it existential or political, plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and motivating voters. The discussion highlights how the progressive movement has used the fear of a falling DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) environment under Trump to rally support, while the right has been motivated to tear down the Biden administration. However, there is a concern that constant fear-mongering could lead to diminishing returns and voter fatigue. The media's role in amplifying these fears and portraying political figures as boogeymen is also debated, with some arguing that it is beneficial to the politicians themselves in building a strong image and base. Ultimately, the ability to effectively use fear as a tool in politics depends on the ability to strike a balance between truth and exaggeration, and to recognize when it may no longer be effective.

    • Trump's use of 'fake news' and Democrats' lawfare strategy in electionsTrump's use of 'fake news' was strategic, Democrats' lawfare strategy is unprecedented, and both approaches could harm American politics

      The use of the term "fake news" by former President Trump was a strategic move that he adopted after the influence of overseas fake news farms in elections. Now, Nikki Haley's future in the Republican primary is uncertain, but it's clear that Trump has won the nomination. The Democratic strategy of using lawfare to potentially secure an election victory is unprecedented and could have long-term ramifications. Jim Messina, who helped elect Barack Obama, is hoping for a Trump nomination, believing that indictments could energize the Republican base. However, the truth about the investigations into Trump may come out, and independent voters, who are crucial to both parties, may not be as horrified by a conviction as Democrats assume. The cynical approach to elections taken by Democrats could further divide the electorate and poison the discourse in American politics.

    • Political landscape shaped by Trump's trials and campaignsExpect continued political division, lawsuits, and uncertainty with Trump's influence and upcoming elections, despite public's desire for a reprieve

      The political landscape is expected to remain dominated by former President Donald Trump, with his potential criminal trials taking a backseat to his campaign activities. The country may become increasingly divided as politicians resort to lawsuits and negative campaigns to secure elections. The public's engagement and understanding of specific political issues may vary, with some being more informed and engaged than others. The idea of suppressing certain democratic elements to save democracy is a contentious issue, with cable news networks facing criticism for their handling of politicians' false statements. Ultimately, the public's desire for a reprieve from the political chaos is clear, but it remains to be seen whether the upcoming elections will provide that or continue the groundhog day-like cycle of uncertainty and controversy.

    • Paternalism in Media and PoliticsThe speaker critiques the paternalistic approach to media and politics, which undermines democratic process and individual decision-making, and calls for a more nuanced and fact-based approach to political discourse, including addressing the enthusiasm gap and avoiding demonizing labels.

      There is a growing concern among some political commentators and analysts about the role of paternalism in media and politics, particularly when it comes to deciding who is allowed on the ballot and what information the public is allowed to access. The speaker argues that this approach is not only smug and paternalistic but also fundamentally flawed, as it undermines the democratic process and the ability of individuals to make informed decisions for themselves. The speaker also criticizes the use of labels like "fascist" to demonize political opponents, and calls for a more nuanced and fact-based approach to political discourse. The speaker also discusses the shifting narrative around Donald Trump's chances in the upcoming election and the importance of addressing the enthusiasm gap and winning back voters who have checked out. Overall, the speaker calls for a more open-minded and truthful approach to politics and media.

    • Ron DeSantis' failed attempt to challenge Trump's leadership during the Republican primary debateDespite policy differences, DeSantis' inability to differentiate himself from Trump during the debate and expressions of loyalty towards him hindered his ability to mount a serious challenge against him.

      During the Republican primary debate, Ron DeSantis attempted to challenge Donald Trump's leadership, but his campaign failed to differentiate himself from the former president. DeSantis, who had a successful governorship in Florida, faced criticism for his inability to run a national campaign effectively. Meanwhile, Trump's base remained loyal, and Trump's opponents, including DeSantis, often expressed fealty rather than attacking him directly. This dynamic, which some observers describe as cult-like, may make it difficult for other Republicans to mount a serious challenge against Trump in future elections. Despite DeSantis' criticisms of Trump's challenges ahead, such as an enthusiasm problem and the need to win over moderates, he failed to distinguish himself from Trump during the debate. Instead, he was criticized for appearing to endorse Trump and even expressing affection towards him, despite their policy differences.

    • DeSantis' 2028 Presidential Race Plans UnclearDeSantis expressed concern for the future of the country but is uncertain about his role in the 2028 presidential race. Haley finished second in the New Hampshire primary but her strategy going forward is unclear.

