
    Podcast Summary

    • Cell phone choices have political implicationsConsider switching to Patriot Mobile for pro-American causes donations, stay informed with reliable sources, prioritize pet health with Ollie's customized meals and use code BONGINO for discount.

      The choices we make as consumers, including our cell phone company, can have political implications. In 2016, certain cell phone providers donated large sums of money to political campaigns, some of which may have come from consumers. If you value supporting companies that align with your beliefs, consider switching to Patriot Mobile, a company that donates to pro-American causes. Additionally, the news cycle continues to focus on controversial figures and stories, such as the ongoing attacks against Brett Kavanaugh. It's important to stay informed, but also to seek out reliable sources and facts. Stay tuned for more information on this topic and other news on the Dan Bongino Show. In other news, prioritize your pet's health with Ollie, a company that offers customized, vet-formulated recipes made with all natural ingredients. With free shipping and a money-back guarantee, give your pup the best meals possible. Use the code BONGINO for 60% off your first box and a free bag of treats.

    • Allegations against Kavanaugh lack substantial evidenceRecent allegations against Brett Kavanaugh lack substantial evidence and have raised concerns about journalistic integrity in reporting serious issues

      The recent allegations against Brett Kavanaugh by Deborah Ramirez in the New York Times are deeply flawed and potentially misleading. Ramirez's experiences at Yale shed light on the college's efforts to diversify in the 1980s, but the allegations against Kavanaugh lack substantial evidence. The New York Times is accused of slandering Kavanaugh's image due to his privileged background and liberal activism. Another allegation against Kavanaugh, involving a witness to an incident, has significant issues as the alleged victim has no memory of the incident. The New York Times' reporting omitting this fact is a serious case of journalistic malpractice. The ongoing saga of these allegations highlights the importance of factual reporting and the potential for identity politics to overshadow serious issues.

    • Allegations against Kavanaugh raise concerns about due process and journalismTwo allegations against Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh lack corroborating evidence and raise questions about journalistic accuracy and motivations, potentially damaging due process and the country's reputation

      The current political climate surrounding allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh raises concerns about due process and the credibility of journalism. Two allegations against Kavanaugh, one from a third party and another from a woman, have been reported in the media. However, the victims in both cases have no memory of the incidents. Additionally, one of the alleged eyewitnesses has since recanted his statement. The person who initially reported the incident against Kavanaugh, Max Steyer, has a connection to the Clintons and has been under spoken about the incident since reporting it to the FBI. The inconsistencies and lack of corroborating evidence in these allegations have led some to question the motivations and accuracy of the reporting. The moral stain on the country's reputation is growing as this situation continues, and the importance of due process and the standards of journalism are being overlooked. Kavanaugh himself has been urged to sue those making false allegations against him to protect his reputation.

    • Liberal groups influencing Supreme Court's Chief JusticeLiberal activists have swayed Chief Justice Roberts, raising concerns for a potential 6th liberal justice, as they continue to intimidate Justices with unfounded allegations.

      The liberal activist groups have successfully influenced the Supreme Court's Chief Justice, John Roberts, through public criticism and op-eds. This has given them confidence that they can win on hot-button issues if another Supreme Court seat opens up, making the potential addition of a sixth liberal justice a significant concern. The ongoing attempts to intimidate Justice Brett Kavanaugh with unsubstantiated allegations are a part of this strategy. The conclusion of the IG report and recent news about Andy McCabe should not overshadow this development.

    • IG report on FISA court abuse not yet released, Speaker discusses Teeter inversion table benefitsThe IG report on FISA court abuse is not yet released, but the speaker endorses the Teeter inversion table for back pain relief and overall health improvement, which is currently offered with discount, free shipping, and returns at Teeter.com/Dan.

      The IG report on the abuse of the FISA courts to spy on the Trump campaign is completed by Michael Horowitz, but its release is not imminent. Meanwhile, the speaker shared his personal experience of using the Teeter inversion table to alleviate back pain and improve his health. He highly recommends this product, which is trusted by over three million people, and is currently offering a discounted price with free shipping and returns at Teeter.com/Dan. The speaker also mentioned his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu experience where he faced a fast and skilled younger opponent, and how the Teeter inversion table helps him manage his back pain and improve his overall health.

    • Possible delays in releasing IG report on FISA abuseExpect delays due to classification disputes, new FBI Director's stance on transparency, and AG Barr's scrutiny of redactions. The process could still reveal new information.

      The release of the IG report on potential FISA abuse against the Trump campaign may still be delayed due to classification disputes between the FBI and DOJ. Peter Svob expresses mistrust towards new FBI Director Christopher Wray for his stance on transparency and expects him to redact as much information as possible. However, Attorney General Bill Barr is expected to scrutinize these redactions carefully. McCabe's lawyer's recent statement about the lack of an indictment and the suggestion for the public to move on is deemed nonsensical, as grand jury proceedings are secret. The process of releasing the report is predicted to take several weeks to a month, but could potentially still yield new information.

    • Grand jury proceedings don't guarantee innocence for McCabeThe absence of an indictment against McCabe doesn't prove his innocence as grand juries function differently than trials, allowing for multiple presentations if necessary.

      The lack of an indictment against former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe does not indicate his innocence, as grand juries function differently than trials. Grand juries are secret proceedings where the defense does not present a case, and indictments are almost always handed down. The absence of an indictment would be a significant embarrassment for any attorney. Furthermore, there is no double jeopardy in grand juries, allowing prosecutors to present the case multiple times if necessary. The media's interest in the McCabe story stems from his anti-Trump stance and their desire to see the Department of Justice move quickly to resolve the matter.

