
    Ukraine makes key strike, more possible serial killer victims, travel chaos

    enJuly 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Ukraine attacks Russian bridge, grain deal expiresUkraine damaged a key Russian bridge and expired a grain export deal, worsening the conflict and complicating logistics for both sides.

      The situation in Ukraine is escalating, with Ukraine claiming responsibility for an attack on a crucial bridge connecting Russia to Crimea and Russia pulling out of a deal allowing Ukraine to safely export grain. The bridge, which connects southern Russia with the Crimean Peninsula, is a major logistics hub for Russia, and its destruction will create difficulties for their forces. The expiration of the grain deal, which was brokered to allow Ukraine to continue shipping grain to the world, will further complicate the situation. These developments come at a critical time, as the last ship under the deal had already left and the deal was set to expire at midnight local time. Russia argues that the deal is unfair and that they are being punished. These actions could have significant ramifications for the ongoing war in Ukraine.

    • Impact of Russian invasion and extreme weather on Ukraine and USBoth Ukraine and the US face challenges from Russian invasion affecting food exports and extreme weather causing fatalities, displacement, and potential economic instability

      Both Ukraine and the United States are facing significant challenges: Ukraine is dealing with the impact of the Russian invasion on its food exports, while the US is grappling with extreme weather conditions that have caused flooding and record-breaking heat. These issues have far-reaching consequences, including potential food and grain price increases and economic instability in Ukraine. Meanwhile, in the US, the extreme weather has resulted in numerous fatalities and displacement, and the heat wave is expected to continue, potentially leading to more records being broken. The situation in both countries underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of unpredictable events.

    • The Republican primary for the 2024 presidential race is heating upDeSantis faces criticism for high burn rate, struggles with small donors. Trump raises $17.7M, has $22.5M cash on hand. Donors shift support to Trump, consider other candidates like Scott. Intense competition on campaign trail, with candidates taking shots at each other.

      The Republican primary for the 2024 presidential race is heating up, with candidates like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump crisscrossing the country to court voters and secure campaign funds. DeSantis, who raised $20 million but spent nearly $8 million in the second quarter, is facing criticism for his high burn rate and struggling to attract small donors. Trump, who raised $17.7 million and has $22.5 million cash on hand, is seeing a surge in support from donors who had previously backed DeSantis. The money race is becoming a significant factor, with some donors reconsidering their support for DeSantis and looking to other candidates like South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, who raised nearly $6 million in the last quarter. The campaign trail is also seeing intense competition, with candidates taking shots at each other and denouncing comments made by fellow politicians. Democratic lawmakers criticized comments made by Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, who called Israel a "racist state," only to later walk them back. The primary season is in full swing, with the race shaping up to be a fierce battle for the Republican nomination.

    • Biden's heavy reliance on large donations and uncertainty of their commitmentBiden's campaign relies heavily on large donations, but there's uncertainty about their commitment and potential impact on grassroots support

      The Biden campaign's heavy reliance on large donations and lack of small dollar donations, as seen in their FEC filing, could be a cause for concern. While they are banking on these donors returning once a Republican nominee is chosen, there is uncertainty about the commitment of these donors and the potential impact on grassroots support. Additionally, the ongoing issue of Democratic infighting over Israel and its relationship with Palestine may become more prominent during major campaign seasons, as it continues to divide the party and requires a delicate handling from party leadership.

    • Gilgo Beach Serial Killings: Rex Huberman Charged with Three MurdersRex Huberman, a prime suspect in the Gilgo Beach serial killings, is currently charged with murdering three women and is a suspect in a fourth case. Authorities believe there may still be more victims and urge anyone with information to come forward.

      The investigation into the Gilgo Beach serial killings in Suffolk County, New York, has led to the arrest of Rex Huberman, who is currently charged with murdering three women and is a prime suspect in a fourth case. The investigation, which began over a decade ago, has seen authorities link Huberman to the crimes through DNA evidence, phone records, and witness testimony. Huberman, who has been described as a "demon" and a "predator," is currently in police custody, and his wife and children are being interviewed as part of the ongoing investigation. Authorities believe there may still be more victims and are urging anyone with information to come forward. The case has left families of the victims in deep pain and shock, and Huberman's attorney has stated that his client pleaded not guilty to the charges. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are confident they will be able to prove these crimes and potentially charge Huberman with additional murders.

