
    About this Episode

    For further reading and documentation:

    Part 1 (0:00-17:43) Canadians respond to polls that, among the options they were presented with, some religions are more harmful to society than beneficial. Here's a question: why wasn't secular humanism one of the options they were presented with as a potentially harmful faith?

    Canadians consider certain religions damaging to society

    Part 2 (17:44-26:55) Cardus Research shows that churches within Canada have an enormous economic benefit, that they are more beneficial than harmful. But this begs the question: what dollar amount does one assign to saved lives?

    Valuing Toronto's faith congregations

    Recent Episodes from The Observer

    Monday, May 9, 2022

    Monday, May 9, 2022

    This is the Observer, a reflection upon the news from a Biblical perspective in order to help Christians understand how we need to think about current events.

    Trudeau makes surprise visit to Ukraine on Victory Europe Day, a date to commemorate the end of fascist and authoritarian tyranny in the defeat and unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany. There was much that Trudeau said, and there were some very important things that he didn't say. Sometimes you learn more about a person based on what he doesn't say than what what he does say. As Christians, we rejoice in the gift of freedom. But what is the end for which we have been given freedom?

    Trudeau says Putin responsible for 'heinous war crimes' during surprise visit to Ukraine.

    Special Edition: US Supreme Court Strikes down Abortion

    Special Edition: US Supreme Court Strikes down Abortion

    This is the Observer, a reflection upon the news from a Biblical perspective in order to help Christians understand how we need to think about current events.

    Part 1 (0:00-15:20) In a bombshell dropped overnight, a draft document leaked disclosing the Supreme Court is intent on overturning Roe v. Wade and striking down the national mandate for abortion. We'll take a look at the draft decision and quote a few of Justice Alito's arguments.

    Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows.

    Six key passages from the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion.

    Supreme Court in disarray after extraordinary breach

    Part 2 (14:31-23:07) Progressives twist language to suit their purposes. Last week we were referring to "birthing persons" and "menstruators." Suddenly, the national conversation has reverted back to a conversation around "women's rights." What is at the heart at this shift in language? Are you able to spot the Argumentum Ad Misericordiam, the fallacy of the appeal to sympathy?

    Part 3 (23:08-26:13) Paul's challenge to the Christians in Colosse is our challenge today: not being unduly persuaded by human philosophy and empty deciet.

    Part 4 (26:14-35:30) Policy questions need to be addressed in light of the truth. What does Scripture say about conception and the beginning of life?

    The Observer is a Ministry of First Baptist Church, where Christians seek to discern the news differently. For more information on First Baptist Church of Kamloops, go to firstbaptistkamloops.org. or for more information on First Baptist Classical Academy, a private school where students are educated according to a Christian worldview, just go to firstbaptistclassical.org. I’ll meet you again next time for more of The Observer.

    Tuesday, May 3, 2022

    Tuesday, May 3, 2022

    This is the Observer, a reflection upon the news from a Biblical perspective in order to help Christians understand how we need to think about current events.

    Part 1 (0:00-14:45) The Liberals pass Motion 11 and allow for all manner of legislation to be passed in the middle of the night, effectively eliminating the official opposition. Is this moral? Doesn't the Bible endorse a system of government that divides power and employs checks and balances for protection against the abuse of that power? 

    Liberals proposal to allow for midnight parliamentary sittings faces pushback

    Part 2 (14:46-28:06) While the conservatives were quick to condemn the Liberals for Motion 11 and eliminating a check or balance on their power, aren't the conservatives doing the exact same thing in unduly and unfairly eliminating social conservatives from running for leadership of the party?

    Anti-abortion activists claim corruption after Tories bar social conservatives from leadership race

    Monday, May 2, 2022

    Monday, May 2, 2022

    This is the Observer, a reflection upon the news from a Biblical perspective in order to help Christians understand how we need to think about current events.

    Part 1 (0:00-20:25) Why is Canada euthanizing the poor? This rather startling analysis from an Oxford scholar in the United Kingdom, cynically pointis out that while advocates of MAID suggest that the law is about ensuring Canadians human dignity and autonomy in dying, it saves the government hundreds of million dollars in long-term medical expenses whereas the cost of killing a Canadian is only $2,500. This article by Mr. Yuan Yi Zhu deserves to be read in its entirety.

    Why is Canada euthanizing the poor?

    Part 2 (20:26-25:43) In case you question the prevalence of the Canadian culture of death, consider this article from the Globe and Mail. As far as this author is concerned, the bad guys are not necessarily Putin or the invading Russian army. No, the real bad guys are the Polish who, despite housing, feeding and providing care for these refugees, are still restricting their access to abortion with their repressive laws protecting and upholding the sanctity of life.

    For Ukraine's women refugees, Poland's strict abortion and birth-control laws hinder their next steps.

    The Observer
    enMay 02, 2022

    Friday, April 29, 2022

    Friday, April 29, 2022

    This is the Observer, a reflection upon the news from a Biblical perspective in order to help Christians understand how we need to think about current events.

    Part 1 (0:00-3:16) Ottawa now includes charitable onling crowd-sourced fundraising platforms to its tracking of financial regulations.

    Ottawa Permanently Adds Crowdfunding Platforms to Anti-money Laundering Regime

    Part 2 (3:17-22:00) What is the value of Crypto-Currency? One of the largest players in crypto-exchanges openly acknowledges that crypto is a ponzi scheme. The government can track it. There really is no anonymity or confidentiality in it. So what is it good for? What problem does the advent of crypto solve?

    Ask the Economist: Should a Christian invest in bitcoin?