    • Understanding the Grand Jury ProcessThe grand jury process is secretive, simplified, and can result in multiple proceedings for the same case. Be prepared for emergencies is also important.

      The grand jury process in the US legal system is different from a trial. Grand jury proceedings are secret, and the jury is not there to convict but to hear and evaluate the evidence presented by the prosecution. The absence of a defense attorney and the need for only a 12-person unanimous decision (in most cases) simplifies the process. Additionally, there's no double jeopardy, meaning the same case can be revisited if necessary. The recent news about McCabe and a supposed lack of indictment is not indicative of his freedom, as sealed indictments are common. It's essential to separate fact from speculation when interpreting legal proceedings. Lastly, the importance of being prepared for emergencies was emphasized, with a sponsor promoting emergency food supplies. In summary, understanding the grand jury process and being prepared for emergencies are crucial aspects of the legal and everyday life systems.

    • Red flag laws and due process concernsRed flag laws, which allow authorities to seize firearms from individuals deemed a threat, could potentially be misused for political reasons and lead to selective enforcement and inconsistency, harming their public perception.

      The ongoing debate around red flag laws, which aim to prevent gun violence by allowing authorities to seize firearms from individuals deemed a threat, raises due process concerns. The speaker argues that these laws could potentially be misused for political reasons, and the recent rejection by Democrats of an amendment to allow targeting gang members in these laws highlights the potential for selective enforcement and inconsistency. The speaker also suggests that this could harm the narrative and public perception of red flag laws, particularly in light of past political debates around immigration and gangs. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of careful consideration and balance in addressing gun violence while respecting individual rights and due process.

    • Media's Power to Shape NarrativesThe media's role goes beyond reporting facts, it shapes narratives and influences public opinion, impacting politics, economics, and technology.

      The media's role in shaping narratives and filtering information can be more influential than the facts themselves. During the discussion, the speakers touched upon various topics, including politics, gun control, economics, and technology. However, the underlying theme revolved around the power of narrative and the media's role in shaping public perception. Regarding politics, the speakers criticized Donald Trump and his rhetoric, claiming it inspired violent actions. They also expressed their desire for gun control laws to target certain groups, but later admitted their true intentions were not law and order but activism. In economics, the speakers discussed the potential for productivity growth and the role of technology in transforming everyday objects into services. They also highlighted the importance of getting the government out of the way to let the economy flourish. Throughout the conversation, it became clear that the media plays a significant role in shaping narratives and influencing public opinion. The speakers acknowledged that the media is not just here to report the facts but also to tell a story, often with a specific agenda. In conclusion, the media's power to shape narratives and influence public perception is a crucial aspect of modern society. Understanding this dynamic is essential for making informed decisions and staying informed about the world around us.

    • The future of technology: promises and pitfallsThe future of technology brings promises of increased productivity and efficiency, but also risks of obsolete products and services. Examples include unsupported software or infrastructure leading to functional loss, but also the potential for just-in-time ordering, tailored production, and increased worker productivity.

      The future of technology holds great promise for increased productivity and efficiency, but also carries the risk of obsolete products and services once their supporting software or infrastructure becomes unavailable. The example given was of a washer and dryer that stopped functioning when the company went out of business and didn't upgrade the software. However, the potential benefits of this technological revolution are vast, including just-in-time ordering of goods and services, tailored production, and increased worker productivity. A recent story about Tesla cars gaining extra battery life during a hurricane illustrates the potential of connected devices to deliver new capabilities. The article also touches upon the debate over government-run healthcare and the potential pitfalls of socialism. Overall, the future of technology holds immense possibilities, but it's crucial to address the challenges that come with it.

    • Bernie Sanders' Claims of Making US More Like Scandinavian Countries are MisleadingScandinavian countries have market economies with lower combined tax burdens than the US, and their tax structures differ from what Sanders proposes.

      Despite Bernie Sanders' claims of wanting to make the US more like Scandinavian countries in terms of economics, the truth is that these countries are not socialist. They have market economies with lower combined tax burdens than the US. Sanders' call for higher taxes in the US, particularly on corporations, is not in line with the reality of these countries' economic structures. Furthermore, the way taxes are imposed in these countries, such as through consumption-based taxes, is different from what Sanders and other progressives propose. It's essential to understand the nuances of these economies before making comparisons or implementing policies based on them.

    • Discussion on income taxes in US vs. ScandinaviaThe speaker argued that while US income taxes target wealthier people, Scandinavian progressive taxes disproportionately affect the middle class due to larger consumption percentages. Sanders' policies, despite claims, actually aim for less regulation, lower corporate taxes, and higher taxes on the poor and middle class through consumption taxes.

      During the discussion, it was pointed out that income taxes in the United States tend to target wealthier people with higher rates, while countries like Scandinavia have progressive taxes that disproportionately affect the middle class. The speaker argued that this is due to the fact that consumption makes up a larger percentage of the income for the poor and middle class, and they are hit harder by consumption taxes like value-added taxes. Bernie Sanders, who advocates for policies inspired by Scandinavian countries, is actually arguing for less regulation, lower corporate taxes, and higher taxes on the poor and middle class through consumption taxes. The speaker emphasized that Sanders' claims are the opposite of what he is advocating for. Additionally, the speaker announced the upcoming release of his book, "Exonerated," and encouraged listeners to subscribe to his YouTube channel and audio show.

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