    • Gilgo Beach Investigation Continues with New Arrest and Tennis History MadeNew arrest in Gilgo Beach case, investigation ongoing for potential 4th murder charge. Carlos Alcaraz, 20, makes tennis history by defeating Novak Djokovic to win Wimbledon title, marking a changing of the guard in men's game.

      The investigation into the Gilgo Beach killings is ongoing, with new evidence and information coming in following the recent arrest of Gilgo Beach suspect Shawn Huberman. Huberman has been charged with three murders but the investigation is continuing for a potential fourth. The grand jury process will determine if there is enough evidence for additional charges. The investigation is complex due to the large amount of evidence and material gathered over the years. Meanwhile, in a different realm, tennis history was made as 20-year-old Carlos Alcaraz defeated Novak Djokovic to win the Wimbledon title. Alcaraz, known as "Carlitos," showed off his athleticism and outplayed Djokovic, who was going for his 8th Wimbledon title and 5th in a row. The match was a thrilling 5-set encounter that lasted nearly 5 hours and marked a changing of the guard in the men's game. Alcaraz is now the first man not named Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, or Andy Murray to win the Wimbledon title since 2002. Djokovic, who has 23 grand slam titles, praised Alcaraz's game and called him a combination of the best elements of Federer, Nadal, and himself.

    • Young Tennis Player Carlos Alcaraz Learns from Legend, Messi Debuts in MLS, Bridge Attacked in Ukraine, Desantis Campaign Faces ChallengesYoung tennis player Carlos Alcaraz gained valuable insights from a tennis legend, Lionel Messi's MLS debut generates excitement, Ukraine attacks a bridge in ongoing conflict, Desantis campaign struggles financially

      Carlos Alcaraz, the young tennis player, had an impressive match against a tennis legend and feels he's learned a lot. However, he's not ready to declare a changing of the guard in tennis just yet, as Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic are still active. Meanwhile, in the world of soccer, Lionel Messi's arrival in Major League Soccer is causing excitement and anticipation, with tickets for his debut selling for high prices. The city of Miami is eagerly awaiting his debut, and there's hope that he'll expand soccer's audience in the US ahead of the 2026 World Cup. In other news, there were technical issues and rain during Messi's unveiling ceremony. Elsewhere, Ukraine attacked a crucial bridge connecting Russia to the Crimean Peninsula, and the impact on Russia's war in Ukraine is being assessed. The Desantis campaign is facing financial challenges and encountering roadblocks.

    • Deadly flooding and record-breaking heat waves cause disruptionsAt least 5 people died in floods, thousands were stranded, millions were under alerts, airlines faced over 11,000 delays/cancellations, 80 million under heat alerts, 3 million under flood watches, underscoring the need for climate change action and infrastructure investment.

      Extreme weather events continue to cause significant disruptions and devastation across the United States. This past weekend saw deadly flooding in the northeast and record-breaking heat waves in the south and southwest, leaving thousands stranded and millions under alerts. In Pennsylvania, at least five people, including a mother and her two young children, have gone missing or been confirmed dead due to flash floods. The airlines are also struggling to recover from over 11,000 flight delays and cancellations due to the severe weather. The situation is expected to continue, with around 80 million people under heat alerts and over 3 million under flood watches. The impact of these extreme weather events is far-reaching and underscores the importance of addressing climate change and investing in infrastructure to mitigate their effects.

    • Climate change causing flight disruptions in USClimate change leads to more extreme weather, causing flight cancellations and delays, with Newark, JFK, and LaGuardia being worst-hit. United Airlines CEO warns of impact on all airlines.

      The ongoing climate change is leading to more extreme weather conditions, causing a significant increase in flight cancellations and delays in the US. Yesterday saw 1750 cancellations and 40% of all scheduled flights being delayed. Newark, JFK, and LaGuardia were the worst-hit airports due to ground stops and a shortage of air traffic controllers. United Airlines CEO, Scott Kirby, warned that all airlines will be affected as climate change brings more heat and thunderstorms, and the FAA has already warned of ground stops today in New York and Central and South Florida. This comes as Ukraine has taken responsibility for an attack on the only bridge linking Russia to the annexed Crimean Peninsula, causing logistical issues for Russian forces. Additionally, Russia has pulled out of a deal allowing Ukraine to safely export grain, which could lead to a major impact on global food supplies. The Ron DeSantis presidential campaign is also facing pressure with some staffers being let go and financial disclosures showing that he has burned through $8,000,000 of his $20,000,000 Q2 fundraising.

    • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' 2024 presidential bid faces growing skepticismDeSantis is shifting campaign strategy, conducting a rare interview on CNN to connect with voters and differentiate himself from Trump, despite concerns over small donor reliance and insular campaign operation.

      Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' 2024 presidential bid is facing growing skepticism and concerns from both within and outside his campaign. Despite his strong performance in key primary states, his reliance on small donors and insular campaign operation have raised doubts. These concerns have extended to media outlets like Fox News and its owner Rupert Murdoch. To shake things up, DeSantis is now conducting a rare interview on CNN, a network he rarely speaks to. The campaign's strategy shift comes as they face competition from other lower-polling contenders, particularly Tim Scott. The campaign is reportedly concerned about losing support from big donors, who may be looking for alternative candidates. However, it's unclear if these concerns are based on actual evidence or just speculation. Regardless, the pressure is on DeSantis to show that he can effectively connect with voters and differentiate himself from Trump, who remains popular among the Republican base.

    • A Three-Way Republican Presidential Race and Long Island MurdersThe Republican primary race is between Trump, DeSantis, and Scott, while investigators make progress in a decade-old Long Island murder series.

      The Republican primary race for the presidency is shaping up to be a three-way contest between Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, and Tim Scott. DeSantis' dark campaign ads contrast sharply with Scott's optimistic message, and wealthy donors are showing interest in Scott as a viable alternative. The latest iteration of the race leaves other candidates like Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, and Chris Christie struggling to break out of the pack. In the meantime, investigators have made a significant breakthrough in a series of murders on Long Island that have terrorized a community for over a decade. Rex Howerman, a suspect in the Gilgo Beach murders, was arrested this week and is a top suspect in at least 4 deaths. The investigation is ongoing, and investigators are working to connect Huberman to other murders through DNA evidence. The case involves over 300 search warrants and subpoenas, and there is a possibility that there are more victims yet to be identified.

    • Democratic Party's Controversial Stances on IsraelThe Democratic Party grapples with internal divisions over Israel's leadership and its impact on the Palestinian Authority, while Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal faced backlash for her controversial label of Israel as a 'racist state'. Despite these debates, the majority of Congress continues to view Israel as a strategic partner for national security.

      The investigation into the mysterious disappearances and deaths on Long Island is ongoing, while Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal faced backlash for labeling Israel as a "racist state." Jayapal later clarified her statement, emphasizing that she does not believe the idea of Israel as a nation is racist. Several Democratic colleagues signed a letter in support of Israel as a legitimate homeland of the Jewish people and a strong democracy. The issue of Israel's leadership and its impact on the Palestinian Authority remains a contentious issue within the Democratic Party, with concerns over settlements and judicial reform. Despite these concerns, the vast majority of Congress, including Democrats, continue to support Israel as a strategic partner for national security. The ongoing debate highlights the deep divisions within the Democratic Party on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    • Canadian Wildfires Unprecedented, Affecting US Air QualityCanadian wildfires are burning over 25 million acres, producing smoke affecting US cities for weeks, and are too large to fully extinguish. Hundreds of firefighters are working to contain them, but progress is slow. Controversial comments by a Congressman led to his invitation to speak to Congress being rescinded.

      The wildfires in Canada are unprecedented in size and scope, with over 25 million acres burned and still no end in sight. The fires are too large to extinguish completely and are producing vast amounts of smoke that could affect air quality in various American cities for weeks or even months. Hundreds of American and international firefighters are working to protect communities and contain the fires, but progress is slow. The situation is expected to continue into the future as long as the conditions are right for wildfires. Additionally, Congressman Greg Landsman's controversial comments about a specific individual were denounced, and his invitation to speak to Congress was rescinded.

    • Country star Aldean's health issue and Twitter's financial strugglesCountry singer Aldean apologizes for cutting short a concert due to health issues, while Twitter's CEO Linda Iaccarino grapples with ad revenue decrease and negative cash flow. Tucker Carlson's new media venture brings hope with a substantial ad deal for his Twitter show.

