
    TypeScript SDK Development: A 5-Year-Old Could Follow This Step-By-Step ~ Part 1: Our First MVP

    enJuly 07, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • TypeScript SDK developmentInitialize a project, choose a bundler, understand runtime environments, and publish on NPM to create a reliable and maintainable TypeScript SDK

      TypeScript SDK development offers reliability and maintainability for building software components that can be easily integrated into applications. SDKs, or Software Development Kits, serve as plugins that provide additional features. To create a TypeScript SDK, follow these fundamental steps: initialize the project, choose a bundler, understand different runtime environments, and publish the library on NPM. In the initial stage, initialize the project using the command line, install essential development libraries, and set up TypeScript configurations. TypeScript is a popular choice for library authoring as it prevents the emission of ESM (ECMAScript modules) that only work in bundlers and not in Node.js. By following these steps, you'll have a solid foundation for creating and publishing your first TypeScript SDK.

    • Webpack with TypeScriptTo use TypeScript with webpack, configure it for source maps, output folder, and .d.ts files. Write, run, and build your code, then integrate external APIs.

      Using TypeScript with webpack involves several key steps. First, you need to configure webpack to enable source map generation, specify an output folder, and generate .d.ts files. Second, you write your code and run it locally before publishing. During this process, you should see the output of your app, indicating a successful build. The ultimate goal is to build and run your own Software Development Kit (SDK). To summarize, the basic steps include setting up webpack, generating source files, creating and running your code, and integrating external APIs. Happy coding! Remember to check out part 2 for more advanced techniques. Visit GitHub for the full code examples.

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