
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Complexity of SandSand's simplicity belies its surprising intricacy, making it a fascinating subject for scientific exploration.

      Simplicity and precision are key to business success, as demonstrated by Mercury's financial solutions and Apple Card's daily cashback offer. Sand, a seemingly simple substance, is surprisingly complex and mysterious, as explored in the game show "Unexplainable or Not." During this episode, our guest, Sam Sanders, discussed the various mysteries surrounding sand, including its squishiness. While at the beach, Sam shares his fondness for dog beaches and the occasional costume days for specific breeds. However, the main focus remains on the surprising complexity of sand, which is more intricate than some of the most complex scientific theories like quantum mechanics and general relativity.

    • The Complexity of Sand BehaviorScientists strive for a grand unified theory of sand to predict its unpredictable behavior due to emergent properties and factors like humidity and grain size.

      Understanding the behavior of sand, which seems simple at first, is a complex task for scientists due to the emergent properties that arise from the interactions between individual sand grains. While smaller, rounder grains allow for easier movement, factors like humidity and grain size can lead to unpredictable clumping. Scientists like Karen Daniels are working on a grand unified theory of sand to better predict its behavior and prevent issues with machinery. However, the complexity of sand's behavior means that simple tests, like stepping on it, are not always sufficient, making a comprehensive theory crucial.

    • Understanding Sand Behavior: Capillary Forces and Grain InteractionsResearch led by [Name] investigates sand behavior using advanced equipment and the concept of capillary forces, which explain the stickiness of sand due to water's unique properties, potentially leading to real-world applications.

      Sand behavior can be studied and predicted using advanced equipment to measure grain orientation, movement, and pressure. This research, led by a scientist named [Name], aims to develop a universal theory of sand behavior. The force that holds sandcastles together is called capillary forces, which occur when water acts as a bridge between two solid surfaces. This stickiness is due to the unique property of water to curve and bend, creating an hourglass shape where it's attached to the surfaces. This scientific understanding can help explain various phenomena related to sand, such as sandcastle building. The scientist is currently working on applying this knowledge in real-world situations. It's worth noting that some of the concepts discussed might already have solutions, as suggested by Bert. The next mystery to be explored is the science behind the formation of rainbows.

    • Mysteries of the Microscopic World: Capillary Forces and GlassCapillary forces behave differently at the molecular level and understanding them is crucial for nanotechnology development. Glass is a solid with disordered molecules, defying crystal structures.

      The world of tiny structures, like molecule-sized sandcastles, presents intriguing mysteries. Capillary forces, which keep grains of sand together in larger structures, behave differently at the molecular level. Understanding these forces is crucial as we develop nanotechnologies. Glass, another material related to sand, is also a mystery. It's a solid, yet its molecules don't form a crystal structure like most solids. Instead, they arrange themselves in a disordered, yet solid, state. These mysteries, from the behavior of capillary forces in tiny structures to the nature of glass, highlight the complexities of the microscopic world.

    • Why does glass behave as a solid despite its disordered molecular structure?Scientists are intrigued by the unknown order within glass's structure that allows it to behave as a solid, potentially leading to new materials and manipulation of glass for novel properties.

      Despite glass appearing disordered on a molecular level like a liquid, it behaves as a solid due to an unknown order within its structure. This mystery has intrigued scientists, who believe that understanding this secret order could lead to the invention of new materials and the manipulation of glass to create novel properties. Glass, being ubiquitous and diverse in its forms, suggests that some progress has been made in unraveling this enigma. This discovery could potentially solve one of the long-standing mysteries in the scientific community. Moreover, the unpredictability of glass's properties highlights the importance of experimentation in scientific research. So, the quest to understand why glass is solid and how to manipulate it further continues.

    • Apple Card rewards and female marathon trainingApple Card offers higher rewards for preferred purchases and Apple Pay, while team Milk supports female marathon runners with milk's nutritional benefits in training and recovery

      Apple Card offers varying rewards based on how you make purchases, with higher rewards for preferred items and purchases made with Apple Pay. Meanwhile, team Milk is dedicated to supporting and empowering female marathon runners, emphasizing the importance of milk in their training and recovery due to its nutritional benefits. On a different note, during a discussion about the mysteries of sand, glass, and building the smallest sandcastle, the hosts expressed their perplexity and admitted their lack of knowledge on some of these topics. While one mystery was briefly touched upon, the other two remained unsolved, leaving room for further exploration and discovery.

    • Testing Kelvin's equation at the nanoscaleDespite assumptions that Kelvin's equation wouldn't apply at the nanoscale due to single water molecule's inability to bend, an experiment confirmed its validity, revealing that even tiny structures can be held together by capillary forces.

      A team of scientists led by Jen, in an attempt to understand the behavior of capillary forces at the nanoscale, built an incredibly narrow water-filled tube to test Kelvin's equation. They assumed that the equation would not hold true at this scale due to the inability of a single molecule of water to bend. However, to their surprise, the experiment showed that the equation worked, and water molecules were able to hold together a sandcastle made of nanoscale particles. This discovery confirmed that even the smallest structures in the world could be sustained by the same natural forces that we observe in larger scales. The team's experiment not only expanded our understanding of capillary forces but also provided an inspiring reminder that even the smallest things in the world can hold together with the right forces.

    • Building sandcastles: A metaphor for our dreamsEmbrace the joy of creation, no matter the size, and never stop learning and pursuing passions.

      , despite the passage of time and the potential for dreams to seem unattainable, we all continue to strive to build and create, even if on a smaller scale. During the episode of "Unexplainable or Not," Sam Sanders shared a song about building sandcastles throughout his life, reflecting on how his dreams have evolved as he's grown older. While some may see this as a metaphor for the shrinking nature of our ambitions as we age, Sam's perspective was one of resilience and determination, emphasizing the importance of continuing to create and pursue our passions, no matter the size. Additionally, Sam praised Intuit, a pop culture podcast, for its approachable and engaging style, highlighting how it makes him feel intelligent without talking down to him. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of perseverance and the joy of creation, no matter the scale.

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