
    U.N. Sec. Gen. Shamefully Blasts Israel & Senate Considers Jack Lew-Key Player in Disastrous Obama Iran Deal-to be Ambassador to Israel

    enOctober 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Every preborn life matters, saving lives through ultrasoundsSupport preborn organizations and stand against anti-Semitism to make a difference in the world

      Every preborn baby's life matters, as their heart begins to form at conception and is already beating by the third week. Preborn organizations like Preborn help save lives by providing ultrasounds for mothers with unplanned pregnancies, increasing their chances of carrying their babies to term. Meanwhile, at the United Nations, the Secretary-General's recent words were criticized for their anti-Semitic undertones, with Israel calling for his resignation. Despite condemning Hamas's attacks on civilians, the Secretary-General also expressed empathy for the Palestinian people and their long-standing grievances, which some perceived as justifying their actions. This ambiguous stance was seen as disgraceful and dishonest by many. In our daily lives, we can make a difference by supporting organizations like Preborn and standing up against anti-Semitism in all its forms.

    • Former Portuguese leader's biased view on Middle East conflictDespite significant differences, a former leader drew moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel, ignoring Hamas' crimes against civilians and perpetuating a biased view against Israel's right to defend itself.

      During a discussion about the conflict in the Middle East, it was highlighted that Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Gutierrez, a former Portuguese prime minister and president of the Socialist International, condemned the actions of Hamas but failed to acknowledge the severity of their crimes against civilians. He drew a moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel, despite the significant differences between the two parties. Furthermore, Gutierrez expressed sympathy for the Palestinian people and their plight, implying that Israel's existence is a "suffocating occupation." This perspective ignores the complexities of the situation and perpetuates a biased view that overlooks the actions of Hamas and the rights of Israel to defend its citizens.

    • Hamas's actions worsen economic and living conditions in GazaHamas misuses resources meant for infrastructure, funding terror attacks instead, causing hardships for Palestinians, while Israel minimizes civilian casualties during military ops

      The economic and living conditions in Gaza are a result of Hamas's actions, not Israel's occupation. The passive voice is used to obscure this truth in certain narratives. Hamas takes resources meant for building infrastructure and instead uses them to fund terror attacks against Israel. The grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify these attacks, and the collective punishment of the Palestinian people is not justified either. However, it is important to note that Israel goes to great lengths to minimize civilian casualties during military operations. Hamas deliberately places its operations in civilian areas, using them as human shields, and this leads to unintended civilian deaths. The former prime minister of Portugal noted that the Israeli military makes more efforts to avoid civilian casualties than any other military in the world. The media often misrepresents the situation, suggesting that Israel wants Palestinian civilians to suffer or die, which is a lie. Instead, it is Hamas that wants Palestinians to die in order to use their deaths as propaganda against Israel.

    • Israel and other countries call for UN Secretary-General's resignation over perceived bias towards PalestiniansIsraeli government and diplomats demand UN Chief's resignation for his comments and actions perceived as biased towards Palestinians, while the US under Biden is unlikely to join in due to its own stance. Supporters encouraged to speak out and share info, while media criticized for lack of coverage.

      There are increasing calls for the resignation of UN Secretary-General António Guterres from Israel and other countries due to his perceived bias towards Palestinians and lack of condemnation of Hamas' actions during the recent conflict. The Israeli government and diplomats have strongly criticized Guterres for his comments and actions, labeling him a "terror apologist" and demanding his resignation. The United States, under President Joe Biden, is unlikely to echo these calls due to the administration's perceived anti-Israel stance, as evidenced by past comments from senior officials like John Kerry. Israel supporters are encouraged to speak out against the administration's stance and share information about the situation to raise awareness. The media, including CNN, have been criticized for not providing adequate coverage of the issue and instead focusing on political propaganda.

    • Manipulating public opinion with civilian casualtiesHamas uses civilian casualties to sway public opinion, aided by Democrats and media, but it's crucial to understand the context behind such incidents in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Additionally, focus on boosting testosterone levels and maximizing masculinity, and be aware of potential safety concerns regarding the UN arms embargo on Iran.

      Hamas relies on civilian casualties to manipulate public opinion against Israel, and this tactic is aided by Democrats and the media. The podcast discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding the context behind civilian casualties in the ongoing conflict. Additionally, the podcast highlights the 2024 election and the current state of masculinity in America, encouraging listeners to take action to boost their testosterone levels and maximize their masculinity. Furthermore, the discussion touches on the confirmation hearing for the US ambassador to Israel and the historical US engagement with Iran, raising concerns about the safety implications of the expiration of the UN arms embargo on Iran.

