
    Twitter Competitors, Lab Leak Theory, and Guest Mehdi Hasan

    enMarch 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Collaboration and teamwork are key to business successSuccessful companies prioritize teamwork and simplify processes for effective collaboration, maximizing productivity and genuine connections.

      Successful companies focus on collaboration and teamwork, looking across their organization rather than up and down the hierarchy. Atlassian, a supporter of this podcast, offers tools like Confluence, Jira, and Loom to help maximize effective teamwork. Simplifying complex processes, as Mercury does with financial workflows, can also transform business operations. Kara Swisher, host of Pivot, emphasizes the importance of connection and collaboration, whether it's through interviews, podcasts, or staying with friends. The economy is shifting towards prioritizing the needs of the 1%, but the value of genuine connections and effective teamwork remains essential.

    • Tesla Investor Day leaves some underwhelmed with lack of new product updates and clear master planTesla announced a new factory in Mexico, expected Cybertruck shipping, and goals to cut assembly costs and develop a humanoid robot, but the event was criticized for lacking substance and clarity.

      Elon Musk's latest Tesla Investor Day presentation left many attendees and investors feeling underwhelmed due to the lack of new product updates and specifics about his master plan for a sustainable Earth. Despite the absence of new information, Tesla did announce plans to open a new factory in Mexico and the expected shipping of the Cybertruck by the end of the year. However, Musk's focus on various projects outside of Tesla, such as Twitter and SpaceX, left some questioning his commitment to the electric vehicle company. The event also revealed Tesla's goal to cut assembly costs by 50% and the development of a humanoid robot. Overall, the presentation was criticized for its lack of substance and seemed more like a collection of ideas rather than a clear roadmap for the future.

    • The damaging effects of an attention-driven economyWhile reducing carbon emissions is crucial, we should also aim to reduce polarization and divisiveness in society, as figures like Elon Musk, who command attention through divisive rhetoric, can be as detrimental as fossil fuels.

      While the focus on reducing carbon emissions is important, we should also be aware of the damaging effects of an attention-driven economy and the need for productive discourse. The speaker argues that figures like Elon Musk, who command attention through divisive rhetoric, can be as detrimental as fossil fuels. The speaker suggests that addressing climate change is crucial, but we should also aim to reduce polarization and divisiveness in society. The speaker believes that Elon Musk's attention-grabbing tactics, while effective in driving change, can be damaging and distract from the real issues. Additionally, the speaker argues that Tesla's success and Musk's influence should be focused on improving the company and the industry, rather than on attention-grabbing headlines and divisive comments.

    • Frustration with Hertz and Preference for Ubers, TikTok's New Time Limit RestrictionsThe speaker shared his negative experience with Hertz's customer service when renting an electric car and expressed a preference for using Ubers instead. TikTok announced new time limit restrictions for teen users, but the speaker questioned their effectiveness and raised concerns about the potential negative impacts of social media on young people.

      The speaker had a frustrating experience with Hertz regarding charging an electric car and expressed disappointment in their customer service. He also shared his preference for using Ubers over rental cars. Additionally, TikTok announced new time limit restrictions for teen users, which was discussed in relation to ongoing legislation regarding a potential ban of the app. The speaker expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of these restrictions and shared concerns about the potential negative effects of social media on young people. He also mentioned his belief that social media algorithms may contribute to teen depression and negativity, and he predicted that future research may link this issue to TikTok. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics including customer service, technology, and social media.

    • Debate over TikTok continues with new social media app Blue SkyJack Dorsey launches Blue Sky, an open source social media app, raising concerns over competition and governance while some call for a TikTok ban due to geopolitical issues and others focus on digital rights and commerce.

      The debate surrounding TikTok continues, with some calling for a ban due to geopolitical concerns and others raising digital rights and commerce issues. Jack Dorsey, the former Twitter CEO, has entered the social media scene again with his new app, Blue Sky, which runs on an open source protocol and allows users to build their own social media networks. Some see this as a potential threat to Twitter, while others view it as a positive step towards competition. However, the lack of a noncompete clause for Dorsey in Twitter's corporate governance has raised eyebrows. Meanwhile, Dorsey himself has expressed concerns about the impact of social media on mental health and has reduced his own usage significantly. Overall, the conversation revolves around the potential risks and benefits of social media, both from a geopolitical and personal perspective.

    • Twitter's echo chamber and competitionDespite its influence, Twitter is a small echo chamber of controversial voices. Competitors like Mastodon, Discord, Hive Social, and Artifacts are emerging, aiming to disrupt Twitter's dominance by focusing on niches and growing their user base.