      Ron DeSantis' response about running in the 2028 presidential race left many questioning his intentions. During the New Hampshire primary, he distanced himself slightly from Republicans, including Donald Trump, but stopped short of endorsing anyone. DeSantis expressed concern about the future of the country and his role in holding down the fort for freedom. Despite speculation about his plans, it is unclear if he will be a significant presence on the campaign trail in the coming years. Nikki Haley, another potential contender, finished second in the New Hampshire primary but lost by a significant margin. Her strategy going forward is uncertain, with options ranging from dropping out and endorsing Trump to continuing her campaign and potentially joining the ticket as a running mate.

    • The Republican Party's Challenges in the Upcoming ElectionDespite potential Republican contenders like Nikki Haley, the Democratic Party's financial advantages and voter turnout strategies pose significant challenges for the GOP in the upcoming election.

      The Republican Party has suffered significant losses in recent elections, and a Trump nomination is likely to result in a Democratic win. Nikki Haley, a potential Republican contender, has criticized Trump, but this stance may alienate her from the MAGA base and limit her political influence. Despite her appeal to donors who dislike Biden's presidency, she may struggle to compete against the Democrats' financial advantages and voter turnout strategies. Trump, in turn, may need all the support he can get, making Haley's potential alliance an intriguing development. However, the challenges facing the Republican Party in the upcoming election are substantial, and it remains to be seen whether Haley or any other contender can effectively counter the Democrats' advantages.

    • Divide between Elites and Rest of Population in US ElectionsElite voters, predominantly urban, educated, and wealthy, have different perspectives and experiences than others. Trump's appeal lies in connecting with concerns of those outside elite bubble.

      There is a significant divide between the perspectives and experiences of the wealthy, educated elite and the rest of the population in the United States. According to the discussion, this divide was evident in the 2020 New Hampshire primary results, with Nikki Haley winning among voters with college degrees and those making under $100,000, while Donald Trump won among all other demographics. The elite voters, who are predominantly urban dwellers with advanced degrees and high incomes, feel financially secure and see the world differently than those who have been negatively impacted by globalization. The elites have become detached from the real-world consequences of their ideologies and have a high self-regard, despite not delivering significant improvements to the country. The elites control media, academia, entertainment, and corporate boardrooms, and their utopian ideas have often been imposed on those who have been left behind. The discussion suggests that Trump's appeal lies in his ability to understand and connect with the concerns of those outside the elite bubble.

    • Elite-Populist Divide in AmericaElites, particularly in education, media, law, and politics, hold a much higher approval rating for Biden and favor stricter regulations and policies limiting individual freedoms. The general population, however, holds a lower approval rating for these institutions and individuals, and values individual freedom over government control.

      There exists a significant divide between the perspectives and priorities of America's elites and the general population. According to the discussion, elites, particularly those in influential industries like education, media, law, and politics, hold Biden with an 84% approval rating, favor stricter regulations, and support policies that limit individual freedoms. In contrast, the majority of the population holds a much lower approval rating for these institutions and individuals. This divide is particularly evident in education, where elites favor teacher control over curriculum, while the general population prefers parental involvement. Furthermore, elites express a desire for more government control and regulation, while the general population values individual freedom. This disconnect can lead to misunderstandings and conflict between the two groups, particularly when the consequences of elite policies begin to impact them directly. To bridge this divide, a unified conservative coalition that emphasizes equality of opportunity and addresses the concerns of the middle and working classes could potentially win over voters from all backgrounds. However, this will require significant effort and unity from the conservative movement in the face of institutional, cultural, and financial opposition.

    • Political landscape shaped by swing states and border crisisSwing states hold power in elections, border crisis sparks tensions between federal and state governments, and adherence to the rule of law is crucial.

      The current political landscape hinges on the ability of key swing states to unite, raise funds, and maintain discipline, as they hold the power to determine election outcomes. Meanwhile, the ongoing border crisis and the Supreme Court's recent ruling regarding Texas's attempt to secure its border have sparked tensions between the federal and state governments. The Biden administration's decision to challenge Texas's actions has raised concerns about the rule of law and potential precedents. Despite this, there is uncertainty about whether the federal government will physically interfere with Texas's border protections. The situation underscores the importance of adhering to the rule of law and the potential consequences of disregarding it. Additionally, the ongoing debate around states' rights and the role of the federal government in enforcing laws adds complexity to the issue.