    • Biden administration's actions led to expiration of Iran arms embargoBiden's past policies and recent financial support to Iran have funded terrorist organizations and escalated conflict in the Middle East

      The expiration of the arms embargo against Iran, which has allowed for increased military capabilities for groups like Hamas, is a result of the Biden administration's actions, including the elimination of the embargo during the Obama years under Jack Lew's leadership and recent financial support to Iran and Gaza. The consequences of these actions have led to funding for terrorist organizations and the escalation of conflict in the region. Additionally, Patriot Mobile, a Christian conservative wireless provider, is an alternative for those looking to align their cell phone usage with their values, as they make donations to pro-life and conservative organizations with every bill paid.

    • Biden's nominee for Ambassador to Israel lacks knowledge about administration's past actionsThe Senate hearing revealed concerns about the Biden administration's understanding and support for Israel as Jack Lew, the nominee, displayed a lack of knowledge about past funding to Gaza and condemnations of Hamas attacks.

      During a Senate hearing, Jack Lew, Biden's nominee for Ambassador to Israel, displayed a lack of knowledge about the administration's past actions regarding funding to Gaza and their stance on Israel. Despite his previous role as Treasury Secretary, where OFAC, the office responsible for determining if funds could support terrorism, reported to him, Lew claimed ignorance about the situation. Additionally, the Biden administration's public statements condemning Hamas attacks on Israel were criticized for undermining Israel's right to defend itself. Lew, when asked about these statements, also claimed ignorance. These exchanges raised concerns about the Biden administration's understanding and support for Israel.

    • Senator Cruz Accuses Biden Administration of Hypocrisy Over Jack Lew's Confirmation as US Ambassador to IsraelSenator Cruz criticized the Biden administration for hypocrisy in rushing Jack Lew's confirmation as US Ambassador to Israel, despite Lew's past support for policies unfavorable to Israel, such as UN Resolution 2334.

      During a Senate hearing, Ted Cruz accused the Biden administration of hypocrisy regarding the confirmation of Jack Lew as US Ambassador to Israel. Cruz argued that the Democrats rushed the hearing due to the crisis in Israel, but Cruz pointed out that Lew had previously supported policies unfavorable to Israel, such as UN Resolution 2334 which labeled Jewish quarters in Jerusalem as illegally occupied territory. Cruz criticized Lew for his lack of knowledge about the situation in Israel and the administration's deleted tweets defending the resolution. Cruz argued that the administration's argument for confirming Lew, despite his past actions, made no sense given the chaos caused by their previous policies in the Middle East. Cruz called for a US ambassador committed to defending America and standing with Israel, and criticized Lew's record on these issues.

    • Obama administration's last-minute anti-Israel UN resolutionThe Obama administration orchestrated an anti-Israel UN resolution in 2016, which declared parts of modern-day Israel as illegally occupied territory, despite having the power to veto it. This action put both American and Israeli security at risk.

      During the last days of the Obama administration in 2016, they orchestrated UN Resolution 2334, which was the most anti-Israel and anti-Semitic resolution ever passed by the United Nations. The Obama administration was intimately involved in drafting it, despite having the power to veto it under the UN Charter. This resolution declared much of modern-day Israel, including the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem and the Western Wall, as illegally occupied territory. The United States, as a permanent member of the Security Council, has the power to veto any resolution. By not using this power and allowing the resolution to pass, the Obama administration undermined Israel on its way out of office. This action was a lie and an affront to Israel, and it put both American and Israeli security at risk. Americans need to be aware of the importance of these votes and the people in power who hold anti-Israel and anti-Semitic views.

    • Boosting Testosterone Levels and Combating Hate CrimesA US company offers natural herbal supplements to increase testosterone levels, while the White House focuses on preventing hate crimes against Jewish and Muslim communities, but criticism arises over the White House's response to anti-Semitism

      Testosterone levels in men are at an all-time low, and Chalk, a US-based company, offers a natural herbal supplement stack to help boost testosterone levels by up to 20% over 90 days. The supplements have been clinically proven to enhance energy, focus, and mood. Meanwhile, the White House has been addressing concerns about rising hate crimes, specifically against Jewish and Muslim communities, and has prioritized prevention and disruption of emerging threats. However, the White House press secretary's response to a question about anti-Semitism was criticized for not unequivocally condemning it, leading to comparisons to a satirical article about Democrats denouncing Islamophobia instead.

    • Growing Concerns About Antisemitism on College Campuses and Within the Democrat PartyThe speaker expresses concern about the increase in antisemitism on college campuses and within the Democrat Party, despite visible signs of threats against Jewish communities. He shares personal experiences and anecdotes, and encourages listeners to stay informed and share information.

      According to the speaker, there is a growing concern about antisemitism on college campuses and within the Democrat party, yet the Biden White House has downplayed the issue despite visible signs of increased threats against Jewish communities in the US. The speaker shares personal experiences and anecdotes of heightened alertness and concerns from Jewish friends and local law enforcement. He also mentions the influence of the far-left on the Democrat party and the shock expressed by some non-political individuals about the open antisemitism. The speaker promises to continue covering the issue and encourages listeners to stay informed and share the information. Additionally, he promotes other podcasts and documentaries for further insight into related topics.

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