      Twitter, despite its large user base and influence, is a small echo chamber of controversial voices, and its users often mistake the number of likes as an indicator of truth. With various competitors like Mastodon, Discord, Hive Social, and Artifacts emerging, it's unclear which one will break out and become a serious contender to Twitter. While Twitter has faced numerous technical issues and controversy, some argue that Elon Musk didn't make it terrible but rather exposed its long-standing problems. Ultimately, these social media platforms are vying to disrupt the dominance of established players like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram by focusing on specific niches and gradually growing their user base.

    • Shifting from Advertising to Micropayments for Online ContentThe speaker suggests micropayments as a solution for content creators and news organizations to reduce dependence on tech giants and promote healthier relationships with platforms.

      The current advertising-driven business model of the internet, particularly social media platforms, has led to significant issues for content creators and news organizations. The speaker suggests a shift towards micropayments as a potential solution, where users pay small amounts for high-quality content. He believes this would create healthier relationships between content providers and platforms, reducing dependence on tech giants like Meta and Google. The speaker also expresses concern over the sensationalization of certain topics, such as transgender issues, for political advantage, and the negative impact this can have on public discourse. In essence, the speaker advocates for a more sustainable and fair model for financing online content.

    • Powerful news orgs can distort focus with advocacy journalismExcessive coverage of certain issues can overshadow others, particularly those affecting marginalized communities. Fair and accurate reporting is crucial.

      The excessive coverage of certain issues by powerful news organizations, such as The New York Times, can be a form of advocacy, whether intentional or not. This over-focus can distract from other important stories and issues, particularly those affecting marginalized communities. The speaker shares personal experiences of being labeled an "advocate" for objecting to inaccurate or harmful coverage, and emphasizes the importance of fair and accurate reporting. They also caution against getting drawn into divisive debates that play into the hands of those seeking to create cultural wars. Instead, the focus should be on promoting dignity and rights for all, and avoiding unnecessary confrontation.

    • Building Connections and Achieving Flow Across OrganizationsEffective teams and organizations focus on connecting and collaborating with others to achieve optimal productivity and customer satisfaction, rather than just controlling their own teams.

      Effective teams and organizations focus on building connections and achieving flow across the entire organization, rather than just controlling their own teams. This approach benefits everyone involved - employees, employers, and customers. Additionally, the debate over the origins of COVID-19 continues to be a contentious issue, with no clear consensus in the intelligence community. While some believe the virus jumped from animals to humans, others suspect a lab accident, and a third theory suggests it was a deliberate release. The issue has become politicized, with accusations of censorship and collusion between federal actors and tech companies. However, it's important to remember that there is still no definitive answer, and accountability is needed from all parties involved. Meanwhile, tools like Atlassian's software and Viator's travel experiences can help individuals and teams be more productive and effective in their respective domains.

    • The origins of COVID-19: Approach with an open mindThe importance of acknowledging uncertainty and focusing on lab safety, regardless of COVID-19's origins, could have prevented millions of lives lost.

      The origins of the COVID-19 virus remain uncertain, and it's important to approach the issue with an open mind and a pursuit for the truth, regardless of political correctness or allegiances. The initial dismissal of the lab leak theory as a conspiracy or racist notion by some, including the left, hindered a more thorough investigation and could have potentially led to earlier safety measures. The Chinese government's resistance to external investigations adds to the suspicion that the virus may have originated from a lab in Wuhan. It's crucial to remember that the truth doesn't care about feelings or political correctness, and the potential consequences of the virus's origin are significant, with millions of lives lost worldwide. The discourse surrounding the issue would be more productive if everyone acknowledged the uncertainty and focused on the importance of lab safety, regardless of the virus's origin.

    • Transparency and communication crucial during crisesTransparency and communication are essential for managing crises effectively and preventing future incidents. Uniform standards and global agencies can help ensure accountability and prevent lab leaks or outbreaks. Avoid adding unnecessary sentiment or censorship to discussions and focus on finding facts and solutions.

      Transparency and communication are crucial during times of crisis, especially when it comes to potential lab leaks or outbreaks of diseases. The inability to admit uncertainty and the lack of transparency from organizations like the CDC can lead to mistrust and speculation. The consequences of such events can be severe, both in terms of human lives and global relations. As the speaker mentioned, if an incident involving a more deadly or faster-mutating virus were to occur, the stakes would be even higher. Therefore, it's essential for there to be uniform standards and global agencies around lab safety to prevent such incidents from happening and to ensure transparency and accountability when they do. Additionally, it's important to avoid adding anti-Asian sentiment or censorship accusations to discussions about the origins of crises. Instead, we should focus on finding the facts and working together to find solutions. The speaker also noted that the response to the COVID-19 pandemic could be seen as a turning point in US dominance globally, but it's important to remember that there were significant messes made along the way. In summary, transparency, communication, and collaboration are key to managing crises effectively and learning from them for the future.