    • Sanctuary cities and immigration policies: A clash of states' rights and federal lawThe debate around sanctuary cities and immigration policies in the US highlights the tension between states' rights and federal law, with some jurisdictions refusing to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, leading to a strain on local resources and infrastructure, and deep divisions along political, geographic, and ideological lines.

      The debate around sanctuary cities and immigration policies in the US has become a contentious issue, with some jurisdictions, particularly on the left, refusing to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. This has led to a clash of states' rights and federal law, with some arguing for greater autonomy while others maintain the importance of upholding federal statutes. The discussion also highlighted the impact of illegal immigration on local communities, particularly in terms of resources and infrastructure. The speaker shared personal experiences of the strain caused by an influx of non-English speakers and the challenges of providing services in areas with high numbers of undocumented immigrants. The conversation also touched on the media's role in shaping public perception, with some outlets presenting a negative portrayal of border control efforts and others offering a more lighthearted perspective. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the complexity and emotional intensity of the immigration issue, with deep divisions emerging along political, geographic, and ideological lines.

    • Pressure on conservative justices to conformConservative justices face societal pressure to conform, leading to disappointing decisions for those who support traditional American values.

      The recent Supreme Court decision against Texas, which allowed federal interference with border control, came about due to the unusual alignment of five liberal justices and two conservative justices, Amy Coney Barrett and Chief Justice Roberts. This outcome highlights the pressure conservative justices face to conform to societal expectations and be loved and accepted in Washington, even if it means ruling against their beliefs. This desire for affirmation can lead to disappointing decisions for those who support traditional American values. The problem extends beyond the Supreme Court to other institutions, including media, where being genuine and authentic in one's views may not be appreciated. The tragic reality is that those who stand up for customs and traditions in today's postmodern world may face criticism and even hatred. Ultimately, it requires courage and resilience to remain committed to saving society and civilization, despite the potential backlash. Trump's methodology, which resonated with the working class, offers an example of a gunslinger who comes in, fixes problems, and then rides off, but it's a model that many find difficult to accept.

    • Authenticity in politics: A powerful assetBeing authentic in politics can win over voters, but economic conditions may complicate this strategy for Biden

      Authenticity in politics can be a powerful asset, even if it's unconventional. The speaker shared an anecdote about a politician who was able to win over voters in rural areas by being authentic, despite not fitting the stereotype of a rural politician. This contrasted with other politicians who were criticized for condescending or insincere behavior. Van Jones offered advice for Joe Biden to stay hidden and let those who have benefited from the economy speak on his behalf. However, the speaker pointed out that the economic conditions have worsened since the last campaign, making it less clear how this strategy would work. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the importance of authenticity and the challenges of connecting with voters in a changing political landscape.

    • Growing concerns about Biden's campaign and leadershipSome worry about Biden's ability to effectively campaign and lead, raising questions about cognitive abilities and messaging for Dems. Figures like Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom, or Kamala Harris suggested as alternatives. Dems should better understand and address Trump supporters' concerns, not fear them.

      There are growing concerns about President Joe Biden's ability to effectively campaign and lead, and some believe that intervention may be necessary before the Democratic National Convention. Biden's declining performance and limited public appearances have raised questions about his cognitive abilities and effectiveness as a messenger for the Democratic Party. Some suggest that figures like Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom, or even Kamala Harris could step in to address the situation. The campaign is expected to focus on scaring the electorate about Ultra MAGA policies, but some argue that the Democratic Party needs to better understand and address the concerns of Trump supporters, who are seen as rational and logical people. The party's current characterization of Trump voters as something to be feared and avoided is seen as misguided. Overall, there is a sense that the Democratic Party needs to adapt and find a way to connect with a diverse range of voters, particularly those who feel that their concerns are not being heard.

    • Parents' concerns about children's future in current political climateParents desire their kids to achieve the American dream without exposure to controversial ideologies, sparking a conversation about military's handling of 'woke' issues and potential political future for a brave critic

      There's a growing concern among some individuals about the current political climate and its impact on their children's future. They want their kids to be able to achieve the American dream, such as buying a house, without being exposed to controversial ideologies. This was expressed during a conversation between Megyn Kelly and her guest, Victor, who criticized the military's handling of "woke" issues and the revolving door between the military and politics. Victor's perspective was considered brave and insightful, suggesting he may have a future in politics. However, he may face backlash from the Democratic party for challenging President Biden's stance on these issues. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of open dialogue and the need to respect diverse viewpoints.