      Country music star Aldean's health issue and Twitter's financial struggles are two significant issues making headlines. Aldean, who suffered from dehydration and heat exhaustion during a concert, apologized for cutting the show short and promised to make it up to fans. Meanwhile, Twitter's CEO Linda Iaccarino faces a tough challenge in bringing the platform back to profitability as Elon Musk revealed a 50% decrease in ad revenue and negative cash flow. The inconsistency in Musk's previous optimistic statements about Twitter's financial situation adds to the confusion. Despite the challenges, Iaccarino's advertising background offers hope for Twitter's future. Additionally, Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News host, is reportedly launching his own media venture and has secured a substantial advertising deal for his Twitter show.

    • Tucker Carlson secures advertising deal, extreme weather hits US, Russia-Ukraine tensions escalate, Hollywood faces disruptionsMedia figure Tucker Carlson secures a commercial partnership, extreme weather causes damage, Russia-Ukraine tensions rise, Hollywood grapples with demands for fair pay

      Tucker Carlson, the controversial media figure, has secured a major commercial partnership with a publicly traded advertising company, potentially bringing in significant resources for his new media venture despite ongoing legal battles and potential advertiser hesitance. Meanwhile, extreme weather continues to impact millions of Americans, with record-breaking heatwaves in the southwest and deadly flooding in the northeast. Additionally, tensions between Russia and Ukraine escalated overnight as Ukraine reportedly attacked a crucial bridge connecting Russia to the Crimean Peninsula. Hollywood is also facing disruptions as actors and writers demand fair pay from studios and streaming services.

    • Summer of Disruptions: 1700+ Flight Cancellations, 10,000 Delays in USUnprecedented flight disruptions hit the US in summer 2023, with 40% of scheduled flights affected, causing long delays and misery for travelers. Extreme weather and geopolitical tensions contributed to the chaos.

      The summer of 2023 has seen unprecedented flight disruptions, with over 1700 cancellations and nearly 10,000 delays in just one day, accounting for 40% of all scheduled flights in the US. The average delay was approximately an hour and ten minutes, causing significant misery for travelers. The worst affected airports were in the New York area, with Newark, JFK, and LaGuardia experiencing ground stops due to extreme weather conditions. United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby warned of more extreme weather events and cancellations due to climate change. Meanwhile, geopolitical tensions escalated with Ukraine claiming responsibility for an attack on a vital bridge connecting Russia to the Crimean Peninsula, causing logistical issues for Russian forces. Additionally, Russia announced its withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain deal. In Odessa, Ukraine, investigators are still working to determine the full extent of the bridge damage and the Russian response. Elsewhere, a suspected serial killer, Rex Hueman, was arrested in connection with the Gilgo Beach murders, and investigators believe there could be more victims.

    • New progress in cold case investigationsA cold case suspect was arrested and new evidence discovered through a task force's efforts, but controversy arose from a congresswoman's comments about Israel.

      The investigation into a series of cold case murders from 2010 has seen significant progress with the arrest of a suspect and the discovery of new evidence at his home and from him directly. The case, which had gone cold for years, was reinvigorated when new police commissioner Rodney Harrison assembled a task force with experts from various law enforcement agencies and brought in advanced technology and science. The team's efforts paid off with the suspect's arrest and the ongoing search for evidence at his home. However, the investigation was not without controversy as Democratic lawmakers denounced comments made by Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, who called Israel a "racist state." The fallout from her remarks led to a letter from at least 7 Democrats condemning her comments and expressing support for Israel. Despite Jayapal's apology and retraction, the incident highlighted the deep divide within the Democratic Party regarding Israel and the potential for Republicans to exploit the issue.

    • Third Party Presidential Bid Gains Traction with 21% of VotersA significant number of voters, 21%, dislike both Biden and Trump, increasing the potential for a third party candidate in the 2024 presidential race.

      The potential for a third party candidate in the 2024 presidential race is gaining traction due to a significant number of voters expressing dislike for both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. This chunk of voters, amounting to 21%, is larger than in previous elections, and could potentially sway the outcome of the election. Senator Joe Manchin's flirtation with a third party bid, despite not being serious about running for president, is also contributing to this discussion. Manchin's concerns about the current political climate and desire for bipartisanship have kept him in the spotlight, but his potential exit from the Senate could diminish his influence. Meanwhile, Hollywood actors, including Leah Delaria and Emma Miles from "Orange is the New Black," are on strike due to unfair compensation and residual checks from streaming giants. These issues highlight the ongoing tensions between the entertainment industry and tech companies.

