
    Tuesday, February 21, 2023

    en-usFebruary 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Political alliances, Supreme Court case, natural disasters, and police shootingsPresident Biden strengthens European alliances, Supreme Court case could redefine Internet law, natural disasters pose challenges, US police shootings reach record high

      Significant events are unfolding both domestically and internationally, impacting various aspects of our lives. In the political sphere, President Biden is strengthening alliances in Europe amidst tensions with Russia, while a major Supreme Court case could redefine the Internet's legal landscape. Meanwhile, natural disasters continue to pose challenges, as evidenced by the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Additionally, the number of fatal police shootings in the US reached an all-time high last year, highlighting ongoing concerns regarding public safety and law enforcement. These developments underscore the complexity and interconnectedness of the world we live in. Stay informed to stay ahead.

    • Updates on the Rust shooting case and extreme weather conditionsProsecutors reduce charges for Alec Baldwin and armorer Hannah Gutierrez Reid, while extreme weather brings record cold in the west and warm temperatures in the southeast and mid-Atlantic

      The aftermath of the fatal shooting on the Rust movie set continues to unfold, with prosecutors reducing charges against Alec Baldwin and the armorer, Hannah Gutierrez Reid. This could potentially lessen their possible jail time. Meanwhile, the weather in the US is expected to be extreme, with record cold in the west and unusually warm temperatures in the southeast and mid-Atlantic. A jet stream is causing these contrasting conditions. In other news, a man in Germany has been cured of HIV after a bone marrow transplant, offering hope for a potential cure and a future without daily treatment for those with the virus. These developments underscore the complexities and unpredictability of both legal and scientific landscapes. Stay informed with us for the latest updates.

    Recent Episodes from The 7

    Friday, June 28, 2024

    Friday, June 28, 2024

    Friday briefing: Presidential debate takeaways; Supreme Court rulings; Oklahoma Bible mandate; Bronny James; giant pandas; and more

    Read today's briefing.

    If you're not a subscriber, click here to start. 

    Check out the latest “The Campaign Moment” episode here, and listen to the newest season of “Try This” here.

    The 7
    en-usJune 28, 2024

    A summer road trip suggestion

    A summer road trip suggestion

    You can catch up on today's seven most important and interesting stories by checking out The 7 newsletter on this Juneteenth holiday. We'll be back with our regular show on Thursday. In the meantime, we're bringing you an idea for a summer road trip listen. "The Empty Grave of Comrade Bishop" from The Washington Post just won a Peabody award and is a compelling investigation seven-part series into how the U.S. fits into a 40-year-old Caribbean mystery.

    Grenada’s Black revolutionary leader, Maurice Bishop, was executed in a coup in 1983, along with seven others. The whereabouts of their remains are unknown. “The Empty Grave of Comrade Bishop” delves into the revolutionary history of Grenada, why the missing remains still matter and the role the U.S. government played in shaping the fate of the island nation. 

    Listen and follow the show here. 

    The 7
    en-usJune 19, 2024

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    A Former US Diplomat Rates Biden’s First Presidential Trip Abroad

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    Emmanuel Dupuy, Président de l'Institut Prospective et Sécurité en Europe (IPSE) à Paris

    Mikhail Gamandiy Egorov, analyste politique Russe à l’agence de presse Observateur Continental à Casablanca au Maroc

    Frédéric Saint-Clair, Politologue à Paris  

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    Prefer to watch the show instead? Visit www.thechicagocouncil.org/worldreview
    • Steven Erlanger - Chief Diplomatic Correspondent in Europe, The New York Times
    • Kim Ghattas - Nonresident Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    • Susan Glasser - Staff Writer and Columnist, New Yorker
    • Ivo H. Daalder - President, Chicago Council on Global Affairs