    Recent Episodes from The Megyn Kelly Show

    Biden's Leverage Over His Left Critics, and Signs of Cognitive Decline, with Ruthless, John Ellis, and Dr. Dale Bredesen | Ep. 832

    Biden's Leverage Over His Left Critics, and Signs of Cognitive Decline, with Ruthless, John Ellis, and Dr. Dale Bredesen | Ep. 832

    Megyn Kelly is joined by John Ellis, editor of "News Items" Substack, to talk about the likelihood President Biden steps aside as the nominee, how Biden holds the leverage and appears ready to use it, the Democratic politicians who are going public and what might happen next, and more. Then Dr. Dale Bredesen, author of "The End of Alzheimer's," joins to talk about the signs of someone having Parkinson's disease and other brain disorders, how cognitive conditions are diagnosed, the new advancements in tests that Biden could take to show he does not have any neurological disorders, and more. Then Josh Holmes, Comfortably Smug, and John Ashbrook of the Ruthless Podcast join to talk about the press failing to convince Biden to step aside and freaking out about it, the massive 180 we've seen from the corporate media when it comes to covering Biden's cognitive issues, the New York Times going all in against Biden's candidacy, the shocking reporting coming out now about Biden, what's really behind the press putting out negative stories about Biden rather than Trump, the left's lack of good options to get rid of Biden, the hilariously sad reporting about the private meeting between Democratic House members over whether they'll support Biden still, new alarming reporting about Biden's personal doctor, and more.


    Ellis- https://www.news-items.com/

    Bredesen- https://www.facebook.com/drdalebredesen/

    Ruthless- https://ruthlesspodcast.com/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 09, 2024

    Disturbing New Reporting About Biden and Parkinson's Expert, and "Elder Abuse" Claims, with Stu Burguiere and Dave Marcus | Ep. 831

    Disturbing New Reporting About Biden and Parkinson's Expert, and "Elder Abuse" Claims, with Stu Burguiere and Dave Marcus | Ep. 831

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Stu Burguiere, host of BlazeTV's "Stu Does America," and Dave Marcus, columnist for Daily Mail and Fox News, to talk about Biden doing a phone interview with his buddies at Morning Joe this morning, Joe Scarborough's changing framing of the issue with Biden and the Democrats, Biden's sad and obvious cognitive decline, Biden’s rough ABC interview where he couldn’t remember if he watched the debate, how his team only cares about themselves and keeping power, the "elder abuse" we're seeing in public, the frequent visits from a Parkinson’s specialist doctor who visited the White House many times over the past year, what Biden was doing publicly before each of these visits, whether there's a massive cover-up of Biden's cognitive decline and mental fitness, why the American people deserve answers, the evidence that Biden’s health is worse than we thought and that he may have Parkinson's disease, the possibility this has been going on far longer than the country knew, how the American people deserve answers, how Jill Biden appears to be the one pushing President Biden to continue as nominee, more disturbing clips from Biden over the weekend, and more. Then Megyn Kelly ends the show discussing her annual 4th of July party and patriotic celebrations, how lucky we are to live in this country, how we all should be proud to be American, and more.


    Burguiere- https://www.youtube.com/StuDoesAmerica

    Marcus- https://www.amazon.com/Charade-Covid-Lies-Crushed-Nation/dp/1637581866?


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 08, 2024

    The Media Lied About Biden’s Cognitive Decline - Until They Couldn’t Anymore, with Steve Krakauer | Ep. 830

    The Media Lied About Biden’s Cognitive Decline - Until They Couldn’t Anymore, with Steve Krakauer | Ep. 830

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Steve Krakauer, executive producer of The Megyn Kelly Show, to discuss the end of Joe Biden's campaign in the wake of the debate, the language and phrasing used by the media refusing to admit the truth about Biden's physical state, the relationship between "Morning Joe" and Biden, and more.