    • Political Charges Surrounding COVID-19 Origins DebateThe politically charged COVID-19 origins debate prevents impartial investigation, with each side refusing to acknowledge the other's perspective, and the media's short-term memory and conflict-driven narrative hindering truth-seeking.

      The ongoing debate about the origin of COVID-19 has become politically charged, with each side refusing to acknowledge the other's perspective. The speaker, who has covered the lab leak theory on his show, was surprised by the intense backlash to his tweet acknowledging the possibility of a lab leak. He believes this is due to the way the issue has been hijacked by conspiracy theorists and anti-China sentiments. However, he also notes that the media culture's short-term memory and the politicization of the issue have made it difficult to have a good faith, impartial debate. The speaker argues that both the lab leak and zoonotic theories should be investigated, but the current narrative focuses on declaring victory and allowing the media to indulge in the conflict rather than seeking the truth. This tactic, as seen in previous issues like the Mueller report, has allowed the right to win messaging battles on various pandemic-related topics.

    • Effective communication goes beyond facts and figures, tap into identity and valuesLearn framing tactics for persuasive communication, understand when to engage and when to walk away in good faith disagreements, essential for a functioning democratic society

      Effective communication and persuasion go beyond just presenting facts and figures. The human brain is wired to respond to identity and values. The tactic of framing debates around these elements has proven successful for some groups, particularly in the context of political issues like the Mueller report and COVID-19 mitigation measures. Winning every argument might not always be the goal, but having the skills to do so when necessary is important. The book "Win Every Argument" is about equipping individuals with these skills, which have been around since Aristotle. In the face of good faith disagreements, it's crucial to decide when to engage and when to walk away. While some debates, such as those concerning democracy and freedom, require our full attention and commitment, others may not. Good faith disagreement is essential for the functioning of a democratic society, and it's a concept that is explored in depth in the book.

    • The Importance of Good Faith ArgumentsAvoid bad faith arguments with goalpost shifting, lack of evidence, and abusive language. Practice empathetic listening for productive conversations.

      Having good faith arguments is crucial for productive conversations. Bad faith arguments, characterized by goalpost shifting, lack of evidence, and abusive language, should be avoided. Empathetic listening is essential for good faith arguments, allowing all parties to feel heard and invested in the conversation. An example of this is the 1992 town hall where presidential candidates engaged in a genuine conversation with a questioner. When interviewing John Bolton, I chose to ask about his association with the MEK, a controversial group he hadn't mentioned in his book. Despite factual inaccuracies in Bolton's response, I stood by my questioning, believing in the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions and associations.

    • Effective interviews require respect and accountabilityBalance respect, accountability, and challenging questions for productive conversations. Deliver in a tone that illuminates, not just generates heat.

      Productive conversations require respect and accountability from both interviewers and interviewees. The speaker, who is a podcaster, believes that aggressive interviewing can lead to unproductive conversations and may be biased towards scoring points for a particular audience. However, he also emphasizes the importance of holding people to account and asking tough questions, regardless of their political affiliation. The speaker acknowledges the need for tone sensitivity and illuminating discussions, rather than just generating heat without light. He also mentions the importance of engaging with a diverse range of perspectives and avoiding becoming overly biased or partisan. In essence, the key takeaway is that effective interviews require a balance of respect, accountability, and challenging questions, all delivered in a tone that illuminates rather than just generating heat.

    • Holding those in power accountableEmphasizing accountability in interviews can lead to valuable discussions, but tone and audience consideration are crucial for effective communication.

      While engaging in combative interviews can lead to illuminating discussions, it's essential to consider the audience and the broader context. The interviewer in this conversation emphasized the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions, even if the interviewee doesn't agree. However, the tone and style of the interview can impact the effectiveness of the conversation. Social media platforms like Twitter can facilitate productive discussions but often devolve into dunking and mob mentality. The challenge is to navigate these spaces while also reaching and engaging with diverse audiences. Ultimately, the goal should be to foster meaningful conversations that inform and educate the public.

    • Mehdi Hasan's Admiration for Investigative Journalism and Productive DebatesMehdi Hasan appreciates investigative journalism and productive debates, emphasizing their importance in seeking out good information and building confidence.

      Inspiring and good information can be found in various sources, even in places where one might not expect it. Mehdi Hasan, a British journalist and host, shared his admiration for investigative journalism in the media, particularly in the United States, and his enjoyment of watching debates between individuals with differing viewpoints. He emphasized the importance of building confidence to engage in discussions and take positions, and encouraged the value of productive arguments. Despite his criticism of certain aspects of the media, Hasan highlighted the importance of investigative journalism and the value of engaging in thoughtful debates. Additionally, he shared his personal enjoyment of watching debates between individuals with contrasting viewpoints, such as Ben Shapiro and Andrew Neil. Overall, Hasan's perspective underscores the importance of seeking out good information, engaging in productive discussions, and building confidence in oneself.

