
    UI Elements - Basics, Best Practice, and Built Ins

    enMay 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the nuances of UI elements and their limitationsDespite their importance, UI elements like date pickers have limitations and lack customization, but exploring new technologies can lead to exciting discoveries.

      While UI elements may seem like common and straightforward components when building websites, there's a surprising amount of nuance to each one. Scott and Wes discussed various UI elements, their availability in the browser, and their current limitations. One of the most disappointing elements they mentioned was the date picker, which despite its potential, is often overlooked due to its lack of customization and inability to select ranges or times. They also touched on the idea of exploring new technologies and the excitement that comes with experimenting and creating, even if the end result isn't a finished project. The episode also hinted at the future of UI elements and best practices, so stay tuned for more insights on this topic.

    • Browser UI elements need more flexibility and customizabilityDespite improvements, input date time element, video, and audio elements, and alert, prompt, and confirm dialogues in modern browsers lack the flexibility and customizability developers need.

      While the built-in UI elements in modern browsers are a step in the right direction, their rigidity and lack of customizability can be a significant hindrance for developers. The discussion touched upon the input date time element, video, and audio elements, and alert, prompt, and confirm dialogues. The input date time element was seen as lacking in flexibility, while the video and audio elements had inflexible default UIs that required extensive customization or the use of external libraries. The alert, prompt, and confirm dialogues were criticized for being outdated and in need of improvement, with modern alternatives like dialogues offering more customization options. Overall, while the browser standards are a step in the right direction, there is still room for improvement in terms of flexibility and customizability for developers.

    • Web alternatives for alert prompts and confirmsWeb developers can use Dialog element in Swag Syntax or Progress element for alert prompts and confirms, but they lack the default styling and ease of use of native counterparts. However, these elements can be styled and used effectively.

      While native implementations on iOS and Android offer seamless user experiences with good-looking dialog boxes and APIs for alert prompts and confirms, their web counterparts lack these features, requiring developers to implement them manually. This can lead to frustration and additional work. However, there are decent web alternatives like the Dialog element in Swag Syntax and the Progress element, which offer some ease and functionality. While these elements don't have the default styling of their native counterparts, they can be styled and used effectively. It's worth considering if these new UI elements might simply expose CSS variables for easier customization in the future. Overall, while web development has come a long way, there are still areas where native development holds an advantage.

    • HTML5 Input Types: Progress, Meter, Range, and CheckboxesHTML5 introduces new input types like progress, meter, range, and improved checkboxes, offering versatile options for creating engaging and user-friendly interfaces

      The HTML5 elements progress and meter serve different purposes. Progress indicates how far along a process is, while meter functions like a fuel gauge, showing a scale from 0 to 100. Another standout input type is range, which is easy to use and style, making it great for creating interactive UI elements. Checkboxes, on the other hand, have improved with the ability to hide them and style the associated label, making the entire element more visually appealing. Overall, these HTML5 input types offer versatile options for creating engaging and user-friendly interfaces.

    • New CSS features and community collaborationThe CSS community is continuously evolving with new features like :has() and :focus-within, and collaborative efforts like the Open UI community group aim to make web development more efficient and effective.

      The CSS community is continuously evolving with new features and technologies, such as the :has() pseudo-class and the Open UI community group. The :has() pseudo-class allows for more efficient and targeted CSS selectors, enabling developers to style elements based on the state of their parents. This can lead to improved accessibility and a more streamlined coding experience. The Open UI community group, on the other hand, represents a collaborative effort to establish standards for high-quality UI controls on the web. By researching and developing UI elements, this group aims to make the process of adding new features to the web platform more efficient and effective. This can ultimately lead to a more unified and accessible web experience for users. Another key point discussed was the excitement surrounding the recent release of the :focus-within pseudo-class in Firefox, which allows for the highlighting of entire rows when a specific div is in focus. This is just one example of how these new CSS features can make development more efficient and intuitive. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of community collaboration and the continuous evolution of CSS to meet the needs of modern web development. Whether it's through new pseudo-classes or collaborative research efforts, the CSS landscape is constantly changing, and developers must stay informed to keep up with the latest trends and technologies.

    • Understanding UI Component Naming Conventions and ImplementationsThe UI Component Charter provides insights into the consistent and varied naming of UI components across popular frameworks, offering a valuable resource for developers and designers to identify trends and make informed decisions.

      The UI Component Charter discussed in the conversation provides valuable insights into the naming conventions and implementation of various UI components across different frameworks. The charter includes a proposal system where contributors share their research and understanding of UI elements, as well as ongoing research in the field. The most ubiquitous components, such as button and menu, are referred to consistently across frameworks, while others, like link component and pill, have more varied naming. This chart offers a fascinating glimpse into the similarities and differences among popular UI frameworks and can serve as a useful resource for developers and designers. By examining the data, we can identify trends and make informed decisions about naming conventions and component usage in our own projects. Overall, the UI Component Charter offers a valuable resource for understanding the UI component landscape and fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing within the development community.