    Steve Krakauer’s book “Uncovered”: http://readuncovered.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MegynKelly

    Twitter: http://Twitter.com/MegynKellyShow

    Instagram: http://Instagram.com/MegynKellyShow

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 05, 2024

    Is This the End for President Biden? More Democrats and the Press Call for Biden to Resign, with Charles C.W. Cooke and MBD | Ep. 829

    Is This the End for President Biden? More Democrats and the Press Call for Biden to Resign, with Charles C.W. Cooke and MBD | Ep. 829

    Megyn Kelly begins the show discussing President Biden considering whether he can recover from the disastrous debate performance, the latest headlines from the New York Times and the media raising questions about Biden's ability to continue to lead, and more. Then, Charles C.W. Cooke and Michael Brendan Dougherty of National Review join to discuss Biden's suitability for president, the Democrats now on record calling for Biden to step down, the breaking news on the press starting to turn against Biden, the need to defend democracy, reports that Hunter Biden is attending White House meetings with Joe Biden as a "backup Biden," the latest polling that shows president's condition is changing election map projections, and more.

    Cooke- https://podcast.charlescwcooke.com/

    Dougherty- https://www.nationalreview.com/author/michael-brendan-dougherty/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MegynKelly

    Twitter: http://Twitter.com/MegynKellyShow

    Instagram: http://Instagram.com/MegynKellyShow

    Facebook: http://Facebook.com/MegynKellyShow

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 03, 2024

    Could Cringe Kamala Really Replace Biden, and False Media Narratives on Immunity Ruling, with Mike Davis and Andrew Klavan | Ep. 828

    Could Cringe Kamala Really Replace Biden, and False Media Narratives on Immunity Ruling, with Mike Davis and Andrew Klavan | Ep. 828

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Mike Davis, founder of the Article III Project, to talk about the major Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, the full scope of the ruling and its implications, the left worries and the truth about what it means, the definition of "official acts" and "absolute immunity," the false narratives after the Supreme Court ruling in the press, Rachel Maddow worrying about "death squads," the left jailing the right rather than the other way around, how the Supreme Court ruling could help Trump's New York conviction get overturned or even potentially delay his sentencing, Justice Clarence Thomas' warning to Jack Smith that could affect the D.C. and Florida cases, and more. Then Andrew Klavan, editor of "The New Jerusalem" on Substack, joins to talk about alarming new details about the true nature of Biden's cognitive decline now leaking out through the media, the collapsing narratives that we're seeing after the debate, whether liberals will see the media has been lying to them, a cringe new Kamala Harris video trying to seem cool, whether Governors Gretchen Whitemer or Andy Beshear could be the new nominee, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse firing the first public shot at Biden after the terrible debate, and more.



    Klavan https://thenewjerusalem.substack.com/


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MegynKelly

    Twitter: http://Twitter.com/MegynKellyShow

    Instagram: http://Instagram.com/MegynKellyShow

    Facebook: http://Facebook.com/MegynKellyShow

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 02, 2024

    Media Quits Biden Cognitive Fitness Cover-Up, and Trump Gets Massive Immunity Ruling From Supreme Court, with Charlie Kirk | Ep. 827

    Media Quits Biden Cognitive Fitness Cover-Up, and Trump Gets Massive Immunity Ruling From Supreme Court, with Charlie Kirk | Ep. 827

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing the very real possibility President Joe Biden could drop out as the nominee by the end of the week, as corporate media outlets favorable to Biden are now calling for him to drop out. But will he listen? Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk, author of "Right Wing Revolution," joins to talk about whether Democratic politicians will start turning on Biden, the corporate media no longer willing to engage in the Biden cognitive decline cover-up anymore, whether it could be Jill Biden that takes over as the nominee, MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski pushing ridiculous pro-Biden spin this morning, one Biden surrogate assuring there's a "team of people that will help govern," who really might be running the country, whether Democrats will look to avoid a "Ruth Bader Ginsburg" situation by pushing Biden out as nominee, the initial calls for Biden to step down but then the push to blame Biden's advisers, Trump's smart debate strategy of letting Biden fail, CNN moderators' surprisingly strong performance, the massive ruling for Trump when it comes to immunity, the difference between official and unofficial acts as president, how the ruling could affect the Georgia and Florida cases too, Justice Clarence Thomas' warning to Jack Smith as part of the SCOTUS immunity ruling, Justice Amy Coney Barrett's alarming recent judicial rulings, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson joining with the conservatives on January 6 ruling, Justice Sonia Sotomayor "treason" comment, and more.