    • Fox News Faces Consequences for Spreading MisinformationThe Dominion trial could result in a large punitive award and potential board member removals for Fox News due to their continued spreading of false information, impacting shareholder value and raising ethical concerns.

      The ongoing Dominion vs. News Corp trial is expected to result in significant consequences for Fox News, including a large punitive award and potential board member removals. The continued spreading of misinformation by Fox News, despite knowing it was false and potentially damaging, has raised serious ethical concerns and directly impacted shareholder value. With 61% of Fox News' shareholders being non-Murdoch family members, the board has a duty to protect their interests. The high stakes of this trial, which involves clear evidence of bad faith and lying, could lead to major changes within the organization. The legal battles and potential consequences for Fox News and its executives are likely to continue for years to come.

    • Exploring business tech with listener questions and teamworkThe Pivot podcast fosters open dialogue, learning, and teamwork, using Atlassian's tools to enhance collaboration and communication.

      The Pivot podcast encourages listener participation, inviting questions about business tech and other topics. The hosts, Scott and Kiara, value open dialogue and learning from each other, even when they disagree. The show is produced by Lara Neman, Evan Engel, Taylor Griffin, engineered by Ernie and Turtot, and supported by Atlassian. Atlassian's software, such as Loom, Confluence, and Jira, helps teams collaborate and communicate effectively, enabling maximum flow and positive outcomes. The hosts emphasized the importance of individual strengths and the power of teamwork. Listeners are encouraged to submit questions and engage with the show, and new episodes can be found wherever podcasts are available. The hosts wish Scott Tzaba well during his illness.

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    [IMAGE HERE] Retrospectives, planning sessions, vision workshops, we are continuously helping teams learn about how to collaborate in practice! In this Actionable Agile Tools book, Jeff Campbell shares some of the tools he’s learned over a decade of coaching Agile Teams. The pragmatic coaching book you need, right now! Buy Actionable Agile Tools on Amazon, or directly from the author, and supercharge your facilitation toolbox! 


    About Zach Stone

    Zach has worked as a process facilitator for over 17 years, as a specialist in behavioral science. He co-founded a firm that uses techniques to rebuild war zones  for organizational dynamics. He has been an agilist for the past 7 years and was recently a speaker at the Global Scrum Conference. He lives in Santa Fe with his Wife and spends his time exploring canyons and trails.

    You can link with Zach Stone on LinkedIn


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    | Chuck Wisner |

    ► Website | https://www.chuckwisner.com

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    ► Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/company/chuckwisner

    ► The Art of Conscious Conversations Book | https://amzn.to/3Mq1r9S


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    Learn how you can promote teamwork and a positive work culture, informed by CliftonStrengths, with your coworkers and in your organization. Join Gallup's Danny Lee and Jim Collison and grow your understanding of the why and the how behind great teamwork.

    View the complete transcript for this webcast, along with audio and video, at https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/510497/fostering-teamwork-with-cliftonstrengths.aspx

    Learn more or purchase the new CliftonStrengths® for Leaders report: www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/403427/cliftonstrengths-for-leaders.aspx

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    E49 How to Solve Communication Problems at Your Game Studio

    E49 How to Solve Communication Problems at Your Game Studio

    Communication challenges are a common concern in game development studios, but are they the real root issue? In this episode, Aaron and Ben argue that the crux lies in collaboration and the intended outcomes of communication. It's not just about relaying information; it's about the response and actions it triggers. The hosts caution against an excess of documentation and unproductive meetings and advocate for game development leaders to truly understand their teams' needs to foster effective collaboration. In our modern world of remote/hybrid work, finding innovative solutions to communication challenges and preventing overload are vital in the games industry. The ultimate aim should be to use communication as a catalyst for better decision-making and positive change.


    Key Takeaways:

    • Collaboration is often the core challenge in game development, not communication itself.

    • Prioritize the outcomes of communication, not just information transmission in game development.

    • Excessive documentation and too many meetings will hinder rather than help effective communication in the game development industry.

    • Tailor communication to your game development team's unique needs and preferences.

    • In a remote work environment, seek creative solutions to communication challenges within the game development context.

    • Harness the power of communication to drive decisions and foster positive change in the game development sector.

    Courses built by game devs for game devs - check out “Succeeding in Game Production” https://www.buildingbettergames.gg/succeeding-in-game-production 


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    Check out our website: https://buildingbettergames.gg/


    If you think we could help your studio or company build better games, email us at info@valarinconsulting.com to set up a free 90-minute call!


    For more episodes, head to the Building Better Games Podlink https://www.pod.link/1559448378


    Connect with us:

    Ben’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-carcich/
    Aaron’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/doublearon00/

    BBG LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/building-better-games/

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    Content Editor: Jonathan Singh