    The FAQs" What you should know about bitcoin

    Part 3 (22:01-26:00) Listener questions: Pastor Josh, why should we hold the government to account for invoking the Emergency Powers Act but give the government a pass for the Aga Khan scandal? Shouldn't we hold them to account for both?

    Thursday, April 28, 2022

    Thursday, April 28, 2022

    This is the Observer, a reflection upon the news from a Biblical perspective in order to help Christians understand how we need to think about current events.

    Part 1 (0:00-12:43) The Conservatives are after the Prime Minister for the Aga Khan scandal once agai, but the real headline is the silliness of the "decision-making" tree that the RCMP used to decide whether or not to charge Mr. Trudeau.

    Tories ask RCMP to take a fresh look at Justin Trudeau's Aga Khan vacation

    Trudeau says he didn't authorize himself to take free Aga Khan trip in 2016

    Part 2 (12:44-22:13) The United Church is so desperate to keep its facilities running that it has turned to a partnership with the Muslims, in which they pray together in the building. Sooner or later, the farce has to be admitted by everyone: the United Church has no faith or conviction whatsoever.

    Building friendships: McDougall United Church hosts Muslim and Christian communities for prayers

    Part 3 (22:14-26:14) Can godly men take a moment to watch the NFL draft? Does faith in Christ require Christians to step away from the entertainment of sports for more serious pursuits? Or is it okay to have fun once in a while?

    Wednesday, April 27, 2022

    Wednesday, April 27, 2022

    This is the Observer, a reflection upon the news from a Biblical perspective in order to help Christians understand how we need to think about current events.

    Part 1 (0:00-19:05) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stacks the deck in his own favour in his appointment of the Commission to investigate his use of the Emergency Powers Act. Is this moral? What does the Bible tell us about morality and show partiality to anyone, including ourselves?

    Competing Interests: Liberals raise security concerns with Emergency Act review

    Civil liberties groups demand feds allow robust inquiry into use of Emergency Act

    Part 2 (19:06-27:34) The Satanic Temple only starts after-school Satan clubs in schools where Good News clubs are actively operating. They insist that they don't actually worship Satan, they just oppose Jesus. But if it walks like an Antichrist, if it talks like an Antichrist, and it looks like an Antichrist... it's probably an Antichrist. 

    The Satanic Temple sues school after Satan club is rejected

    Tuesday, April 26, 2022

    Tuesday, April 26, 2022

    This is the Observer, a reflection upon the news from a Biblical perspective in order to help Christians understand how we need to think about current events.

    Part 1 (0:00-13:32) Elon Musk buys Twitter! Some lament the privatization of such a large social media company, while others decry such enormous personal wealth. How should Christians think about Musk's ownership of Twitter?

    Musk agrees to buy Twitter in $44 billion deal

    Part 2 (13:33-23:59) The US Supreme Court is on the verge of ruling to defend the exercise of religion in the public square with the oral arguments of Kennedy v. Bremerton, WA High School. All of this brings us back to the Lemon Test which is supposed to guide Justices in ruling in favor of the secular. But is human secularism really neutral with regards to religious commitments? We take a deeper look.

    US Supreme Court will hear arguments in WA school prayer case

    Part 3 (24:00-32:24) Trudeau announced the Commissioner and the Inquiry to investigate his invocation of the Emergency Powers Act. Given the foregoing, it is imperative that Canadians hear this inquiry because Trudeau clearly violated the right to ownership of personal property and the right to freedom of worship and expression in the public square. All Canadians need to be intersted in hearing this inquiry.

    Trudea announces Emergencies Act inquiry headed by judge

    Monday, April 25, 2022

    Monday, April 25, 2022

    This is the Observer, a reflection upon the news from a Biblical perspective in order to help Christians understand how we need to think about current events.

    Part 1 (0:00-13:07) Elections have consequences. What does the re-election of incumbent French President Emmannuel Macron tell us about the worldview of the nation of France?

    French President Emmannuel Macron defeats far-right rival Marine Le Pen


    Part 2 (13:07-25:30) Ukrainian Christians are angered by Russian Christians' refusal to rebuke and denounce Russia's President Putin for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Some suggest that Putin is not entirely responsible for the situation in Ukraine because the West drove Putin to invade, with the expansionist policies of NATO presenting a major security concern for Russia. This is a knotty issue with many layers, but is it possible for us to come to absolute moral terms over Putin's decision to invade? The answer is, yes, we can. And we should.

    How Russian Christians view the 'Special Military Operation' in Ukraine

    Friday, April 22, 2022

    Friday, April 22, 2022

    This is the Observer, a reflection upon the news from a Biblical perspective in order to help Christians understand how we need to think about current events.

    PART 1 (0:00-9:51) Walt Disney just discovered that it needs Florida a lot more than Florida needs Walt Disney. What are we to make of this political backlash? Are the critics right - does the "Don't say gay" bill really exclude and isolate LGBTQ families from the public education system? Or is this more about curriculum and not teaching young students things that are harmful?

    Florida passes bill to end Disney self-government in state

    PART 2 (9:52-23:04) Research clearly shows that teaching LGBTQ sexuality to young students leads to extremely dangerous behaviors, gender dysphoria, and a shocking rise in suicide attempts. MLAs in BC push SOGI123 because it is believed to lead to destigmatization and better mental health outcomes. But is that true? Does the data support this conclusion?

    PART 3 (23:05-27:22) The BC Chilliwack School Board continues to push for Barry Nuefeld's ouster. Love compels Christians to speak out against the harm caused by LGBTQ curriculum.

    BC reviewing Chilliwack board's commitment to safety, inclusion