    Kirk- https://45books.com/

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 01, 2024

    Steve Bannon on Biden's Cognitive Decline as National Security Threat, Fighting Lawfare Against Trump, and Preparing For Prison | Ep. 826

    Steve Bannon on Biden's Cognitive Decline as National Security Threat, Fighting Lawfare Against Trump, and Preparing For Prison | Ep. 826

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Steve Bannon, host of "Bannon's War Room," to talk about the massive political fallout from President Biden's disastrous presidential debate, the way Joe Scarborough, one of the biggest Biden's sycophants in the media, has gone from telling critics to "f off" if they say Biden isn't mentally sharp, to saying Biden should step aside as the nominee, the national security threat of having Biden in charge after the debate, the potential constitutional crisis ahead, the truth about Biden's mental fitness, the potential massive political damage to Democrats in the House and Senate if Biden stays in, who Democrats might replace Biden with, the likelihood of Michele Obama being the pick, how Republicans should play it politically, the significance of the New York Times and prominent Democrats going public with their Biden criticism, the donors who are dropping from Biden now, how the right should fight Democratic lawfare against Trump, the massive Supreme Court Fischer ruling that will help Trump and January 6 defendants, Supreme Court clamping down on big government, his prison sentence starting on Monday, the Biden administration's weaponization of the courts, and more. Plus, Megyn and Bannon discuss Breitbart's past attack on Megyn, her rocky relationship with Bannon for years, the lawfare that ended up bringing her and Bannon to this interview, how Megyn differentiates her personal life and her public "brand," and more.

    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Biden's Disastrous Debate Could Mean the End of His Candidacy, and Presidency, with Lowry, Jashinsky, Rubin, and Bolling | Ep. 825

    Biden's Disastrous Debate Could Mean the End of His Candidacy, and Presidency, with Lowry, Jashinsky, Rubin, and Bolling | Ep. 825

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by giving her candid assessment of the debate, declaring it a disaster for President Joe Biden and that the campaign "is over." Then Rich Lowry, Emily Jashinsky, Dave Rubin, and Eric Bolling join to talk about the most alarming debate moments for Biden, how they could officially be the end of his candidacy, Democrats and the media panicking after Biden's debate, how Biden could be replaced as the nominee and as the president, who could realistically replace Biden now, Trump's excellent debate performance, and more.

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Biased Moderators, Bizarre Rules - Previewing Trump vs. Biden, and Memorable Debate Moments, with The Fifth Column | Ep. 824

    Biased Moderators, Bizarre Rules - Previewing Trump vs. Biden, and Memorable Debate Moments, with The Fifth Column | Ep. 824

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch, hosts of The Fifth Column podcast, to discuss the huge stakes in the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, how Donald Trump might act and the strategy he could employ to win, the way Biden might struggle or perform well, CNN’s debate rules that seem to favor Joe Biden, their bizarre TV segment explaining how microphones work, whether Biden speaking freely without interruption will actually hurt him, the bias against Trump from moderators, the disaster Chris Wallace debate, what to expect from Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, J.D. Vance’s odds in the veepstakes, Vance's skills in dealing with the elite media and incredible life story, what VP candidates could help stop a Trump impeachment, and more. Plus, Megyn Kelly previews her interview with Steve Bannon - her first interview with him ever, and she and The Fifth Column discuss Bannon's role in our political environment for the last decade.

    More from The Fifth Column: https://wethefifth.substack.com/


    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 27, 2024

    Truth About JFK's Cruelty and Predator Behavior, and New Reporting on JFK Jr., with Maureen Callahan | Ep. 823

    Truth About JFK's Cruelty and Predator Behavior, and New Reporting on JFK Jr., with Maureen Callahan | Ep. 823

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Maureen Callahan, author of "Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed," to discuss JFK’s inappropriate behavior at the White House, how he preyed on innocent young women, how the Kennedys have learned to kill bad press and continue to do so to this day, the cruelty of JFK when it came to losing a child, truth about Jackie's relationship with JFK, bizarre new details about Jackie's final moment with her husband's body, JFK and RFK's affairs with Marilyn Monroe, the terrible way they treated her, whether Bobby Kennedy could have had something to do with her death, JFK Jr.'s status as the most eligible bachelor at the time of his death, his odd obsession with danger, and more.



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    enJune 27, 2024

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