    • Actors from hit shows striking for fair compensationDespite their fame, some actors received little in residuals due to streaming success, leading to calls for equitable compensation structures in the industry.

      The actors from hit shows like "Orange is the New Black" are striking against the studios and streaming giants for fair compensation, particularly in the form of residuals. However, despite their fame, many actors, like Kimiko Glenn and Emma Miles, have received very little in residual checks due to the financial success of streaming platforms. For example, Netflix's CEO, Ted Sarandos, made over $50 million last year, while actors like Glenn and Miles received only $20 and $20.27, respectively. This discrepancy between executive compensation and actor pay has sparked frustration and a call for change within the industry. The actors' experiences highlight the need for more equitable compensation structures in the streaming era.

    • Streaming vs Studios: Money DisputeActors and creatives demand fair compensation, while studios claim affordability issues persist in the entertainment industry, leading to a contentious standoff. An Alabama woman is found safe, and soccer star Lionel Messi joins MLS's Inter Miami, bringing excitement to fans.

      The ongoing dispute between streamers and studios in the entertainment industry highlights a disconnect between how much money is being made and how it's being distributed. Actors and creatives are demanding fair compensation, while studios claim they can't afford to pay more. The situation has led to a contentious standoff, with both sides dug in. Meanwhile, in other news, an Alabama woman, Carly Russell, who went missing and sparked an intense search, has been found safe and sound. The focus is now on interviewing her to determine what happened during her disappearance. Lastly, soccer superstar Lionel Messi has officially joined Major League Soccer's Inter Miami, bringing a significant boost to the league and the city of Miami. Despite some initial technical issues, Messi's arrival has generated immense excitement among fans.

    • Messi's Move to MLS Significantly Boosts League's Appeal and PrestigeMessi's signing in MLS marks a major milestone, indicating the league's increasing appeal to top talent and global fans, contributing to its evolution into a soccer powerhouse ahead of the 2026 World Cup.

      The signing of Lionel Messi to Inter Miami in the MLS marks a significant moment in the league's history. Messi's decision to move to the United States is an indicator of the league's growing appeal to top-tier talent and global fans. This comes as the MLS competes against other major sports leagues and countries to establish itself as a soccer powerhouse. Messi's arrival continues the league's evolution, which began with David Beckham's signing in 2007, and will contribute to the momentum leading up to the 2026 World Cup in the United States. Messi's adjustment to life in the United States has already been evident through his interactions with fans, such as shopping at Publix, demonstrating his ability to maintain a semblance of normalcy amidst his celebrity status. Overall, Messi's signing is a sign of the MLS's growing influence and prestige in the soccer world.

    • 20-year-old Carlos Alcaraz wins Wimbledon, breaks major championship streak20-year-old Carlos Alcaraz made history by winning Wimbledon, ending a 20-year streak of major championships held by Federer, Nadal, Murray, and Djokovic. He credits mental preparation and handling pressure for his victory.

      20-year-old tennis player Carlos Alcaraz made history by winning the Wimbledon men's championship, breaking a 20-plus year streak held by Roger Federer, Rafa Nadal, Andy Murray, and Novak Djokovic. Alcaraz, who had lost to Djokovic at the French Open last month, credited his mental preparation and ability to handle pressure for his victory in the 5-set marathon match against Djokovic. Alcaraz, who won his first major title at the US Open last year, will return to New York to compete in the US Open, where he and Djokovic are favorites. Alcaraz showed quick reflexes during his interview, saving the Wimbledon trophy from falling to the floor. The Queen Sleep Number c4 smart bed is currently on sale for $1,599, a savings of $300. Sleep Number smart beds are designed to embrace individual sleep needs. JD Power ranks Sleep Number number 1 in customer satisfaction with mattresses purchased in store.

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    Background reading: 

    • Systems are designed to handle spikes in demand, but the wild and unpredictable weather linked to global warming will very likely push grids beyond their limits.
    • As a winter storm forced the Texas power grid to the brink of collapse, millions of people were submerged into darkness, bitter cold and a sense of indignation over being stuck in uncomfortable and even dangerous conditions.

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.