    • Navigation elements: breadcrumbs and checkboxesBreadcrumbs indicate location within a website hierarchy and allow easy navigation, while checkboxes indicate binary states in forms and need customization

      Effective navigation is essential for a user-friendly interface. The discussion highlighted two specific navigation elements: breadcrumbs and checkboxes. Breadcrumbs act as a clear path indicator, showing users their current location within a website's hierarchy. This intuitive navigation method allows users to easily navigate back to previous pages or sections. On the other hand, checkboxes serve to indicate a binary state, commonly used in forms. While the browser determines the UI for date inputs, there is currently no standard for checkboxes, leaving room for improvement in terms of customization and design. Overall, understanding and implementing effective navigation elements like breadcrumbs and checkboxes can significantly enhance the user experience.

    • New UI elements proposals: Indeterminate state checkbox, exclusive accordionResearchers suggest new UI elements, including an indeterminate state checkbox and exclusive accordion, to enhance user experience by addressing common issues with current UI elements.

      Researchers are proposing new concepts for UI elements, including an indicator and a label with an indeterminate state, and an exclusive accordion. The indeterminate state refers to the on or off state of a checkbox when it loads, and the exclusive accordion means only one accordion can be opened at a time. An example of an exclusive accordion is the Pixel 7 product page, where only one accordion in each section can be open at a time. The researchers also suggest using CSS to select an accordion hunk that is not open, allowing you to hide and show other hunks. Additionally, they discuss the file input element, which they believe should have more functionality beyond just opening a file explorer. Overall, these proposed UI elements aim to improve user experience by addressing common issues with current UI elements.

    • New HTML elements for better user experienceNew HTML elements like file input and select menu offer advanced features and customization options, improving user experience and accessibility

      The web development community is proposing new HTML elements to improve the user experience and provide better control over certain functionalities, such as file inputs and select menus. The proposed elements offer more advanced features, like drag and drop capabilities and custom styling, without requiring extensive custom JavaScript and HTML. For instance, the new file input element includes a button and a label, allowing for more control and easier implementation of features like previews and drag and drop areas. Similarly, the select menu element offers more flexibility and customization options compared to the traditional select list. These new elements also aim to address accessibility concerns, making the web more inclusive for all users. Overall, these proposed HTML elements represent a step forward in creating more user-friendly and customizable web interfaces.

    • Improve accessibility with declarative triggers and rovingDeclarative triggers and roving can make web development more accessible by reducing workload for developers and enhancing user experience for all. Researching UI elements from various frameworks can provide valuable insights for custom UI design.

      Declarative triggers in web development can significantly improve accessibility by automatically configuring accessibility mappings for associated pop-overs. This means less work for developers and a more accessible user experience for all. A related concept is roving, which allows users to tab and focus on specific sections, rather than having to tab through every option. This can lead to a more efficient and accessible user interface. Developers building custom UI elements from scratch may find value in researching and examining examples of different UI elements from various frameworks, which can provide insight into common and uncommon design patterns and best practices. Overall, prioritizing accessibility and understanding the tools and resources available can lead to a more inclusive and effective user experience.

    • Exploring Efficient and Unique Solutions in Web Design and Everyday LifeThe speaker values discovering new and efficient solutions for common problems, from web design to making perfect popcorn at home.

      The speaker is constantly on the lookout for efficient and unique solutions for common problems in web design, such as the use of a switch HTML element, and appreciates discovering new and interesting alternatives like fish skin covers for electronics. Another key point from the discussion is the speaker's enthusiasm for finding ways to recreate movie theater experiences at home, specifically with making perfect popcorn using Flavacol and coconut oil with beta carotene. Overall, the speaker values practicality, quality, and the ability to personalize their everyday items.

    • Creating Unique Popcorn Flavors at HomeUsing M&M's instead of chocolate chips for popcorn, preferring a simple saucepan over specialized popcorn makers, and disliking single-use kitchen gadgets are some ways to create unique popcorn flavors at home.

      The speaker shares a love for adding unique flavors to popcorn at home, specifically using M&M's instead of chocolate chips to avoid the mess. Another takeaway is their preference for using a simple saucepan over a specialized popcorn maker like the Whirly Pop due to its ease of use and storage. The speaker also emphasizes their dislike for single-use kitchen gadgets and prefers versatile pans that can be used for various purposes. Additionally, they mentioned their appreciation for Century's dark mode, finding it visually appealing and desirable.

    • Century Dark Mode and Session Replays for SentryCentury Dark Mode offers a true dark mode design and introduces session replays for Sentry users, allowing easy reproduction and pinpointing of application issues.

      Century Dark Mode offers a genuinely dark mode design, which sets it apart from other designers who only provide a dark gray version. Century also introduces an intriguing new feature for Sentry users: session replays. With session replays, users can easily reproduce and pinpoint issues in their applications by viewing exactly what the user saw when an error occurred. The integration process is simple and involves copying and pasting initialization code. This new feature complements the existing features in Sentry, making it a valuable addition for developers. If you're interested in learning more, check out century.io. As a bonus, visit westboss.com/forward/courses and use the coupon code "syntax" for a $10 discount on courses. Keep tuning in for more insights on Syntax.fm, and don't forget to subscribe and leave a review if you enjoy the show.

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